use crate::arg::ToArg; use crate::locale::{Locale, C_LOCALE, EN_US_LOCALE}; use crate::{sprintf_locale, Error}; use libc::c_char; use std::f64::consts::{E, PI, TAU}; use std::fmt; use widestring::{utf32str, Utf32Str}; // sprintf, checking length macro_rules! sprintf_check { ( $fmt:expr, // format string $($arg:expr),* // arguments $(,)? // optional trailing comma ) => { { let mut target = String::new(); let chars: Vec = $fmt.chars().collect(); let len = $crate::sprintf_c_locale( &mut target, &chars, &mut [$($arg.to_arg()),*] ).expect("printf failed"); assert!(len == target.len(), "Wrong length returned: {} vs {}", len, target.len()); target } }; } macro_rules! assert_fmt { ($fmt:expr $(, $arg:expr)* => $expected:expr) => { assert_eq!(sprintf_check!($fmt, $($arg),*), $expected) }; } macro_rules! assert_fmt1 { ($fmt:expr, $arg:expr, $expected:expr) => { assert_fmt!($fmt, $arg => $expected) }; } // sprintf, except we expect to return an error. macro_rules! sprintf_err { ($fmt:expr, $($arg:expr),* => $expected:expr) => { { let chars: Vec = $fmt.chars().collect(); let err = $crate::sprintf_c_locale( &mut NullOutput, &chars, &mut [$($arg.to_arg()),*], ).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err, $expected, "Wrong error returned: {:?}", err); } }; } // sprintf, except we throw away the output and return only the count. macro_rules! sprintf_count { ($fmt:expr $(, $arg:expr)*) => { { let chars: Vec = $fmt.chars().collect(); $crate::sprintf_c_locale( &mut NullOutput, &chars, &mut [$($arg.to_arg()),*], ).expect("printf failed") } }; } // Null writer which ignores all input. struct NullOutput; impl fmt::Write for NullOutput { fn write_str(&mut self, _s: &str) -> fmt::Result { Ok(()) } } #[test] fn smoke() { assert_fmt!("Hello, %s!", "world" => "Hello, world!"); assert_fmt!("Hello, %ls!", "world" => "Hello, world!"); assert_fmt!("Hello, world! %d %%%%", 3 => "Hello, world! 3 %%"); assert_fmt!("" => ""); } #[test] fn test1() { // A convenient place to isolate a single test, e.g. cargo test -- test1 assert_fmt!("%.0e", 0 => "0e+00"); } #[test] fn test_n() { // Test that the %n specifier correctly stores the number of characters written. let mut count: usize = 0; assert_fmt!("%d%n", 123, &mut count => "123"); assert_eq!(count, 3); assert_fmt!("%256d%%%n", 123, &mut count => format!("{:>256}%", 123)); assert_eq!(count, 257); assert_fmt!("%d %s%n", 123, "hello", &mut count => "123 hello"); assert_eq!(count, 3 + 1 + 5); assert_fmt!("%%%n", &mut count => "%"); assert_eq!(count, 1); } #[test] fn test_plain() { assert_fmt!("abc" => "abc"); assert_fmt!("" => ""); assert_fmt!("%%" => "%"); assert_fmt!("%% def" => "% def"); assert_fmt!("abc %%" => "abc %"); assert_fmt!("abc %% def" => "abc % def"); assert_fmt!("abc %%%% def" => "abc %% def"); assert_fmt!("%%%%%%" => "%%%"); } #[test] fn test_str() { assert_fmt!("hello %s", "world" => "hello world"); assert_fmt!("hello %%%s", "world" => "hello %world"); assert_fmt!("%10s", "world" => " world"); assert_fmt!("%.4s", "world" => "worl"); assert_fmt!("%10.4s", "world" => " worl"); assert_fmt!("%-10.4s", "world" => "worl "); assert_fmt!("%-10s", "world" => "world "); assert_fmt!("test %% with string: %s yay\n", "FOO" => "test % with string: FOO yay\n"); assert_fmt!("test char %c", '~' => "test char ~"); assert_fmt!("%.0s", "test" => ""); assert_fmt!("%.1s", "test" => "t"); assert_fmt!("%.3s", "test" => "tes"); assert_fmt!("%5.3s", "test" => " tes"); assert_fmt!("%.4s", "test" => "test"); assert_fmt!("%.100s", "test" => "test"); } #[test] fn test_int() { assert_fmt!("% 0*i", 23125, 17 => format!(" {:023124}", 17)); assert_fmt!("% 010i", 23125 => " 000023125"); assert_fmt!("% 10i", 23125 => " 23125"); assert_fmt!("% 5i", 23125 => " 23125"); assert_fmt!("% 4i", 23125 => " 23125"); assert_fmt!("%- 010i", 23125 => " 23125 "); assert_fmt!("%- 10i", 23125 => " 23125 "); assert_fmt!("%- 5i", 23125 => " 23125"); assert_fmt!("%- 4i", 23125 => " 23125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 010i", 23125 => "+000023125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 10i", 23125 => " +23125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 5i", 23125 => "+23125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 4i", 23125 => "+23125"); assert_fmt!("%-010i", 23125 => "23125 "); assert_fmt!("%-10i", 23125 => "23125 "); assert_fmt!("%-5i", 23125 => "23125"); assert_fmt!("%-4i", 23125 => "23125"); assert_fmt!("%d", 12 => "12"); assert_fmt!("%d", -123 => "-123"); assert_fmt!("~%d~", 148 => "~148~"); assert_fmt!("00%dxx", -91232 => "00-91232xx"); assert_fmt!("%x", -9232 => "ffffdbf0"); assert_fmt!("%X", 432 => "1B0"); assert_fmt!("%09X", 432 => "0000001B0"); assert_fmt!("%9X", 432 => " 1B0"); assert_fmt!("%+9X", 492 => " 1EC"); assert_fmt!("% #9x", 4589 => " 0x11ed"); assert_fmt!("%2o", 4 => " 4"); assert_fmt!("% 12d", -4 => " -4"); assert_fmt!("% 12d", 48 => " 48"); assert_fmt!("%ld", -4_i64 => "-4"); assert_fmt!("%lld", -4_i64 => "-4"); assert_fmt!("%lX", -4_i64 => "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC"); assert_fmt!("%ld", 48_i64 => "48"); assert_fmt!("%lld", 48_i64 => "48"); assert_fmt!("%-8hd", -12_i16 => "-12 "); assert_fmt!("%u", 12 => "12"); assert_fmt!("~%u~", 148 => "~148~"); assert_fmt!("00%uxx", 91232 => "0091232xx"); assert_fmt!("%x", 9232 => "2410"); assert_fmt!("%9X", 492 => " 1EC"); assert_fmt!("% 12u", 4 => " 4"); assert_fmt!("% 12u", 48 => " 48"); assert_fmt!("%lu", 4_u64 => "4"); assert_fmt!("%llu", 4_u64 => "4"); assert_fmt!("%lX", 4_u64 => "4"); assert_fmt!("%lu", 48_u64 => "48"); assert_fmt!("%llu", 48_u64 => "48"); assert_fmt!("%-8hu", 12_u16 => "12 "); // Gross combinations of padding and precision. assert_fmt!("%30d", 1234565678 => " 1234565678"); assert_fmt!("%030d", 1234565678 => "000000000000000000001234565678"); assert_fmt!("%30.20d", 1234565678 => " 00000000001234565678"); // Here we specify both a precision and request zero-padding. // "If a precision is given with a numeric conversion (d, i, o, u, x, and X), the 0 flag is ignored." assert_fmt!("%030.20d", 1234565678 => " 00000000001234565678"); assert_fmt!("%030.0d", 1234565678 => " 1234565678"); // width, precision, alignment assert_fmt1!("%04d", 12, "0012"); assert_fmt1!("%.3d", 12, "012"); assert_fmt1!("%3d", 12, " 12"); assert_fmt1!("%-3d", 12, "12 "); assert_fmt1!("%+3d", 12, "+12"); assert_fmt1!("%+-5d", 12, "+12 "); assert_fmt1!("%+- 5d", 12, "+12 "); assert_fmt1!("%- 5d", 12, " 12 "); assert_fmt1!("% d", 12, " 12"); assert_fmt1!("%0-5d", 12, "12 "); assert_fmt1!("%-05d", 12, "12 "); // ...explicit precision of 0 shall be no characters except for alt-octal. assert_fmt1!("%.0d", 0, ""); assert_fmt1!("%.0o", 0, ""); assert_fmt1!("%#.0d", 0, ""); assert_fmt1!("%#.0o", 0, "0"); assert_fmt1!("%#.0x", 0, ""); // ...but it still has to honor width and flags. assert_fmt1!("%2.0u", 0, " "); assert_fmt1!("%02.0u", 0, " "); assert_fmt1!("%2.0d", 0, " "); assert_fmt1!("%02.0d", 0, " "); assert_fmt1!("% .0d", 0, " "); assert_fmt1!("%+.0d", 0, "+"); } #[test] fn test_octal() { assert_fmt!("% 010o", 23125 => "0000055125"); assert_fmt!("% 10o", 23125 => " 55125"); assert_fmt!("% 5o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt!("% 4o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt!("%- 010o", 23125 => "55125 "); assert_fmt!("%- 10o", 23125 => "55125 "); assert_fmt!("%- 5o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt!("%- 4o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 010o", 23125 => "0000055125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 10o", 23125 => " 55125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 5o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt!("%+ 4o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt!("%-010o", 23125 => "55125 "); assert_fmt!("%-10o", 23125 => "55125 "); assert_fmt!("%-5o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt!("%-4o", 23125 => "55125"); assert_fmt1!("%o", 15, "17"); assert_fmt1!("%#o", 15, "017"); assert_fmt1!("%#o", 0, "0"); assert_fmt1!("%#.0o", 0, "0"); assert_fmt1!("%#.1o", 0, "0"); assert_fmt1!("%#o", 1, "01"); assert_fmt1!("%#.0o", 1, "01"); assert_fmt1!("%#.1o", 1, "01"); assert_fmt1!("%#04o", 1, "0001"); assert_fmt1!("%#04.0o", 1, " 01"); assert_fmt1!("%#04.1o", 1, " 01"); assert_fmt1!("%04o", 1, "0001"); assert_fmt1!("%04.0o", 1, " 1"); assert_fmt1!("%04.1o", 1, " 1"); } #[test] fn test_hex() { assert_fmt!("% 010x", 23125 => "0000005a55"); assert_fmt!("% 10x", 23125 => " 5a55"); assert_fmt!("% 5x", 23125 => " 5a55"); assert_fmt!("% 4x", 23125 => "5a55"); assert_fmt!("%- 010x", 23125 => "5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%- 10x", 23125 => "5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%- 5x", 23125 => "5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%- 4x", 23125 => "5a55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 010x", 23125 => "0000005a55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 10x", 23125 => " 5a55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 5x", 23125 => " 5a55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 4x", 23125 => "5a55"); assert_fmt!("%-010x", 23125 => "5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%-10x", 23125 => "5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%-5x", 23125 => "5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%-4x", 23125 => "5a55"); assert_fmt!("%# 010x", 23125 => "0x00005a55"); assert_fmt!("%# 10x", 23125 => " 0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%# 5x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%# 4x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%#- 010x", 23125 => "0x5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%#- 10x", 23125 => "0x5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%#- 5x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%#- 4x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%#+ 010x", 23125 => "0x00005a55"); assert_fmt!("%#+ 10x", 23125 => " 0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%#+ 5x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%#+ 4x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%#-010x", 23125 => "0x5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%#-10x", 23125 => "0x5a55 "); assert_fmt!("%#-5x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("%#-4x", 23125 => "0x5a55"); assert_fmt!("% 010X", 23125 => "0000005A55"); assert_fmt!("% 10X", 23125 => " 5A55"); assert_fmt!("% 5X", 23125 => " 5A55"); assert_fmt!("% 4X", 23125 => "5A55"); assert_fmt!("%- 010X", 23125 => "5A55 "); assert_fmt!("%- 10X", 23125 => "5A55 "); assert_fmt!("%- 5X", 23125 => "5A55 "); assert_fmt!("%- 4X", 23125 => "5A55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 010X", 23125 => "0000005A55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 10X", 23125 => " 5A55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 5X", 23125 => " 5A55"); assert_fmt!("%+ 4X", 23125 => "5A55"); assert_fmt!("%-010X", 23125 => "5A55 "); assert_fmt!("%-10X", 23125 => "5A55 "); assert_fmt!("%-5X", 23125 => "5A55 "); assert_fmt!("%-4X", 23125 => "5A55"); assert_fmt!("%#x", 234834 => "0x39552"); assert_fmt!("%#X", 234834 => "0X39552"); assert_fmt!("%#.10o", 54834 => "0000153062"); assert_fmt1!("%x", 63, "3f"); assert_fmt1!("%#x", 63, "0x3f"); assert_fmt1!("%X", 63, "3F"); } #[test] fn test_char() { assert_fmt!("%c", 'a' => "a"); assert_fmt!("%10c", 'a' => " a"); assert_fmt!("%-10c", 'a' => "a "); } #[test] fn test_ptr() { assert_fmt!("%p", core::ptr::null::() => "0"); assert_fmt!("%p", 0xDEADBEEF_usize as *const u8 => "0xdeadbeef"); } #[test] fn test_float() { // Basic form, handling of exponent/precision for 0 assert_fmt1!("%a", 0.0, "0x0p+0"); assert_fmt1!("%e", 0.0, "0.000000e+00"); assert_fmt1!("%f", 0.0, "0.000000"); assert_fmt1!("%g", 0.0, "0"); assert_fmt1!("%#g", 0.0, "0.00000"); assert_fmt1!("%la", 0.0, "0x0p+0"); assert_fmt1!("%le", 0.0, "0.000000e+00"); assert_fmt1!("%lf", 0.0, "0.000000"); assert_fmt1!("%lg", 0.0, "0"); assert_fmt1!("%#lg", 0.0, "0.00000"); // rounding assert_fmt1!("%f", 1.1, "1.100000"); assert_fmt1!("%f", 1.2, "1.200000"); assert_fmt1!("%f", 1.3, "1.300000"); assert_fmt1!("%f", 1.4, "1.400000"); assert_fmt1!("%f", 1.5, "1.500000"); assert_fmt1!("%.4f", 1.06125, "1.0613"); /* input is not representible exactly as double */ assert_fmt1!("%.4f", 1.03125, "1.0312"); /* 0x1.08p0 */ assert_fmt1!("%.2f", 1.375, "1.38"); assert_fmt1!("%.1f", 1.375, "1.4"); assert_fmt1!("%.1lf", 1.375, "1.4"); assert_fmt1!("%.15f", 1.1, "1.100000000000000"); assert_fmt1!("%.16f", 1.1, "1.1000000000000001"); assert_fmt1!("%.17f", 1.1, "1.10000000000000009"); assert_fmt1!("%.2e", 1500001.0, "1.50e+06"); assert_fmt1!("%.2e", 1505000.0, "1.50e+06"); assert_fmt1!("%.2e", 1505000.0000009537, "1.51e+06"); assert_fmt1!("%.2e", 1505001.0, "1.51e+06"); assert_fmt1!("%.2e", 1506000.0, "1.51e+06"); // pi in double precision, printed to a few extra places assert_fmt1!("%.15f", PI, "3.141592653589793"); assert_fmt1!("%.18f", PI, "3.141592653589793116"); // exact conversion of large integers assert_fmt1!( "%.0f", 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.0, "340282366920938463463374607431768211456" ); let tiny = f64::exp2(-1021.0); assert_fmt1!("%.1022f", tiny, format!("{:.1022}", tiny)); let tiny = f64::exp2(-1022.0); assert_fmt1!("%.1022f", tiny, format!("{:.1022}", tiny)); assert_fmt1!("%.12g", 1000000000005.0, "1e+12"); assert_fmt1!("%.12g", 100000000002500.0, "1.00000000002e+14"); assert_fmt1!("%.50g", 100000000000000.5, "100000000000000.5"); assert_fmt1!("%.50g", 987654321098765.0, "987654321098765"); assert_fmt1!("%.1f", 123123123123123.0, "123123123123123.0"); assert_fmt1!("%g", 999999999.0, "1e+09"); assert_fmt1!("%.3e", 999999999.75, "1.000e+09"); assert_fmt!("%f", 1234f64 => "1234.000000"); assert_fmt!("%.5f", 1234f64 => "1234.00000"); assert_fmt!("%.*f", 6, 1234.56f64 => "1234.560000"); assert_fmt!("%f", -46.38 => "-46.380000"); assert_fmt!("%012.3f", 1.2 => "00000001.200"); assert_fmt!("%012.3e", 1.7 => "0001.700e+00"); assert_fmt!("%e", 1e300 => "1.000000e+300"); assert_fmt!("%012.3g%%!", 2.6 => "0000000002.6%!"); assert_fmt!("%012.5G", -2.69 => "-00000002.69"); assert_fmt!("%+7.4f", 42.785 => "+42.7850"); assert_fmt!("{}% 7.4E", 493.12 => "{} 4.9312E+02"); assert_fmt!("% 7.4E", -120.3 => "-1.2030E+02"); assert_fmt!("%-10F", f64::INFINITY => "INF "); assert_fmt!("%+010F", f64::INFINITY => " +INF"); assert_fmt!("% f", f64::NAN => " nan"); assert_fmt!("%+f", f64::NAN => "+nan"); assert_fmt!("%.1f", 999.99 => "1000.0"); assert_fmt!("%.1f", 9.99 => "10.0"); assert_fmt!("%.1e", 9.99 => "1.0e+01"); assert_fmt!("%.2f", 9.99 => "9.99"); assert_fmt!("%.2e", 9.99 => "9.99e+00"); assert_fmt!("%.3f", 9.99 => "9.990"); assert_fmt!("%.3e", 9.99 => "9.990e+00"); assert_fmt!("%.1g", 9.99 => "1e+01"); assert_fmt!("%.1G", 9.99 => "1E+01"); assert_fmt!("%.1f", 2.99 => "3.0"); assert_fmt!("%.1e", 2.99 => "3.0e+00"); assert_fmt!("%.1g", 2.99 => "3"); assert_fmt!("%.1f", 2.599 => "2.6"); assert_fmt!("%.1e", 2.599 => "2.6e+00"); assert_fmt!("%30.15f", 1234565678.0 => " 1234565678.000000000000000"); assert_fmt!("%030.15f", 1234565678.0 => "00001234565678.000000000000000"); assert_fmt!("%05.3a", 123.456 => "0x1.eddp+6"); assert_fmt!("%05.3A", 123.456 => "0X1.EDDP+6"); // Regression test using smallest denormal. assert_fmt!("%.0f", f64::from_bits(1) => "0"); assert_fmt!("%.1f", f64::from_bits(1) => "0.0"); // More regression tests. assert_fmt!("%0.6f", 1e15 => "1000000000000000.000000"); assert_fmt!("%.0e", 0 => "0e+00"); } #[test] fn test_float_g() { // correctness in DBL_DIG places assert_fmt1!("%.15g", 1.23456789012345, "1.23456789012345"); // correct choice of notation for %g assert_fmt1!("%g", 0.0001, "0.0001"); assert_fmt1!("%g", 0.00001, "1e-05"); assert_fmt1!("%g", 123456, "123456"); assert_fmt1!("%g", 1234567, "1.23457e+06"); assert_fmt1!("%.7g", 1234567, "1234567"); assert_fmt1!("%.7g", 12345678, "1.234568e+07"); assert_fmt1!("%.8g", 0.1, "0.1"); assert_fmt1!("%.9g", 0.1, "0.1"); assert_fmt1!("%.10g", 0.1, "0.1"); assert_fmt1!("%.11g", 0.1, "0.1"); // %g with precisions assert_fmt1!("%.5g", 12345, "12345"); assert_fmt1!("%.4g", 12345, "1.234e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%.3g", 12345, "1.23e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%.2g", 12345, "1.2e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%.1g", 12345, "1e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%.5g", 0.000123456, "0.00012346"); assert_fmt1!("%.4g", 0.000123456, "0.0001235"); assert_fmt1!("%.3g", 0.000123456, "0.000123"); assert_fmt1!("%.2g", 0.000123456, "0.00012"); assert_fmt1!("%.1g", 0.000123456, "0.0001"); assert_fmt1!("%.5g", 99999, "99999"); assert_fmt1!("%.4g", 99999, "1e+05"); assert_fmt1!("%.5g", 0.00001, "1e-05"); assert_fmt1!("%.6g", 0.00001, "1e-05"); // %g with precision and alt form assert_fmt1!("%#.5g", 12345, "12345."); assert_fmt1!("%#.4g", 12345, "1.234e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%#.3g", 12345, "1.23e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%#.2g", 12345, "1.2e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%#.1g", 12345, "1.e+04"); assert_fmt1!("%#.5g", 0.000123456, "0.00012346"); assert_fmt1!("%#.4g", 0.000123456, "0.0001235"); assert_fmt1!("%#.3g", 0.000123456, "0.000123"); assert_fmt1!("%#.2g", 0.000123456, "0.00012"); assert_fmt1!("%#.1g", 0.000123456, "0.0001"); assert_fmt1!("%#.5g", 99999, "99999."); assert_fmt1!("%#.4g", 99999, "1.000e+05"); assert_fmt1!("%#.5g", 0.00001, "1.0000e-05"); assert_fmt1!("%#.6g", 0.00001, "1.00000e-05"); // 'g' specifier changes meaning of precision to number of sigfigs. // This applies both to explicit precision, and the default precision, which is 6. assert_fmt!("%.1g", 2.599 => "3"); assert_fmt!("%g", 3.0 => "3"); assert_fmt!("%G", 3.0 => "3"); assert_fmt!("%g", 1234234.532234234 => "1.23423e+06"); assert_fmt!("%g", 23490234723.234239 => "2.34902e+10"); assert_fmt!("%G", 23490234723.234239 => "2.34902E+10"); assert_fmt!("%g", 0.0 => "0"); assert_fmt!("%G", 0.0 => "0"); } #[test] fn test_float_hex() { assert_fmt1!("%.0a", 0.0, "0x0p+0"); assert_fmt1!("%.1a", 0.0, "0x0.0p+0"); assert_fmt1!("%.2a", 0.0, "0x0.00p+0"); assert_fmt1!("%.3a", 0.0, "0x0.000p+0"); // Test mixed precision and padding with left-adjust. assert_fmt!("%-10.5a", 1.23456 => "0x1.3c0c2p+0"); assert_fmt!("%-15.3a", -123.456 => "-0x1.eddp+6 "); assert_fmt!("%-20.1a", 0.00001234 => "0x1.ap-17 "); assert_fmt!("%.0a", PI => "0x2p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.1a", PI => "0x1.9p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.2a", PI => "0x1.92p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.3a", PI => "0x1.922p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.4a", PI => "0x1.9220p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.5a", PI => "0x1.921fbp+1"); assert_fmt!("%.6a", PI => "0x1.921fb5p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.7a", PI => "0x1.921fb54p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.8a", PI => "0x1.921fb544p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.9a", PI => "0x1.921fb5444p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.10a", PI => "0x1.921fb54443p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.11a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442dp+1"); assert_fmt!("%.12a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d2p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.13a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d18p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.14a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d180p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.15a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d1800p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.16a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d18000p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.17a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d180000p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.18a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d1800000p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.19a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d18000000p+1"); assert_fmt!("%.20a", PI => "0x1.921fb54442d180000000p+1"); } #[test] fn test_prefixes() { // Test the valid prefixes. // Note that we generally ignore prefixes, since we know the width of the actual passed-in type. // We don't test prefixed 'n'. // Integer prefixes. use Error::BadFormatString; for spec in "diouxX".chars() { let expected = sprintf_check!(format!("%{}", spec), 5); for prefix in ["", "h", "hh", "l", "ll", "z", "j", "t"] { let actual = sprintf_check!(format!("%{}{}", prefix, spec), 5); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } for prefix in ["L", "B", "!"] { sprintf_err!(format!("%{}{}", prefix, spec), 5 => BadFormatString); } } // Floating prefixes. for spec in "aAeEfFgG".chars() { let expected = sprintf_check!(format!("%{}", spec), 5.0); for prefix in ["", "l", "L"] { let actual = sprintf_check!(format!("%{}{}", prefix, spec), 5.0); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } for prefix in ["h", "hh", "z", "j", "t", "!"] { sprintf_err!(format!("%{}{}", prefix, spec), 5.0 => BadFormatString); } } // Character prefixes. assert_eq!(sprintf_check!("%c", 'c'), "c"); assert_eq!(sprintf_check!("%lc", 'c'), "c"); assert_eq!(sprintf_check!("%s", "cs"), "cs"); assert_eq!(sprintf_check!("%ls", "cs"), "cs"); } #[allow(clippy::approx_constant)] #[test] fn negative_precision_width() { assert_fmt!("%*s", -10, "hello" => "hello "); assert_fmt!("%*s", -5, "world" => "world"); assert_fmt!("%-*s", 10, "rust" => "rust "); assert_fmt!("%.*s", -3, "example" => "example"); assert_fmt!("%*d", -8, 456 => "456 "); assert_fmt!("%*i", -4, -789 => "-789"); assert_fmt!("%-*o", 6, 123 => "173 "); assert_fmt!("%.*x", -2, 255 => "ff"); assert_fmt!("%-*X", 7, 255 => "FF "); assert_fmt!("%.*u", -5, 5000 => "5000"); assert_fmt!("%*f", -12, 78.9 => "78.900000 "); assert_fmt!("%*g", -10, 12345.678 => "12345.7 "); assert_fmt!("%-*e", 15, 0.00012 => "1.200000e-04 "); assert_fmt!("%-*e", -15, 0.00012 => "1.200000e-04 "); assert_fmt!("%.*G", -2, 123.456 => "123.456"); assert_fmt!("%-*E", 14, 123456.789 => "1.234568E+05 "); assert_fmt!("%-*E", -14, 123456.789 => "1.234568E+05 "); assert_fmt!("%.*f", -6, 3.14159 => "3.141590"); assert_fmt!("%*.*f", -12, -6, 78.9 => "78.900000 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*g", -10, -3, 12345.678 => "12345.7 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*e", -15, -8, 0.00012 => "1.200000e-04 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*E", -14, -4, 123456.789 => "1.234568E+05 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*d", -6, -4, 2024 => "2024 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*x", -8, -3, 255 => "ff "); assert_fmt!("%*.*f", -10, -2, 3.14159 => "3.141590 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*g", -12, -5, 123.456 => "123.456 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*e", -14, -3, 0.000789 => "7.890000e-04 "); assert_fmt!("%*.*E", -16, -5, 98765.4321 => "9.876543E+04 "); } #[test] fn test_precision_overflow() { // Disallow precisions larger than i32::MAX. sprintf_err!("%.*g", usize::MAX, 1.0 => Error::Overflow); sprintf_err!("%.2147483648g", usize::MAX, 1.0 => Error::Overflow); sprintf_err!("%.*g", i32::MAX as usize + 1, 1.0 => Error::Overflow); sprintf_err!("%.2147483648g", i32::MAX as usize + 1, 1.0 => Error::Overflow); } #[test] fn test_huge_precision_g() { let f = 1e-100; assert_eq!(sprintf_count!("%.2147483647g", f), 288); assert_eq!(sprintf_count!("%.*g", i32::MAX, f), 288); assert_fmt!("%.*g", i32::MAX, 2.0_f64.powi(-4) => "0.0625"); sprintf_err!("%.*g", usize::MAX, f => Error::Overflow); sprintf_err!("%.2147483648g", f => Error::Overflow); } #[test] fn test_errors() { use Error::*; sprintf_err!("%", => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%1", => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%%%k", => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%B", => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%lC", 'q' => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%lS", 'q' => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%d", => MissingArg); sprintf_err!("%d %u", 1 => MissingArg); sprintf_err!("%*d", 5 => MissingArg); sprintf_err!("%.*d", 5 => MissingArg); sprintf_err!("%%", 1 => ExtraArg); sprintf_err!("%d %d", 1, 2, 3 => ExtraArg); sprintf_err!("%d", "abc" => BadArgType); sprintf_err!("%s", 5 => BadArgType); sprintf_err!("%*d", "s", 5 => BadArgType); sprintf_err!("%.*d", "s", 5 => BadArgType); sprintf_err!("%18446744073709551616d", 5 => Overflow); sprintf_err!("%.18446744073709551616d", 5 => Overflow); // We allow passing an int for a float, but not a float for an int. assert_fmt!("%f", 3 => "3.000000"); sprintf_err!("%d", 3.0 => BadArgType); // We allow passing an int for a char, reporting "overflow" for ints // which cannot be converted to char (treating surrogates as "overflow"). assert_fmt!("%c", 0 => "\0"); assert_fmt!("%c", 'Z' as u32 => "Z"); sprintf_err!("%c", 5.0 => BadArgType); sprintf_err!("%c", -1 => Overflow); sprintf_err!("%c", u64::MAX => Overflow); sprintf_err!("%c", 0xD800 => Overflow); sprintf_err!("%c", 0xD8FF => Overflow); // Apostrophe only works for d,u,i,f,F sprintf_err!("%'c", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'o", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'x", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'X", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'n", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'a", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'A", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'e", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'E", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'g", 0 => BadFormatString); sprintf_err!("%'G", 0 => BadFormatString); } #[test] fn test_locale() { fn test_printf_loc<'a>(expected: &str, locale: &Locale, format: &str, arg: impl ToArg<'a>) { let mut target = String::new(); let format_chars: Vec = format.chars().collect(); let len = sprintf_locale(&mut target, &format_chars, locale, &mut [arg.to_arg()]) .expect("printf failed"); assert_eq!(len, target.len()); assert_eq!(target, expected); } let mut locale = C_LOCALE; locale.decimal_point = ','; locale.thousands_sep = Some('!'); locale.grouping = [3, 1, 0, 0]; test_printf_loc("-46,380000", &locale, "%f", -46.38); test_printf_loc("00000001,200", &locale, "%012.3f", 1.2); test_printf_loc("1234", &locale, "%d", 1234); test_printf_loc("0x1,9p+3", &locale, "%a", 12.5); test_printf_loc("12345!6!789", &locale, "%'d", 123456789); test_printf_loc("123!4!567", &locale, "%'d", 1234567); test_printf_loc("214748!3!647", &locale, "%'u", 2147483647); test_printf_loc("-123!4!567", &locale, "%'i", -1234567); test_printf_loc("-123!4!567,890000", &locale, "%'f", -1234567.89); test_printf_loc("123!4!567,8899999999", &locale, "%'.10f", 1234567.89); test_printf_loc("12!3!456,789", &locale, "%'.3F", 123456.789); test_printf_loc("00000000001!234", &locale, "%'015d", 1234); test_printf_loc("1!2!345", &locale, "%'7d", 12345); test_printf_loc(" 1!2!345", &locale, "%'8d", 12345); test_printf_loc("+1!2!345", &locale, "%'+d", 12345); // Thousands seps count as width, and so remove some leading zeros. // Padding does NOT use thousands sep. test_printf_loc("0001234567", &EN_US_LOCALE, "%010d", 1234567); test_printf_loc("01,234,567", &EN_US_LOCALE, "%'010d", 1234567); test_printf_loc( "000000000000000001,222,333,444", &EN_US_LOCALE, "%'0.30d", 1222333444, ); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_float_hex_prec() { // Check that libc and our hex float formatting agree for each precision. // Note that our hex float formatting rounds according to the rounding mode, // while libc may not; as a result we may differ in the last digit. So this // requires manual comparison. let mut c_storage = [0u8; 256]; let c_storage_ptr = c_storage.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char; let mut rust_str = String::with_capacity(256); let c_fmt = b"%.*a\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char; let mut failed = false; for sign in [1.0, -1.0].into_iter() { for mut v in [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, PI, TAU, E].into_iter() { v *= sign; for preci in 1..=200_i32 { rust_str.clear(); crate::sprintf!(=> &mut rust_str, utf32str!("%.*a"), preci, v); let printf_str = unsafe { let len = libc::snprintf(c_storage_ptr, c_storage.len(), c_fmt, preci, v); assert!(len >= 0); let sl = std::slice::from_raw_parts(c_storage_ptr as *const u8, len as usize); std::str::from_utf8(sl).unwrap() }; if rust_str != printf_str { println!( "Our printf and libc disagree on hex formatting of float: {v} with precision: {preci} our output: <{rust_str}> libc output: <{printf_str}>" ); failed = true; } } } } assert!(!failed); } fn test_exhaustive(rust_fmt: &Utf32Str, c_fmt: *const c_char) { // "There's only 4 billion floats so test them all." // This tests a format string expected to be of the form "%.*g" or "%.*e". // That is, it takes a precision and a double. println!("Testing {}", rust_fmt); let mut rust_str = String::with_capacity(128); let mut c_storage = [0u8; 128]; let c_storage_ptr = c_storage.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char; for i in 0..=u32::MAX { if i % 1000000 == 0 { println!("{:.2}%", (i as f64) / (u32::MAX as f64) * 100.0); } let f = f32::from_bits(i); let ff = f as f64; for preci in 0..=10 { rust_str.clear(); crate::sprintf!(=> &mut rust_str, rust_fmt, preci, ff); let printf_str = unsafe { let len = libc::snprintf(c_storage_ptr, c_storage.len(), c_fmt, preci, ff); assert!(len >= 0); let sl = std::slice::from_raw_parts(c_storage_ptr as *const u8, len as usize); std::str::from_utf8(sl).unwrap() }; if rust_str != printf_str { println!( "Rust and libc disagree on formatting float {i:x}: {ff}\n with precision: {preci} format string: {rust_fmt} rust output: <{rust_str}> libc output: <{printf_str}>" ); assert_eq!(rust_str, printf_str); } } } } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_float_g_exhaustive() { // To run: cargo test test_float_g_exhaustive --release -- --ignored --nocapture test_exhaustive( widestring::utf32str!("%.*g"), b"%.*g\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char, ); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_float_e_exhaustive() { // To run: cargo test test_float_e_exhaustive --release -- --ignored --nocapture test_exhaustive( widestring::utf32str!("%.*e"), b"%.*e\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char, ); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_float_f_exhaustive() { // To run: cargo test test_float_f_exhaustive --release -- --ignored --nocapture test_exhaustive( widestring::utf32str!("%.*f"), b"%.*f\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char, ); }