\section history history - Show and manipulate command history \subsection history-synopsis Synopsis \fish{syn} history [--save|--clear] history [--search|--delete] [--prefix "prefix string"|--contains "search string"] \endfish \subsection history-description Description `history` is used to list, search and delete the history of commands used. The following options are available: - `--save` saves all changes in the history file. The shell automatically saves the history file; this option is provided for internal use. - `--clear` clears the history file. A prompt is displayed before the history is erased. - `--search` returns history items in keeping with the `--prefix` or `--contains` options. - `--delete` deletes history items. - `--prefix` searches or deletes items in the history that begin with the specified text string. - `--contains` searches or deletes items in the history that contain the specified text string. If `--search` is specified without `--contains` or `--prefix`, `--contains` will be assumed. If `--delete` is specified without `--contains` or `--prefix`, only a history item which exactly matches the parameter will be erased. No prompt will be given. If `--delete` is specified with either of these parameters, an interactive prompt will be displayed before any items are deleted. \subsection history-examples Example `history --clear` deletes all history items `history --search --contains "foo"` outputs a list of all previous commands containing the string "foo". `history --delete --prefix "foo"` interactively deletes the record of previous commands which start with "foo".