#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TERMIOS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_NCURSES_H #include #else #include #endif #if HAVE_TERMIO_H #include #endif #if HAVE_TERM_H #include #elif HAVE_NCURSES_TERM_H #include #endif #include #include "fallback.h" #include "util.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "common.h" #include "complete.h" #include "output.h" #include "input_common.h" #include "env_universal.h" #include "halloc.h" #include "halloc_util.h" enum { LINE_UP = R_NULL+1, LINE_DOWN, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN } ; enum { HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_PREFIX, HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_COMPLETION, HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_DESCRIPTION, HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_PROGRESS } ; /** This struct should be continually updated by signals as the term resizes, and as such always contain the correct current size. */ static struct winsize termsize; static struct termios saved_modes; static struct termios pager_modes; static int is_ca_mode = 0; static buffer_t *pager_buffer; /** The environment variables used to specify the color of different tokens. */ static wchar_t *hightlight_var[] = { L"fish_pager_color_prefix", L"fish_pager_color_completion", L"fish_pager_color_description", L"fish_pager_color_progress" } ; static string_buffer_t out_buff; static FILE *out_file; /** Data structure describing one or a group of related completions */ typedef struct { /** The list of all completin strings this entry applies to */ array_list_t *comp; /** The description */ wchar_t *desc; /** On-screen width of the completion string */ int comp_width; /** On-screen width of the description information */ int desc_width; /** Preffered total width */ int pref_width; /** Minimum acceptable width */ int min_width; } comp_t; static int get_color( int highlight ) { wchar_t *val; if( highlight < 0 ) return FISH_COLOR_NORMAL; if( highlight >= (4) ) return FISH_COLOR_NORMAL; val = wgetenv( hightlight_var[highlight]); if( !val ) { val = env_universal_get( hightlight_var[highlight]); } if( !val ) { return FISH_COLOR_NORMAL; } return output_color_code( val ); } static void recalc_width( array_list_t *l, const wchar_t *prefix ) { int i; for( i=0; imin_width = mini( c->desc_width, maxi(0,termsize.ws_col/3 - 2)) + mini( c->desc_width, maxi(0,termsize.ws_col/5 - 4)) +4; } } static int try_sequence( char *seq ) { int j, k; wint_t c=0; for( j=0; seq[j] != '\0' && seq[j] == (c=input_common_readch( j>0 )); j++ ) ; if( seq[j] == '\0' ) { return 1; } else { input_common_unreadch(c); for(k=j-1; k>=0; k--) input_common_unreadch(seq[k]); } return 0; } static wint_t readch() { struct mapping { char *seq; wint_t bnd; } ; struct mapping m[]= { { "\e[A", LINE_UP } , { key_up, LINE_UP } , { "\e[B", LINE_DOWN } , { key_down, LINE_DOWN } , { key_ppage, PAGE_UP } , { key_npage, PAGE_DOWN } , { " ", PAGE_DOWN } , { "\t", PAGE_DOWN } , { 0, 0 } } ; int i; for( i=0; m[i].seq; i++ ) { if( try_sequence(m[i].seq ) ) return m[i].bnd; } return input_common_readch(0); } static int pager_buffered_writer( char c) { b_append( pager_buffer, &c, 1 ); return 0; } static void pager_flush() { write( 1, pager_buffer->buff, pager_buffer->used ); pager_buffer->used = 0; } static int print_max( const wchar_t *str, int max, int has_more ) { int i; int written = 0; for( i=0; str[i]; i++ ) { if( written + wcwidth(str[i]) > max ) break; if( ( written + wcwidth(str[i]) == max) && (has_more || str[i+1]) ) { writech( ellipsis_char ); written += wcwidth(ellipsis_char ); break; } writech( str[i] ); written+= wcwidth( str[i] ); } return written; } static void completion_print_item( const wchar_t *prefix, comp_t *c, int width ) { int comp_width=0, desc_width=0; int i; int written=0; if( c->pref_width <= width ) { /* The entry fits, we give it as much space as it wants */ comp_width = c->comp_width; desc_width = c->desc_width; } else { /* The completion and description won't fit on the allocated space. Give a maximum of 2/3 of the space to the completion, and whatever is left to the description. */ int desc_all = c->desc_width?c->desc_width+4:0; comp_width = maxi( mini( c->comp_width, 2*(width-4)/3 ), width - desc_all ); if( c->desc_width ) desc_width = width-comp_width-4; else c->desc_width=0; } for( i=0; icomp ); i++ ) { const wchar_t *comp = (const wchar_t *)al_get( c->comp, i ); if( i != 0 ) written += print_max( L" ", comp_width - written, 2 ); set_color( get_color(HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_PREFIX),FISH_COLOR_NORMAL ); written += print_max( prefix, comp_width - written, comp[0]?1:0 ); set_color( get_color(HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_COMPLETION),FISH_COLOR_IGNORE ); written += print_max( comp, comp_width - written, i!=(al_get_count(c->comp)-1) ); } if( desc_width ) { while( written < (width-desc_width-2)) { written++; writech( L' '); } written += print_max( L"(", 1, 0 ); set_color( get_color( HIGHLIGHT_PAGER_DESCRIPTION ), FISH_COLOR_IGNORE ); written += print_max( c->desc, desc_width, 0 ); written += print_max( L")", 1, 0 ); } else { while( written < width ) { written++; writech( L' '); } } } /** Print the specified part of the completion list, using the specified column offsets and quoting style. \param l The list of completions to print \param cols number of columns to print in \param width An array specifying the width of each column \param row_start The first row to print \param row_stop the row after the last row to print \param prefix The string to print before each completion \param is_quoted Whether to print the completions are in a quoted environment */ static void completion_print( int cols, int *width, int row_start, int row_stop, wchar_t *prefix, int is_quoted, array_list_t *l) { int rows = (al_get_count( l )-1)/cols+1; int i, j; for( i = row_start; ipref_width; min = c->min_width; if( j != cols-1 ) { pref += 2; min += 2; } min_width[j] = maxi( min_width[j], min ); pref_width[j] = maxi( pref_width[j], pref ); } min_tot_width += min_width[j]; pref_tot_width += pref_width[j]; } /* Force fit if one column */ if( cols == 1) { if( pref_tot_width > termsize.ws_col ) { pref_width[0] = termsize.ws_col; } width = pref_width; print=1; } else if( pref_tot_width <= termsize.ws_col ) { /* Terminal is wide enough. Print the list! */ width = pref_width; print=1; } else { int next_rows = (al_get_count( l )-1)/(cols-1)+1; /* fwprintf( stderr, L"cols %d, min_tot %d, term %d, rows=%d, nextrows %d, termrows %d, diff %d\n", cols, min_tot_width, termsize.ws_col, rows, next_rows, termsize.ws_row, pref_tot_width-termsize.ws_col ); */ if( min_tot_width < termsize.ws_col && ( ( (rows < termsize.ws_row) && (next_rows >= termsize.ws_row ) ) || ( pref_tot_width-termsize.ws_col< 4 && cols < 3 ) ) ) { /* Terminal almost wide enough, or squeezing makes the whole list fit on-screen */ int tot_width = min_tot_width; width = min_width; while( tot_width < termsize.ws_col ) { for( i=0; (i=10?L" ": L" "), percent ); writestr(msg); set_color( FISH_COLOR_NORMAL, FISH_COLOR_NORMAL ); pager_flush(); int c = readch(); switch( c ) { case LINE_UP: { if( pos > 0 ) { pos--; writembs(tparm( cursor_address, 0, 0)); writembs(scroll_reverse); completion_print( cols, width, pos, pos+1, prefix, is_quoted, l ); writembs( tparm( cursor_address, termsize.ws_row-1, 0) ); writembs(clr_eol ); } break; } case LINE_DOWN: { if( pos <= (rows - termsize.ws_row ) ) { pos++; completion_print( cols, width, pos+termsize.ws_row-2, pos+termsize.ws_row-1, prefix, is_quoted, l ); } break; } case PAGE_DOWN: { npos = mini( rows - termsize.ws_row+1, pos + termsize.ws_row-1 ); if( npos != pos ) { pos = npos; completion_print( cols, width, pos, pos+termsize.ws_row-1, prefix, is_quoted, l ); } else { if( flash_screen ) writembs( flash_screen ); } break; } case PAGE_UP: { npos = maxi( 0, pos - termsize.ws_row+1 ); if( npos != pos ) { pos = npos; completion_print( cols, width, pos, pos+termsize.ws_row-1, prefix, is_quoted, l ); } else { if( flash_screen ) writembs( flash_screen ); } break; } case R_NULL: { do_loop=0; res=2; break; } default: { sb_append_char( &out_buff, c ); do_loop = 0; break; } } } writembs(clr_eol); } } return res; } /** Substitute any series of whitespace with a single space character inside completion descriptions. Remove all whitespace from beginning/end of completion descriptions. */ static void mangle_descriptions( array_list_t *l ) { int i, skip; for( i=0; icomp = al_halloc( global_context ); for( start=end=next; 1; end++ ) { wchar_t c = *end; if( (c == COMPLETE_ITEM_SEP) || (c==COMPLETE_SEP) || !c) { *end = 0; wchar_t * str = escape( start, 1 ); comp->comp_width += my_wcswidth( str ); halloc_register( global_context, str ); al_push( comp->comp, str ); start = end+1; } if( c == COMPLETE_SEP ) { comp->desc = halloc_wcsdup( global_context, start ); break; } if( !c ) break; } comp->comp_width += my_wcswidth(prefix)*al_get_count(comp->comp) + 2*(al_get_count(comp->comp)-1); comp->desc_width = comp->desc?my_wcswidth( comp->desc ):0; comp->pref_width = comp->comp_width + comp->desc_width + (comp->desc_width?4:0); free( next ); al_set( l, i, comp ); } recalc_width( l, prefix ); } /** Respond to a winch signal by checking the terminal size */ static void handle_winch( int sig ) { if (ioctl(1,TIOCGWINSZ,&termsize)!=0) { return; } } static int interrupt_handler() { return R_NULL; } static void init() { struct sigaction act; program_name = L"fish_pager"; wsetlocale( LC_ALL, L"" ); /* Make fd 1 output to screen, and use some other fd for writing the resulting output back to the caller */ int out = dup( 1 ); close(1); if( open( ttyname(0), O_WRONLY ) != 1 ) { if( dup2( 2, 1 ) == -1 ) { debug( 0, L"Could not set up file descriptors for pager" ); exit( 1 ); } } out_file = fdopen( out, "w" ); /** Init the stringbuffer used to keep any output in */ sb_init( &out_buff ); halloc_util_init(); env_universal_init( 0, 0, 0, 0); input_common_init( &interrupt_handler ); output_set_writer( &pager_buffered_writer ); pager_buffer = halloc( global_context, sizeof( buffer_t ) ); halloc_register_function( global_context, (void (*)(void *))&b_destroy, pager_buffer ); sigemptyset( & act.sa_mask ); act.sa_flags=0; act.sa_handler=SIG_DFL; act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler= &handle_winch; if( sigaction( SIGWINCH, &act, 0 ) ) { wperror( L"sigaction" ); exit(1); } handle_winch( 0 ); /* Set handler for window change events */ tcgetattr(0,&pager_modes); /* get the current terminal modes */ memcpy( &saved_modes, &pager_modes, sizeof(saved_modes)); /* save a copy so we can reset the terminal later */ pager_modes.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; /* turn off canonical mode */ pager_modes.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; /* turn off echo mode */ pager_modes.c_cc[VMIN]=1; pager_modes.c_cc[VTIME]=0; /* */ if( tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&pager_modes)) /* set the new modes */ { wperror(L"tcsetattr"); exit(1); } if( setupterm( 0, STDOUT_FILENO, 0) == ERR ) { debug( 0, L"Could not set up terminal" ); exit(1); } } void destroy() { env_universal_destroy(); input_common_destroy(); halloc_util_destroy(); if( del_curterm( cur_term ) == ERR ) { debug( 0, _(L"Error while closing terminfo") ); } sb_destroy( &out_buff ); fclose( out_file ); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int i; int is_quoted=0; array_list_t *comp; wchar_t *prefix; init(); if( argc < 3 ) { debug( 0, L"Insufficient arguments" ); } else { comp = al_halloc( global_context ); prefix = str2wcs( argv[2] ); is_quoted = strcmp( "1", argv[1] )==0; is_quoted = 0; debug( 3, L"prefix is '%ls'", prefix ); for( i=3; i0; i-- ) { switch( completion_try_print( i, prefix, is_quoted, comp ) ) { case 0: break; case 1: i=0; break; case 2: i=7; break; } } free(prefix ); fwprintf( out_file, L"%ls", (wchar_t *)out_buff.buff ); if( is_ca_mode ) { writembs(exit_ca_mode); pager_flush(); } } destroy(); }