complete -c functions -s e -l erase --description "Erase function" -x -a "(functions -n)" complete -c functions -xa "(functions -na)" --description "Function" complete -c functions -s a -l all --description "Show hidden functions" complete -c functions -s h -l help --description "Display help and exit" complete -c functions -s d -l description --description "Set function description" -x complete -c functions -s q -l query --description "Test if function is defined" complete -c functions -s n -l names --description "List the names of the functions, but not their definition" complete -c functions -s c -l copy --description "Copy the specified function to the specified new name" complete -c functions -s D -l details --description "Display information about the function" complete -c functions -s v -l verbose --description "Print more output"