//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // __________ // _____ __ __\______ \_____ _______ ______ ____ _______ // / \ | | \| ___/\__ \ \_ __ \/ ___/_/ __ \\_ __ | // | Y Y \| | /| | / __ \_| | \/\___ \ \ ___/ | | \/ // |__|_| /|____/ |____| (____ /|__| /____ > \___ >|__| // \/ \/ \/ \/ // (C) 2015 Ingo Berg // // example1.cpp - using the parser as a static library // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "muParserTest.h" #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #define CREATE_LEAKAGE_REPORT #endif #if defined(USINGDLL) && defined(_WIN32) #error This sample can be used only with STATIC builds of muParser (on win32) #endif /** \brief This macro will enable mathematical constants like M_PI. */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "muParser.h" using namespace std; using namespace mu; #if defined(CREATE_LEAKAGE_REPORT) // Dumping memory leaks in the destructor of the static guard // guarantees i won't get false positives from the ParserErrorMsg // class wich is a singleton with a static instance. struct DumpLeaks { ~DumpLeaks() { _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); } } static LeakDumper; #endif // Operator callback functions ValueOrError Mega(value_type a_fVal) { return a_fVal * 1e6; } ValueOrError Milli(value_type a_fVal) { return a_fVal / (value_type)1e3; } ValueOrError Rnd(value_type v) { return v * std::rand() / (value_type)(RAND_MAX + 1.0); } ValueOrError Not(value_type v) { return v == 0; } ValueOrError Add(value_type v1, value_type v2) { return v1 + v2; } ValueOrError Mul(value_type v1, value_type v2) { return v1 * v2; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueOrError ThrowAnException(value_type) { throw std::runtime_error("This function does throw an exception."); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueOrError Ping() { mu::console() << "ping\n"; return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueOrError StrFun0(const char_type *szMsg) { if (szMsg) mu::console() << szMsg << std::endl; return 999; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueOrError StrFun2(const char_type *v1, value_type v2, value_type v3) { mu::console() << v1 << std::endl; return v2 + v3; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueOrError Debug(mu::value_type v1, mu::value_type v2) { ParserBase::EnableDebugDump(v1 != 0, v2 != 0); mu::console() << _T("Bytecode dumping ") << ((v1 != 0) ? _T("active") : _T("inactive")) << _T("\n"); return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Factory function for creating new parser variables // This could as well be a function performing database queries. value_type *AddVariable(const char_type *a_szName, void *a_pUserData) { // I don't want dynamic allocation here, so i used this static buffer // If you want dynamic allocation you must allocate all variables dynamically // in order to delete them later on. Or you find other ways to keep track of // variables that have been created implicitely. static value_type afValBuf[100]; static int iVal = -1; ++iVal; mu::console() << _T("Generating new variable \"") << a_szName << std::dec << _T("\" (slots left: ") << 99 - iVal << _T(")") << _T(" User data pointer is:") << std::hex << a_pUserData << endl; afValBuf[iVal] = 0; if (iVal >= 99) throw mu::ParserError(_T("Variable buffer overflow.")); else return &afValBuf[iVal]; } int IsHexValue(const char_type *a_szExpr, int *a_iPos, value_type *a_fVal) { if (a_szExpr[1] == 0 || (a_szExpr[0] != '0' || a_szExpr[1] != 'x')) return 0; unsigned iVal(0); // New code based on streams for UNICODE compliance: stringstream_type::pos_type nPos(0); stringstream_type ss(a_szExpr + 2); ss >> std::hex >> iVal; nPos = ss.tellg(); if (nPos == (stringstream_type::pos_type)0) return 1; *a_iPos += (int)(2 + nPos); *a_fVal = (value_type)iVal; return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Splash() { mu::console() << _T(" __________ \n"); mu::console() << _T(" _____ __ __\\______ \\_____ _______ ______ ____ _______\n"); mu::console() << _T(" / \\ | | \\| ___/\\__ \\ \\_ __ \\/ ___/_/ __ \\\\_ __ \\ \n"); mu::console() << _T(" | Y Y \\| | /| | / __ \\_| | \\/\\___ \\ \\ ___/ | | \\/ \n"); mu::console() << _T(" |__|_| /|____/ |____| (____ /|__| /____ > \\___ >|__| \n"); mu::console() << _T(" \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \n"); mu::console() << _T(" Version ") << Parser().GetVersion(pviFULL) << _T("\n"); mu::console() << _T(" (C) 2015 Ingo Berg\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueOrError SelfTest() { mu::console() << _T( "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); mu::console() << _T( "Running test suite:\n\n"); // Skip the self test if the value type is set to an integer type. if (mu::TypeInfo::IsInteger()) { mu::console() << _T( " Test skipped: integer data type are not compatible with the unit test!\n\n"); } else { mu::Test::ParserTester pt; pt.Run(); } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueOrError Help() { mu::console() << _T( "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); mu::console() << _T( "Commands:\n\n"); mu::console() << _T( " list var - list parser variables\n"); mu::console() << _T( " list exprvar - list expression variables\n"); mu::console() << _T( " list const - list all numeric parser constants\n"); mu::console() << _T( " locale de - switch to german locale\n"); mu::console() << _T( " locale en - switch to english locale\n"); mu::console() << _T( " locale reset - reset locale\n"); mu::console() << _T( " quit - exits the parser\n"); mu::console() << _T( "\nConstants:\n\n"); mu::console() << _T( " \"_e\" 2.718281828459045235360287\n"); mu::console() << _T( " \"_pi\" 3.141592653589793238462643\n"); mu::console() << _T( "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* void CheckLocale() { // Local names: // "C" - the classic C locale // "de_DE" - not for Windows? // "en_US" - not for Windows? // "German_germany" - For MSVC8 try { std::locale loc("German_germany"); console() << _T("Locale settings:\n"); console() << _T(" Decimal point: '") << std::use_facet >(loc).decimal_point() << _T("'\n"); console() << _T(" Thousands sep: '") << std::use_facet >(loc).thousands_sep() << _T("'\n"); console() << _T(" Grouping: '") << std::use_facet >(loc).grouping() << _T("'\n"); console() << _T(" True is named: '") << std::use_facet >(loc).truename() << _T("'\n"); console() << _T(" False is named: '") << std::use_facet >(loc).falsename() << _T("'\n"); console() << _T("-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); } catch(...) { console() << _T("Locale settings:\n"); console() << _T(" invalid locale name\n"); console() << _T("-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckDiff() { mu::Parser parser; value_type x = 1, v1, v2, v3, eps(pow(std::numeric_limits::epsilon(), 0.2)); parser.DefineVar(_T("x"), &x); parser.SetExpr(_T("_e^-x*sin(x)")); v1 = parser.Diff(&x, 1), v2 = parser.Diff(&x, 1, eps); v3 = cos((value_type)1.0)/exp((value_type)1) - sin((value_type)1.0)/exp((value_type)1); //-0.110793765307; mu::console() << parser.GetExpr() << _T("\n"); mu::console() << _T("v1 = ") << v1 << _T("; v1-v3 = ") << v1-v3 << _T("\n"); mu::console() << _T("v2 = ") << v2 << _T("; v2-v3 = ") << v2-v3 << _T("\n"); } */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ListVar(const mu::ParserBase &parser) { // Query the used variables (must be done after calc) mu::varmap_type variables = parser.GetVar(); if (!variables.size()) return; cout << "\nParser variables:\n"; cout << "-----------------\n"; cout << "Number: " << (int)variables.size() << "\n"; varmap_type::const_iterator item = variables.begin(); for (; item != variables.end(); ++item) mu::console() << _T("Name: ") << item->first << _T(" Address: [0x") << item->second << _T("]\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ListConst(const mu::ParserBase &parser) { mu::console() << _T("\nParser constants:\n"); mu::console() << _T("-----------------\n"); mu::valmap_type cmap = parser.GetConst(); if (!cmap.size()) { mu::console() << _T("Expression does not contain constants\n"); } else { valmap_type::const_iterator item = cmap.begin(); for (; item != cmap.end(); ++item) mu::console() << _T(" ") << item->first << _T(" = ") << item->second << _T("\n"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ListExprVar(const mu::ParserBase &parser) { string_type sExpr = parser.GetExpr(); if (sExpr.length() == 0) { cout << _T("Expression string is empty\n"); return; } // Query the used variables (must be done after calc) mu::console() << _T("\nExpression variables:\n"); mu::console() << _T("---------------------\n"); mu::console() << _T("Expression: ") << parser.GetExpr() << _T("\n"); varmap_type variables = parser.GetUsedVar(); if (!variables.size()) { mu::console() << _T("Expression does not contain variables\n"); } else { mu::console() << _T("Number: ") << (int)variables.size() << _T("\n"); mu::varmap_type::const_iterator item = variables.begin(); for (; item != variables.end(); ++item) mu::console() << _T("Name: ") << item->first << _T(" Address: [0x") << item->second << _T("]\n"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Check for external keywords. */ int CheckKeywords(const mu::char_type *a_szLine, mu::Parser &a_Parser) { string_type sLine(a_szLine); if (sLine == _T("quit")) { return -1; } else if (sLine == _T("list var")) { ListVar(a_Parser); return 1; } else if (sLine == _T("list const")) { ListConst(a_Parser); return 1; } else if (sLine == _T("list exprvar")) { ListExprVar(a_Parser); return 1; } else if (sLine == _T("locale de")) { mu::console() << _T("Setting german locale: ArgSep=';' DecSep=',' ThousandsSep='.'\n"); a_Parser.SetArgSep(';'); a_Parser.SetDecSep(','); a_Parser.SetThousandsSep('.'); return 1; } else if (sLine == _T("locale en")) { mu::console() << _T("Setting english locale: ArgSep=',' DecSep='.' ThousandsSep=''\n"); a_Parser.SetArgSep(','); a_Parser.SetDecSep('.'); a_Parser.SetThousandsSep(); return 1; } else if (sLine == _T("locale reset")) { mu::console() << _T("Resetting locale\n"); a_Parser.ResetLocale(); return 1; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Calc() { mu::Parser parser; // Change locale settings if necessary // function argument separator: sum(2;3;4) vs. sum(2,3,4) // decimal separator: 3,14 vs. 3.14 // thousands separator: 1000000 vs 1.000.000 //#define USE_GERMAN_LOCALE #ifdef USE_GERMAN_LOCALE parser.SetArgSep(';'); parser.SetDecSep(','); parser.SetThousandsSep('.'); #else // this is the default, so i it's commented: // parser.SetArgSep(','); // parser.SetDecSep('.'); // parser.SetThousandsSep(''); #endif // Add some variables value_type vVarVal[] = {1, 2}; // Values of the parser variables parser.DefineVar(_T("a"), &vVarVal[0]); // Assign Variable names and bind them to the C++ variables parser.DefineVar(_T("b"), &vVarVal[1]); parser.DefineVar(_T("ft"), &vVarVal[1]); parser.DefineStrConst(_T("sVar1"), _T("Sample string 1")); parser.DefineStrConst(_T("sVar2"), _T("Sample string 2")); parser.AddValIdent(IsHexValue); // Add user defined unary operators parser.DefinePostfixOprt(_T("M"), Mega); parser.DefinePostfixOprt(_T("m"), Milli); parser.DefineInfixOprt(_T("!"), Not); parser.DefineFun(_T("strfun0"), StrFun0); parser.DefineFun(_T("strfun2"), StrFun2); parser.DefineFun(_T("ping"), Ping); parser.DefineFun(_T("rnd"), Rnd); parser.DefineFun(_T("throw"), ThrowAnException); parser.DefineOprt(_T("add"), Add, 0); parser.DefineOprt(_T("mul"), Mul, 1); // These are service and debug functions parser.DefineFun(_T("debug"), Debug); parser.DefineFun(_T("selftest"), SelfTest); parser.DefineFun(_T("help"), Help); parser.DefinePostfixOprt(_T("{ft}"), Milli); parser.DefinePostfixOprt(_T("ft"), Milli); #ifdef _DEBUG // parser.EnableDebugDump(1, 0); #endif // Define the variable factory parser.SetVarFactory(AddVariable, &parser); for (;;) { try { string_type sLine; std::getline(mu::console_in(), sLine); switch (CheckKeywords(sLine.c_str(), parser)) { case 0: break; case 1: continue; case -1: return; } if (!sLine.length()) continue; parser.SetExpr(sLine); mu::console() << std::setprecision(12); // There are multiple ways to retrieve the result... // 1.) If you know there is only a single return value or in case you only need the last // result of an expression consisting of comma separated subexpressions you can // simply use: mu::console() << _T("ans=") << *parser.Eval() << _T("\n"); // 2.) As an alternative you can also retrieve multiple return values using this API: int nNum = parser.GetNumResults(); if (nNum > 1) { mu::console() << _T("Multiple return values detected! Complete list:\n"); // this is the hard way if you need to retrieve multiple subexpression // results std::vector vs; parser.Eval(&vs); mu::console() << std::setprecision(12); for (const ValueOrError &v : vs) { mu::console() << *v << _T("\n"); } } } catch (mu::Parser::exception_type &e) { mu::console() << _T("\nError:\n"); mu::console() << _T("------\n"); mu::console() << _T("Message: ") << e.GetMsg() << _T("\n"); mu::console() << _T("Expression: \"") << e.GetExpr() << _T("\"\n"); mu::console() << _T("Token: \"") << e.GetToken() << _T("\"\n"); mu::console() << _T("Position: ") << (int)e.GetPos() << _T("\n"); mu::console() << _T("Errc: ") << std::dec << e.GetCode() << _T("\n"); } } // while running } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int, char **) { Splash(); (void)SelfTest(); (void)Help(); // CheckLocale(); // CheckDiff(); mu::console() << _T("Enter an expression or a command:\n"); try { Calc(); } catch (Parser::exception_type &e) { // Only erros raised during the initialization will end up here // formula related errors are treated in Calc() console() << _T("Initialization error: ") << e.GetMsg() << endl; console() << _T("aborting...") << endl; string_type sBuf; console_in() >> sBuf; } catch (std::exception & /*exc*/) { // there is no unicode compliant way to query exc.what() // so i'll leave it for this example. console() << _T("aborting...\n"); } return 0; }