use super::prelude::*; use crate::common::{unescape_string, UnescapeFlags, UnescapeStringStyle}; use crate::input::input_function_get_code; use crate::input_common::{CharEvent, ReadlineCmd}; use crate::parse_constants::ParserTestErrorBits; use crate::parse_util::{ parse_util_detect_errors, parse_util_job_extent, parse_util_lineno, parse_util_process_extent, parse_util_token_extent, }; use crate::proc::is_interactive_session; use crate::reader::{ commandline_get_state, commandline_set_buffer, reader_handle_command, reader_queue_ch, }; use crate::tokenizer::TokenType; use crate::tokenizer::Tokenizer; use crate::tokenizer::TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; use crate::wcstringutil::join_strings; use crate::wgetopt::{wgetopter_t, wopt, woption, woption_argument_t}; use std::ops::Range; /// Which part of the comandbuffer are we operating on. enum TextScope { String, Job, Process, Token, } /// For text insertion, how should it be done. enum AppendMode { // replace current text Replace, // insert at cursor position Insert, // insert at end of current token/command/buffer Append, } /// Replace/append/insert the selection with/at/after the specified string. /// /// \param begin beginning of selection /// \param end end of selection /// \param insert the string to insert /// \param append_mode can be one of REPLACE_MODE, INSERT_MODE or APPEND_MODE, affects the way the /// test update is performed /// \param buff the original command line buffer /// \param cursor_pos the position of the cursor in the command line fn replace_part( range: Range, insert: &wstr, insert_mode: AppendMode, buff: &wstr, cursor_pos: usize, ) { let mut out_pos = cursor_pos; let mut out = buff[..range.start].to_owned(); match insert_mode { AppendMode::Replace => { out.push_utfstr(insert); out_pos = out.len(); } AppendMode::Append => { out.push_utfstr(&buff[range.clone()]); out.push_utfstr(insert); } AppendMode::Insert => { let cursor = cursor_pos - range.start; assert!(range.start <= cursor); out.push_utfstr(&buff[range.start..cursor]); out.push_utfstr(&insert); out.push_utfstr(&buff[cursor..range.end]); out_pos += insert.len(); } } out.push_utfstr(&buff[range.end..]); commandline_set_buffer(out, Some(out_pos)); } /// Output the specified selection. /// /// \param begin start of selection /// \param end end of selection /// \param cut_at_cursor whether printing should stop at the surrent cursor position /// \param tokenize whether the string should be tokenized, printing one string token on every line /// and skipping non-string tokens /// \param buffer the original command line buffer /// \param cursor_pos the position of the cursor in the command line fn write_part( range: Range, cut_at_cursor: bool, tokenize: bool, buffer: &wstr, cursor_pos: usize, streams: &mut IoStreams, ) { let pos = cursor_pos - range.start; if tokenize { let mut out = WString::new(); let buff = &buffer[range]; let mut tok = Tokenizer::new(buff, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED); while let Some(token) = { if cut_at_cursor && token.end() >= pos { break; } if token.type_ == TokenType::string { let tmp = tok.text_of(&token); let unescaped = unescape_string(tmp, UnescapeStringStyle::Script(UnescapeFlags::INCOMPLETE)) .unwrap(); out.push_utfstr(&unescaped); out.push('\n'); } } streams.out.append(out); } else { if cut_at_cursor { streams.out.append(&buffer[range.start..range.start + pos]); } else { streams.out.append(&buffer[range]); } streams.out.push('\n'); } } /// The commandline builtin. It is used for specifying a new value for the commandline. pub fn commandline(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option { let rstate = commandline_get_state(); let mut buffer_part = None; let mut cut_at_cursor = false; let mut append_mode = None; let mut function_mode = false; let mut selection_mode = false; let mut tokenize = false; let mut cursor_mode = false; let mut selection_start_mode = false; let mut selection_end_mode = false; let mut line_mode = false; let mut search_mode = false; let mut paging_mode = false; let mut paging_full_mode = false; let mut is_valid = false; let mut range = 0..0; let mut override_buffer = None; let ld = parser.libdata(); const short_options: &wstr = L!(":abijpctforhI:CBELSsP"); let long_options: &[woption] = &[ wopt(L!("append"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'a'), wopt(L!("insert"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'i'), wopt(L!("replace"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'r'), wopt(L!("current-buffer"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'b'), wopt(L!("current-job"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'j'), wopt(L!("current-process"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'p'), wopt( L!("current-selection"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 's', ), wopt(L!("current-token"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 't'), wopt(L!("cut-at-cursor"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'c'), wopt(L!("function"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'f'), wopt(L!("tokenize"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'o'), wopt(L!("help"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'h'), wopt(L!("input"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 'I'), wopt(L!("cursor"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'C'), wopt(L!("selection-start"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'B'), wopt(L!("selection-end"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'E'), wopt(L!("line"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'L'), wopt(L!("search-mode"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'S'), wopt(L!("paging-mode"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'P'), wopt(L!("paging-full-mode"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'F'), wopt(L!("is-valid"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, '\x01'), ]; let mut w = wgetopter_t::new(short_options, long_options, args); let cmd = w.argv[0]; while let Some(c) = w.wgetopt_long() { match c { 'a' => append_mode = Some(AppendMode::Append), 'b' => buffer_part = Some(TextScope::String), 'i' => append_mode = Some(AppendMode::Insert), 'r' => append_mode = Some(AppendMode::Replace), 'c' => cut_at_cursor = true, 't' => buffer_part = Some(TextScope::Token), 'j' => buffer_part = Some(TextScope::Job), 'p' => buffer_part = Some(TextScope::Process), 'f' => function_mode = true, 'o' => tokenize = true, 'I' => { // A historical, undocumented feature. TODO: consider removing this. override_buffer = Some(w.woptarg.unwrap().to_owned()); } 'C' => cursor_mode = true, 'B' => selection_start_mode = true, 'E' => selection_end_mode = true, 'L' => line_mode = true, 'S' => search_mode = true, 's' => selection_mode = true, 'P' => paging_mode = true, 'F' => paging_full_mode = true, '\x01' => is_valid = true, 'h' => { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } ':' => { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, w.argv[w.woptind - 1], true); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } '?' => { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, w.argv[w.woptind - 1], true); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } _ => panic!(), } } let positional_args = w.argv.len() - w.woptind; if function_mode { // Check for invalid switch combinations. if buffer_part.is_some() || cut_at_cursor || append_mode.is_some() || tokenize || cursor_mode || line_mode || search_mode || paging_mode || selection_start_mode || selection_end_mode { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO, cmd)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if positional_args == 0 { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, L!("--function"), true); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } type rl = ReadlineCmd; for arg in &w.argv[w.woptind..] { let Some(cmd) = input_function_get_code(arg) else { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!("%ls: Unknown input function '%ls'", cmd, arg)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; }; // Don't enqueue a repaint if we're currently in the middle of one, // because that's an infinite loop. if matches!(cmd, rl::RepaintMode | rl::ForceRepaint | rl::Repaint) { if ld.pods.is_repaint { continue; } } // HACK: Execute these right here and now so they can affect any insertions/changes // made via bindings. The correct solution is to change all `commandline` // insert/replace operations into readline functions with associated data, so that // all queued `commandline` operations - including buffer modifications - are // executed in order match cmd { rl::BeginUndoGroup | rl::EndUndoGroup => reader_handle_command(cmd), _ => { // Inserts the readline function at the back of the queue. reader_queue_ch(CharEvent::from_readline(cmd)); } } } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if selection_mode { if let Some(selection) = rstate.selection { streams.out.append(&rstate.text[selection]); } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // Check for invalid switch combinations. if (selection_start_mode || selection_end_mode) && positional_args != 0 { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS, cmd)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if (search_mode || line_mode || cursor_mode || paging_mode) && positional_args > 1 { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS, cmd)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if (buffer_part.is_some() || tokenize || cut_at_cursor) && (cursor_mode || line_mode || search_mode || paging_mode || paging_full_mode) // Special case - we allow to get/set cursor position relative to the process/job/token. && (buffer_part.is_none() || !cursor_mode) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO, cmd)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if (tokenize || cut_at_cursor) && positional_args != 0 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO2, cmd, "--cut-at-cursor and --tokenize can not be used when setting the commandline" )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if append_mode.is_some() && positional_args == 0 { // No tokens in insert mode just means we do nothing. return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } // Set default modes. let append_mode = append_mode.unwrap_or(AppendMode::Replace); let buffer_part = buffer_part.unwrap_or(TextScope::String); if line_mode { streams.out.append(sprintf!( "%d\n", parse_util_lineno(&rstate.text, rstate.cursor_pos) )); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if search_mode { return if commandline_get_state().search_mode { STATUS_CMD_OK } else { STATUS_CMD_ERROR }; } if paging_mode { return if commandline_get_state().pager_mode { STATUS_CMD_OK } else { STATUS_CMD_ERROR }; } if paging_full_mode { let state = commandline_get_state(); return if state.pager_mode && state.pager_fully_disclosed { STATUS_CMD_OK } else { STATUS_CMD_ERROR }; } if selection_start_mode { let Some(selection) = rstate.selection else { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; }; streams.out.append(sprintf!("%lu\n", selection.start)); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if selection_end_mode { let Some(selection) = rstate.selection else { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; }; streams.out.append(sprintf!("%lu\n", selection.end)); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // At this point we have (nearly) exhausted the options which always operate on the true command // line. Now we respect the possibility of a transient command line due to evaluating a wrapped // completion. Don't do this in cursor_mode: it makes no sense to move the cursor based on a // transient commandline. let current_buffer; let current_cursor_pos; let transient; if let Some(override_buffer) = &override_buffer { current_buffer = override_buffer; current_cursor_pos = current_buffer.len(); } else if !ld.transient_commandlines.is_empty() && !cursor_mode { transient = ld.transient_commandlines.last().unwrap().clone(); current_buffer = &transient; current_cursor_pos = transient.len(); } else if rstate.initialized { current_buffer = &rstate.text; current_cursor_pos = rstate.cursor_pos; } else { // There is no command line, either because we are not interactive, or because we are // interactive and are still reading init files (in which case we silently ignore this). if !is_interactive_session() { streams.err.append(cmd); streams .err .append(L!(": Can not set commandline in non-interactive mode\n")); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); } return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } if is_valid { if current_buffer.is_empty() { return Some(1); } let res = parse_util_detect_errors(current_buffer, None, /*accept_incomplete=*/ true); return match res { Ok(()) => STATUS_CMD_OK, Err(err) => { if err.contains(ParserTestErrorBits::INCOMPLETE) { Some(2) } else { STATUS_CMD_ERROR } } }; } match buffer_part { TextScope::String => { range = 0..current_buffer.len(); } TextScope::Job => { range = parse_util_job_extent(current_buffer, current_cursor_pos, None); } TextScope::Process => { range = parse_util_process_extent(current_buffer, current_cursor_pos, None); } TextScope::Token => { parse_util_token_extent(current_buffer, current_cursor_pos, &mut range, None); } } if cursor_mode { if positional_args != 0 { let arg = w.argv[w.woptind]; let new_pos = match fish_wcstol(&arg[range.start..]) { Err(_) => { streams .err .append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_NOT_NUMBER, cmd, arg)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); 0 } Ok(num) => num, }; let new_pos = std::cmp::min(new_pos.max(0) as usize, current_buffer.len()); commandline_set_buffer(current_buffer.to_owned(), Some(new_pos)); } else { streams.out.append(sprintf!("%lu\n", current_cursor_pos)); } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if positional_args == 0 { write_part( range, cut_at_cursor, tokenize, current_buffer, current_cursor_pos, streams, ); } else if positional_args == 1 { replace_part( range, args[w.woptind], append_mode, current_buffer, current_cursor_pos, ); } else { let sb = join_strings(&w.argv[w.woptind..], '\n'); replace_part(range, &sb, append_mode, current_buffer, current_cursor_pos); } STATUS_CMD_OK }