function __bower_cmds
	echo -en "cache\tManage bower cache
help\tDisplay help information about Bower
home\tOpens a package homepage into your favorite browser
info\tInfo of a particular package
init\tInteractively create a bower.json file
install\tInstall a package locally
link\tSymlink a package folder
list\tList local packages - and possible updates
login\tAuthenticate with GitHub and store credentials
lookup\tLook up a single package URL by name
prune\tRemoves local extraneous packages
register\tRegister a package
search\tSearch for packages by name
update\tUpdate a local package
uninstall\tRemove a local package
unregister\tRemove a package from the registry
version\tBump a package version

function __bower_args
	echo -en "-f\tMakes various commands more forceful
--force\tMakes various commands more forceful
-j\tOutput consumable JSON
--json\tOutput consumable JSON
-l\tWhat level of logs to report
--loglevel\tWhat level of logs to report
-o\tDo not hit the network
--offline\tDo not hit the network
-q\tOnly output important information
--quiet\tOnly output important information
-s\tDo not output anything, besides errors
--silent\tDo not output anything, besides errors
-V\tMakes output more verbose
--verbose\tMakes output more verbose
--allow-root\tAllows running commands as root
-v\tOutput Bower version
--version\tOutput Bower version
--no-color\tDisable colors"

function __bower_matching_pkgs
	bower search (commandline -ct) | string match -r "\S+[^\s]" | string match -v "Search"

# Output of `bower list` is a) slow, b) convoluted. Use `jq` instead.
function __bower_list_installed
	if not type -q jq
		return 1

	if not test -e bower.json
		return 1

	jq -r '.dependencies | to_entries[] | .key' bower.json

complete -c bower -n "__fish_is_first_token" -x -a '(__bower_cmds)'
complete -c bower -n "__fish_should_complete_switches" -x -a '(__bower_args)'
complete -c bower -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from install" -x -a '(__bower_matching_pkgs)'
complete -c bower -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from uninstall" -x -a '(__bower_list_installed)'