/* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Axel Liljencrantz This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** \file fish.c The main loop of <tt>fish</tt>. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <termios.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/param.h> #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include <getopt.h> #endif #include <locale.h> #include <signal.h> #include "fallback.h" #include "util.h" #include "common.h" #include "reader.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "function.h" #include "complete.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "env.h" #include "sanity.h" #include "proc.h" #include "parser.h" #include "expand.h" #include "intern.h" #include "exec.h" #include "event.h" #include "output.h" #include "history.h" #include "path.h" #include "input.h" /* PATH_MAX may not exist */ #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 1024 #endif /** The string describing the single-character options accepted by the main fish binary */ #define GETOPT_STRING "+hilnvc:p:d:" static bool has_suffix(const std::string &path, const char *suffix, bool ignore_case) { size_t pathlen = path.size(), suffixlen = strlen(suffix); return pathlen >= suffixlen && !(ignore_case ? strcasecmp : strcmp)(path.c_str() + pathlen - suffixlen, suffix); } /* Modifies the given path by calling realpath. Returns true if realpath succeeded, false otherwise */ static bool get_realpath(std::string &path) { char buff[PATH_MAX], *ptr; if ((ptr = realpath(path.c_str(), buff))) { path = ptr; } return ptr != NULL; } /* OS X function for getting the executable path */ extern "C" { int _NSGetExecutablePath(char* buf, uint32_t* bufsize); } /* Return the path to the current executable. This needs to be realpath'd. */ static std::string get_executable_path(const char *argv0) { char buff[PATH_MAX]; #if __APPLE__ { /* Returns 0 on success, -1 if the buffer is too small */ uint32_t buffSize = sizeof buff; if (0 == _NSGetExecutablePath(buff, &buffSize)) return std::string(buff); /* Loop until we're big enough */ char *mbuff = (char *)malloc(buffSize); while (0 > _NSGetExecutablePath(mbuff, &buffSize)) mbuff = (char *)realloc(mbuff, buffSize); /* Return the string */ std::string result = mbuff; free(mbuff); return result; } #endif { /* On other Unixes, try /proc directory. This might be worth breaking out into macros. */ if (0 < readlink("/proc/self/exe", buff, sizeof buff) || // Linux 0 < readlink("/proc/curproc/file", buff, sizeof buff) || // BSD 0 < readlink("/proc/self/path/a.out", buff, sizeof buff)) // Solaris { return std::string(buff); } } /* Just return argv0, which probably won't work (i.e. it's not an absolute path or a path relative to the working directory, but instead something the caller found via $PATH). We'll eventually fall back to the compile time paths. */ return std::string(argv0 ? argv0 : ""); } static struct config_paths_t determine_config_directory_paths(const char *argv0) { struct config_paths_t paths; bool done = false; std::string exec_path = get_executable_path(argv0); if (get_realpath(exec_path)) { #if __APPLE__ /* On OS X, maybe we're an app bundle, and should use the bundle's files. Since we don't link CF, use this lame approach to test it: see if the resolved path ends with /Contents/MacOS/fish, case insensitive since HFS+ usually is. */ if (! done) { const char *suffix = "/Contents/MacOS/fish"; const size_t suffixlen = strlen(suffix); if (has_suffix(exec_path, suffix, true)) { /* Looks like we're a bundle. Cut the string at the / prefixing /Contents... and then the rest */ wcstring wide_resolved_path = str2wcstring(exec_path); wide_resolved_path.resize(exec_path.size() - suffixlen); wide_resolved_path.append(L"/Contents/Resources/"); /* Append share, etc, doc */ paths.data = wide_resolved_path + L"share/fish"; paths.sysconf = wide_resolved_path + L"etc/fish"; paths.doc = wide_resolved_path + L"doc/fish"; /* But the bin_dir is the resolved_path, minus fish (aka the MacOS directory) */ paths.bin = str2wcstring(exec_path); paths.bin.resize(paths.bin.size() - strlen("/fish")); done = true; } } #endif if (! done) { /* The next check is that we are in a reloctable directory tree like this: bin/fish etc/fish share/fish Check it! */ const char *suffix = "/bin/fish"; if (has_suffix(exec_path, suffix, false)) { wcstring base_path = str2wcstring(exec_path); base_path.resize(base_path.size() - strlen(suffix)); paths.data = base_path + L"/share/fish"; paths.sysconf = base_path + L"/etc/fish"; paths.doc = base_path + L"/share/doc/fish"; paths.bin = base_path + L"/bin"; struct stat buf; if (0 == wstat(paths.data, &buf) && 0 == wstat(paths.sysconf, &buf) && 0 == wstat(paths.doc, &buf)) { done = true; } } } } if (! done) { /* Fall back to what got compiled in. */ paths.data = L"" DATADIR "/fish"; paths.sysconf = L"" SYSCONFDIR "/fish"; paths.doc = L"" DOCDIR; paths.bin = L"" BINDIR; done = true; } return paths; } /* Source the file config.fish in the given directory */ static void source_config_in_directory(const wcstring &dir) { /* We want to execute a command like 'builtin source dir/config.fish 2>/dev/null' */ const wcstring escaped_dir = escape_string(dir, ESCAPE_ALL); const wcstring cmd = L"builtin source " + escaped_dir + L"/config.fish 2>/dev/null"; parser_t &parser = parser_t::principal_parser(); parser.eval(cmd, io_chain_t(), TOP); } /** Parse init files. exec_path is the path of fish executable as determined by argv[0]. */ static int read_init(const struct config_paths_t &paths) { source_config_in_directory(paths.data); source_config_in_directory(paths.sysconf); /* We need to get the configuration directory before we can source the user configuration file. If path_get_config returns false then we have no configuration directory and no custom config to load. */ wcstring config_dir; if (path_get_config(config_dir)) { source_config_in_directory(config_dir); } return 1; } /** Parse the argument list, return the index of the first non-switch arguments. */ static int fish_parse_opt(int argc, char **argv, std::vector<std::string> *out_cmds) { int my_optind; int force_interactive=0; bool has_cmd = false; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { { "command", required_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "debug-level", required_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "interactive", no_argument, 0, 'i' } , { "login", no_argument, 0, 'l' }, { "no-execute", no_argument, 0, 'n' }, { "profile", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } } ; int opt_index = 0; int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, GETOPT_STRING, long_options, &opt_index); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 0: { break; } case 'c': { out_cmds->push_back(optarg ? optarg : ""); has_cmd = true; is_interactive_session = 0; break; } case 'd': { char *end; long tmp; errno = 0; tmp = strtol(optarg, &end, 10); if (tmp >= 0 && tmp <=10 && !*end && !errno) { debug_level = (int)tmp; } else { debug(0, _(L"Invalid value '%s' for debug level switch"), optarg); exit_without_destructors(1); } break; } case 'h': { out_cmds->push_back("__fish_print_help fish"); has_cmd = true; break; } case 'i': { force_interactive = 1; break; } case 'l': { is_login=1; break; } case 'n': { no_exec=1; break; } case 'p': { profile = optarg; break; } case 'v': { fwprintf(stderr, _(L"%s, version %s\n"), PACKAGE_NAME, FISH_BUILD_VERSION); exit_without_destructors(0); } case '?': { exit_without_destructors(1); } } } my_optind = optind; is_login |= (strcmp(argv[0], "-fish") == 0); /* We are an interactive session if we are either forced, or have not been given an explicit command to execute and stdin is a tty. */ if (force_interactive) { is_interactive_session = true; } else if (is_interactive_session) { is_interactive_session = ! has_cmd && (my_optind == argc) && isatty(STDIN_FILENO); } return my_optind; } extern int g_fork_count; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int res=1; int my_optind=0; set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L""); is_interactive_session=1; program_name=L"fish"; //struct stat tmp; //stat("----------FISH_HIT_MAIN----------", &tmp); std::vector<std::string> cmds; my_optind = fish_parse_opt(argc, argv, &cmds); /* No-exec is prohibited when in interactive mode */ if (is_interactive_session && no_exec) { debug(1, _(L"Can not use the no-execute mode when running an interactive session")); no_exec = 0; } /* Only save (and therefore restore) the fg process group if we are interactive. See #197, #1002 */ if (is_interactive_session) { save_term_foreground_process_group(); } const struct config_paths_t paths = determine_config_directory_paths(argv[0]); proc_init(); event_init(); wutil_init(); builtin_init(); function_init(); env_init(&paths); reader_init(); history_init(); /* For setcolor to support term256 in config.fish (#1022) */ update_fish_term256(); parser_t &parser = parser_t::principal_parser(); if (g_log_forks) printf("%d: g_fork_count: %d\n", __LINE__, g_fork_count); const io_chain_t empty_ios; if (read_init(paths)) { /* Stop the exit status of any initialization commands (#635) */ proc_set_last_status(STATUS_BUILTIN_OK); /* Run the commands specified as arguments, if any */ if (! cmds.empty()) { /* Do something nasty to support OpenSUSE assuming we're bash. This may modify cmds. */ if (is_login) { fish_xdm_login_hack_hack_hack_hack(&cmds, argc - my_optind, argv + my_optind); } for (size_t i=0; i < cmds.size(); i++) { const wcstring cmd_wcs = str2wcstring(cmds.at(i)); res = parser.eval(cmd_wcs, empty_ios, TOP); } reader_exit(0, 0); } else { if (my_optind == argc) { res = reader_read(STDIN_FILENO, empty_ios); } else { char **ptr; char *file = *(argv+(my_optind++)); int i; int fd; if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { wperror(L"open"); return 1; } // OK to not do this atomically since we cannot have gone multithreaded yet set_cloexec(fd); if (*(argv+my_optind)) { wcstring sb; for (i=1,ptr = argv+my_optind; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (i != 1) sb.append(ARRAY_SEP_STR); sb.append(str2wcstring(*ptr)); } env_set(L"argv", sb.c_str(), 0); } const wcstring rel_filename = str2wcstring(file); const wchar_t *abs_filename = wrealpath(rel_filename, NULL); if (!abs_filename) { abs_filename = wcsdup(rel_filename.c_str()); } reader_push_current_filename(intern(abs_filename)); free((void *)abs_filename); res = reader_read(fd, empty_ios); if (res) { debug(1, _(L"Error while reading file %ls\n"), reader_current_filename()?reader_current_filename(): _(L"Standard input")); } reader_pop_current_filename(); } } } proc_fire_event(L"PROCESS_EXIT", EVENT_EXIT, getpid(), res); restore_term_mode(); restore_term_foreground_process_group(); history_destroy(); proc_destroy(); builtin_destroy(); reader_destroy(); parser.destroy(); wutil_destroy(); event_destroy(); env_destroy(); if (g_log_forks) printf("%d: g_fork_count: %d\n", __LINE__, g_fork_count); exit_without_destructors(res ? STATUS_UNKNOWN_COMMAND : proc_get_last_status()); return EXIT_FAILURE; //above line should always exit }