/** \file env.h
  Prototypes for functions for setting and getting environment variables.

#ifndef FISH_ENV_H
#define FISH_ENV_H

#include <wchar.h>
#include <map>

#include "util.h"
#include "common.h"

/* Flags that may be passed as the 'mode' in env_set / env_get_string */
    /* Default mode */
    ENV_DEFAULT = 0,
    /** Flag for local (to the current block) variable */
    ENV_LOCAL = 1,
    /** Flag for exported (to commands) variable */
    ENV_EXPORT = 2,
    /** Flag for unexported variable */
    ENV_UNEXPORT = 16,
    /** Flag for global variable */
    ENV_GLOBAL = 4,
    /** Flag for variable update request from the user. All variable
       changes that are made directly by the user, such as those from the
       'set' builtin must have this flag set. */
    ENV_USER = 8,
    /** Flag for universal variable */
typedef uint32_t env_mode_flags_t;

   Error code for trying to alter read-only variable
    ENV_PERM = 1,

/* A struct of configuration directories, determined in main() that fish will optionally pass to env_init.
struct config_paths_t
    wcstring data;      // e.g. /usr/local/share
    wcstring sysconf;   // e.g. /usr/local/etc
    wcstring doc;       // e.g. /usr/local/share/doc/fish
    wcstring bin;       // e.g. /usr/local/bin

   Initialize environment variable data
void env_init(const struct config_paths_t *paths = NULL);

   Set the value of the environment variable whose name matches key to val.

   Memory policy: All keys and values are copied, the parameters can and should be freed by the caller afterwards

   \param key The key
   \param val The value
   \param mode The type of the variable. Can be any combination of ENV_GLOBAL, ENV_LOCAL, ENV_EXPORT and ENV_USER. If mode is zero, the current variable space is searched and the current mode is used. If no current variable with the same name is found, ENV_LOCAL is assumed.

   \returns 0 on suicess or an error code on failiure.

   The current error codes are:

   * ENV_PERM, can only be returned when setting as a user, e.g. ENV_USER is set. This means that the user tried to change a read-only variable.
   * ENV_SCOPE, the variable cannot be set in the given scope. This applies to readonly/electric variables set from the local or universal scopes, or set as exported.
   * ENV_INVALID, the variable value was invalid. This applies only to special variables.

int env_set(const wcstring &key, const wchar_t *val, env_mode_flags_t mode);

  Return the value of the variable with the specified name.  Returns 0
  if the key does not exist.  The returned string should not be
  modified or freed. The returned string is only guaranteed to be
  valid until the next call to env_get(), env_set(), env_push() or
  env_pop() takes place.
//const wchar_t *env_get( const wchar_t *key );

class env_var_t : public wcstring
    bool is_missing;
    static env_var_t missing_var(void)
        env_var_t result(L"");
        result.is_missing = true;
        return result;


    env_var_t(const env_var_t &x) : wcstring(x), is_missing(x.is_missing) { }
    env_var_t(const wcstring & x) : wcstring(x), is_missing(false) { }
    env_var_t(const wchar_t *x) : wcstring(x), is_missing(false) { }
    env_var_t() : wcstring(L""), is_missing(false) { }

    bool missing(void) const
        return is_missing;

    bool missing_or_empty(void) const
        return missing() || empty();

    const wchar_t *c_str(void) const;

    env_var_t &operator=(const env_var_t &s)
        is_missing = s.is_missing;
        return *this;

    bool operator==(const env_var_t &s) const
        return is_missing == s.is_missing && static_cast<const wcstring &>(*this) == static_cast<const wcstring &>(s);

    bool operator==(const wcstring &s) const
        return ! is_missing && static_cast<const wcstring &>(*this) == s;

    bool operator!=(const env_var_t &s) const
        return !(*this == s);

    bool operator!=(const wcstring &s) const
        return !(*this == s);

    bool operator==(const wchar_t *s) const
        return ! is_missing && static_cast<const wcstring &>(*this) == s;

    bool operator!=(const wchar_t *s) const
        return !(*this == s);


   Gets the variable with the specified name, or env_var_t::missing_var if it does not exist or is an empty array.

   \param key The name of the variable to get
   \param mode An optional scope to search in. All scopes are searched if unset
env_var_t env_get_string(const wcstring &key, env_mode_flags_t mode = ENV_DEFAULT);

   Returns true if the specified key exists. This can't be reliably done
   using env_get, since env_get returns null for 0-element arrays

   \param key The name of the variable to remove
   \param mode the scope to search in. All scopes are searched if set to default
bool env_exist(const wchar_t *key, env_mode_flags_t mode);

   Remove environemnt variable

   \param key The name of the variable to remove
   \param mode should be ENV_USER if this is a remove request from the user, 0 otherwise. If this is a user request, read-only variables can not be removed. The mode may also specify the scope of the variable that should be erased.

   \return zero if the variable existed, and non-zero if the variable did not exist
int env_remove(const wcstring &key, int mode);

  Push the variable stack. Used for implementing local variables for functions and for-loops.
void env_push(bool new_scope);

  Pop the variable stack. Used for implementing local variables for functions and for-loops.
void env_pop();

/** Synchronizes all universal variable changes: writes everything out, reads stuff in */
void env_universal_barrier();

/** Returns an array containing all exported variables in a format suitable for execv. */
const char * const * env_export_arr(bool recalc);

  Returns all variable names.
wcstring_list_t env_get_names(int flags);

/** Update the PWD variable directory */
int env_set_pwd();

/* Returns the PWD with a terminating slash */
wcstring env_get_pwd_slash();

class env_vars_snapshot_t
    std::map<wcstring, wcstring> vars;
    bool is_current() const;

    env_vars_snapshot_t(const wchar_t * const * keys);

    env_var_t get(const wcstring &key) const;

    // Returns the fake snapshot representing the live variables array
    static const env_vars_snapshot_t &current();

    // vars necessary for highlighting
    static const wchar_t * const highlighting_keys[];

extern bool g_log_forks;
extern int g_fork_count;

extern bool g_use_posix_spawn;

 A variable entry. Stores the value of a variable and whether it
 should be exported.
struct var_entry_t
    wcstring val; /**< The value of the variable */
    bool exportv; /**< Whether the variable should be exported */
    var_entry_t() : exportv(false) { }

typedef std::map<wcstring, var_entry_t> var_table_t;
