use super::prelude::*; use crate::tinyexpr::te_interp; /// The maximum number of points after the decimal that we'll print. const DEFAULT_SCALE: usize = 6; /// The end of the range such that every integer is representable as a double. /// i.e. this is the first value such that x + 1 == x (or == x + 2, depending on rounding mode). const MAX_CONTIGUOUS_INTEGER: f64 = (1_u64 << f64::MANTISSA_DIGITS) as f64; struct Options { print_help: bool, scale: usize, base: usize, } fn parse_cmd_opts( args: &mut [&wstr], parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, ) -> Result<(Options, usize), Option> { const cmd: &wstr = L!("math"); let print_hints = true; // This command is atypical in using the "+" (REQUIRE_ORDER) option for flag parsing. // This is needed because of the minus, `-`, operator in math expressions. const SHORT_OPTS: &wstr = L!("+:hs:b:"); const LONG_OPTS: &[woption] = &[ wopt(L!("scale"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 's'), wopt(L!("base"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 'b'), wopt(L!("help"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'h'), ]; let mut opts = Options { print_help: false, scale: DEFAULT_SCALE, base: 10, }; let mut have_scale = false; let mut w = wgetopter_t::new(SHORT_OPTS, LONG_OPTS, args); while let Some(c) = w.wgetopt_long() { match c { 's' => { let optarg = w.woptarg.unwrap(); have_scale = true; // "max" is the special value that tells us to pick the maximum scale. if optarg == "max" { opts.scale = 15; } else { let scale = fish_wcstoi(optarg); if scale.is_err() || scale.unwrap() < 0 || scale.unwrap() > 15 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: %ls: invalid base value\n", cmd, optarg )); return Err(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS); } // We know the value is in the range [0, 15] opts.scale = scale.unwrap() as usize; } } 'b' => { let optarg = w.woptarg.unwrap(); if optarg == "hex" { opts.base = 16; } else if optarg == "octal" { opts.base = 8; } else { let base = fish_wcstoi(optarg); if base.is_err() || (base.unwrap() != 8 && base.unwrap() != 16) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: %ls: invalid base value\n", cmd, optarg )); return Err(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS); } // We know the value is 8 or 16. opts.base = base.unwrap() as usize; } } 'h' => { opts.print_help = true; } ':' => { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, args[w.woptind - 1], print_hints); return Err(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS); } '?' => { // For most commands this is an error. We ignore it because a math expression // can begin with a minus sign. return Ok((opts, w.woptind - 1)); } _ => { panic!("unexpected retval from"); } } } if have_scale && opts.scale != 0 && opts.base != 10 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO2, cmd, "non-zero scale value only valid for base 10" )); return Err(STATUS_INVALID_ARGS); } Ok((opts, w.woptind)) } /// Return a formatted version of the value `v` respecting the given `opts`. fn format_double(mut v: f64, opts: &Options) -> WString { if opts.base == 16 { v = v.trunc(); let mneg = if v.is_sign_negative() { "-" } else { "" }; return sprintf!("%s0x%lx", mneg, v.abs() as u64); } else if opts.base == 8 { v = v.trunc(); if v == 0.0 { // not 00 return WString::from_str("0"); } let mneg = if v.is_sign_negative() { "-" } else { "" }; return sprintf!("%s0%lo", mneg, v.abs() as u64); } // As a special-case, a scale of 0 means to truncate to an integer // instead of rounding. if opts.scale == 0 { v = v.trunc(); return sprintf!("%.*f", opts.scale, v); } let mut ret = sprintf!("%.*f", opts.scale, v); // If we contain a decimal separator, trim trailing zeros after it, and then the separator // itself if there's nothing after it. Detect a decimal separator as a non-digit. if ret.chars().any(|c| !c.is_ascii_digit()) { let trailing_zeroes = ret.chars().rev().take_while(|&c| c == '0').count(); let mut to_keep = ret.len() - trailing_zeroes; if ret.as_char_slice()[to_keep - 1] == '.' { to_keep -= 1; } ret.truncate(to_keep); } // If we trimmed everything it must have just been zero. // TODO: can this ever happen? if ret.is_empty() { ret.push('0'); } ret } fn evaluate_expression( cmd: &wstr, streams: &mut IoStreams, opts: &Options, expression: &wstr, ) -> Option { let ret = te_interp(expression); match ret { Ok(n) => { // Check some runtime errors after the fact. // TODO: Really, this should be done in tinyexpr // (e.g. infinite is the result of "x / 0"), // but that's much more work. let error_message = if n.is_infinite() { L!("Result is infinite") } else if n.is_nan() { L!("Result is not a number") } else if n.abs() >= MAX_CONTIGUOUS_INTEGER { L!("Result magnitude is too large") } else { let mut s = format_double(n, opts); s.push('\n'); streams.out.append(s); return STATUS_CMD_OK; }; streams .err .append(sprintf!("%ls: Error: %ls\n", cmd, error_message)); streams.err.append(sprintf!("'%ls'\n", expression)); STATUS_CMD_ERROR } Err(err) => { streams.err.append(sprintf!( L!("%ls: Error: %ls\n"), cmd, err.kind.describe_wstr() )); streams.err.append(sprintf!("'%ls'\n", expression)); let padding = WString::from_chars(vec![' '; err.position + 1]); if err.len >= 2 { let tildes = WString::from_chars(vec!['~'; err.len - 2]); streams.err.append(sprintf!("%ls^%ls^\n", padding, tildes)); } else { streams.err.append(sprintf!("%ls^\n", padding)); } STATUS_CMD_ERROR } } } /// How much math reads at one. We don't expect very long input. const MATH_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 1024; /// The math builtin evaluates math expressions. pub fn math(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, argv: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option { let cmd = argv[0]; let (opts, mut optind) = match parse_cmd_opts(argv, parser, streams) { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => return e, }; if opts.print_help { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } let mut expression = WString::new(); for (arg, _) in Arguments::new(argv, &mut optind, streams, MATH_CHUNK_SIZE) { if !expression.is_empty() { expression.push(' ') } expression.push_utfstr(&arg); } if expression.is_empty() { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_MIN_ARG_COUNT1, cmd, 1, 0)); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } evaluate_expression(cmd, streams, &opts, &expression) }