# # Make ls use colors if we are on a system that supports this # if command ls --version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null # This is GNU ls function ls -d (N_ "List contents of directory") command ls --color=auto --indicator-style=classify $argv end set -l color_document 35 set -l color_image '01;35' set -l color_sound '01;35' set -l color_video '01;35' set -l color_archive '01;31' set -l color_command '01;32' set -l color_backup 37 set -l default no=00 fi=00 'di=01;34' 'ln=01;36' 'pi=40;33' 'so=01;35' 'bd=40;33;01' 'cd=40;33;01' 'or=01;05;37;41' 'mi=01;05;37;41' ex=$color_command for i in .cmd .exe .com .btm .bat .sh .csh .fish set default $default "*$i=$color_command" end for i in .tar .tgz .arj .taz .lhz .zip .z .Z .gz .bz2 .bz .tz .rpm .cpio .jar .deb .rar .bin .hqx set default $default "*$i=$color_archive" end for i in .jpg .jpeg .gif .bmp .xbm .xpm .png .tif set default $default "*$i=$color_image" end for i in .mp3 .au .wav .aiff .ogg .wma set default $default "*$i=$color_sound" end for i in .avi .mpeg .mpg .divx .mov .qt .wmv .rm set default $default "*$i=$color_video" end for i in .htm .html .rtf .wpd .doc .pdf .ps .xls .swf .txt .tex .sxw .dvi INSTALL README ChangeLog set default $default "*$i=$color_document" end for i in '~' .bak set default $default "*$i=$color_backup" end set -gx LS_COLORS $default else # BSD, OS X and a few more support colors through the -G switch instead if command ls / -G 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null function ls -d (N_ "List contents of directory") command ls -G $argv end end end