// Provides the "linkage" between an ast and actual execution structures (job_t, etc.) #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "parse_execution.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ast.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "builtin_function.h" #include "common.h" #include "complete.h" #include "env.h" #include "event.h" #include "exec.h" #include "expand.h" #include "flog.h" #include "function.h" #include "io.h" #include "job_group.h" #include "maybe.h" #include "parse_constants.h" #include "parse_util.h" #include "parser.h" #include "path.h" #include "proc.h" #include "reader.h" #include "timer.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "trace.h" #include "util.h" #include "wildcard.h" #include "wutil.h" /// These are the specific statement types that support redirections. static constexpr bool type_is_redirectable_block(ast::type_t type) { using t = ast::type_t; return type == t::block_statement || type == t::if_statement || type == t::switch_statement; } static bool specific_statement_type_is_redirectable_block(const ast::node_t &node) { return type_is_redirectable_block(node.type); } /// Get the name of a redirectable block, for profiling purposes. static wcstring profiling_cmd_name_for_redirectable_block(const ast::node_t &node, const parsed_source_t &pstree) { using namespace ast; assert(specific_statement_type_is_redirectable_block(node)); auto source_range = node.try_source_range(); assert(source_range.has_value() && "No source range for block"); size_t src_end = 0; switch (node.type) { case type_t::block_statement: { const node_t *block_header = node.as()->header.get(); switch (block_header->type) { case type_t::for_header: src_end = block_header->as()->semi_nl.source_range().start; break; case type_t::while_header: src_end = block_header->as()->condition.source_range().end(); break; case type_t::function_header: src_end = block_header->as()->semi_nl.source_range().start; break; case type_t::begin_header: src_end = block_header->as()->kw_begin.source_range().end(); break; default: DIE("Unexpected block header type"); } } break; case type_t::if_statement: src_end = node.as()->if_clause.condition.job.source_range().end(); break; case type_t::switch_statement: src_end = node.as()->semi_nl.source_range().start; break; default: DIE("Not a redirectable block type"); break; } assert(src_end >= source_range->start && "Invalid source end"); // Get the source for the block, and cut it at the next statement terminator. wcstring result = pstree.src.substr(source_range->start, src_end - source_range->start); result.append(L"..."); return result; } /// Get a redirection from stderr to stdout (i.e. 2>&1). static redirection_spec_t get_stderr_merge() { const wchar_t *stdout_fileno_str = L"1"; return redirection_spec_t{STDERR_FILENO, redirection_mode_t::fd, stdout_fileno_str}; } parse_execution_context_t::parse_execution_context_t(parsed_source_ref_t pstree, const operation_context_t &ctx, cancellation_group_ref_t cancel_group, io_chain_t block_io) : pstree(std::move(pstree)), parser(ctx.parser.get()), ctx(ctx), cancel_group(std::move(cancel_group)), block_io(std::move(block_io)) {} // Utilities wcstring parse_execution_context_t::get_source(const ast::node_t &node) const { return node.source(pstree->src); } const ast::decorated_statement_t * parse_execution_context_t::infinite_recursive_statement_in_job_list(const ast::job_list_t &jobs, wcstring *out_func_name) const { // This is a bit fragile. It is a test to see if we are inside of function call, but not inside // a block in that function call. If, in the future, the rules for what block scopes are pushed // on function invocation changes, then this check will break. const block_t *current = parser->block_at_index(0), *parent = parser->block_at_index(1); bool is_within_function_call = (current && parent && current->type() == block_type_t::top && parent->is_function_call()); if (!is_within_function_call) { return nullptr; } // Get the function name of the immediate block. const wcstring &forbidden_function_name = parent->function_name; // Get the first job in the job list. const ast::job_conjunction_t *jc = jobs.at(0); if (!jc) return nullptr; const ast::job_t *job = &jc->job; // Helper to return if a statement is infinitely recursive in this function. auto statement_recurses = [&](const ast::statement_t &stat) -> const ast::decorated_statement_t * { // Ignore non-decorated statements like `if`, etc. const ast::decorated_statement_t *dc = stat.contents.contents->try_as(); if (!dc) return nullptr; // Ignore statements with decorations like 'builtin' or 'command', since those // are not infinite recursion. In particular that is what enables 'wrapper functions'. if (dc->decoration() != statement_decoration_t::none) return nullptr; // Check the command. wcstring cmd = dc->command.source(pstree->src); bool forbidden = !cmd.empty() && expand_one(cmd, {expand_flag::skip_cmdsubst, expand_flag::skip_variables}, ctx) && cmd == forbidden_function_name; return forbidden ? dc : nullptr; }; const ast::decorated_statement_t *infinite_recursive_statement = nullptr; // Check main statement. infinite_recursive_statement = statement_recurses(jc->job.statement); // Check piped remainder. if (!infinite_recursive_statement) { for (const ast::job_continuation_t &c : job->continuation) { if (const auto *s = statement_recurses(c.statement)) { infinite_recursive_statement = s; break; } } } if (infinite_recursive_statement && out_func_name) { *out_func_name = forbidden_function_name; } // may be null return infinite_recursive_statement; } process_type_t parse_execution_context_t::process_type_for_command( const ast::decorated_statement_t &statement, const wcstring &cmd) const { enum process_type_t process_type = process_type_t::external; // Determine the process type, which depends on the statement decoration (command, builtin, // etc). switch (statement.decoration()) { case statement_decoration_t::exec: process_type = process_type_t::exec; break; case statement_decoration_t::command: process_type = process_type_t::external; break; case statement_decoration_t::builtin: process_type = process_type_t::builtin; break; case statement_decoration_t::none: if (function_exists(cmd, *parser)) { process_type = process_type_t::function; } else if (builtin_exists(cmd)) { process_type = process_type_t::builtin; } else { process_type = process_type_t::external; } break; } return process_type; } maybe_t parse_execution_context_t::check_end_execution() const { if (ctx.check_cancel() || check_cancel_from_fish_signal()) { return end_execution_reason_t::cancelled; } const auto &ld = parser->libdata(); if (ld.exit_current_script) { return end_execution_reason_t::cancelled; } if (ld.returning) { return end_execution_reason_t::control_flow; } if (ld.loop_status != loop_status_t::normals) { return end_execution_reason_t::control_flow; } return none(); } /// Return whether the job contains a single statement, of block type, with no redirections. bool parse_execution_context_t::job_is_simple_block(const ast::job_t &job) const { using namespace ast; // Must be no pipes. if (!job.continuation.empty()) { return false; } // Helper to check if an argument_or_redirection_list_t has no redirections. auto no_redirs = [](const argument_or_redirection_list_t &list) -> bool { for (const argument_or_redirection_t &val : list) { if (val.is_redirection()) return false; } return true; }; // Check if we're a block statement with redirections. We do it this obnoxious way to preserve // type safety (in case we add more specific statement types). const node_t &ss = *job.statement.contents.contents; switch (ss.type) { case type_t::block_statement: return no_redirs(ss.as()->args_or_redirs); case type_t::switch_statement: return no_redirs(ss.as()->args_or_redirs); case type_t::if_statement: return no_redirs(ss.as()->args_or_redirs); case type_t::not_statement: case type_t::decorated_statement: // not block statements return false; default: assert(0 && "Unexpected child block type"); return false; } } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_if_statement( const ast::if_statement_t &statement, const block_t *associated_block) { using namespace ast; using job_list_t = ast::job_list_t; end_execution_reason_t result = end_execution_reason_t::ok; // We have a sequence of if clauses, with a final else, resulting in a single job list that we // execute. const job_list_t *job_list_to_execute = nullptr; const if_clause_t *if_clause = &statement.if_clause; // Index of the *next* elseif_clause to test. const elseif_clause_list_t &elseif_clauses = statement.elseif_clauses; size_t next_elseif_idx = 0; // We start with the 'if'. trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"if"); for (;;) { if (auto ret = check_end_execution()) { result = *ret; break; } // An if condition has a job and a "tail" of andor jobs, e.g. "foo ; and bar; or baz". // Check the condition and the tail. We treat end_execution_reason_t::error here as failure, // in accordance with historic behavior. end_execution_reason_t cond_ret = run_job_conjunction(if_clause->condition, associated_block); if (cond_ret == end_execution_reason_t::ok) { cond_ret = run_job_list(if_clause->andor_tail, associated_block); } const bool take_branch = (cond_ret == end_execution_reason_t::ok) && parser->get_last_status() == EXIT_SUCCESS; if (take_branch) { // Condition succeeded. job_list_to_execute = &if_clause->body; break; } // See if we have an elseif. const auto *elseif_clause = elseif_clauses.at(next_elseif_idx++); if (elseif_clause) { trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"else if"); if_clause = &elseif_clause->if_clause; } else { break; } } if (!job_list_to_execute) { // our ifs and elseifs failed. // Check our else body. if (statement.else_clause) { trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"else"); job_list_to_execute = &statement.else_clause->body; } } if (!job_list_to_execute) { // 'if' condition failed, no else clause, return 0, we're done. // No job list means no successful conditions, so return 0 (issue #1443). parser->set_last_statuses(statuses_t::just(STATUS_CMD_OK)); } else { // Execute the job list we got. block_t *ib = parser->push_block(block_t::if_block()); run_job_list(*job_list_to_execute, ib); if (auto ret = check_end_execution()) { result = *ret; } parser->pop_block(ib); } trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"end if"); // It's possible there's a last-minute cancellation (issue #1297). if (auto ret = check_end_execution()) { result = *ret; } // Otherwise, take the exit status of the job list. Reversal of issue #1061. return result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_begin_statement( const ast::job_list_t &contents) { // Basic begin/end block. Push a scope block, run jobs, pop it trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"begin"); block_t *sb = parser->push_block(block_t::scope_block(block_type_t::begin)); end_execution_reason_t ret = run_job_list(contents, sb); parser->pop_block(sb); trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"end begin"); return ret; } // Define a function. end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_function_statement( const ast::block_statement_t &statement, const ast::function_header_t &header) { using namespace ast; // Get arguments. wcstring_list_t arguments; ast_args_list_t arg_nodes = get_argument_nodes(header.args); arg_nodes.insert(arg_nodes.begin(), &header.first_arg); end_execution_reason_t result = this->expand_arguments_from_nodes(arg_nodes, &arguments, failglob); if (result != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { return result; } trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"function", arguments); null_output_stream_t outs; string_output_stream_t errs; io_streams_t streams(outs, errs); int err_code = 0; maybe_t err = builtin_function(*parser, streams, arguments, pstree, statement); if (err) { err_code = err.value(); parser->libdata().status_count++; parser->set_last_statuses(statuses_t::just(err_code)); } const wcstring &errtext = errs.contents(); if (!errtext.empty()) { return this->report_error(err_code, header, L"%ls", errtext.c_str()); } return result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_block_statement( const ast::block_statement_t &statement, const block_t *associated_block) { const ast::node_t &bh = *statement.header.contents; const ast::job_list_t &contents = statement.jobs; end_execution_reason_t ret = end_execution_reason_t::ok; if (const auto *fh = bh.try_as()) { ret = run_for_statement(*fh, contents); } else if (const auto *wh = bh.try_as()) { ret = run_while_statement(*wh, contents, associated_block); } else if (const auto *fh = bh.try_as()) { ret = run_function_statement(statement, *fh); } else if (bh.try_as()) { ret = run_begin_statement(contents); } else { FLOGF(error, L"Unexpected block header: %ls\n", bh.describe().c_str()); PARSER_DIE(); } return ret; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_for_statement( const ast::for_header_t &header, const ast::job_list_t &block_contents) { // Get the variable name: `for var_name in ...`. We expand the variable name. It better result // in just one. wcstring for_var_name = header.var_name.source(get_source()); if (!expand_one(for_var_name, expand_flags_t{}, ctx)) { return report_error(STATUS_EXPAND_ERROR, header.var_name, FAILED_EXPANSION_VARIABLE_NAME_ERR_MSG, for_var_name.c_str()); } // Get the contents to iterate over. wcstring_list_t arguments; ast_args_list_t arg_nodes = get_argument_nodes(header.args); end_execution_reason_t ret = this->expand_arguments_from_nodes(arg_nodes, &arguments, nullglob); if (ret != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { return ret; } auto var = parser->vars().get(for_var_name, ENV_DEFAULT); if (env_var_t::flags_for(for_var_name.c_str()) & env_var_t::flag_read_only) { return report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, header.var_name, L"You cannot use read-only variable '%ls' in a for loop", for_var_name.c_str()); } int retval; if (var) { retval = parser->set_var_and_fire(for_var_name, ENV_LOCAL | ENV_USER, var->as_list()); } else { retval = parser->set_empty_var_and_fire(for_var_name, ENV_LOCAL | ENV_USER); } assert(retval == ENV_OK); if (!valid_var_name(for_var_name)) { return report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, header.var_name, BUILTIN_ERR_VARNAME, L"for", for_var_name.c_str()); } trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"for", arguments); block_t *fb = parser->push_block(block_t::for_block()); // Now drive the for loop. for (const wcstring &val : arguments) { if (auto reason = check_end_execution()) { ret = *reason; break; } int retval = parser->set_var_and_fire(for_var_name, ENV_DEFAULT | ENV_USER, val); assert(retval == ENV_OK && "for loop variable should have been successfully set"); (void)retval; auto &ld = parser->libdata(); ld.loop_status = loop_status_t::normals; this->run_job_list(block_contents, fb); if (check_end_execution() == end_execution_reason_t::control_flow) { // Handle break or continue. bool do_break = (ld.loop_status == loop_status_t::breaks); ld.loop_status = loop_status_t::normals; if (do_break) { break; } } } parser->pop_block(fb); trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"end for"); return ret; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_switch_statement( const ast::switch_statement_t &statement) { // Get the switch variable. const wcstring switch_value = get_source(statement.argument); // Expand it. We need to offset any errors by the position of the string. completion_list_t switch_values_expanded; parse_error_list_t errors; auto expand_ret = expand_string(switch_value, &switch_values_expanded, expand_flags_t{}, ctx, &errors); parse_error_offset_source_start(&errors, statement.argument.range.start); switch (expand_ret.result) { case expand_result_t::error: return report_errors(expand_ret.status, errors); case expand_result_t::cancel: return end_execution_reason_t::cancelled; case expand_result_t::wildcard_no_match: return report_error(STATUS_UNMATCHED_WILDCARD, statement.argument, WILDCARD_ERR_MSG, get_source(statement.argument).c_str()); case expand_result_t::ok: if (switch_values_expanded.size() > 1) { return report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, statement.argument, _(L"switch: Expected at most one argument, got %lu\n"), switch_values_expanded.size()); } break; } // If we expanded to nothing, match the empty string. assert(switch_values_expanded.size() <= 1 && "Should have at most one expansion"); wcstring switch_value_expanded; if (!switch_values_expanded.empty()) { switch_value_expanded = std::move(switch_values_expanded.front().completion); } end_execution_reason_t result = end_execution_reason_t::ok; if (trace_enabled(*parser)) trace_argv(*parser, L"switch", {switch_value_expanded}); block_t *sb = parser->push_block(block_t::switch_block()); // Expand case statements. const ast::case_item_t *matching_case_item = nullptr; for (const ast::case_item_t &case_item : statement.cases) { if (auto ret = check_end_execution()) { result = *ret; break; } // Expand arguments. A case item list may have a wildcard that fails to expand to // anything. We also report case errors, but don't stop execution; i.e. a case item that // contains an unexpandable process will report and then fail to match. ast_args_list_t arg_nodes = get_argument_nodes(case_item.arguments); wcstring_list_t case_args; end_execution_reason_t case_result = this->expand_arguments_from_nodes(arg_nodes, &case_args, failglob); if (case_result == end_execution_reason_t::ok) { for (const wcstring &arg : case_args) { // Unescape wildcards so they can be expanded again. wcstring unescaped_arg = parse_util_unescape_wildcards(arg); bool match = wildcard_match(switch_value_expanded, unescaped_arg); // If this matched, we're done. if (match) { matching_case_item = &case_item; break; } } } if (matching_case_item) break; } if (matching_case_item) { // Success, evaluate the job list. assert(result == end_execution_reason_t::ok && "Expected success"); result = this->run_job_list(matching_case_item->body, sb); } parser->pop_block(sb); trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"end switch"); return result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_while_statement( const ast::while_header_t &header, const ast::job_list_t &contents, const block_t *associated_block) { end_execution_reason_t ret = end_execution_reason_t::ok; // "The exit status of the while loop shall be the exit status of the last compound-list-2 // executed, or zero if none was executed." // Here are more detailed requirements: // - If we execute the loop body zero times, or the loop body is empty, the status is success. // - An empty loop body is treated as true, both in the loop condition and after loop exit. // - The exit status of the last command is visible in the loop condition. (i.e. do not set the // exit status to true BEFORE executing the loop condition). // We achieve this by restoring the status if the loop condition fails, plus a special // affordance for the first condition. bool first_cond_check = true; trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"while"); // Run while the condition is true. for (;;) { // Save off the exit status if it came from the loop body. We'll restore it if the condition // is false. auto cond_saved_status = first_cond_check ? statuses_t::just(EXIT_SUCCESS) : parser->get_last_statuses(); first_cond_check = false; // Check the condition. end_execution_reason_t cond_ret = this->run_job_conjunction(header.condition, associated_block); if (cond_ret == end_execution_reason_t::ok) { cond_ret = run_job_list(header.andor_tail, associated_block); } // If the loop condition failed to execute, then exit the loop without modifying the exit // status. If the loop condition executed with a failure status, restore the status and then // exit the loop. if (cond_ret != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { break; } else if (parser->get_last_status() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { parser->set_last_statuses(cond_saved_status); break; } // Check cancellation. if (auto reason = check_end_execution()) { ret = *reason; break; } // Push a while block and then check its cancellation reason. auto &ld = parser->libdata(); ld.loop_status = loop_status_t::normals; block_t *wb = parser->push_block(block_t::while_block()); this->run_job_list(contents, wb); auto cancel_reason = this->check_end_execution(); parser->pop_block(wb); if (cancel_reason == end_execution_reason_t::control_flow) { // Handle break or continue. bool do_break = (ld.loop_status == loop_status_t::breaks); ld.loop_status = loop_status_t::normals; if (do_break) { break; } else { continue; } } // no_exec means that fish was invoked with -n or --no-execute. If set, we allow the loop to // not-execute once so its contents can be checked, and then break. if (no_exec()) { break; } } trace_if_enabled(*parser, L"end while"); return ret; } // Reports an error. Always returns end_execution_reason_t::error. end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::report_error(int status, const ast::node_t &node, const wchar_t *fmt, ...) const { auto r = node.source_range(); // Create an error. parse_error_list_t error_list = parse_error_list_t(1); parse_error_t *error = &error_list.at(0); error->source_start = r.start; error->source_length = r.length; error->code = parse_error_syntax; // hackish va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); error->text = vformat_string(fmt, va); va_end(va); return this->report_errors(status, error_list); } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::report_errors( int status, const parse_error_list_t &error_list) const { if (!ctx.check_cancel()) { if (error_list.empty()) { FLOG(error, L"Error reported but no error text found."); } // Get a backtrace. wcstring backtrace_and_desc; parser->get_backtrace(pstree->src, error_list, backtrace_and_desc); // Print it. if (!should_suppress_stderr_for_tests()) { std::fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls", backtrace_and_desc.c_str()); } // Mark status. parser->set_last_statuses(statuses_t::just(status)); } return end_execution_reason_t::error; } // static parse_execution_context_t::ast_args_list_t parse_execution_context_t::get_argument_nodes( const ast::argument_list_t &args) { ast_args_list_t result; for (const ast::argument_t &arg : args) result.push_back(&arg); return result; } // static parse_execution_context_t::ast_args_list_t parse_execution_context_t::get_argument_nodes( const ast::argument_or_redirection_list_t &args) { ast_args_list_t result; for (const ast::argument_or_redirection_t &v : args) { if (v.is_argument()) result.push_back(&v.argument()); } return result; } /// Handle the case of command not found. end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::handle_command_not_found( const wcstring &cmd_str, const ast::decorated_statement_t &statement, int err_code) { // We couldn't find the specified command. This is a non-fatal error. We want to set the exit // status to 127, which is the standard number used by other shells like bash and zsh. const wchar_t *const cmd = cmd_str.c_str(); if (err_code != ENOENT) { return this->report_error(STATUS_NOT_EXECUTABLE, statement, _(L"The file '%ls' is not executable by this user"), cmd); } // Handle unrecognized commands with standard command not found handler that can make better // error messages. wcstring_list_t event_args; { ast_args_list_t args = get_argument_nodes(statement.args_or_redirs); end_execution_reason_t arg_result = this->expand_arguments_from_nodes(args, &event_args, failglob); if (arg_result != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { return arg_result; } event_args.insert(event_args.begin(), cmd_str); } wcstring buffer; wcstring error; // Redirect to stderr auto io = io_chain_t{}; io.append_from_specs({redirection_spec_t{STDOUT_FILENO, redirection_mode_t::fd, L"2"}}, L""); if (function_exists(L"fish_command_not_found", *parser)) { buffer = L"fish_command_not_found"; for (const wcstring &arg : event_args) { buffer.push_back(L' '); buffer.append(escape_string(arg, ESCAPE_ALL)); } auto prev_statuses = parser->get_last_statuses(); event_t event(event_type_t::generic); event.desc.str_param1 = L"fish_command_not_found"; block_t *b = parser->push_block(block_t::event_block(event)); parser->eval(buffer, io); parser->pop_block(b); parser->set_last_statuses(std::move(prev_statuses)); } else { // If we have no handler, just print it as a normal error. error = _(L"Unknown command:"); if (!event_args.empty()) { error.push_back(L' '); error.append(escape_string(event_args[0], ESCAPE_ALL)); } } if (!cmd_str.empty() && cmd_str.at(0) == L'{') { error.append(ERROR_NO_BRACE_GROUPING); } // Here we want to report an error (so it shows a backtrace). // If the handler printed text, that's already shown, so error will be empty. return this->report_error(STATUS_CMD_UNKNOWN, statement, error.c_str()); } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::expand_command( const ast::decorated_statement_t &statement, wcstring *out_cmd, wcstring_list_t *out_args) const { // Here we're expanding a command, for example $HOME/bin/stuff or $randomthing. The first // completion becomes the command itself, everything after becomes arguments. Command // substitutions are not supported. parse_error_list_t errors; // Get the unexpanded command string. We expect to always get it here. wcstring unexp_cmd = get_source(statement.command); size_t pos_of_command_token = statement.command.range.start; // Expand the string to produce completions, and report errors. expand_result_t expand_err = expand_to_command_and_args(unexp_cmd, ctx, out_cmd, out_args, &errors); if (expand_err == expand_result_t::error) { // Issue #5812 - the expansions were done on the command token, // excluding prefixes such as " " or "if ". // This means that the error positions are relative to the beginning // of the token; we need to make them relative to the original source. parse_error_offset_source_start(&errors, pos_of_command_token); return report_errors(STATUS_ILLEGAL_CMD, errors); } else if (expand_err == expand_result_t::wildcard_no_match) { return report_error(STATUS_UNMATCHED_WILDCARD, statement, WILDCARD_ERR_MSG, get_source(statement).c_str()); } assert(expand_err == expand_result_t::ok); // Complain if the resulting expansion was empty, or expanded to an empty string. // For no-exec it's okay, as we can't really perform the expansion. if (out_cmd->empty() && !no_exec()) { return this->report_error(STATUS_ILLEGAL_CMD, statement, _(L"The expanded command was empty.")); } return end_execution_reason_t::ok; } /// Creates a 'normal' (non-block) process. end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::populate_plain_process( job_t *job, process_t *proc, const ast::decorated_statement_t &statement) { assert(job != nullptr); assert(proc != nullptr); // We may decide that a command should be an implicit cd. bool use_implicit_cd = false; // Get the command and any arguments due to expanding the command. wcstring cmd; wcstring_list_t args_from_cmd_expansion; auto ret = expand_command(statement, &cmd, &args_from_cmd_expansion); if (ret != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { return ret; } // For no-exec, having an empty command is okay. We can't do anything more with it tho. if (no_exec()) return end_execution_reason_t::ok; assert(!cmd.empty() && "expand_command should not produce an empty command"); // Determine the process type. enum process_type_t process_type = process_type_for_command(statement, cmd); wcstring path_to_external_command; if (process_type == process_type_t::external || process_type == process_type_t::exec) { // Determine the actual command. This may be an implicit cd. bool has_command = path_get_path(cmd, &path_to_external_command, parser->vars()); // If there was no command, then we care about the value of errno after checking for it, to // distinguish between e.g. no file vs permissions problem. const int no_cmd_err_code = errno; // If the specified command does not exist, and is undecorated, try using an implicit cd. if (!has_command && statement.decoration() == statement_decoration_t::none) { // Implicit cd requires an empty argument and redirection list. if (statement.args_or_redirs.empty()) { // Ok, no arguments or redirections; check to see if the command is a directory. use_implicit_cd = path_as_implicit_cd(cmd, parser->vars().get_pwd_slash(), parser->vars()) .has_value(); } } if (!has_command && !use_implicit_cd) { // No command. If we're --no-execute return okay - it might be a function. if (no_exec()) return end_execution_reason_t::ok; return this->handle_command_not_found(cmd, statement, no_cmd_err_code); } } // Produce the full argument list and the set of IO redirections. wcstring_list_t cmd_args; redirection_spec_list_t redirections; if (use_implicit_cd) { // Implicit cd is simple. cmd_args = {L"cd", cmd}; path_to_external_command.clear(); // If we have defined a wrapper around cd, use it, otherwise use the cd builtin. process_type = function_exists(L"cd", *parser) ? process_type_t::function : process_type_t::builtin; } else { // Not implicit cd. const globspec_t glob_behavior = (cmd == L"set" || cmd == L"count") ? nullglob : failglob; // Form the list of arguments. The command is the first argument, followed by any arguments // from expanding the command, followed by the argument nodes themselves. E.g. if the // command is '$gco foo' and $gco is git checkout. cmd_args.push_back(cmd); cmd_args.insert(cmd_args.end(), args_from_cmd_expansion.begin(), args_from_cmd_expansion.end()); ast_args_list_t arg_nodes = get_argument_nodes(statement.args_or_redirs); end_execution_reason_t arg_result = this->expand_arguments_from_nodes(arg_nodes, &cmd_args, glob_behavior); if (arg_result != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { return arg_result; } // The set of IO redirections that we construct for the process. auto reason = this->determine_redirections(statement.args_or_redirs, &redirections); if (reason != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { return reason; } // Determine the process type. process_type = process_type_for_command(statement, cmd); } // Populate the process. proc->type = process_type; proc->set_argv(cmd_args); proc->set_redirection_specs(std::move(redirections)); proc->actual_cmd = std::move(path_to_external_command); return end_execution_reason_t::ok; } // Determine the list of arguments, expanding stuff. Reports any errors caused by expansion. If we // have a wildcard that could not be expanded, report the error and continue. end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::expand_arguments_from_nodes( const ast_args_list_t &argument_nodes, wcstring_list_t *out_arguments, globspec_t glob_behavior) { // Get all argument nodes underneath the statement. We guess we'll have that many arguments (but // may have more or fewer, if there are wildcards involved). out_arguments->reserve(out_arguments->size() + argument_nodes.size()); completion_list_t arg_expanded; for (const ast::argument_t *arg_node : argument_nodes) { // Expect all arguments to have source. assert(arg_node->has_source() && "Argument should have source"); // Expand this string. parse_error_list_t errors; arg_expanded.clear(); auto expand_ret = expand_string(get_source(*arg_node), &arg_expanded, expand_flags_t{}, ctx, &errors); parse_error_offset_source_start(&errors, arg_node->range.start); switch (expand_ret.result) { case expand_result_t::error: { return this->report_errors(expand_ret.status, errors); } case expand_result_t::cancel: { return end_execution_reason_t::cancelled; } case expand_result_t::wildcard_no_match: { if (glob_behavior == failglob) { // For no_exec, ignore the error - this might work at runtime. if (no_exec()) return end_execution_reason_t::ok; // Report the unmatched wildcard error and stop processing. return report_error(STATUS_UNMATCHED_WILDCARD, *arg_node, WILDCARD_ERR_MSG, get_source(*arg_node).c_str()); } break; } case expand_result_t::ok: { break; } default: { DIE("unexpected expand_string() return value"); } } // Now copy over any expanded arguments. Use std::move() to avoid extra allocations; this // is called very frequently. out_arguments->reserve(out_arguments->size() + arg_expanded.size()); for (completion_t &new_arg : arg_expanded) { out_arguments->push_back(std::move(new_arg.completion)); } } // We may have received a cancellation during this expansion. if (auto ret = check_end_execution()) { return *ret; } return end_execution_reason_t::ok; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::determine_redirections( const ast::argument_or_redirection_list_t &list, redirection_spec_list_t *out_redirections) { // Get all redirection nodes underneath the statement. for (const ast::argument_or_redirection_t &arg_or_redir : list) { if (!arg_or_redir.is_redirection()) continue; const ast::redirection_t &redir_node = arg_or_redir.redirection(); maybe_t oper = pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(get_source(redir_node.oper)); if (!oper || !oper->is_valid()) { // TODO: figure out if this can ever happen. If so, improve this error message. return report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, redir_node, _(L"Invalid redirection: %ls"), get_source(redir_node).c_str()); } // PCA: I can't justify this skip_variables flag. It was like this when I got here. wcstring target = get_source(redir_node.target); bool target_expanded = expand_one(target, no_exec() ? expand_flag::skip_variables : expand_flags_t{}, ctx); if (!target_expanded || target.empty()) { // TODO: Improve this error message. return report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, redir_node, _(L"Invalid redirection target: %ls"), target.c_str()); } // Make a redirection spec from the redirect token. assert(oper && oper->is_valid() && "expected to have a valid redirection"); redirection_spec_t spec{oper->fd, oper->mode, std::move(target)}; // Validate this spec. if (spec.mode == redirection_mode_t::fd && !spec.is_close() && !spec.get_target_as_fd()) { const wchar_t *fmt = _(L"Requested redirection to '%ls', which is not a valid file descriptor"); return report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, redir_node, fmt, spec.target.c_str()); } out_redirections->push_back(std::move(spec)); if (oper->stderr_merge) { // This was a redirect like &> which also modifies stderr. // Also redirect stderr to stdout. out_redirections->push_back(get_stderr_merge()); } } return end_execution_reason_t::ok; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::populate_not_process( job_t *job, process_t *proc, const ast::not_statement_t ¬_statement) { auto &flags = job->mut_flags(); flags.negate = !flags.negate; return this->populate_job_process(job, proc, not_statement.contents, not_statement.variables); } template end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::populate_block_process( job_t *job, process_t *proc, const ast::statement_t &statement, const Type &specific_statement) { using namespace ast; // We handle block statements by creating process_type_t::block_node, that will bounce back to // us when it's time to execute them. UNUSED(job); static_assert(Type::AstType == type_t::block_statement || Type::AstType == type_t::if_statement || Type::AstType == type_t::switch_statement, "Invalid block process"); // Get the argument or redirections list. // TODO: args_or_redirs should be available without resolving the statement type. const argument_or_redirection_list_t *args_or_redirs = nullptr; // Upcast to permit dropping the 'template' keyword. const node_t &ss = specific_statement; switch (Type::AstType) { case type_t::block_statement: args_or_redirs = &ss.as()->args_or_redirs; break; case type_t::if_statement: args_or_redirs = &ss.as()->args_or_redirs; break; case type_t::switch_statement: args_or_redirs = &ss.as()->args_or_redirs; break; default: DIE("Unexpected block node type"); } assert(args_or_redirs && "Should have args_or_redirs"); redirection_spec_list_t redirections; auto reason = this->determine_redirections(*args_or_redirs, &redirections); if (reason == end_execution_reason_t::ok) { proc->type = process_type_t::block_node; proc->block_node_source = pstree; proc->internal_block_node = &statement; proc->set_redirection_specs(std::move(redirections)); } return reason; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::apply_variable_assignments( process_t *proc, const ast::variable_assignment_list_t &variable_assignment_list, const block_t **block) { if (variable_assignment_list.empty()) return end_execution_reason_t::ok; *block = parser->push_block(block_t::variable_assignment_block()); for (const ast::variable_assignment_t &variable_assignment : variable_assignment_list) { const wcstring &source = get_source(variable_assignment); auto equals_pos = variable_assignment_equals_pos(source); assert(equals_pos); const wcstring variable_name = source.substr(0, *equals_pos); const wcstring expression = source.substr(*equals_pos + 1); completion_list_t expression_expanded; parse_error_list_t errors; // TODO this is mostly copied from expand_arguments_from_nodes, maybe extract to function auto expand_ret = expand_string(expression, &expression_expanded, expand_flags_t{}, ctx, &errors); parse_error_offset_source_start(&errors, variable_assignment.range.start + *equals_pos + 1); switch (expand_ret.result) { case expand_result_t::error: return this->report_errors(expand_ret.status, errors); case expand_result_t::cancel: return end_execution_reason_t::cancelled; case expand_result_t::wildcard_no_match: // nullglob (equivalent to set) case expand_result_t::ok: break; default: { DIE("unexpected expand_string() return value"); } } wcstring_list_t vals; for (auto &completion : expression_expanded) { vals.emplace_back(std::move(completion.completion)); } if (proc) proc->variable_assignments.push_back({variable_name, vals}); parser->set_var_and_fire(variable_name, ENV_LOCAL | ENV_EXPORT, std::move(vals)); } return end_execution_reason_t::ok; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::populate_job_process( job_t *job, process_t *proc, const ast::statement_t &statement, const ast::variable_assignment_list_t &variable_assignments) { using namespace ast; // Get the "specific statement" which is boolean / block / if / switch / decorated. const node_t &specific_statement = *statement.contents.contents; const block_t *block = nullptr; end_execution_reason_t result = this->apply_variable_assignments(proc, variable_assignments, &block); cleanup_t scope([&]() { if (block) parser->pop_block(block); }); if (result != end_execution_reason_t::ok) return result; switch (specific_statement.type) { case type_t::not_statement: { result = this->populate_not_process(job, proc, *specific_statement.as()); break; } case type_t::block_statement: result = this->populate_block_process(job, proc, statement, *specific_statement.as()); break; case type_t::if_statement: result = this->populate_block_process(job, proc, statement, *specific_statement.as()); break; case type_t::switch_statement: result = this->populate_block_process(job, proc, statement, *specific_statement.as()); break; case type_t::decorated_statement: { result = this->populate_plain_process(job, proc, *specific_statement.as()); break; } default: { FLOGF(error, L"'%ls' not handled by new parser yet.", specific_statement.describe().c_str()); PARSER_DIE(); break; } } return result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::populate_job_from_job_node( job_t *j, const ast::job_t &job_node, const block_t *associated_block) { UNUSED(associated_block); // We are going to construct process_t structures for every statement in the job. // Create processes. Each one may fail. process_list_t processes; processes.emplace_back(new process_t()); end_execution_reason_t result = this->populate_job_process( j, processes.back().get(), job_node.statement, job_node.variables); // Construct process_ts for job continuations (pipelines). for (const ast::job_continuation_t &jc : job_node.continuation) { if (result != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { break; } // Handle the pipe, whose fd may not be the obvious stdout. auto parsed_pipe = pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(get_source(jc.pipe)); assert(parsed_pipe.has_value() && parsed_pipe->is_pipe && "Failed to parse valid pipe"); if (!parsed_pipe->is_valid()) { result = report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, jc.pipe, ILLEGAL_FD_ERR_MSG, get_source(jc.pipe).c_str()); break; } processes.back()->pipe_write_fd = parsed_pipe->fd; if (parsed_pipe->stderr_merge) { // This was a pipe like &| which redirects both stdout and stderr. // Also redirect stderr to stdout. auto specs = processes.back()->redirection_specs(); specs.push_back(get_stderr_merge()); processes.back()->set_redirection_specs(std::move(specs)); } // Store the new process (and maybe with an error). processes.emplace_back(new process_t()); result = this->populate_job_process(j, processes.back().get(), jc.statement, jc.variables); } // Inform our processes of who is first and last processes.front()->is_first_in_job = true; processes.back()->is_last_in_job = true; // Return what happened. if (result == end_execution_reason_t::ok) { // Link up the processes. assert(!processes.empty()); //!OCLINT(multiple unary operator) j->processes = std::move(processes); } return result; } static bool remove_job(parser_t &parser, job_t *job) { for (auto j = parser.jobs().begin(); j != parser.jobs().end(); ++j) { if (j->get() == job) { parser.jobs().erase(j); return true; } } return false; } /// Decide if a job node should be 'time'd. /// For historical reasons the 'not' and 'time' prefix are "inside out". That is, it's /// 'not time cmd'. Note that a time appearing anywhere in the pipeline affects the whole job. /// `sleep 1 | not time true` will time the whole job! static bool job_node_wants_timing(const ast::job_t &job_node) { // Does our job have the job-level time prefix? if (job_node.time) return true; // Helper to return true if a node is 'not time ...' or 'not not time...' or... auto is_timed_not_statement = [](const ast::statement_t &stat) { const auto *ns = stat.contents->try_as(); while (ns) { if (ns->time) return true; ns = ns->contents.try_as(); } return false; }; // Do we have a 'not time ...' anywhere in our pipeline? if (is_timed_not_statement(job_node.statement)) return true; for (const ast::job_continuation_t &jc : job_node.continuation) { if (is_timed_not_statement(jc.statement)) return true; } return false; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_1_job(const ast::job_t &job_node, const block_t *associated_block) { if (auto ret = check_end_execution()) { return *ret; } // We definitely do not want to execute anything if we're told we're --no-execute! if (no_exec()) return end_execution_reason_t::ok; // Get terminal modes. struct termios tmodes = {}; if (parser->is_interactive() && tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tmodes)) { // Need real error handling here. wperror(L"tcgetattr"); parser->set_last_statuses(statuses_t::just(STATUS_CMD_ERROR)); return end_execution_reason_t::error; } // Increment the eval_level for the duration of this command. scoped_push saved_eval_level(&parser->eval_level, parser->eval_level + 1); // Save the node index. scoped_push saved_node(&executing_job_node, &job_node); // Profiling support. profile_item_t *profile_item = this->parser->create_profile_item(); const auto start_time = profile_item ? profile_item_t::now() : 0; // When we encounter a block construct (e.g. while loop) in the general case, we create a "block // process" containing its node. This allows us to handle block-level redirections. // However, if there are no redirections, then we can just jump into the block directly, which // is significantly faster. if (job_is_simple_block(job_node)) { bool do_time = job_node.time.has_value(); // If no-exec has been given, there is nothing to time. cleanup_t timer = push_timer(do_time && !no_exec()); const block_t *block = nullptr; end_execution_reason_t result = this->apply_variable_assignments(nullptr, job_node.variables, &block); cleanup_t scope([&]() { if (block) parser->pop_block(block); }); const ast::node_t *specific_statement = job_node.statement.contents.get(); assert(specific_statement_type_is_redirectable_block(*specific_statement)); if (result == end_execution_reason_t::ok) { switch (specific_statement->type) { case ast::type_t::block_statement: { result = this->run_block_statement( *specific_statement->as(), associated_block); break; } case ast::type_t::if_statement: { result = this->run_if_statement(*specific_statement->as(), associated_block); break; } case ast::type_t::switch_statement: { result = this->run_switch_statement( *specific_statement->as()); break; } default: { // Other types should be impossible due to the // specific_statement_type_is_redirectable_block check. PARSER_DIE(); break; } } } if (profile_item != nullptr) { profile_item->duration = profile_item_t::now() - start_time; profile_item->level = parser->eval_level; profile_item->cmd = profiling_cmd_name_for_redirectable_block(*specific_statement, *this->pstree); profile_item->skipped = false; } return result; } const auto &ld = parser->libdata(); auto job_control_mode = get_job_control_mode(); // Run all command substitutions in our pgroup. bool wants_job_control = !parser->is_command_substitution() && ((job_control_mode == job_control_t::all) || ((job_control_mode == job_control_t::interactive) && parser->is_interactive()) || (ctx.job_group && ctx.job_group->wants_job_control())); job_t::properties_t props{}; props.initial_background = job_node.bg.has_value(); props.skip_notification = ld.is_subshell || parser->is_block() || ld.is_event || !parser->is_interactive(); props.from_event_handler = ld.is_event; props.job_control = wants_job_control; props.wants_timing = job_node_wants_timing(job_node); // It's an error to have 'time' in a background job. if (props.wants_timing && props.initial_background) { return this->report_error(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, job_node, ERROR_TIME_BACKGROUND); } shared_ptr job = std::make_shared(props, get_source(job_node)); // We are about to populate a job. One possible argument to the job is a command substitution // which may be interested in the job that's populating it, via '--on-job-exit caller'. Record // the job ID here. scoped_push caller_id(&parser->libdata().caller_id, job->internal_job_id); // Populate the job. This may fail for reasons like command_not_found. If this fails, an error // will have been printed. end_execution_reason_t pop_result = this->populate_job_from_job_node(job.get(), job_node, associated_block); caller_id.restore(); // Clean up the job on failure or cancellation. if (pop_result == end_execution_reason_t::ok) { // Resolve the job's group and mark if this job is the first to get it. job->group = job_group_t::resolve_group_for_job(*job, cancel_group, ctx.job_group); assert(job->group && "Should not have a null group"); job->mut_flags().is_group_root = (job->group != ctx.job_group); // Success. Give the job to the parser - it will clean it up. parser->job_add(job); // Check to see if this contained any external commands. bool job_contained_external_command = false; for (const auto &proc : job->processes) { if (proc->type == process_type_t::external) { job_contained_external_command = true; break; } } // Actually execute the job. if (!exec_job(*parser, job, block_io)) { // No process in the job successfully launched. // Ensure statuses are set (#7540). if (auto statuses = job->get_statuses()) { parser->set_last_statuses(statuses.value()); parser->libdata().status_count++; } remove_job(*this->parser, job.get()); } // Update universal variables on external conmmands. // TODO: justify this, why not on every command? if (job_contained_external_command) { parser->vars().universal_barrier(); } } if (profile_item != nullptr) { profile_item->duration = profile_item_t::now() - start_time; profile_item->level = parser->eval_level; profile_item->cmd = job ? job->command() : wcstring(); profile_item->skipped = (pop_result != end_execution_reason_t::ok); } job_reap(*parser, false); // clean up jobs return pop_result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_job_conjunction( const ast::job_conjunction_t &job_expr, const block_t *associated_block) { if (auto reason = check_end_execution()) { return *reason; } end_execution_reason_t result = run_1_job(job_expr.job, associated_block); for (const ast::job_conjunction_continuation_t &jc : job_expr.continuations) { if (result != end_execution_reason_t::ok) { return result; } if (auto reason = check_end_execution()) { return *reason; } // Check the conjunction type. bool skip = false; switch (jc.conjunction.type) { case parse_token_type_t::andand: // AND. Skip if the last job failed. skip = parser->get_last_status() != 0; break; case parse_token_type_t::oror: // OR. Skip if the last job succeeded. skip = parser->get_last_status() == 0; break; default: DIE("Unexpected job conjunction type"); } if (!skip) { result = run_1_job(jc.job, associated_block); } } return result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::test_and_run_1_job_conjunction( const ast::job_conjunction_t &jc, const block_t *associated_block) { // Test this job conjunction if it has an 'and' or 'or' decorator. // If it passes, then run it. if (auto reason = check_end_execution()) { return *reason; } // Maybe skip the job if it has a leading and/or. bool skip = false; if (jc.decorator.has_value()) { switch (jc.decorator->kw) { case parse_keyword_t::kw_and: // AND. Skip if the last job failed. skip = parser->get_last_status() != 0; break; case parse_keyword_t::kw_or: // OR. Skip if the last job succeeded. skip = parser->get_last_status() == 0; break; default: DIE("Unexpected keyword"); } } // Skipping is treated as success. if (skip) { return end_execution_reason_t::ok; } else { return this->run_job_conjunction(jc, associated_block); } } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_job_list(const ast::job_list_t &job_list_node, const block_t *associated_block) { auto result = end_execution_reason_t::ok; for (const ast::job_conjunction_t &jc : job_list_node) { result = test_and_run_1_job_conjunction(jc, associated_block); } // Returns the result of the last job executed or skipped. return result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::run_job_list( const ast::andor_job_list_t &job_list_node, const block_t *associated_block) { auto result = end_execution_reason_t::ok; for (const ast::andor_job_t &aoj : job_list_node) { result = test_and_run_1_job_conjunction(aoj.job, associated_block); } // Returns the result of the last job executed or skipped. return result; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::eval_node(const ast::statement_t &statement, const block_t *associated_block) { // Note we only expect block-style statements here. No not statements. enum end_execution_reason_t status = end_execution_reason_t::ok; const ast::node_t *contents = statement.contents.get(); if (const auto *block = contents->try_as()) { status = this->run_block_statement(*block, associated_block); } else if (const auto *ifstat = contents->try_as()) { status = this->run_if_statement(*ifstat, associated_block); } else if (const auto *switchstat = contents->try_as()) { status = this->run_switch_statement(*switchstat); } else { FLOGF(error, L"Unexpected node %ls found in %s", statement.describe().c_str(), __FUNCTION__); abort(); } return status; } end_execution_reason_t parse_execution_context_t::eval_node(const ast::job_list_t &job_list, const block_t *associated_block) { assert(associated_block && "Null block"); // Check for infinite recursion: a function which immediately calls itself.. wcstring func_name; if (const auto *infinite_recursive_node = this->infinite_recursive_statement_in_job_list(job_list, &func_name)) { // We have an infinite recursion. return this->report_error(STATUS_CMD_ERROR, *infinite_recursive_node, INFINITE_FUNC_RECURSION_ERR_MSG, func_name.c_str()); } // Check for stack overflow. The TOP check ensures we only do this for function calls. if (associated_block->type() == block_type_t::top && parser->function_stack_is_overflowing()) { return this->report_error(STATUS_CMD_ERROR, job_list, CALL_STACK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_ERR_MSG); } return this->run_job_list(job_list, associated_block); } int parse_execution_context_t::line_offset_of_node(const ast::job_t *node) { // If we're not executing anything, return -1. if (!node) { return -1; } // If for some reason we're executing a node without source, return -1. auto range = node->try_source_range(); if (!range) { return -1; } return this->line_offset_of_character_at_offset(range->start); } int parse_execution_context_t::line_offset_of_character_at_offset(size_t offset) { // Count the number of newlines, leveraging our cache. assert(offset <= pstree->src.size()); // Easy hack to handle 0. if (offset == 0) { return 0; } // We want to return (one plus) the number of newlines at offsets less than the given offset. // cached_lineno_count is the number of newlines at indexes less than cached_lineno_offset. const wchar_t *str = pstree->src.c_str(); if (offset > cached_lineno_offset) { size_t i; for (i = cached_lineno_offset; i < offset && str[i] != L'\0'; i++) { // Add one for every newline we find in the range [cached_lineno_offset, offset). if (str[i] == L'\n') { cached_lineno_count++; } } cached_lineno_offset = i; // note: i, not offset, in case offset is beyond the length of the string } else if (offset < cached_lineno_offset) { // Subtract one for every newline we find in the range [offset, cached_lineno_offset). for (size_t i = offset; i < cached_lineno_offset; i++) { if (str[i] == L'\n') { cached_lineno_count--; } } cached_lineno_offset = offset; } return cached_lineno_count; } int parse_execution_context_t::get_current_line_number() { int line_number = -1; int line_offset = this->line_offset_of_node(this->executing_job_node); if (line_offset >= 0) { // The offset is 0 based; the number is 1 based. line_number = line_offset + 1; } return line_number; } int parse_execution_context_t::get_current_source_offset() const { int result = -1; if (executing_job_node) { if (auto range = executing_job_node->try_source_range()) { result = static_cast(range->start); } } return result; }