use crate::common::{is_windows_subsystem_for_linux, str2wcstring, wcs2osstring}; use crate::env::{EnvMode, EnvStack}; use crate::fds::wopen_cloexec; use crate::history::{self, History, HistoryItem, HistorySearch, PathList, SearchDirection}; use crate::path::path_get_data; use crate::tests::prelude::*; use crate::tests::string_escape::ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; use crate::wcstringutil::{string_prefixes_string, string_prefixes_string_case_insensitive}; use nix::{fcntl::OFlag, sys::stat::Mode}; use rand::random; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::ffi::CString; use std::io::BufReader; use std::time::SystemTime; use std::time::UNIX_EPOCH; fn history_contains(history: &History, txt: &wstr) -> bool { for i in 1.. { let Some(item) = history.item_at_index(i) else { break; }; if item.str() == txt { return true; } } false } fn random_string() -> WString { let mut result = WString::new(); let max = 1 + random::() % 32; for _ in 0..max { let c = char::from_u32(u32::try_from(1 + random::() % ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR).unwrap()) .unwrap(); result.push(c); } result } #[test] #[serial] fn test_history() { let _cleanup = test_init(); macro_rules! test_history_matches { ($search:expr, $expected:expr) => { let expected: Vec<&wstr> = $expected; let mut found = vec![]; while $search.go_to_next_match(SearchDirection::Backward) { found.push($search.current_string().to_owned()); } assert_eq!(expected, found); }; } let items = [ L!("Gamma"), L!("beta"), L!("BetA"), L!("Beta"), L!("alpha"), L!("AlphA"), L!("Alpha"), L!("alph"), L!("ALPH"), L!("ZZZ"), ]; let nocase = history::SearchFlags::IGNORE_CASE; // Populate a history. let history = History::with_name(L!("test_history")); history.clear(); for s in items { history.add_commandline(s.to_owned()); } // Helper to set expected items to those matching a predicate, in reverse order. let set_expected = |filt: fn(&wstr) -> bool| { let mut expected = vec![]; for s in items { if filt(s) { expected.push(s); } } expected.reverse(); expected }; // Items matching "a", case-sensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new(history.clone(), L!("a").to_owned()); let expected = set_expected(|s| s.contains('a')); test_history_matches!(searcher, expected); // Items matching "alpha", case-insensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new_with_flags(history.clone(), L!("AlPhA").to_owned(), nocase); let expected = set_expected(|s| s.to_lowercase().find(L!("alpha")).is_some()); test_history_matches!(searcher, expected); // Items matching "et", case-sensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new(history.clone(), L!("et").to_owned()); let expected = set_expected(|s| s.find(L!("et")).is_some()); test_history_matches!(searcher, expected); // Items starting with "be", case-sensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new_with_type( history.clone(), L!("be").to_owned(), history::SearchType::Prefix, ); let expected = set_expected(|s| string_prefixes_string(L!("be"), s)); test_history_matches!(searcher, expected); // Items starting with "be", case-insensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new_with( history.clone(), L!("be").to_owned(), history::SearchType::Prefix, nocase, 0, ); let expected = set_expected(|s| string_prefixes_string_case_insensitive(L!("be"), s)); test_history_matches!(searcher, expected); // Items exactly matching "alph", case-sensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new_with_type( history.clone(), L!("alph").to_owned(), history::SearchType::Exact, ); let expected = set_expected(|s| s == "alph"); test_history_matches!(searcher, expected); // Items exactly matching "alph", case-insensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new_with( history.clone(), L!("alph").to_owned(), history::SearchType::Exact, nocase, 0, ); let expected = set_expected(|s| s.to_lowercase() == "alph"); test_history_matches!(searcher, expected); // Test item removal case-sensitive. let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new(history.clone(), L!("Alpha").to_owned()); test_history_matches!(searcher, vec![L!("Alpha")]); history.remove(L!("Alpha")); let mut searcher = HistorySearch::new(history.clone(), L!("Alpha").to_owned()); test_history_matches!(searcher, vec![]); // Test history escaping and unescaping, yaml, etc. let mut before: VecDeque = VecDeque::new(); let mut after: VecDeque = VecDeque::new(); history.clear(); let max = 100; for i in 1..=max { // Generate a value. let mut value = WString::from_str("test item ") + &i.to_wstring()[..]; // Maybe add some backslashes. if i % 3 == 0 { value += L!("(slashies \\\\\\ slashies)"); } // Generate some paths. let mut paths = PathList::new(); for _ in 0..random::() % 6 { paths.push(random_string()); } // Record this item. let mut item = HistoryItem::new(value, SystemTime::now(), 0, history::PersistenceMode::Disk); item.set_required_paths(paths); before.push_back(item.clone()); history.add(item, false); }; // Empty items should just be dropped (#6032). history.add_commandline(L!("").into()); assert!(!history.item_at_index(1).unwrap().is_empty()); // Read items back in reverse order and ensure they're the same. for i in (1..=100).rev() { after.push_back(history.item_at_index(i).unwrap()); } assert_eq!(before.len(), after.len()); for i in 0..before.len() { let bef = &before[i]; let aft = &after[i]; assert_eq!(bef.str(), aft.str()); assert_eq!(bef.timestamp(), aft.timestamp()); assert_eq!(bef.get_required_paths(), aft.get_required_paths()); } // Items should be explicitly added to the history. history.add_commandline(L!("test-command").into()); assert!(history_contains(&history, L!("test-command"))); // Clean up after our tests. history.clear(); } // Wait until the next second. fn time_barrier() { let start = SystemTime::now(); loop { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)); if SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_secs() != start.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs() { break; } } } fn generate_history_lines(item_count: usize, idx: usize) -> Vec { let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(item_count); for i in 0..item_count { result.push(sprintf!("%lu %lu", idx, i)); } result } fn test_history_races_pound_on_history(item_count: usize, idx: usize) { let _cleanup = test_init(); // Called in child thread to modify history. let hist = History::new(L!("race_test")); let hist_lines = generate_history_lines(item_count, idx); for line in hist_lines { hist.add_commandline(line);; } } #[test] #[serial] fn test_history_races() { let _cleanup = test_init(); // This always fails under WSL if is_windows_subsystem_for_linux() { return; } // This fails too often on Github Actions, // leading to a bunch of spurious test failures on unrelated PRs. // For now it's better to disable it. // TODO: Figure out *why* it does that and fix it. if std::env::var_os("CI").is_some() { return; } // Testing history race conditions // Test concurrent history writing. // How many concurrent writers we have const RACE_COUNT: usize = 4; // How many items each writer makes const ITEM_COUNT: usize = 256; // Ensure history is clear. History::new(L!("race_test")).clear(); //; let mut children = Vec::with_capacity(RACE_COUNT); for i in 0..RACE_COUNT { children.push(std::thread::spawn(move || { test_history_races_pound_on_history(ITEM_COUNT, i); })); } // Wait for all children. for child in children { child.join().unwrap(); } // Compute the expected lines. let mut expected_lines: [Vec; RACE_COUNT] = std::array::from_fn(|i| generate_history_lines(ITEM_COUNT, i)); // Ensure we consider the lines that have been outputted as part of our history. time_barrier(); // Ensure that we got sane, sorted results. let hist = History::new(L!("race_test"));; // History is enumerated from most recent to least // Every item should be the last item in some array let mut hist_idx = 0; loop { hist_idx += 1; let Some(item) = hist.item_at_index(hist_idx) else { break; }; let mut found = false; for list in &mut expected_lines { let Some(position) = list.iter().position(|elem| *elem == item.str()) else { continue; }; // Remove everything from this item on let removed = list.splice(position.., []); for line in removed.into_iter().rev() { println!("Item dropped from history: {line}"); } found = true; break; } if !found { println!( "Line '{}' found in history, but not found in some array", item.str() ); for list in &expected_lines { if !list.is_empty() { printf!("\tRemaining: %ls\n", list.last().unwrap()) } } } } // +1 to account for history's 1-based offset let expected_idx = RACE_COUNT * ITEM_COUNT + 1; assert_eq!(hist_idx, expected_idx); for list in expected_lines { assert_eq!(list, Vec::::new(), "Lines still left in the array"); } hist.clear(); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_history_merge() { let _cleanup = test_init(); // In a single fish process, only one history is allowed to exist with the given name But it's // common to have multiple history instances with the same name active in different processes, // e.g. when you have multiple shells open. We try to get that right and merge all their history // together. Test that case. const COUNT: usize = 3; let name = L!("merge_test"); let hists = [History::new(name), History::new(name), History::new(name)]; let texts = [L!("History 1"), L!("History 2"), L!("History 3")]; let alt_texts = [ L!("History Alt 1"), L!("History Alt 2"), L!("History Alt 3"), ]; // Make sure history is clear. for hist in &hists { hist.clear(); } // Make sure we don't add an item in the same second as we created the history. time_barrier(); // Add a different item to each. for i in 0..COUNT { hists[i].add_commandline(texts[i].to_owned()); } // Save them. for hist in &hists { } // Make sure each history contains what it ought to, but they have not leaked into each other. #[allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)] for i in 0..COUNT { for j in 0..COUNT { let does_contain = history_contains(&hists[i], texts[j]); let should_contain = i == j; assert_eq!(should_contain, does_contain); } } // Make a new history. It should contain everything. The time_barrier() is so that the timestamp // is newer, since we only pick up items whose timestamp is before the birth stamp. time_barrier(); let everything = History::new(name); for text in texts { assert!(history_contains(&everything, text)); } // Tell all histories to merge. Now everybody should have everything. for hist in &hists { hist.incorporate_external_changes(); } // Everyone should also have items in the same order (#2312) let hist_vals1 = hists[0].get_history(); for hist in &hists { assert_eq!(hist_vals1, hist.get_history()); } // Add some more per-history items. for i in 0..COUNT { hists[i].add_commandline(alt_texts[i].to_owned()); } // Everybody should have old items, but only one history should have each new item. #[allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)] for i in 0..COUNT { for j in 0..COUNT { // Old item. assert!(history_contains(&hists[i], texts[j])); // New item. let does_contain = history_contains(&hists[i], alt_texts[j]); let should_contain = i == j; assert_eq!(should_contain, does_contain); } } // Make sure incorporate_external_changes doesn't drop items! (#3496) let writer = &hists[0]; let reader = &hists[1]; let more_texts = [ L!("Item_#3496_1"), L!("Item_#3496_2"), L!("Item_#3496_3"), L!("Item_#3496_4"), L!("Item_#3496_5"), L!("Item_#3496_6"), ]; for i in 0..more_texts.len() { // time_barrier because merging will ignore items that may be newer if i > 0 { time_barrier(); } writer.add_commandline(more_texts[i].to_owned()); writer.incorporate_external_changes(); reader.incorporate_external_changes(); for text in more_texts.iter().take(i) { assert!(history_contains(reader, text)); } } everything.clear(); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_history_path_detection() { let _cleanup = test_init(); // Regression test for #7582. let tmpdirbuff = CString::new("/tmp/fish_test_history.XXXXXX").unwrap(); let tmpdir = unsafe { libc::mkdtemp(tmpdirbuff.into_raw()) }; let tmpdir = unsafe { CString::from_raw(tmpdir) }; let mut tmpdir = str2wcstring(tmpdir.to_bytes()); if !tmpdir.ends_with('/') { tmpdir.push('/'); } // Place one valid file in the directory. let filename = L!("testfile"); std::fs::write(wcs2osstring(&(tmpdir.clone() + &filename[..])), []).unwrap(); let test_vars = EnvStack::new(); test_vars.set_one(L!("PWD"), EnvMode::GLOBAL, tmpdir.clone()); test_vars.set_one(L!("HOME"), EnvMode::GLOBAL, tmpdir.clone()); let history = History::with_name(L!("path_detection")); history.clear(); assert_eq!(history.size(), 0); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( L!("cmd0 not/a/valid/path"), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( &(L!("cmd1 ").to_owned() + filename), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( &(L!("cmd2 ").to_owned() + &tmpdir[..] + L!("/") + filename), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( &(L!("cmd3 $HOME/").to_owned() + filename), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( L!("cmd4 $HOME/notafile"), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( &(L!("cmd5 ~/").to_owned() + filename), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( L!("cmd6 ~/notafile"), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( L!("cmd7 ~/*f*"), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.clone().add_pending_with_file_detection( L!("cmd8 ~/*zzz*"), &test_vars, history::PersistenceMode::Disk, ); history.resolve_pending(); const hist_size: usize = 9; assert_eq!(history.size(), 9); // Expected sets of paths. let expected_paths = [ vec![], // cmd0 vec![filename.to_owned()], // cmd1 vec![tmpdir + L!("/") + filename], // cmd2 vec![L!("$HOME/").to_owned() + filename], // cmd3 vec![], // cmd4 vec![L!("~/").to_owned() + filename], // cmd5 vec![], // cmd6 vec![], // cmd7 - we do not expand globs vec![], // cmd8 ]; let maxlap = 128; for _lap in 0..maxlap { let mut failures = 0; for i in 1..=hist_size { if history.item_at_index(i).unwrap().get_required_paths() != expected_paths[hist_size - i] { failures += 1; } } if failures == 0 { break; } // The file detection takes a little time since it occurs in the background. // Loop until the test passes. std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(2)); } history.clear(); } fn install_sample_history(name: &wstr) { let path = path_get_data().expect("Failed to get data directory"); std::fs::copy( wcs2osstring(&(L!("tests/").to_owned() + &name[..])), wcs2osstring(&(path + L!("/") + &name[..] + L!("_history"))), ) .unwrap(); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_history_formats() { let _cleanup = test_init(); // Test inferring and reading legacy and bash history formats. let name = L!("history_sample_fish_2_0"); install_sample_history(name); let expected: Vec = vec![ "echo this has\\\nbackslashes".into(), "function foo\necho bar\nend".into(), "echo alpha".into(), ]; let test_history_imported = History::with_name(name); assert_eq!(test_history_imported.get_history(), expected); test_history_imported.clear(); // Test bash import // The results are in the reverse order that they appear in the bash history file. // We don't expect whitespace to be elided (#4908: except for leading/trailing whitespace) let expected: Vec = vec![ "EOF".into(), "sleep 123".into(), "posix_cmd_sub $(is supported but only splits on newlines)".into(), "posix_cmd_sub \"$(is supported)\"".into(), "a && echo valid construct".into(), "final line".into(), "echo supsup".into(), "export XVAR='exported'".into(), "history --help".into(), "echo foo".into(), ]; let test_history_imported_from_bash = History::with_name(L!("bash_import")); let file = wopen_cloexec( L!("tests/history_sample_bash"), OFlag::O_RDONLY, Mode::empty(), ) .unwrap(); test_history_imported_from_bash.populate_from_bash(BufReader::new(file)); assert_eq!(test_history_imported_from_bash.get_history(), expected); test_history_imported_from_bash.clear(); let name = L!("history_sample_corrupt1"); install_sample_history(name); // We simply invoke get_string_representation. If we don't die, the test is a success. let test_history_imported_from_corrupted = History::with_name(name); let expected: Vec = vec![ "no_newline_at_end_of_file".into(), "corrupt_prefix".into(), "this_command_is_ok".into(), ]; assert_eq!(test_history_imported_from_corrupted.get_history(), expected); test_history_imported_from_corrupted.clear(); }