# This file is explicitly sourced by the npm and yarn completions # It is used to enumerate entries from the npm registry, interact with a locally installed # package.json file, and more. # Other completions that would depend on this include jspm, pnpm, etc. # If all-the-package-names is installed, it will be used to generate npm completions. # Install globally with `sudo npm install -g all-the-package-names`. Keep it up to date. function __npm_helper_installed # This function takes the command to globally install a package as $argv[1] if not type -q all-the-package-names if not set -qg __fish_npm_pkg_info_shown set -l old (commandline) commandline -r "" echo \nfish: Run `$argv[1] all-the-package-names` to gain intelligent \ package completion >&2 commandline -f repaint commandline -r $old set -g __fish_npm_pkg_info_shown 1 end return 1 end end # Entire list of packages is too long to be used efficiently in a `complete` subcommand. # Search it for matches instead. function __npm_filtered_list_packages # This function takes the command to globally install a package as $argv[1] if not __npm_helper_installed $argv[1] return end # Do not provide any completions if nothing has been entered yet to avoid long hang. if string match -r . (commandline -ct) # Filter the results here rather than in the C++ code due to #5267 all-the-package-names | string match -er -- '(?:\b|_|^)'(commandline -ct | string escape --style=regex) | head -n1000 end end function __npm_find_package_json set -l parents (__fish_parent_directories (pwd -P)) for p in $parents if test -f "$p/package.json" echo "$p/package.json" return 0 end end return 1 end function __npm_installed_global_packages set -l prefix (npm prefix -g) set -l node_modules "$prefix/lib/node_modules" for path in $node_modules/* set -l mod (path basename -- $path) if string match -rq "^@" $mod for sub_path in $path/* set -l sub_mod (string split '/' $sub_path)[-1] echo $mod/$sub_mod end else echo $mod end end end function __npm_installed_local_packages set -l package_json (__npm_find_package_json) if not test $status -eq 0 # no package.json in tree return 1 end if set -l python (__fish_anypython) $python -S -c 'import json, sys; data = json.load(sys.stdin); print("\n".join(data["dependencies"])); print("\n".join(data["devDependencies"]))' <$package_json 2>/dev/null else if type -q jq jq -r '.dependencies as $a1 | .devDependencies as $a2 | ($a1 + $a2) | to_entries[] | .key' $package_json else set -l depsFound 0 for line in (cat $package_json) # echo "evaluating $line" if test $depsFound -eq 0 # echo "mode: noDeps" if string match -qr '(devD|d)ependencies"' -- $line # echo "switching to mode: deps" set depsFound 1 continue end continue end if string match -qr '\}' -- $line # echo "switching to mode: noDeps" set depsFound 0 continue end # echo "mode: deps" string replace -r '^\s*"([^"]+)".*' '$1' -- $line end end end