#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pexpect_helper import SpawnedProc sp = SpawnedProc() send, sendline, sleep, expect_prompt, expect_re, expect_str = ( sp.send, sp.sendline, sp.sleep, sp.expect_prompt, sp.expect_re, sp.expect_str, ) expect_prompt() # Exclam to clear the commandline. sendline(r"bind ! 'commandline \'\''") expect_prompt() # A do-nothing function to ensure we don't inherit weird completions. sendline(r"function foo; end") expect_prompt() sendline(r"cd (mktemp -d)") expect_prompt() # Helper function that sets the commandline to a glob, # optionally moves the cursor back, tab completes, and then clears the commandline. def tab_expand_glob(input, expected, move_cursor_back=0): send(input) if move_cursor_back > 0: send("\x1b[D" * move_cursor_back) expect_str(input) sleep(0.1) send("\t") expect_str(expected) send(r"!") # clears the commandline # Don't report tab_expand_glob as the callsite since it is a helper. tab_expand_glob.callsite_skip = True sendline(r"touch aaa1 aaa2 aaa3") expect_prompt() tab_expand_glob(r"cat *", r"cat aaa1 aaa2 aaa3") tab_expand_glob(r"cat *2", r"cat aaa2") # Globs that fail to expand are left alone. tab_expand_glob(r"cat qqq*", r"cat qqq*") # Special characters in expanded globs are properly escaped. sendline(r"touch bb\*bbQ cc\;ccQ") expect_prompt() tab_expand_glob(r"cat *Q", r"cat bb\*bbQ cc\;ccQ") # Cases from #8593. sendline(r"rm -Rf *; touch README.rst") expect_prompt() tab_expand_glob(r"cat R*", r"cat README.rst") # Glob fails, so offer completion. tab_expand_glob(r"cat *.r", r"cat *.rst") tab_expand_glob(r"cat *.rst", r"cat README.rst") sendline(r"mkdir benchmarks && mkdir benchmarks/somedir && touch benchmarks/somefile") expect_prompt() tab_expand_glob(r"echo benchmarks/*", r"echo benchmarks/somedir benchmarks/somefile") # Trailing slash suppresses files. # Note we move the cursor backwards one, to right after the glob. tab_expand_glob(r"echo benchmarks/*/", r"echo benchmarks/somedir/", 1) # Glob fails so it tries completions which also fails. # This happens whether the cursor is at the end, or just after the glob. tab_expand_glob(r"echo ben*/nomatch", r"echo ben*/nomatch") tab_expand_glob(r"echo ben*/nomatch", r"echo ben*/nomatch", len("/nomatch")) # Glob fails so it tries completions which succeeds. tab_expand_glob(r"echo ben*/somed", r"echo ben*/somedir") tab_expand_glob(r"echo ben*/somed", r"echo ben*/somedir", len("/somed")) # No glob in "current path component," offer completions. tab_expand_glob(r"echo {benchmarks/*/,benchm}a", r"echo {benchmarks/*/,benchm}arks/") # Test undo and redo. # "<" and ">" to undo and redo respectively. sendline(r"bind \< undo; bind \> redo") expect_prompt() send(r"echo benchmarks/*") sleep(0.1) send("\t") expect_str(r"echo benchmarks/somedir benchmarks/somefile") # Undo un-expands the command. send(r"<") expect_str(r"echo benchmarks/*") # Redo re-expands it. send(r">") expect_str(r"echo benchmarks/somedir benchmarks/somefile")