function __fish_print_apt_packages argparse --name=__fish_print_packages i/installed -- $argv or return switch (commandline -ct) case '-**' return end set -l search_term (commandline -ct | string replace -ar '[\'"\\\\]' '' | string lower) if ! test -f /var/lib/dpkg/status return 1 end if not set -q _flag_installed # Do not generate the cache as apparently sometimes this is slow. # # (It is safe to use `sed -r` here as we are guaranteed to be on a GNU platform # if apt-cache was found.) # Uses the UTF-8/ASCII record separator (0x1A) character. # # Note: This can include "Description:" fields which we need to include, # "Description-en_GB" (or another locale code) fields which we need to include # as well as "Description-md5" fields which we absolutely do *not* want to include # The regex doesn't allow numbers, so unless someone makes a hash algorithm without a number # in the name, we're safe. (yes, this should absolutely have a better format). # # aptitude has options that control the output formatting, but is orders of magnitude slower # # sed could probably do all of the heavy lifting here, but would be even less readable # # The `head -n 500` causes us to stop once we have 500 lines. We do it after the `sed` because # Debian package descriptions can be extremely long and are hard-wrapped: texlive-latex-extra # has about 2700 lines on Debian 11. apt-cache --no-generate show '.*'(commandline -ct)'.*' 2>/dev/null | sed -r '/^(Package|Description-?[a-zA-Z_]*):/!d;s/Package: (.*)/\1\t/g;s/Description-?[^:]*: (.*)/\1\x1a/g' | head -n 2500 | string join "" | string replace --all --regex \x1a+ \n | uniq return 0 else # Do not not use `apt-cache` as it is sometimes inexplicably slow (by multiple orders of magnitude). awk ' BEGIN { FS=": " } /^Package/ { pkg=$2 } /^Status/ { installed=0 if ($2 ~ /(^|\s)installed/) { installed=1 } } /^Description(-[a-zA-Z]+)?:/ { desc=$2 if (installed == 1 && index(pkg, "'$search_term'") > 0) { print pkg "\t" desc installed=0 # Prevent multiple description translations from being printed } }' </var/lib/dpkg/status end end