function __fish_brew_get_cmd for c in (commandline -opc) if not string match -q -- '-*' $c echo $c end end end function __fish_brew_is_subcommand_services if __fish_brew_using_command services for action in $argv if __fish_brew_using_command $action 3 return 0 end end end return 1 end function __fish_brew_needs_command set cmd (__fish_brew_get_cmd) if not set -q cmd[2] return 0 end return 1 end function __fish_brew_needs_services_action if __fish_brew_using_command services set cmd (__fish_brew_get_cmd) if not set -q cmd[3] return 0 end end return 1 end function __fish_brew_services brew services list | awk '{if (NR>1) print $1}' end function __fish_brew_using_command set index 2 if set -q argv[2] set index $argv[2] end set cmd (__fish_brew_get_cmd) if set -q cmd[$index] if [ $argv[1] = $cmd[$index] ] return 0 end end return 1 end function __fish_brew_formulae # list all local formula, do not use `brew search some_text` against searching online # TODO fix the problem with `tap-pin`, tap-pin will modify the priority # If you pin your custom tap for VIM, you should # `brew install homebrew/core/vim` to install VIM from `core` repo # `brew install vim` to install VIM from more prior repo # but `brew search` won't change display for custom VIM and core VIM # 'vim' for core VIM # 'custUser/custRepo/vim' for more prior VIM # more info: brew search end function __fish_brew_installed_formulas brew list end function __fish_brew_leaves brew leaves end function __fish_brew_outdated_formulas brew outdated end function __fish_brew_pinned_formulas brew list --pinned end function __fish_brew_taps brew tap end ############ # commands # ############ # audit complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a audit -d 'Check formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command audit' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # bottle complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a bottle -d 'Create a binary package' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command bottle' -l 'homebrew-developer' -d 'Output developer debug information' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command bottle' -l 'no-revision' -d 'Do not bump the bottle revision number' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command bottle' -l 'rb' -d 'Write bottle block to a Ruby source file' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command bottle' -l 'write' -d 'Write bottle block to formula file' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command bottle' -l 'merge' -d 'Merge multiple bottle outputs' # cat complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a cat -d 'Display formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command cat' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # cleanup complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a cleanup -d 'Remove old installed versions' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command cleanup' -l force -d 'Remove out-of-date keg-only brews as well' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command cleanup' -l dry-run -d 'Show what files would be removed' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command cleanup' -s n -d 'Show what files would be removed' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command cleanup' -s s -d 'Scrub the cache' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command cleanup' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' # create complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a create -d 'Create new formula from URL' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command create' -l cmake -d 'Use template for CMake-style build' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command create' -l autotools -d 'Use template for Autotools-style build' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command create' -l no-fetch -d 'Don\'t download URL' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command create' -l set-name -d 'Override name autodetection' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command create' -l set-version -d 'Override version autodetection' # desc complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a desc -d "Summarize specified formulae in one line" complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command desc' -l search -d 'Search names and descriptions' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command desc' -l name -d 'Search only names' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command desc' -l description -d 'Search only descriptions' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command desc' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # deps complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a deps -d 'Show a formula\'s dependencies' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command deps' -l 1 -d 'Show only 1 level down' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command deps' -s n -d 'Show in topological order' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command deps' -l tree -d 'Show dependencies as tree' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command deps' -l all -d 'Show dependencies for all formulae' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command deps' -l installed -d 'Show dependencies for installed formulae' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command deps' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # diy complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'diy configure' -d 'Determine installation prefix for non-brew software' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command diy' -l set-name -d 'Set name of package' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command diy' -l set-version -d 'Set version of package' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'doctor' -d 'Check your system for problems' # edit complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'edit' -d 'Open brew/formula for editing' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command edit' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # fetch complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a fetch -d 'Download source for formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command fetch' -l force -d 'Remove a previously cached version and re-fetch' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command fetch' -l HEAD -d 'Download the HEAD version from a VCS' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command fetch' -l deps -d 'Also download dependencies' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command fetch' -s v -d 'Make HEAD checkout verbose' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command fetch' -l build-from-source -d 'Fetch source package instead of bottle' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command fetch' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'help' -d 'Display help' # home complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a home -d 'Open brew/formula\'s homepage' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command home' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # info complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'info abv' -d 'Display information about formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command info' -l all -d 'Display info for all formulae' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command info' -l github -d 'Open the GitHub History page for formula' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command info' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # install complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'install' -d 'Install formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l force -d 'Force install' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l debug -d 'If install fails, open shell in temp directory' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l ignore-dependencies -d 'skip installing any dependencies of any kind' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l cc -a "clang gcc-4.0 gcc-4.2 gcc-4.3 gcc-4.4 gcc-4.5 gcc-4.6 gcc-4.7 gcc-4.8 gcc-4.9 llvm-gcc" -d 'Attempt to compile using the specified compiler' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l build-from-source -d 'Compile from source even if a bottle is provided' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l devel -d 'Install the development version of formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l HEAD -d 'Install the HEAD version from VCS' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l interactive -d 'Download and patch formula, then open a shell' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l env -a "std super" -d 'Force the specified build environment' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l build-bottle -d 'Optimize for a generic CPU architecture' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -l bottle-arch -a 'core core2 penryn g3 g4 g4e g5' -d 'Optimize for the specified CPU architecture' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command install' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # leaves complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'leaves' -d 'List installed top level formulae' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command leaves' -a '(__fish_brew_leaves)' # link complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'link ln' -d 'Symlink installed formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command link' -l overwrite -d 'Overwrite existing files' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ln' -l overwrite -d 'Overwrite existing files' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command link' -l dry-run -d 'Show what files would be linked or overwritten' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ln' -l dry-run -d 'Show what files would be linked or overwritten' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command link' -l force -d 'Allow keg-only formulae to be linked' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ln' -l force -d 'Allow keg-only formulae to be linked' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command link' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ln' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' # linkapps complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a linkapps -d 'Symlink .app bundles into /Applications' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command linkapps' -l local -d 'Link .app bundles into ~/Applications instead' # list complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'list ls' -d 'List all installed formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command list' -l unbrewed -d 'List all files in the Homebrew prefix not installed by brew' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command list' -l versions -d 'Show the version number' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command list' -l pinned -d 'Show the versions of pinned formulae' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command list' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' #ls complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ls' -l unbrewed -d 'List all files in the Homebrew prefix not installed by brew' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ls' -l versions -d 'Show the version number' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ls' -l pinned -d 'Show the versions of pinned formulae' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command ls' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # log complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a log -d 'Show log for formula' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command log' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' -d 'formula' # missing complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a missing -d 'Check formula for missing dependencies' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command missing' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' -d 'formula' # options complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a options -d 'Display install options for formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command options' -l compact -d 'Show all options as a space-delimited list' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command options' -l all -d 'Show options for all formulae' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command options' -l installed -d 'Show options for all installed formulae' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command options' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' -d 'formula' # outdated complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a outdated -d 'Show formula that have updated versions' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command outdated' -l quiet -d 'Display only names' # pin complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a pin -d 'Pin the specified formulae to their current versions' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command pin' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' -d 'formula' # prune complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a prune -d 'Remove dead symlinks' # search complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'search -S' -d 'Search for formula by name' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command search' -l macports -d 'Search on MacPorts' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command search' -l fink -d 'Search on Fink' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command -S' -l macports -d 'Search on MacPorts' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command -S' -l fink -d 'Search on Fink' # services complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a services -d 'Manage Homebrew services' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_services_action' -a cleanup -d 'Get rid of stale services and unused plist' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_services_action' -a list -d 'List all services managed by Homebrew' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_services_action' -a restart -d 'Gracefully restart a service' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_services_action' -a start -d 'Start a service' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_services_action' -a stop -d 'Stop a service' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_is_subcommand_services restart start stop' -a '(__fish_brew_services)' -d 'formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_is_subcommand_services restart start stop' -l all -d 'All Services' # sh complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a sh -d 'Instantiate a Homebrew build enviornment' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command sh' -l env=std -d 'Use stdenv instead of superenv' # tap complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a tap -d 'Tap a new formula repository on GitHub' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command tap' -l repair -d 'Create and prune tap symlinks as appropriate' # test complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a test -d 'Run tests for formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command test' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' -d 'formula' # uninstall complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a 'uninstall remove rm' -d 'Uninstall formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command uninstall' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command remove' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command rm' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command uninstall' -l force -d 'Delete all installed versions' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command remove' -l force -d 'Delete all installed versions' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command rm' -l force -d 'Delete all installed versions' # unlink complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a unlink -d 'Unlink formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command unlink' -a '(__fish_brew_installed_formulas)' # unlinkapps complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a unlinkapps -d 'Remove links created by brew linkapps' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command unlinkapps' -l local -d 'Remove links from ~/Applications created by brew linkapps' # unpack complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a unpack -d 'Extract source code' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command unpack' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' # unpin complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a unpin -d 'Unpin specified formulae' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command unpin' -a '(__fish_brew_pinned_formulas)' # untap complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a untap -d 'Remove a tapped repository' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command untap' -a '(__fish_brew_taps)' # update complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a update -d 'Fetch newest version of Homebrew and formulas' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command update' -l rebase -d 'Use git pull --rebase' # upgrade complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a upgrade -d 'Upgrade outdated brews' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command upgrade' -a '(__fish_brew_outdated_formulas)' # uses complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a uses -d 'Show formulas that depend on specified formula' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command uses' -l installed -d 'List only installed formulae' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command uses' -l recursive -d 'Resolve more than one level of dependencies' complete -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command uses' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' ############ # switches # ############ complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -a '-v --version' -d 'Print version number of brew' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -l env -x -d 'Show Homebrew a summary of the build environment' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -l repository -x -d 'Display where Homebrew\'s .git directory is located' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -l config -x -d 'Show Homebrew and system configuration' # --prefix complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -l prefix -d 'Display Homebrew\'s install path' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command --prefix' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' -d 'Display formula\'s install path' # --cache complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -l cache -d 'Display Homebrew\'s download cache' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -n '__fish_brew_using_command --cache' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' -d 'Display the file or directory used to cache formula' # --cellar complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_needs_command' -l cellar -d 'Display Homebrew\'s Cellar path' complete -f -c brew -n '__fish_brew_using_command --cellar' -a '(__fish_brew_formulae)' -d 'Display formula\'s install path in Cellar'