/** \file reader.c Functions for reading data from stdin and passing to the parser. If stdin is a keyboard, it supplies a killring, history, syntax highlighting, tab-completion and various other interactive features. Internally the interactive mode functions rely in the functions of the input library to read individual characters of input. Token search is handled incrementally. Actual searches are only done on when searching backwards, since the previous results are saved. The last search position is remembered and a new search continues from the last search position. All search results are saved in the list 'search_prev'. When the user searches forward, i.e. presses Alt-down, the list is consulted for previous search result, and subsequent backwards searches are also handled by consultiung the list up until the end of the list is reached, at which point regular searching will commence. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <termios.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <wctype.h> #if HAVE_NCURSES_H #include <ncurses.h> #else #include <curses.h> #endif #if HAVE_TERMIO_H #include <termio.h> #endif #if HAVE_TERM_H #include <term.h> #elif HAVE_NCURSES_TERM_H #include <ncurses/term.h> #endif #include <signal.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <time.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <assert.h> #include "fallback.h" #include "util.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "highlight.h" #include "reader.h" #include "proc.h" #include "parser.h" #include "complete.h" #include "history.h" #include "common.h" #include "sanity.h" #include "env.h" #include "exec.h" #include "expand.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "kill.h" #include "input_common.h" #include "input.h" #include "function.h" #include "output.h" #include "signal.h" #include "parse_util.h" /** Maximum length of prefix string when printing completion list. Longer prefixes will be ellipsized. */ #define PREFIX_MAX_LEN 8 /** A simple prompt for reading shell commands that does not rely on fish specific commands, meaning it will work even if fish is not installed. This is used by read_i. */ #define DEFAULT_PROMPT L"whoami; echo @; hostname|cut -d . -f 1; echo \" \"; pwd; printf '> ';" /** The default title for the reader. This is used by reader_readline. */ #define DEFAULT_TITLE L"echo $_ \" \"; pwd" /** The maximum number of characters to read from the keyboard without repainting. Note that this readahead will only occur if new characters are avaialble for reading, fish will never block for more input without repainting. */ #define READAHEAD_MAX 256 /** A struct describing the state of the interactive reader. These states can be stacked, in case reader_readline is called from input_read(). */ typedef struct reader_data { /** Buffer containing the current commandline */ wchar_t *buff; /** The output string, may be different than buff if buff can't fit on one line. */ wchar_t *output; /** The number of characters used by the prompt */ int prompt_width; /** Buffer containing the current search item */ wchar_t *search_buff; /** Saved position used by token history search */ int token_history_pos; /** Saved search string for token history search. Not handled by check_size. */ const wchar_t *token_history_buff; /** List for storing previous search results. Used to avoid duplicates. */ array_list_t search_prev; /** The current position in search_prev */ int search_pos; /** Current size of the buffers */ size_t buff_sz; /** Length of the command in buff. (Not the length of buff itself) */ size_t buff_len; /** The current position of the cursor in buff. */ size_t buff_pos; /** The current position of the cursor in output buffer. */ size_t output_pos; /** Name of the current application */ wchar_t *name; /** The prompt text */ wchar_t *prompt; /** Color is the syntax highlighting for buff. The format is that color[i] is the classification (according to the enum in highlight.h) of buff[i]. */ int *color; /** New color buffer, used for syntax highlighting. */ int *new_color; /** Color for the actual output string. */ int *output_color; /** Should the prompt command be reexecuted on the next repaint */ int exec_prompt; /** Function for tab completion */ void (*complete_func)( const wchar_t *, array_list_t * ); /** Function for syntax highlighting */ void (*highlight_func)( wchar_t *, int *, int, array_list_t * ); /** Function for testing if the string can be returned */ int (*test_func)( wchar_t * ); /** When this is true, the reader will exit */ int end_loop; /** If this is true, exit reader even if there are running jobs. This happens if we press e.g. ^D twice. */ int prev_end_loop; /** Pointer to previous reader_data */ struct reader_data *next; } reader_data_t; /** The current interactive reading context */ static reader_data_t *data=0; /** Flag for ending non-interactive shell */ static int end_loop = 0; /** The list containing names of files that are being parsed */ static array_list_t current_filename; /** These status buffers are used to check if any output has occurred other than from fish's main loop, in which case we need to redraw. */ static struct stat prev_buff_1, prev_buff_2, post_buff_1, post_buff_2; /** List containing strings which make up the prompt */ static array_list_t prompt_list; /** Store the pid of the parent process, so the exit function knows whether it should reset the terminal or not. */ static pid_t original_pid; /** This variable is set to true by the signal handler when ^C is pressed */ static int interupted=0; /** Original terminal mode when fish was started */ static struct termios old_modes; /* Prototypes for a bunch of functions defined later on. */ /** Stores the previous termios mode so we can reset the modes when we execute programs and when the shell exits. */ static struct termios saved_modes; static void reader_save_status(); static void reader_check_status(); static void reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( wchar_t * buff, int *color, int pos, array_list_t *error ); /** Variable to keep track of forced exits - see \c reader_exit_forced(); */ static int exit_forced; /** Give up control of terminal */ static void term_donate() { tcgetattr(0,&old_modes); /* get the current terminal modes */ set_color(FISH_COLOR_NORMAL, FISH_COLOR_NORMAL); while( 1 ) { if( tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&saved_modes) ) { if( errno != EINTR ) { debug( 1, _( L"Could not set terminal mode for new job" ) ); wperror( L"tcsetattr" ); break; } } else break; } } /** Grab control of terminal */ static void term_steal() { while( 1 ) { if( tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&shell_modes) ) { if( errno != EINTR ) { debug( 1, _( L"Could not set terminal mode for shell" ) ); wperror( L"tcsetattr" ); break; } } else break; } common_handle_winch(0 ); if( tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&old_modes))/* return to previous mode */ { wperror(L"tcsetattr"); exit(1); } } /** Test if there is space between the time fields of struct stat to use for sub second information. If so, we assume this space contains the desired information. */ static int room_for_usec(struct stat *st) { int res = ((&(st->st_atime) + 2) == &(st->st_mtime) && (&(st->st_atime) + 4) == &(st->st_ctime)); return res; } int reader_exit_forced() { return exit_forced; } /** string_buffer used as temporary storage for the reader_readline function */ static string_buffer_t *readline_buffer=0; void reader_handle_int( int sig ) { block_t *c = current_block; while( c ) { c->skip=1; c=c->outer; } interupted = 1; } wchar_t *reader_current_filename() { return al_get_count( ¤t_filename )?(wchar_t *)al_peek( ¤t_filename ):0; } void reader_push_current_filename( const wchar_t *fn ) { al_push( ¤t_filename, fn ); } wchar_t *reader_pop_current_filename() { return (wchar_t *)al_pop( ¤t_filename ); } /** Make sure buffers are large enough to hold current data plus one extra character. */ static int check_size() { if( data->buff_sz < data->buff_len + 2 ) { data->buff_sz = maxi( 128, data->buff_len*2 ); data->buff = realloc( data->buff, sizeof(wchar_t)*data->buff_sz); data->search_buff = realloc( data->search_buff, sizeof(wchar_t)*data->buff_sz); data->output = realloc( data->output, sizeof(wchar_t)*data->buff_sz); data->color = realloc( data->color, sizeof(int)*data->buff_sz); data->new_color = realloc( data->new_color, sizeof(int)*data->buff_sz); data->output_color = realloc( data->output_color, sizeof(int)*data->buff_sz); if( data->buff==0 || data->search_buff==0 || data->color==0 || data->new_color == 0 ) { DIE_MEM(); } } return 1; } /** Check if the screen is not wide enough for the buffer, which means the buffer must be scrolled on input and cursor movement. */ static int force_repaint() { int max_width = common_get_width() - data->prompt_width; int pref_width = my_wcswidth( data->buff ) + (data->buff_pos==data->buff_len); return pref_width >= max_width; } /** Calculate what part of the buffer should be visible \return returns 1 screen needs repainting, 0 otherwise */ static int calc_output() { int max_width = common_get_width() - data->prompt_width; int pref_width = my_wcswidth( data->buff ) + (data->buff_pos==data->buff_len); if( pref_width <= max_width ) { wcscpy( data->output, data->buff ); memcpy( data->output_color, data->color, sizeof(int) * data->buff_len ); data->output_pos=data->buff_pos; return 1; } else { int offset = data->buff_pos; int offset_end = data->buff_pos; int w = 0; wchar_t *pos=data->output; *pos=0; w = (data->buff_pos==data->buff_len)?1:wcwidth( data->buff[offset] ); while( 1 ) { int inc=0; int ellipsis_width; ellipsis_width = wcwidth(ellipsis_char)*((offset?1:0)+(offset_end<data->buff_len?1:0)); if( offset > 0 && (ellipsis_width + w + wcwidth( data->buff[offset-1] ) <= max_width ) ) { inc=1; offset--; w+= wcwidth( data->buff[offset]); } ellipsis_width = wcwidth(ellipsis_char)*((offset?1:0)+(offset_end<data->buff_len?1:0)); if( offset_end < data->buff_len && (ellipsis_width + w + wcwidth( data->buff[offset_end+1] ) <= max_width ) ) { inc = 1; offset_end++; w+= wcwidth( data->buff[offset_end]); } if( !inc ) break; } data->output_pos = data->buff_pos - offset + (offset?1:0); if( offset ) { data->output[0]=ellipsis_char; data->output[1]=0; } wcsncat( data->output, data->buff+offset, offset_end-offset ); if( offset_end<data->buff_len ) { int l = wcslen(data->output); data->output[l]=ellipsis_char; data->output[l+1]=0; } *data->output_color=HIGHLIGHT_NORMAL; memcpy( data->output_color+(offset?1:0), data->color+offset, sizeof(int) * (data->buff_len-offset) ); return 1; } } /** Compare two completions, ignoring their description. */ static int fldcmp( wchar_t *a, wchar_t *b ) { while( 1 ) { if( *a != *b ) return *a-*b; if( ( (*a == COMPLETE_SEP) || (*a == L'\0') ) && ( (*b == COMPLETE_SEP) || (*b == L'\0') ) ) return 0; a++; b++; } } /** Remove any duplicate completions in the list. This relies on the list first beeing sorted. */ static void remove_duplicates( array_list_t *l ) { int in, out; wchar_t *prev; if( al_get_count( l ) == 0 ) return; prev = (wchar_t *)al_get( l, 0 ); for( in=1, out=1; in < al_get_count( l ); in++ ) { wchar_t *curr = (wchar_t *)al_get( l, in ); if( fldcmp( prev, curr )==0 ) { free( curr ); } else { al_set( l, out++, curr ); prev = curr; } } al_truncate( l, out ); } /** Translate a highlighting code ()Such as as returned by the highlight function into a color code which is then passed on to set_color. */ static void set_color_translated( int c ) { set_color( highlight_get_color( c & 0xffff ), highlight_get_color( (c>>16)&0xffff ) ); } int reader_interupted() { int res=interupted; if( res ) interupted=0; return res; } void reader_write_title() { wchar_t *title; array_list_t l; wchar_t *term = env_get( L"TERM" ); /* This is a pretty lame heuristic for detecting terminals that do not support setting the title. If we recognise the terminal name as that of a virtual terminal, we assume it supports setting the title. Otherwise we check the ttyname. */ if( !term || !contains_str( term, L"xterm", L"screen", L"nxterm", L"rxvt", 0 ) ) { char *n = ttyname( STDIN_FILENO ); if( strstr( n, "tty" ) || strstr( n, "/vc/") ) return; } title = function_exists( L"fish_title" )?L"fish_title":DEFAULT_TITLE; if( wcslen( title ) ==0 ) return; al_init( &l ); proc_push_interactive(0); if( exec_subshell( title, &l ) != -1 ) { int i; writestr( L"\e]2;" ); for( i=0; i<al_get_count( &l ); i++ ) { writestr( (wchar_t *)al_get( &l, i ) ); } writestr( L"\7" ); } proc_pop_interactive(); al_foreach( &l, &free ); al_destroy( &l ); set_color( FISH_COLOR_RESET, FISH_COLOR_RESET ); } /** Tests if the specified narrow character sequence is present at the specified position of the specified wide character string. All of \c seq must match, but str may be longer than seq. */ static int try_sequence( char *seq, wchar_t *str ) { int i; for( i=0;; i++ ) { if( !seq[i] ) return i; if( seq[i] != str[i] ) return 0; } return 0; } /** Calculate the width of the specified prompt. Does some clever magic to detect common escape sequences that may be embeded in a prompt, such as color codes. */ static int calc_prompt_width( array_list_t *arr ) { int res = 0; int i, j, k; for( i=0; i<al_get_count( arr ); i++ ) { wchar_t *next = (wchar_t *)al_get( arr, i ); for( j=0; next[j]; j++ ) { if( next[j] == L'\e' ) { /* This is the start of an escape code. Try to guess it's width. */ int l; int len=0; int found = 0; /* Detect these terminfo color escapes with parameter value 0..7, all of which don't move the cursor */ char * esc[] = { set_a_foreground, set_a_background, set_foreground, set_background, } ; /* Detect these semi-common terminfo escapes without any parameter values, all of which don't move the cursor */ char *esc2[] = { enter_bold_mode, exit_attribute_mode, enter_underline_mode, exit_underline_mode, enter_standout_mode, exit_standout_mode, flash_screen, enter_subscript_mode, exit_subscript_mode, enter_superscript_mode, exit_superscript_mode, enter_blink_mode, enter_italics_mode, exit_italics_mode, enter_reverse_mode, enter_shadow_mode, exit_shadow_mode, enter_standout_mode, exit_standout_mode, enter_secure_mode } ; for( l=0; l < (sizeof(esc)/sizeof(char *)) && !found; l++ ) { if( !esc[l] ) continue; for( k=0; k<8; k++ ) { len = try_sequence( tparm(esc[l],k), &next[j] ); if( len ) { j += (len-1); found = 1; break; } } } for( l=0; l < (sizeof(esc2)/sizeof(char *)) && !found; l++ ) { if( !esc2[l] ) continue; /* Test both padded and unpadded version, just to be safe. Most versions of tparm don't actually seem to do anything these days. */ len = maxi( try_sequence( tparm(esc2[l]), &next[j] ), try_sequence( esc2[l], &next[j] )); if( len ) { j += (len-1); found = 1; } } } else if( next[j] == L'\t' ) { res=(res+8)&~7; } else { /* Ordinary decent character. Just add width. */ res += wcwidth( next[j] ); } } } return res; } /** Write the prompt to screen. If data->exec_prompt is set, the prompt command is first evaluated, and the title will be reexecuted as well. */ static void write_prompt() { int i; set_color( FISH_COLOR_NORMAL, FISH_COLOR_NORMAL ); /* Check if we need to reexecute the prompt command */ if( data->exec_prompt ) { al_foreach( &prompt_list, &free ); al_truncate( &prompt_list, 0 ); if( data->prompt ) { proc_push_interactive( 0 ); if( exec_subshell( data->prompt, &prompt_list ) == -1 ) { /* If executing the prompt fails, make sure we at least don't print any junk */ al_foreach( &prompt_list, &free ); al_destroy( &prompt_list ); al_init( &prompt_list ); } proc_pop_interactive(); } data->prompt_width=calc_prompt_width( &prompt_list ); data->exec_prompt = 0; reader_write_title(); } /* Write out the prompt strings */ for( i=0; i<al_get_count( &prompt_list); i++ ) { writestr( (wchar_t *)al_get( &prompt_list, i ) ); } set_color( FISH_COLOR_RESET, FISH_COLOR_RESET ); } /** Write the whole command line (but not the prompt) to the screen. Do not set the cursor correctly afterwards. */ static void write_cmdline() { int i; for( i=0; data->output[i]; i++ ) { set_color_translated( data->output_color[i] ); writech( data->output[i] ); } } void reader_init() { tcgetattr(0,&shell_modes); /* get the current terminal modes */ memcpy( &saved_modes, &shell_modes, sizeof(saved_modes)); /* save a copy so we can reset the terminal later */ shell_modes.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; /* turn off canonical mode */ shell_modes.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; /* turn off echo mode */ shell_modes.c_cc[VMIN]=1; shell_modes.c_cc[VTIME]=0; al_init( ¤t_filename); } void reader_destroy() { al_destroy( ¤t_filename); if( readline_buffer ) { sb_destroy( readline_buffer ); free( readline_buffer ); readline_buffer=0; } tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &saved_modes); } void reader_exit( int do_exit, int forced ) { if( data ) data->end_loop=do_exit; end_loop=do_exit; if( forced ) exit_forced = 1; } void repaint() { int steps; calc_output(); set_color( FISH_COLOR_RESET, FISH_COLOR_RESET ); writech('\r'); writembs(clr_eol); write_prompt(); write_cmdline(); /* fwprintf( stderr, L"Width of \'%ls\' (length is %d): ", &data->buff[data->buff_pos], wcslen(&data->buff[data->buff_pos])); fwprintf( stderr, L"%d\n", my_wcswidth(&data->buff[data->buff_pos])); */ steps = my_wcswidth( &data->output[data->output_pos]); if( steps ) move_cursor( -steps ); set_color( FISH_COLOR_NORMAL, FISH_COLOR_IGNORE ); reader_save_status(); } /** Make sure color values are correct, and repaint if they are not. */ static void check_colors() { reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->new_color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); if( memcmp( data->new_color, data->color, sizeof(int)*data->buff_len )!=0 ) { memcpy( data->color, data->new_color, sizeof(int)*data->buff_len ); repaint(); } } /** Stat stdout and stderr and save result. This should be done before calling a function that may cause output. */ static void reader_save_status() { /* This futimes call tries to trick the system into using st_mtime as a tampering flag. This of course only works on systems where futimes is defined, but it should make the status saving stuff failsafe. */ struct timeval t[]= { { time(0)-1, 0 } , { time(0)-1, 0 } } ; /* Don't check return value on these. We don't care if they fail, really. This is all just to make the prompt look ok, which is impossible to do 100% reliably. We try, at least. */ futimes( 1, t ); futimes( 2, t ); fstat( 1, &prev_buff_1 ); fstat( 2, &prev_buff_2 ); } /** Stat stdout and stderr and compare result to previous result in reader_save_status. Repaint if modification time has changed. Unfortunately, for some reason this call seems to give a lot of false positives, at least under Linux. */ static void reader_check_status() { fflush( stdout ); fflush( stderr ); fstat( 1, &post_buff_1 ); fstat( 2, &post_buff_2 ); int changed = ( prev_buff_1.st_mtime != post_buff_1.st_mtime ) || ( prev_buff_2.st_mtime != post_buff_2.st_mtime ); if (room_for_usec( &post_buff_1)) { changed = changed || ( (&prev_buff_1.st_mtime)[1] != (&post_buff_1.st_mtime)[1] ) || ( (&prev_buff_2.st_mtime)[1] != (&post_buff_2.st_mtime)[1] ); } if( changed ) { repaint(); set_color( FISH_COLOR_RESET, FISH_COLOR_RESET ); } } /** Remove the previous character in the character buffer and on the screen using syntax highlighting, etc. */ static void remove_backward() { int wdt; if( data->buff_pos <= 0 ) return; if( data->buff_pos < data->buff_len ) { memmove( &data->buff[data->buff_pos-1], &data->buff[data->buff_pos], sizeof(wchar_t)*(data->buff_len-data->buff_pos+1) ); memmove( &data->color[data->buff_pos-1], &data->color[data->buff_pos], sizeof(wchar_t)*(data->buff_len-data->buff_pos+1) ); } data->buff_pos--; data->buff_len--; wdt=wcwidth(data->buff[data->buff_pos]); move_cursor(-wdt); data->buff[data->buff_len]='\0'; // wcscpy(data->search_buff,data->buff); reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->new_color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); if( (!force_repaint()) && ( memcmp( data->new_color, data->color, sizeof(int)*data->buff_len )==0 ) && ( delete_character != 0) && (wdt==1) ) { /* Only do this if delete mode functions, and only for a column wide characters, since terminfo seems to break for other characters. This last check should be removed when terminfo is fixed. */ if( enter_delete_mode != 0 ) writembs(enter_delete_mode); writembs(delete_character); if( exit_delete_mode != 0 ) writembs(exit_delete_mode); } else { memcpy( data->color, data->new_color, sizeof(int) * data->buff_len ); repaint(); } } /** Remove the current character in the character buffer and on the screen using syntax highlighting, etc. */ static void remove_forward() { if( data->buff_pos >= data->buff_len ) return; move_cursor(wcwidth(data->buff[data->buff_pos])); data->buff_pos++; remove_backward(); } /** Insert the character into the command line buffer and print it to the screen using syntax highlighting, etc. */ static int insert_char( int c ) { if( !check_size() ) return 0; /* Insert space for extra character at the right position */ if( data->buff_pos < data->buff_len ) { memmove( &data->buff[data->buff_pos+1], &data->buff[data->buff_pos], sizeof(wchar_t)*(data->buff_len-data->buff_pos) ); memmove( &data->color[data->buff_pos+1], &data->color[data->buff_pos], sizeof(int)*(data->buff_len-data->buff_pos) ); } /* Set character */ data->buff[data->buff_pos]=c; /* Update lengths, etc */ data->buff_pos++; data->buff_len++; data->buff[data->buff_len]='\0'; /* Syntax highlight */ reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->new_color, data->buff_pos-1, 0 ); data->color[data->buff_pos-1] = data->new_color[data->buff_pos-1]; /* Check if the coloring has changed */ if( (!force_repaint()) && ( memcmp( data->new_color, data->color, sizeof(int)*data->buff_len )==0 ) && ( insert_character || ( data->buff_pos == data->buff_len ) || enter_insert_mode) ) { /* Colors look ok, so we set the right color and insert a character */ set_color_translated( data->color[data->buff_pos-1] ); if( data->buff_pos < data->buff_len ) { if( enter_insert_mode != 0 ) writembs(enter_insert_mode); else writembs(insert_character); writech(c); if( insert_padding != 0 ) writembs(insert_padding); if( exit_insert_mode != 0 ) writembs(exit_insert_mode); } else writech(c); set_color( FISH_COLOR_NORMAL, FISH_COLOR_IGNORE ); } else { /* Nope, colors are off, so we repaint the entire command line */ memcpy( data->color, data->new_color, sizeof(int) * data->buff_len ); repaint(); } // wcscpy(data->search_buff,data->buff); return 1; } /** Insert the characters of the string into the command line buffer and print them to the screen using syntax highlighting, etc. */ static int insert_str(wchar_t *str) { int len = wcslen( str ); if( len < 4 ) { while( (*str)!=0 ) if(!insert_char( *str++ )) return 0; } else { int old_len = data->buff_len; data->buff_len += len; check_size(); /* Insert space for extra characters at the right position */ if( data->buff_pos < old_len ) { memmove( &data->buff[data->buff_pos+len], &data->buff[data->buff_pos], sizeof(wchar_t)*(data->buff_len-data->buff_pos) ); } memmove( &data->buff[data->buff_pos], str, sizeof(wchar_t)*len ); data->buff_pos += len; data->buff[data->buff_len]='\0'; /* Syntax highlight */ reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->new_color, data->buff_pos-1, 0 ); memcpy( data->color, data->new_color, sizeof(int) * data->buff_len ); /* repaint */ repaint(); } return 1; } /** Calculate the length of the common prefix substring of two strings. */ static int comp_len( wchar_t *a, wchar_t *b ) { int i; for( i=0; a[i] != '\0' && b[i] != '\0' && a[i]==b[i]; i++ ) ; return i; } /** Find the outermost quoting style of current token. Returns 0 if token is not quoted. */ static wchar_t get_quote( wchar_t *cmd, int l ) { int i=0; wchar_t res=0; // fwprintf( stderr, L"Woot %ls\n", cmd ); while( 1 ) { if( !cmd[i] ) break; if( cmd[i] == L'\'' || cmd[i] == L'\"' ) { const wchar_t *end = quote_end( &cmd[i] ); //fwprintf( stderr, L"Jump %d\n", end-cmd ); if(( end == 0 ) || (!*end) || (end-cmd > l)) { res = cmd[i]; break; } i = end-cmd+1; } else i++; } return res; } /** Calculates information on the parameter at the specified index. \param cmd The command to be analyzed \param pos An index in the string which is inside the parameter \param quote If not 0, store the type of quote this parameter has, can be either ', " or \\0, meaning the string is not quoted. \param offset If not 0, get_param will store a pointer to the beginning of the parameter. \param string If not 0, get_parm will store a copy of the parameter string as returned by the tokenizer. \param type If not 0, get_param will store the token type as returned by tok_last. */ static void get_param( wchar_t *cmd, int pos, wchar_t *quote, wchar_t **offset, wchar_t **string, int *type ) { int prev_pos=0; wchar_t last_quote = '\0'; int unfinished; tokenizer tok; tok_init( &tok, cmd, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED ); for( ; tok_has_next( &tok ); tok_next( &tok ) ) { if( tok_get_pos( &tok ) > pos ) break; if( tok_last_type( &tok ) == TOK_STRING ) last_quote = get_quote( tok_last( &tok ), pos - tok_get_pos( &tok ) ); if( type != 0 ) *type = tok_last_type( &tok ); if( string != 0 ) wcscpy( *string, tok_last( &tok ) ); prev_pos = tok_get_pos( &tok ); } tok_destroy( &tok ); wchar_t c = cmd[pos]; cmd[pos]=0; int cmdlen = wcslen( cmd ); unfinished = (cmdlen==0); if( !unfinished ) { unfinished = (quote != 0); if( !unfinished ) { if( wcschr( L" \t\n\r", cmd[cmdlen-1] ) != 0 ) { if( ( cmdlen == 1) || (cmd[cmdlen-2] != L'\\') ) { unfinished=1; } } } } if( quote ) *quote = last_quote; if( offset != 0 ) { if( !unfinished ) { while( (cmd[prev_pos] != 0) && (wcschr( L";|",cmd[prev_pos])!= 0) ) prev_pos++; *offset = cmd + prev_pos; } else { *offset = cmd + pos; } } cmd[pos]=c; } /** Insert the string at the current cursor position. The function checks if the string is quoted or not and correctly escapes the string. \param val the string to insert \param is_complete Whether this completion is the whole string or just the common prefix of several completions. If the former, end by printing a space (and an end quote if the parameter is quoted). */ static void completion_insert( wchar_t *val, int is_complete ) { wchar_t *replaced; wchar_t quote; get_param( data->buff, data->buff_pos, "e, 0, 0, 0 ); if( quote == L'\0' ) { replaced = escape( val, 1 ); } else { int unescapable=0; wchar_t *pin, *pout; replaced = pout = malloc( sizeof(wchar_t)*(wcslen(val) + 1) ); for( pin=val; *pin; pin++ ) { switch( *pin ) { case L'\n': case L'\t': case L'\b': case L'\r': unescapable=1; break; default: *pout++ = *pin; break; } } if( unescapable ) { free( replaced ); wchar_t *tmp = escape( val, 1 ); replaced = wcsdupcat( L" ", tmp ); free( tmp); replaced[0]=quote; } else *pout = 0; } if( insert_str( replaced ) ) { if( is_complete ) /* Print trailing space since this is the only completion */ { if( (quote) && (data->buff[data->buff_pos] != quote ) ) /* This is a quoted parameter, first print a quote */ { insert_char( quote ); } insert_char( L' ' ); } } free(replaced); } /** Run the fish_pager command to display the completion list, and insert the result into the backbuffer. */ static void run_pager( wchar_t *prefix, int is_quoted, array_list_t *comp ) { int i; string_buffer_t cmd; wchar_t * prefix_esc; if( !prefix || (wcslen(prefix)==0)) prefix_esc = wcsdup(L"\"\""); else prefix_esc = escape( prefix,1); sb_init( &cmd ); sb_printf( &cmd, L"fish_pager %d %ls", // L"valgrind --track-fds=yes --log-file=pager.txt --leak-check=full ./fish_pager %d %ls", is_quoted, prefix_esc ); free( prefix_esc ); for( i=0; i<al_get_count( comp); i++ ) { wchar_t *el = escape( (wchar_t*)al_get( comp, i ),1); sb_printf( &cmd, L" %ls", el ); free(el); } term_donate(); io_data_t *out = io_buffer_create(); eval( (wchar_t *)cmd.buff, out, TOP); term_steal(); io_buffer_read( out ); sb_destroy( &cmd ); int nil=0; b_append( out->param2.out_buffer, &nil, 1 ); wchar_t *tmp; wchar_t *str = str2wcs((char *)out->param2.out_buffer->buff); if( str ) { for( tmp = str + wcslen(str)-1; tmp >= str; tmp-- ) { input_unreadch( *tmp ); } free( str ); } io_buffer_destroy( out); } /** Handle the list of completions. This means the following: - If the list is empty, flash the terminal. - If the list contains one element, write the whole element, and if the element does not end on a '/', '@', ':', or a '=', also write a trailing space. - If the list contains multiple elements with a common prefix, write the prefix. - If the list contains multiple elements without a common prefix, call run_pager to display a list of completions \param comp the list of completion strings */ static int handle_completions( array_list_t *comp ) { int i; if( al_get_count( comp ) == 0 ) { if( flash_screen != 0 ) writembs( flash_screen ); return 0; } else if( al_get_count( comp ) == 1 ) { wchar_t *comp_str = wcsdup((wchar_t *)al_get( comp, 0 )); wchar_t *woot = wcschr( comp_str, COMPLETE_SEP ); if( woot != 0 ) *woot = L'\0'; completion_insert( comp_str, ( wcslen(comp_str) == 0 ) || ( wcschr( L"/=@:", comp_str[wcslen(comp_str)-1] ) == 0 ) ); free( comp_str ); return 1; } else { wchar_t *base = wcsdup( (wchar_t *)al_get( comp, 0 ) ); int len = wcslen( base ); for( i=1; i<al_get_count( comp ); i++ ) { int new_len = comp_len( base, (wchar_t *)al_get( comp, i ) ); len = new_len < len ? new_len: len; } if( len > 0 ) { base[len]=L'\0'; wchar_t *woot = wcschr( base, COMPLETE_SEP ); if( woot != 0 ) *woot = L'\0'; completion_insert(base, 0); } else { /* There is no common prefix in the completions, and show_list is true, so we print the list */ int len; wchar_t * prefix; wchar_t * prefix_start; get_param( data->buff, data->buff_pos, 0, &prefix_start, 0, 0 ); len = &data->buff[data->buff_pos]-prefix_start+1; if( len <= PREFIX_MAX_LEN ) { prefix = malloc( sizeof(wchar_t)*(len+1) ); wcslcpy( prefix, prefix_start, len ); prefix[len]=L'\0'; } else { wchar_t tmp[2]= { ellipsis_char, 0 } ; prefix = wcsdupcat( tmp, prefix_start + (len - PREFIX_MAX_LEN) ); prefix[PREFIX_MAX_LEN] = 0; } { int is_quoted; wchar_t quote; get_param( data->buff, data->buff_pos, "e, 0, 0, 0 ); is_quoted = (quote != L'\0'); writech(L'\n'); run_pager( prefix, is_quoted, comp ); /* Try to print a list of completions. First try with five columns, then four, etc. completion_try_print always succeeds with one column. */ /* */ } free( prefix ); repaint(); } free( base ); return len; } } /** Initialize data for interactive use */ static void reader_interactive_init() { /* See if we are running interactively. */ pid_t shell_pgid; input_init(); kill_init(); shell_pgid = getpgrp (); /* This should enable job control on fish, even if our parent did not enable it for us. */ /* Loop until we are in the foreground. */ while (tcgetpgrp( 0 ) != shell_pgid) { kill (- shell_pgid, SIGTTIN); } /* Put ourselves in our own process group. */ shell_pgid = getpid (); if( getpgrp() != shell_pgid ) { if (setpgid (shell_pgid, shell_pgid) < 0) { debug( 1, _( L"Couldn't put the shell in its own process group" )); wperror( L"setpgid" ); exit (1); } } /* Grab control of the terminal. */ if( tcsetpgrp (STDIN_FILENO, shell_pgid) ) { debug( 1, _( L"Couldn't grab control of terminal" ) ); wperror( L"tcsetpgrp" ); exit(1); } al_init( &prompt_list ); common_handle_winch(0); if( tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&shell_modes)) /* set the new modes */ { wperror(L"tcsetattr"); exit(1); } /* We need to know our own pid so we'll later know if we are a fork */ original_pid = getpid(); env_set( L"_", L"fish", ENV_GLOBAL ); } /** Destroy data for interactive use */ static void reader_interactive_destroy() { kill_destroy(); al_foreach( &prompt_list, &free ); al_destroy( &prompt_list ); writestr( L"\n" ); set_color( FISH_COLOR_RESET, FISH_COLOR_RESET ); input_destroy(); } void reader_sanity_check() { if( is_interactive) { if(!( data->buff_pos <= data->buff_len )) sanity_lose(); if(!( data->buff_len == wcslen( data->buff ) )) sanity_lose(); } } void reader_replace_current_token( wchar_t *new_token ) { wchar_t *begin, *end; string_buffer_t sb; int new_pos; /* Find current token */ parse_util_token_extent( data->buff, data->buff_pos, &begin, &end, 0, 0 ); if( !begin || !end ) return; // fwprintf( stderr, L"%d %d, %d\n", begin-data->buff, end-data->buff, data->buff_len ); /* Make new string */ sb_init( &sb ); sb_append_substring( &sb, data->buff, begin-data->buff ); sb_append( &sb, new_token ); sb_append( &sb, end ); new_pos = (begin-data->buff) + wcslen(new_token); reader_set_buffer( (wchar_t *)sb.buff, new_pos ); sb_destroy( &sb ); } /** Set the specified string from the history as the current buffer. Do not modify prefix_width. */ static void handle_history( const wchar_t *new_str ) { data->buff_len = wcslen( new_str ); check_size(); wcscpy( data->buff, new_str ); data->buff_pos=wcslen(data->buff); reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); repaint(); } /** Check if the specified string is contained in the list, using wcscmp as a comparison function */ static int contains( const wchar_t *needle, array_list_t *haystack ) { int i; for( i=0; i<al_get_count( haystack ); i++ ) { if( !wcscmp( needle, al_get( haystack, i ) ) ) return 1; } return 0; } /** Reset the data structures associated with the token search */ static void reset_token_history() { wchar_t *begin, *end; parse_util_token_extent( data->buff, data->buff_pos, &begin, &end, 0, 0 ); if( begin ) { wcslcpy(data->search_buff, begin, end-begin+1); } else data->search_buff[0]=0; data->token_history_pos = -1; data->search_pos=0; al_foreach( &data->search_prev, &free ); al_truncate( &data->search_prev, 0 ); al_push( &data->search_prev, wcsdup( data->search_buff ) ); } /** Handles a token search command. \param forward if the search should be forward or reverse \param reset whether the current token should be made the new search token */ static void handle_token_history( int forward, int reset ) { wchar_t *str=0; int current_pos; tokenizer tok; if( reset ) { /* Start a new token search using the current token */ reset_token_history(); } current_pos = data->token_history_pos; if( forward || data->search_pos < (al_get_count( &data->search_prev )-1) ) { if( forward ) { if( data->search_pos > 0 ) { data->search_pos--; } str = (wchar_t *)al_get( &data->search_prev, data->search_pos ); } else { data->search_pos++; str = (wchar_t *)al_get( &data->search_prev, data->search_pos ); } reader_replace_current_token( str ); reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); repaint(); } else { if( current_pos == -1 ) { /* Move to previous line */ free( (void *)data->token_history_buff ); data->token_history_buff = wcsdup( history_prev_match(L"") ); current_pos = wcslen(data->token_history_buff); } if( ! wcslen( data->token_history_buff ) ) { /* We have reached the end of the history - check if the history already contains the search string itself, if so return, otherwise add it. */ const wchar_t *last = al_get( &data->search_prev, al_get_count( &data->search_prev ) -1 ); if( wcscmp( last, data->search_buff ) ) { str = wcsdup(data->search_buff); } else { return; } } else { debug( 3, L"new '%ls'", data->token_history_buff ); for( tok_init( &tok, data->token_history_buff, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED ); tok_has_next( &tok); tok_next( &tok )) { switch( tok_last_type( &tok ) ) { case TOK_STRING: { if( wcsstr( tok_last( &tok ), data->search_buff ) ) { debug( 3, L"Found token at pos %d\n", tok_get_pos( &tok ) ); if( tok_get_pos( &tok ) >= current_pos ) { break; } debug( 3, L"ok pos" ); if( !contains( tok_last( &tok ), &data->search_prev ) ) { free(str); data->token_history_pos = tok_get_pos( &tok ); str = wcsdup(tok_last( &tok )); } } } } } tok_destroy( &tok ); } if( str ) { reader_replace_current_token( str ); reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); repaint(); al_push( &data->search_prev, str ); data->search_pos = al_get_count( &data->search_prev )-1; } else { data->token_history_pos=-1; handle_token_history( 0, 0 ); } } } /** Move buffer position one word or erase one word. This function updates both the internal buffer and the screen. It is used by M-left, M-right and ^W to do block movement or block erase. \param dir Direction to move/erase. 0 means move left, 1 means move right. \param erase Whether to erase the characters along the way or only move past them. */ static void move_word( int dir, int erase ) { int end_buff_pos=data->buff_pos; int mode=0; int step = dir?1:-1; while( mode < 2 ) { if( !dir ) { if( end_buff_pos == 0 ) break; } else { if( end_buff_pos == data->buff_len ) break; } end_buff_pos+=step; if( end_buff_pos < data->buff_len ) { switch( mode ) { case 0: if( iswalnum(data->buff[end_buff_pos] ) ) mode++; break; case 1: if( !iswalnum(data->buff[end_buff_pos] ) ) { if( !dir ) end_buff_pos -= step; mode++; } break; /* case 2: if( !iswspace(data->buff[end_buff_pos] ) ) { mode++; if( !dir ) end_buff_pos-=step; } break; */ } } if( mode==2) break; } if( erase ) { int remove_count = abs(data->buff_pos - end_buff_pos); int first_char = mini( data->buff_pos, end_buff_pos ); wchar_t *woot = wcsndup( data->buff + first_char, remove_count); // fwprintf( stderr, L"Remove from %d to %d\n", first_char, first_char+remove_count ); kill_add( woot ); free( woot ); memmove( data->buff + first_char, data->buff + first_char+remove_count, sizeof(wchar_t)*(data->buff_len-first_char-remove_count) ); data->buff_len -= remove_count; data->buff_pos = first_char; data->buff[data->buff_len]=0; reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); repaint(); } else { /* move_cursor(end_buff_pos-data->buff_pos); data->buff_pos = end_buff_pos; */ if( end_buff_pos < data->buff_pos ) { while( data->buff_pos != end_buff_pos ) { data->buff_pos--; move_cursor( -wcwidth(data->buff[data->buff_pos])); } } else { while( data->buff_pos != end_buff_pos ) { move_cursor( wcwidth(data->buff[data->buff_pos])); data->buff_pos++; check_colors(); } } repaint(); // check_colors(); } } wchar_t *reader_get_buffer() { return data?data->buff:0; } void reader_set_buffer( wchar_t *b, int p ) { int l = wcslen( b ); if( !data ) return; data->buff_len = l; check_size(); wcscpy( data->buff, b ); if( p>=0 ) { data->buff_pos=p; } else { data->buff_pos=l; } reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); } int reader_get_cursor_pos() { if( !data ) return -1; return data->buff_pos; } void reader_run_command( const wchar_t *cmd ) { wchar_t *ft; ft= tok_first( cmd ); if( ft != 0 ) env_set( L"_", ft, ENV_GLOBAL ); free(ft); reader_write_title(); term_donate(); eval( cmd, 0, TOP ); job_reap( 1 ); term_steal(); env_set( L"_", program_name, ENV_GLOBAL ); #ifdef HAVE__PROC_SELF_STAT proc_update_jiffies(); #endif } /** Test if the given shell command contains errors. Uses parser_test for testing. */ static int shell_test( wchar_t *b ) { if( parser_test( b, 0, 0 ) ) { string_buffer_t sb; sb_init( &sb ); writech( L'\n' ); parser_test( b, &sb, L"fish" ); fwprintf( stderr, L"%ls", sb.buff ); sb_destroy( &sb ); return 1; } return 0; } /** Test if the given string contains error. Since this is the error detection for general purpose, there are no invalid strings, so this function always returns false. */ static int default_test( wchar_t *b ) { return 0; } void reader_push( wchar_t *name ) { reader_data_t *n = calloc( 1, sizeof( reader_data_t ) ); n->name = wcsdup( name ); n->next = data; data=n; check_size(); data->buff[0]=data->search_buff[0]=0; data->exec_prompt=1; if( data->next == 0 ) { reader_interactive_init(); } reader_set_highlight_function( &highlight_universal ); reader_set_test_function( &default_test ); reader_set_prompt( L"" ); history_set_mode( name ); al_init( &data->search_prev ); data->token_history_buff=0; } void reader_pop() { reader_data_t *n = data; if( data == 0 ) { debug( 0, _( L"Pop null reader block" ) ); sanity_lose(); return; } data=data->next; free(n->name ); free( n->prompt ); free( n->buff ); free( n->color ); free( n->new_color ); free( n->search_buff ); free( n->output ); free( n->output_color ); /* Clean up after history search */ al_foreach( &n->search_prev, &free ); al_destroy( &n->search_prev ); free( (void *)n->token_history_buff); free(n); if( data == 0 ) { reader_interactive_destroy(); } else { history_set_mode( data->name ); data->exec_prompt=1; } } void reader_set_prompt( wchar_t *new_prompt ) { free( data->prompt ); data->prompt=wcsdup(new_prompt); } void reader_set_complete_function( void (*f)( const wchar_t *, array_list_t * ) ) { data->complete_func = f; } void reader_set_highlight_function( void (*f)( wchar_t *, int *, int, array_list_t * ) ) { data->highlight_func = f; } void reader_set_test_function( int (*f)( wchar_t * ) ) { data->test_func = f; } /** Call specified external highlighting function and then do search highlighting. */ static void reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( wchar_t * buff, int *color, int pos, array_list_t *error ) { data->highlight_func( buff, color, pos, error ); if( wcslen(data->search_buff) ) { wchar_t * match = wcsstr( buff, data->search_buff ); if( match ) { int start = match-buff; int count = wcslen(data->search_buff ); int i; // fwprintf( stderr, L"WEE color from %d to %d\n", start, start+count ); for( i=0; i<count; i++ ) { /* Do not overwrite previous highlighting color */ if( color[start+i]>>8 == 0 ) { color[start+i] |= HIGHLIGHT_SEARCH_MATCH<<16; } } } } } int exit_status() { if( is_interactive ) return first_job == 0 && data->end_loop; else return end_loop; } /** Read interactively. Read input from stdin while providing editing facilities. */ static int read_i() { reader_push(L"fish"); reader_set_complete_function( &complete ); reader_set_highlight_function( &highlight_shell ); reader_set_test_function( &shell_test ); data->prompt_width=60; data->prev_end_loop=0; while( (!data->end_loop) && (!sanity_check()) ) { wchar_t *tmp; if( function_exists( L"fish_prompt" ) ) reader_set_prompt( L"fish_prompt" ); else reader_set_prompt( DEFAULT_PROMPT ); /* Put buff in temporary string and clear buff, so that we can handle a call to reader_set_buffer during evaluation. */ tmp = reader_readline(); if( data->end_loop) { job_t *j; int has_job=0; for( j=first_job; j; j=j->next ) { if( !job_is_completed(j) ) { has_job = 1; break; } } if( !reader_exit_forced() && !data->prev_end_loop && has_job ) { writestr(_( L"There are stopped jobs\n" )); write_prompt(); data->end_loop = 0; data->prev_end_loop=1; } } else { tmp = wcsdup( tmp ); data->buff_pos=data->buff_len=0; data->buff[data->buff_len]=L'\0'; reader_run_command( tmp ); free( tmp ); data->prev_end_loop=0; } } reader_pop(); return 0; } /** Test if there are bytes available for reading on the specified file descriptor */ static int can_read( int fd ) { struct timeval can_read_timeout = { 0, 0 }; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); return select(fd + 1, &fds, 0, 0, &can_read_timeout) == 1; } /** Test if the specified character is in the private use area that fish uses to store internal characters */ static int wchar_private( wchar_t c ) { return ( (c >= 0xe000) && (c <= 0xf8ff ) ); } wchar_t *reader_readline() { wint_t c; int i; int last_char=0, yank=0; wchar_t *yank_str; array_list_t comp; int comp_empty=1; int finished=0; struct termios old_modes; check_size(); data->search_buff[0]=data->buff[data->buff_len]='\0'; al_init( &comp ); data->exec_prompt=1; reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); repaint(); tcgetattr(0,&old_modes); /* get the current terminal modes */ if( tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&shell_modes)) /* set the new modes */ { wperror(L"tcsetattr"); exit(1); } while( !finished && !data->end_loop) { /* Save the terminal status so we know if we have to redraw */ reader_save_status(); /* Sometimes strange input sequences seem to generate a zero byte. I believe these simply mean a character was pressed but it should be ignored. (Example: Trying to add a tilde (~) to digit) */ while( 1 ) { c=input_readch(); if( ( (!wchar_private(c))) && (c>31) && (c != 127) ) { if( can_read(0) ) { wchar_t arr[READAHEAD_MAX+1]; int i; memset( arr, 0, sizeof( arr ) ); arr[0] = c; for( i=1; i<READAHEAD_MAX; i++ ) { if( !can_read( 0 ) ) { c = 0; break; } c = input_readch(); if( (!wchar_private(c)) && (c>31) && (c != 127) ) { arr[i]=c; c=0; } else break; } insert_str( arr ); } } if( c != 0 ) break; } reader_check_status(); if( (last_char == R_COMPLETE) && (c != R_COMPLETE) && (!comp_empty) ) { al_foreach( &comp, &free ); al_truncate( &comp, 0 ); comp_empty = 1; } if( last_char != R_YANK && last_char != R_YANK_POP ) yank=0; switch( c ) { /* go to beginning of line*/ case R_BEGINNING_OF_LINE: { data->buff_pos = 0; repaint(); break; } /* go to EOL*/ case R_END_OF_LINE: { data->buff_pos = data->buff_len; repaint(); break; } case R_NULL: { data->exec_prompt=1; repaint(); break; } case R_EOF: { exit_forced = 1; data->end_loop=1; break; } /* complete */ case R_COMPLETE: { // fwprintf( stderr, L"aaa\n" ); if( !data->complete_func ) break; if( !comp_empty && last_char == R_COMPLETE ) break; if( comp_empty ) { wchar_t *begin, *end; wchar_t *token_begin, *token_end; wchar_t *buffcpy; int len; int cursor_steps; parse_util_cmdsubst_extent( data->buff, data->buff_pos, &begin, &end ); parse_util_token_extent( begin, data->buff_pos - (begin-data->buff), &token_begin, &token_end, 0, 0 ); cursor_steps = token_end - data->buff- data->buff_pos; data->buff_pos += cursor_steps; move_cursor( cursor_steps ); len = data->buff_pos - (begin-data->buff); buffcpy = wcsndup( begin, len ); reader_save_status(); data->complete_func( buffcpy, &comp ); reader_check_status(); sort_list( &comp ); remove_duplicates( &comp ); free( buffcpy ); } if( (comp_empty = handle_completions( &comp ) ) ) { al_foreach( &comp, &free ); al_truncate( &comp, 0 ); } break; } /* kill*/ case R_KILL_LINE: { kill_add( &data->buff[data->buff_pos] ); data->buff_len = data->buff_pos; data->buff[data->buff_len]=L'\0'; repaint(); break; } case R_BACKWARD_KILL_LINE: { wchar_t *str = wcsndup( data->buff, data->buff_pos ); if( !str ) DIE_MEM(); kill_add( str ); free( str ); data->buff_len = wcslen(data->buff +data->buff_pos); memmove( data->buff, data->buff +data->buff_pos, sizeof(wchar_t)*data->buff_len ); data->buff[data->buff_len]=L'\0'; data->buff_pos=0; reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); repaint(); break; } case R_KILL_WHOLE_LINE: { kill_add( data->buff ); data->buff_len = data->buff_pos = 0; data->buff[data->buff_len]=L'\0'; reader_super_highlight_me_plenty( data->buff, data->color, data->buff_pos, 0 ); repaint(); break; } /* yank*/ case R_YANK: { yank_str = kill_yank(); insert_str( yank_str ); yank = wcslen( yank_str ); break; } /* rotate killring*/ case R_YANK_POP: { if( yank ) { for( i=0; i<yank; i++ ) remove_backward(); yank_str = kill_yank_rotate(); insert_str(yank_str); yank = wcslen(yank_str); } break; } /* Escape was pressed */ case L'\e': { if( *data->search_buff ) { if( data->token_history_pos==-1 ) { history_reset(); reader_set_buffer( data->search_buff, wcslen(data->search_buff ) ); } else { reader_replace_current_token( data->search_buff ); } *data->search_buff=0; check_colors(); } break; } /* delete backward*/ case R_BACKWARD_DELETE_CHAR: { remove_backward(); break; } /* delete forward*/ case R_DELETE_CHAR: { remove_forward(); break; } /* exit, but only if line is empty */ case R_EXIT: { if( data->buff_len == 0 ) { writestr( L"\n" ); data->end_loop=1; } break; } /* Newline, evaluate*/ case L'\n': { data->buff[data->buff_len]=L'\0'; if( !data->test_func( data->buff ) ) { if( wcslen( data->buff ) ) { // wcscpy(data->search_buff,L""); history_add( data->buff ); } finished=1; data->buff_pos=data->buff_len; check_colors(); writestr( L"\n" ); } else { writech('\r'); writembs(clr_eol); writech('\n'); repaint(); } break; } /* History up */ case R_HISTORY_SEARCH_BACKWARD: { if( (last_char != R_HISTORY_SEARCH_BACKWARD) && (last_char != R_HISTORY_SEARCH_FORWARD) && (last_char != R_FORWARD_CHAR) && (last_char != R_BACKWARD_CHAR) ) { wcscpy(data->search_buff, data->buff ); data->search_buff[data->buff_pos]=0; } handle_history(history_prev_match(data->search_buff)); break; } /* History down */ case R_HISTORY_SEARCH_FORWARD: { if( (last_char != R_HISTORY_SEARCH_BACKWARD) && (last_char != R_HISTORY_SEARCH_FORWARD) && (last_char != R_FORWARD_CHAR) && (last_char != R_BACKWARD_CHAR) ) { wcscpy(data->search_buff, data->buff ); data->search_buff[data->buff_pos]=0; } handle_history(history_next_match(data->search_buff)); break; } /* Token search for a earlier match */ case R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_BACKWARD: { int reset=0; if( (last_char != R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_BACKWARD) && (last_char != R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_FORWARD) ) { reset=1; } handle_token_history( 0, reset ); break; } /* Token search for a later match */ case R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_FORWARD: { int reset=0; if( (last_char != R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_BACKWARD) && (last_char != R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_FORWARD) ) { reset=1; } handle_token_history( 1, reset ); break; } /* Move left*/ case R_BACKWARD_CHAR: { if( data->buff_pos > 0 ) { data->buff_pos--; if( !force_repaint() ) { move_cursor( -wcwidth(data->buff[data->buff_pos])); check_colors(); } else { repaint(); } } break; } /* Move right*/ case R_FORWARD_CHAR: { if( data->buff_pos < data->buff_len ) { if( !force_repaint() ) { move_cursor( wcwidth(data->buff[data->buff_pos])); data->buff_pos++; check_colors(); } else { data->buff_pos++; repaint(); } } break; } case R_DELETE_LINE: { data->buff[0]=0; data->buff_len=0; data->buff_pos=0; repaint(); break; } /* kill one word left */ case R_BACKWARD_KILL_WORD: { move_word(0,1); break; } /* kill one word right */ case R_KILL_WORD: { move_word(1,1); break; } /* move one word left*/ case R_BACKWARD_WORD: { move_word(0,0); break; } /* move one word right*/ case R_FORWARD_WORD: { move_word( 1,0); break; } case R_CLEAR_SCREEN: { if( clear_screen ) writembs( clear_screen ); repaint(); break; } case R_BEGINNING_OF_HISTORY: { history_first(); break; } case R_END_OF_HISTORY: { history_reset(); break; } /* Other, if a normal character, we add it to the command */ default: { if( (!wchar_private(c)) && (c>31) && (c != 127) ) insert_char( c ); else { /* Low priority debug message. These can happen if the user presses an unefined control sequnece. No reason to report. */ debug( 2, _( L"Unknown keybinding %d" ), c ); } break; } } if( (c != R_HISTORY_SEARCH_BACKWARD) && (c != R_HISTORY_SEARCH_FORWARD) && (c != R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_BACKWARD) && (c != R_HISTORY_TOKEN_SEARCH_FORWARD) && (c != R_FORWARD_CHAR) && (c != R_BACKWARD_CHAR) ) { data->search_buff[0]=0; history_reset(); data->token_history_pos=-1; } last_char = c; } al_destroy( &comp ); if( !reader_exit_forced() ) { if( tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&old_modes)) /* return to previous mode */ { wperror(L"tcsetattr"); exit(1); } set_color( FISH_COLOR_RESET, FISH_COLOR_RESET ); } return data->buff; } /** Read non-interactively. Read input from stdin without displaying the prompt, using syntax highlighting. This is used for reading scripts and init files. */ static int read_ni( int fd ) { FILE *in_stream; wchar_t *buff=0; buffer_t acc; int des = fd == 0 ? dup(0) : fd; int res=0; if (des == -1) { wperror( L"dup" ); return 1; } b_init( &acc ); in_stream = fdopen( des, "r" ); if( in_stream != 0 ) { wchar_t *str; int acc_used; while(!feof( in_stream )) { char buff[4096]; int c; c = fread(buff, 1, 4096, in_stream); if( ferror( in_stream ) ) { debug( 1, _( L"Error while reading commands" ) ); /* Reset buffer on error. We won't evaluate incomplete files. */ acc.used=0; break; } b_append( &acc, buff, c ); } b_append( &acc, "\0", 1 ); acc_used = acc.used; str = str2wcs( acc.buff ); b_destroy( &acc ); if( fclose( in_stream )) { debug( 1, _( L"Error while closing input stream" ) ); wperror( L"fclose" ); res = 1; } if( str ) { string_buffer_t sb; sb_init( &sb ); if( !parser_test( str, &sb, L"fish" ) ) { eval( str, 0, TOP ); } else { fwprintf( stderr, L"%ls", sb.buff ); res = 1; } sb_destroy( &sb ); free( str ); } else { if( acc_used > 1 ) { debug( 1, _( L"Could not convert input. Read %d bytes." ), acc_used-1 ); } else { debug( 1, _( L"Could not read input stream" ) ); } res=1; } } else { debug( 1, _( L"Error while opening input stream" ) ); wperror( L"fdopen" ); free( buff ); res=1; } return res; } int reader_read( int fd ) { int res; /* If reader_read is called recursively through the '.' builtin, we need to preserve is_interactive. This, and signal handler setup is handled by proc_push_interactive/proc_pop_interactive. */ proc_push_interactive( ((fd == 0) && isatty(STDIN_FILENO))); res= is_interactive?read_i():read_ni( fd ); /* If the exit command was called in a script, only exit the script, not the program. */ if( data ) data->end_loop = 0; end_loop = 0; proc_pop_interactive(); return res; }