# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See full license information in # doc_src/license.hdr or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #.rst: # CheckIncludeFiles # ----------------- # # Provides a macro to check if a list of one or more header files can # be included together in ``C``. # # .. command:: CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES # # :: # # CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES("" [LANGUAGE ]) # # Check if the given ```` list may be included together # in a ``C`` source file and store the result in an internal cache # entry named ````. Specify the ```` argument # as a :ref:`;-list ` of header file names. # # If LANGUAGE is set, the specified compiler will be used to perform the # check. Acceptable values are C and CXX. # # The following variables may be set before calling this macro to modify # the way the check is run: # # ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS`` # string of compile command line flags # ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS`` # list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar) # ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES`` # list of include directories # ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET`` # execute quietly without messages # # See modules :module:`CheckIncludeFile` and :module:`CheckIncludeFileCXX` # to check for a single header file in ``C`` or ``CXX`` languages. macro(CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES INCLUDE VARIABLE) if(NOT DEFINED "${VARIABLE}") set(CMAKE_CONFIGURABLE_FILE_CONTENT "/* */\n") if("x${ARGN}" STREQUAL "x") if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LOADED) set(_lang C) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LOADED) set(_lang CXX) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES needs either C or CXX language enabled") endif() elseif("x${ARGN}" MATCHES "^xLANGUAGE;([a-zA-Z]+)$") set(_lang "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown arguments:\n ${ARGN}\n") endif() if(_lang STREQUAL "C") set(src ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CheckIncludeFiles/${VARIABLE}.c) elseif(_lang STREQUAL "CXX") set(src ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CheckIncludeFiles/${VARIABLE}.cpp) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown language:\n ${_lang}\nSupported languages: C, CXX.\n") endif() if(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) set(CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES_INCLUDE_DIRS "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES=${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}") else() set(CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif() set(CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES_CONTENT "/* */\n") set(MACRO_CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES_FLAGS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}) foreach(FILE ${INCLUDE}) string(APPEND CMAKE_CONFIGURABLE_FILE_CONTENT "#include <${FILE}>\n") endforeach() string(APPEND CMAKE_CONFIGURABLE_FILE_CONTENT "\n\nint main(void){return 0;}\n") configure_file("${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeConfigurableFile.in" "${src}" @ONLY) set(_INCLUDE ${INCLUDE}) # remove empty elements if("${_INCLUDE}" MATCHES "^([^;]+);.+;([^;]+)$") list(LENGTH _INCLUDE _INCLUDE_LEN) set(_description "${_INCLUDE_LEN} include files ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}, ..., ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") elseif("${_INCLUDE}" MATCHES "^([^;]+);([^;]+)$") set(_description "include files ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}, ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") else() set(_description "include file ${_INCLUDE}") endif() if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Looking for ${_description}") endif() try_compile(${VARIABLE} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${src} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} CMAKE_FLAGS -DCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS:STRING=${MACRO_CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES_FLAGS} "${CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES_INCLUDE_DIRS}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT) if(${VARIABLE}) if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Looking for ${_description} - found") endif() set(${VARIABLE} 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Have include ${INCLUDE}") file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeOutput.log "Determining if files ${INCLUDE} " "exist passed with the following output:\n" "${OUTPUT}\n\n") else() if(NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message(STATUS "Looking for ${_description} - not found") endif() set(${VARIABLE} "" CACHE INTERNAL "Have includes ${INCLUDE}") file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeError.log "Determining if files ${INCLUDE} " "exist failed with the following output:\n" "${OUTPUT}\nSource:\n${CMAKE_CONFIGURABLE_FILE_CONTENT}\n") endif() endif() endmacro()