//! High level library for handling the terminal screen //! //! The screen library allows the interactive reader to write its output to screen efficiently by //! keeping an internal representation of the current screen contents and trying to find a reasonably //! efficient way for transforming that to the desired screen content. //! //! The current implementation is less smart than ncurses allows and can not for example move blocks //! of text around to handle text insertion. use crate::editable_line::line_at_cursor; use crate::input_common::{CURSOR_UP_SUPPORTED, SCROLL_FORWARD_SUPPORTED}; use crate::key::ViewportPosition; use crate::pager::{PageRendering, Pager, PAGER_MIN_HEIGHT}; use crate::FLOG; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::LinkedList; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::io::Write; use std::ops::Range; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering}; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::time::SystemTime; use libc::{ONLCR, STDERR_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO}; use crate::common::{ get_ellipsis_char, get_omitted_newline_str, get_omitted_newline_width, has_working_tty_timestamps, shell_modes, str2wcstring, wcs2string, write_loop, ScopeGuard, ScopeGuarding, }; use crate::curses::{term, tparm0, tparm1}; use crate::env::{Environment, TERM_HAS_XN}; use crate::fallback::fish_wcwidth; use crate::flog::FLOGF; #[allow(unused_imports)] use crate::future::IsSomeAnd; use crate::global_safety::RelaxedAtomicBool; use crate::highlight::{HighlightColorResolver, HighlightSpec}; use crate::output::Outputter; use crate::termsize::{termsize_last, Termsize}; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; use crate::wcstringutil::string_prefixes_string; use crate::wutil::fstat; #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct HighlightedChar { highlight: HighlightSpec, character: char, // Logical offset within the command line. offset_in_cmdline: usize, } /// A class representing a single line of a screen. #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct Line { /// A pair of a character, and the color with which to draw it. pub text: Vec, pub is_soft_wrapped: bool, pub indentation: usize, } impl Line { pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } /// Clear the line's contents. fn clear(&mut self) { self.text.clear(); } /// Append a single character `txt` to the line with color `c`. pub fn append(&mut self, character: char, highlight: HighlightSpec, offset_in_cmdline: usize) { self.text.push(HighlightedChar { highlight, character: rendered_character(character), offset_in_cmdline, }) } /// Append a nul-terminated string `txt` to the line, giving each character `color`. pub fn append_str(&mut self, txt: &wstr, highlight: HighlightSpec, offset_in_cmdline: usize) { for c in txt.chars() { self.append(c, highlight, offset_in_cmdline); } } /// Return the number of characters. pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.text.len() } /// Return the character at a char index. pub fn char_at(&self, idx: usize) -> char { self.text[idx].character } /// Return the color at a char index. pub fn color_at(&self, idx: usize) -> HighlightSpec { self.text[idx].highlight } /// Return the logical offset corresponding to this cell pub fn offset_in_cmdline_at(&self, idx: usize) -> usize { self.text[idx].offset_in_cmdline } /// Append the contents of `line` to this line. pub fn append_line(&mut self, line: &Line) { self.text.extend_from_slice(&line.text); } /// Return the width of this line, counting up to no more than `max` characters. /// This follows fish_wcswidth() semantics, except that characters whose width would be -1 are /// treated as 0. pub fn wcswidth_min_0(&self, max: usize /* = usize::MAX */) -> usize { let mut result: usize = 0; for c in &self.text[..max.min(self.text.len())] { result += wcwidth_rendered_min_0(c.character); } result } } /// Where the cursor is in (x, y) coordinates. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct Cursor { x: usize, y: usize, } /// A class representing screen contents. #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct ScreenData { line_datas: Vec, /// The width of the screen once we have rendered. screen_width: Option, cursor: Cursor, } impl ScreenData { pub fn add_line(&mut self) -> &mut Line { self.line_datas.push(Line::new()); self.line_datas.last_mut().unwrap() } pub fn resize(&mut self, size: usize) { self.line_datas.resize(size, Default::default()) } pub fn create_line(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &mut Line { if idx >= self.line_datas.len() { self.line_datas.resize(idx + 1, Default::default()) } self.line_mut(idx) } pub fn insert_line_at_index(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &mut Line { assert!(idx <= self.line_datas.len()); self.line_datas.insert(idx, Default::default()); &mut self.line_datas[idx] } pub fn line(&self, idx: usize) -> &Line { &self.line_datas[idx] } pub fn line_mut(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &mut Line { &mut self.line_datas[idx] } pub fn line_count(&self) -> usize { self.line_datas.len() } pub fn append_lines(&mut self, d: &ScreenData) { self.line_datas.extend_from_slice(&d.line_datas); } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.line_datas.is_empty() } } /// The class representing the current and desired screen contents. pub struct Screen { /// Whether the last-drawn autosuggestion (if any) is truncated, or hidden entirely. pub autosuggestion_is_truncated: bool, /// If the last rendering was so large we could only display part of the command line, /// this is the number of lines that were pushed to scrollback. pub scroll_amount: usize, /// Receiver for our output. outp: &'static RefCell, /// The internal representation of the desired screen contents. desired: ScreenData, /// The internal representation of the actual screen contents. actual: ScreenData, /// A string containing the prompt which was last printed to the screen. actual_left_prompt: WString, /// Last right prompt width. last_right_prompt_width: usize, /// If we support soft wrapping, we can output to this location without any cursor motion. soft_wrap_location: Option, /// This flag is set to true when there is reason to suspect that the parts of the screen lines /// where the actual content is not filled in may be non-empty. This means that a clr_eol /// command has to be sent to the terminal at the end of each line, including /// actual_lines_before_reset. need_clear_lines: bool, /// Whether there may be yet more content after the lines, and we issue a clr_eos if possible. need_clear_screen: bool, /// If we need to clear, this is how many lines the actual screen had, before we reset it. This /// is used when resizing the window larger: if the cursor jumps to the line above, we need to /// remember to clear the subsequent lines. actual_lines_before_reset: usize, /// Modification times to check if any output has occurred other than from fish's /// main loop, in which case we need to redraw. mtime_stdout: Option, mtime_stderr: Option, } impl Screen { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { outp: Outputter::stdoutput(), autosuggestion_is_truncated: Default::default(), scroll_amount: Default::default(), desired: Default::default(), actual: Default::default(), actual_left_prompt: Default::default(), last_right_prompt_width: Default::default(), soft_wrap_location: Default::default(), need_clear_lines: Default::default(), need_clear_screen: Default::default(), actual_lines_before_reset: Default::default(), mtime_stdout: Default::default(), mtime_stderr: Default::default(), } } pub fn scrolled(&self) -> bool { self.scroll_amount != 0 } /// This is the main function for the screen output library. It is used to define the desired /// contents of the screen. The screen command will use its knowledge of the current contents of /// the screen in order to render the desired output using as few terminal commands as possible. /// /// \param left_prompt the prompt to prepend to the command line /// \param right_prompt the right prompt, or NULL if none /// \param commandline the command line /// \param explicit_len the number of characters of the "explicit" (non-autosuggestion) portion /// of the command line \param colors the colors to use for the commanad line \param indent the /// indent to use for the command line \param cursor_pos where the cursor is \param pager the /// pager to render below the command line \param page_rendering to cache the current pager view pub fn write( &mut self, left_prompt: &wstr, right_prompt: &wstr, commandline: &wstr, autosuggested_range: Range, mut colors: Vec, mut indent: Vec, cursor_pos: usize, pager_search_field_position: Option, vars: &dyn Environment, pager: &mut Pager, page_rendering: &mut PageRendering, is_final_rendering: bool, ) { let curr_termsize = termsize_last(); let screen_width = curr_termsize.width; let screen_height = curr_termsize.height; static REPAINTS: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0); FLOGF!( screen, "Repaint %u", 1 + REPAINTS.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) ); #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct ScrolledCursor { cursor: Cursor, scroll_amount: usize, } let mut scrolled_cursor: Option = None; // Turn the command line into the explicit portion and the autosuggestion. let explicit_before_suggestion = &commandline[..autosuggested_range.start]; let autosuggestion = &commandline[autosuggested_range.clone()]; let explicit_after_suggestion = &commandline[autosuggested_range.end..]; // If we are using a dumb terminal, don't try any fancy stuff, just print out the text. // right_prompt not supported. if is_dumb() { let prompt_narrow = wcs2string(left_prompt); let _ = write_loop(&STDOUT_FILENO, b"\r"); let _ = write_loop(&STDOUT_FILENO, &prompt_narrow); let _ = write_loop(&STDOUT_FILENO, &wcs2string(explicit_before_suggestion)); let _ = write_loop(&STDOUT_FILENO, &wcs2string(explicit_after_suggestion)); return; } self.check_status(); // Completely ignore impossibly small screens. if screen_width < 4 { return; } let screen_width = usize::try_from(screen_width).unwrap(); if screen_height == 0 { return; } let screen_height = usize::try_from(curr_termsize.height).unwrap(); // Compute a layout. let layout = compute_layout( get_ellipsis_char(), screen_width, left_prompt, right_prompt, explicit_before_suggestion, &mut colors, &mut indent, autosuggestion, ); // Determine whether, if we have an autosuggestion, it was truncated. self.autosuggestion_is_truncated = !autosuggestion.is_empty() && autosuggestion != layout.autosuggestion; // Clear the desired screen and set its width. self.desired.screen_width = Some(screen_width); self.desired.resize(0); self.desired.cursor.x = 0; self.desired.cursor.y = 0; // Append spaces for the left prompt. for _ in 0..layout.left_prompt_space { let _ = self.desired_append_char( /*offset_in_cmdline=*/ 0, usize::MAX, ' ', HighlightSpec::new(), 0, layout.left_prompt_space, 1, ); } // If overflowing, give the prompt its own line to improve the situation. let first_line_prompt_space = layout.left_prompt_space; // Reconstruct the command line. let effective_commandline = explicit_before_suggestion.to_owned() + &layout.autosuggestion[..] + explicit_after_suggestion; // Output the command line. let mut i = 0; assert!((0..=effective_commandline.len()).contains(&cursor_pos)); let scrolled_cursor = loop { // Grab the current cursor's x,y position if this character matches the cursor's offset. if i == cursor_pos { scrolled_cursor = Some(ScrolledCursor { cursor: self.desired.cursor, scroll_amount: (self.desired.line_count() + if self .desired .line_datas .last() .as_ref() .map(|ld| ld.is_soft_wrapped) .unwrap_or_default() { 1 } else { 0 }) .saturating_sub(screen_height), }); } if i == effective_commandline.len() { break scrolled_cursor.unwrap(); } if !self.desired_append_char( /*offset_in_cmdline=*/ if i <= explicit_before_suggestion.len() + layout.autosuggestion.len() { i.min(explicit_before_suggestion.len()) } else { i - layout.autosuggestion.len() }, if is_final_rendering { usize::MAX } else { scrolled_cursor .map(|sc| { if sc.scroll_amount != 0 { sc.cursor.y } else { screen_height - 1 } }) .unwrap_or(usize::MAX) }, effective_commandline.as_char_slice()[i], colors[i], usize::try_from(indent[i]).unwrap(), first_line_prompt_space, wcwidth_rendered_min_0(effective_commandline.as_char_slice()[i]), ) { break scrolled_cursor.unwrap(); } i += 1; }; let full_line_count = self.desired.cursor.y + 1; let pager_available_height = std::cmp::max( 1, curr_termsize .height .saturating_sub_unsigned(full_line_count), ); // Now that we've output everything, set the cursor to the position that we saved in the loop // above. self.desired.cursor = match pager_search_field_position { Some(pager_cursor_pos) if pager_available_height >= isize::try_from(PAGER_MIN_HEIGHT).unwrap() => { Cursor { x: pager_cursor_pos, y: self.desired.line_count(), } } _ => { let ScrolledCursor { mut cursor, scroll_amount, } = scrolled_cursor; if scroll_amount != 0 { if !is_final_rendering { self.desired.line_datas = self.desired.line_datas.split_off(scroll_amount); } cursor.y -= scroll_amount; } cursor } }; // Re-render our completions page if necessary. Limit the term size of the pager to the true // term size, minus the number of lines consumed by our string. pager.set_term_size(&Termsize::new( std::cmp::max(1, curr_termsize.width), pager_available_height, )); pager.update_rendering(page_rendering); // Append pager_data (none if empty). self.desired.append_lines(&page_rendering.screen_data); self.scroll_amount = scrolled_cursor.scroll_amount; self.update( vars, &layout.left_prompt, &layout.right_prompt, is_final_rendering, ); self.save_status(); } /// Resets the screen buffer's internal knowledge about the contents of the screen, /// optionally repainting the prompt as well. /// This function assumes that the current line is still valid. pub fn reset_line(&mut self, repaint_prompt: bool /* = false */) { // Remember how many lines we had output to, so we can clear the remaining lines in the next // call to s_update. This prevents leaving junk underneath the cursor when resizing a window // wider such that it reduces our desired line count. self.actual_lines_before_reset = std::cmp::max(self.actual_lines_before_reset, self.actual.line_count()); if repaint_prompt { // If the prompt is multi-line, we need to move up to the prompt's initial line. We do this // by lying to ourselves and claiming that we're really below what we consider "line 0" // (which is the last line of the prompt). This will cause us to move up to try to get back // to line 0, but really we're getting back to the initial line of the prompt. let prompt_line_count = calc_prompt_lines(&self.actual_left_prompt); self.actual.cursor.y += prompt_line_count.checked_sub(1).unwrap(); self.actual_left_prompt.clear(); } self.actual.resize(0); self.need_clear_lines = true; // This should prevent resetting the cursor position during the next repaint. let _ = write_loop(&STDOUT_FILENO, b"\r"); self.actual.cursor.x = 0; self.save_status(); } pub fn move_to_end(&mut self) { self.r#move(0, self.actual.line_count() - self.scroll_amount); } pub fn push_to_scrollback(&mut self, cursor_y: usize) { let prompt_y = self.command_line_y_given_cursor_y(cursor_y); let trailing_prompt_lines = calc_prompt_lines(&self.actual_left_prompt) - 1; let lines_to_scroll = prompt_y .checked_sub(trailing_prompt_lines) .unwrap_or_else(|| { FLOG!( reader, "Number of trailing prompt lines prompt lines", trailing_prompt_lines, "exceeds prompt's y", prompt_y, "inferred from reported cursor position", ); 0 }); if lines_to_scroll == 0 { return; } let zelf = self.scoped_buffer(); let mut out = zelf.outp.borrow_mut(); let lines_to_scroll = i32::try_from(lines_to_scroll).unwrap(); // Scroll down. assert!(SCROLL_FORWARD_SUPPORTED.load()); out.tputs_bytes(format!("\x1b[{}S", lines_to_scroll).as_bytes()); assert!(CURSOR_UP_SUPPORTED.load()); // Reposition cursor. out.tputs_bytes(format!("\x1b[{}A", lines_to_scroll).as_bytes()); } fn command_line_y_given_cursor_y(&mut self, viewport_cursor_y: usize) -> usize { let prompt_y = viewport_cursor_y.checked_sub(self.actual.cursor.y); prompt_y.unwrap_or_else(|| { FLOG!( reader, "Reported cursor line index", viewport_cursor_y, "is above fish's cursor", self.actual.cursor.y ); 0 }) } pub fn offset_in_cmdline_given_cursor( &mut self, viewport_position: ViewportPosition, viewport_cursor: ViewportPosition, ) -> usize { let viewport_prompt_y = self.command_line_y_given_cursor_y(viewport_cursor.y); let y = viewport_position .y .checked_sub(viewport_prompt_y) .unwrap_or_else(|| { FLOG!( reader, "Given y", viewport_position.y, "exceeds the prompt's y", viewport_prompt_y, "inferred from reported cursor position", ); 0 }); let y = y.min(self.actual.line_count() - 1); let viewport_prompt_x = viewport_cursor.x - self.actual.cursor.x; let x = viewport_position.x - viewport_prompt_x; let line = self.actual.line(y); let x = x.max(line.indentation); if x >= line.len() { if self.actual.line_count() == 1 { 0 } else { line.text.last().unwrap().offset_in_cmdline + 1 } } else { line.offset_in_cmdline_at(x) } } /// Resets the screen buffer's internal knowledge about the contents of the screen, /// abandoning the current line and going to the next line. /// If clear_to_eos is set, /// The screen width must be provided for the PROMPT_SP hack. pub fn reset_abandoning_line(&mut self, screen_width: usize) { self.actual.cursor.y = 0; self.actual.resize(0); self.actual_left_prompt.clear(); self.need_clear_lines = true; // Do the PROMPT_SP hack. let mut abandon_line_string = WString::with_capacity(screen_width + 32); // Don't need to check for fish_wcwidth errors; this is done when setting up // omitted_newline_char in common.rs. let non_space_width = get_omitted_newline_width(); let term = term(); let term = term.as_ref(); // We do `>` rather than `>=` because the code below might require one extra space. if screen_width > non_space_width { let mut justgrey = true; let add = |abandon_line_string: &mut WString, s: Option| { let Some(s) = s else { return false; }; abandon_line_string.push_utfstr(&str2wcstring(s.as_bytes())); true }; if let Some(enter_dim_mode) = term.and_then(|term| term.enter_dim_mode.as_ref()) { if add(&mut abandon_line_string, tparm0(enter_dim_mode)) { // Use dim if they have it, so the color will be based on their actual normal // color and the background of the terminal. justgrey = false; } } if let (true, Some(set_a_foreground)) = ( justgrey, term.and_then(|term| term.set_a_foreground.as_ref()), ) { let max_colors = term.unwrap().max_colors.unwrap_or_default(); if max_colors >= 238 { // draw the string in a particular grey add(&mut abandon_line_string, tparm1(set_a_foreground, 237)); } else if max_colors >= 9 { // bright black (the ninth color, looks grey) add(&mut abandon_line_string, tparm1(set_a_foreground, 8)); } else if max_colors >= 2 { if let Some(enter_bold_mode) = term.unwrap().enter_bold_mode.as_ref() { // we might still get that color by setting black and going bold for bright add(&mut abandon_line_string, tparm0(enter_bold_mode)); add(&mut abandon_line_string, tparm1(set_a_foreground, 0)); } } } abandon_line_string.push_utfstr(&get_omitted_newline_str()); if let Some(exit_attribute_mode) = term.and_then(|term| term.exit_attribute_mode.as_ref()) { // normal text ANSI escape sequence add(&mut abandon_line_string, tparm0(exit_attribute_mode)); } let newline_glitch_width = if TERM_HAS_XN.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { 0 } else { 1 }; for _ in 0..screen_width - non_space_width - newline_glitch_width { abandon_line_string.push(' '); } } abandon_line_string.push('\r'); abandon_line_string.push_utfstr(get_omitted_newline_str()); // Now we are certainly on a new line. But we may have dropped the omitted newline char on // it. So append enough spaces to overwrite the omitted newline char, and then clear all the // spaces from the new line. for _ in 0..non_space_width { abandon_line_string.push(' '); } abandon_line_string.push('\r'); // Clear entire line. Zsh doesn't do this. Fish added this with commit 4417a6ee: If you have // a prompt preceded by a new line, you'll get a line full of spaces instead of an empty // line above your prompt. This doesn't make a difference in normal usage, but copying and // pasting your terminal log becomes a pain. This commit clears that line, making it an // actual empty line. if !is_dumb() { if let Some(clr_eol) = term.unwrap().clr_eol.as_ref() { abandon_line_string.push_utfstr(&str2wcstring(clr_eol.as_bytes())); } } let narrow_abandon_line_string = wcs2string(&abandon_line_string); let _ = write_loop(&STDOUT_FILENO, &narrow_abandon_line_string); self.actual.cursor.x = 0; self.save_status(); } /// Stat stdout and stderr and save result as the current timestamp. /// This is used to avoid reacting to changes that we ourselves made to the screen. pub fn save_status(&mut self) { (self.mtime_stdout, self.mtime_stderr) = mtime_stdout_stderr(); } /// Return whether we believe the cursor is wrapped onto the last line, and that line is /// otherwise empty. This includes both soft and hard wrapping. pub fn cursor_is_wrapped_to_own_line(&self) -> bool { // Note == comparison against the line count is correct: we do not create a line just for the // cursor. If there is a line containing the cursor, then it means that line has contents and we // should return false. // Don't consider dumb terminals to have wrapping for the purposes of this function. self.actual.cursor.x == 0 && self.actual.cursor.y == self.actual.line_count() && !is_dumb() } /// Appends a character to the end of the line that the output cursor is on. This function /// automatically handles linebreaks and lines longer than the screen width. fn desired_append_char( &mut self, offset_in_cmdline: usize, max_y: usize, b: char, c: HighlightSpec, indent: usize, prompt_width: usize, bwidth: usize, ) -> bool { let mut line_no = self.desired.cursor.y; if b == '\n' { // Current line is definitely hard wrapped. // Create the next line. if self.desired.cursor.y + 1 > max_y { return false; } self.desired.create_line(self.desired.cursor.y + 1); self.desired.line_mut(self.desired.cursor.y).is_soft_wrapped = false; self.desired.cursor.y += 1; let line_no = self.desired.cursor.y; self.desired.cursor.x = 0; let indentation = prompt_width + indent * INDENT_STEP; let line = self.desired.line_mut(line_no); line.indentation = indentation; for _ in 0..indentation { if !self.desired_append_char( offset_in_cmdline, max_y, ' ', HighlightSpec::default(), indent, prompt_width, 1, ) { return false; } } } else if b == '\r' { let current = self.desired.line_mut(line_no); current.clear(); self.desired.cursor.x = 0; } else { let screen_width = self.desired.screen_width; let cw = bwidth; if line_no > max_y { return false; } self.desired.create_line(line_no); // Check if we are at the end of the line. If so, continue on the next line. if screen_width.is_none_or(|sw| (self.desired.cursor.x + cw) > sw) { if self.desired.cursor.y + 1 > max_y { return false; } // Current line is soft wrapped (assuming we support it). self.desired.line_mut(self.desired.cursor.y).is_soft_wrapped = true; line_no = self.desired.line_count(); self.desired.add_line(); self.desired.cursor.y += 1; self.desired.cursor.x = 0; } self.desired .line_mut(line_no) .append(b, c, offset_in_cmdline); self.desired.cursor.x += cw; // Maybe wrap the cursor to the next line, even if the line itself did not wrap. This // avoids wonkiness in the last column. if screen_width.is_none_or(|sw| self.desired.cursor.x >= sw) { self.desired.line_mut(line_no).is_soft_wrapped = true; self.desired.cursor.x = 0; self.desired.cursor.y += 1; } } true } /// Stat stdout and stderr and compare result to previous result in reader_save_status. Repaint /// if modification time has changed. fn check_status(&mut self) { let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); let _ = std::io::stderr().flush(); if !has_working_tty_timestamps() { // We can't reliably determine if the terminal has been written to behind our back so we // just assume that hasn't happened and hope for the best. This is important for multi-line // prompts to work correctly. return; } let mtime_out = fstat(STDOUT_FILENO).and_then(|md| md.modified()).ok(); let mtime_err = fstat(STDERR_FILENO).and_then(|md| md.modified()).ok(); let changed = self.mtime_stdout != mtime_out || self.mtime_stderr != mtime_err; if changed { // Ok, someone has been messing with our screen. We will want to repaint. However, we do not // know where the cursor is. It is our best bet that we are still on the same line, so we // move to the beginning of the line, reset the modelled screen contents, and then set the // modeled cursor y-pos to its earlier value. let prev_line = self.actual.cursor.y; self.reset_line(true /* repaint prompt */); self.actual.cursor.y = prev_line; } } /// Write the bytes needed to move screen cursor to the specified position to the specified /// buffer. The actual_cursor field of the specified screen_t will be updated. /// /// \param new_x the new x position /// \param new_y the new y position fn r#move(&mut self, new_x: usize, new_y: usize) { if self.actual.cursor.x == new_x && self.actual.cursor.y == new_y { return; } let mut zelf = self.scoped_buffer(); // If we are at the end of our window, then either the cursor stuck to the edge or it didn't. We // don't know! We can fix it up though. if zelf .actual .screen_width .is_some_and(|sw| zelf.actual.cursor.x == sw) { // Either issue a cr to go back to the beginning of this line, or a nl to go to the // beginning of the next one, depending on what we think is more efficient. if new_y <= zelf.actual.cursor.y { zelf.outp.borrow_mut().push(b'\r'); } else { zelf.outp.borrow_mut().push(b'\n'); zelf.actual.cursor.y += 1; } // Either way we're not in the first column. zelf.actual.cursor.x = 0; } let y_steps = isize::try_from(new_y).unwrap() - isize::try_from(zelf.actual.cursor.y).unwrap(); let Some(term) = term() else { return; }; let term = term.as_ref(); let s = if y_steps < 0 { term.cursor_up.as_ref() } else if y_steps > 0 { let s = term.cursor_down.as_ref(); if (shell_modes().c_oflag & ONLCR) != 0 && s.is_some_and(|s| s.as_bytes() == b"\n") { // See GitHub issue #4505. // Most consoles use a simple newline as the cursor down escape. // If ONLCR is enabled (which it normally is) this will of course // also move the cursor to the beginning of the line. // We could do: // if (std::strcmp(cursor_up, "\x1B[A") == 0) str = "\x1B[B"; // else ... but that doesn't work for unknown reasons. zelf.actual.cursor.x = 0; } s } else { None }; for _ in 0..y_steps.abs_diff(0) { zelf.outp.borrow_mut().tputs_if_some(&s); } let mut x_steps = isize::try_from(new_x).unwrap() - isize::try_from(zelf.actual.cursor.x).unwrap(); if x_steps != 0 && new_x == 0 { zelf.outp.borrow_mut().push(b'\r'); x_steps = 0; } let (s, multi_str) = if x_steps < 0 { (term.cursor_left.as_ref(), term.parm_left_cursor.as_ref()) } else { (term.cursor_right.as_ref(), term.parm_right_cursor.as_ref()) }; // Use the bulk ('multi') output for cursor movement if it is supported and it would be shorter // Note that this is required to avoid some visual glitches in iTerm (issue #1448). let use_multi = multi_str.is_some_and(|ms| !ms.as_bytes().is_empty()) && x_steps.abs_diff(0) * s.map_or(0, |s| s.as_bytes().len()) > multi_str.unwrap().as_bytes().len(); if use_multi { let multi_param = tparm1( multi_str.as_ref().unwrap(), i32::try_from(x_steps.abs_diff(0)).unwrap(), ); zelf.outp.borrow_mut().tputs_if_some(&multi_param); } else { for _ in 0..x_steps.abs_diff(0) { zelf.outp.borrow_mut().tputs_if_some(&s); } } zelf.actual.cursor.x = new_x; zelf.actual.cursor.y = new_y; } /// Convert a wide character to a multibyte string and append it to the buffer. fn write_char(&mut self, c: char, width: isize) { let mut zelf = self.scoped_buffer(); zelf.actual.cursor.x = zelf.actual.cursor.x.wrapping_add(width as usize); zelf.outp.borrow_mut().writech(c); if Some(zelf.actual.cursor.x) == zelf.actual.screen_width && allow_soft_wrap() { zelf.soft_wrap_location = Some(Cursor { x: 0, y: zelf.actual.cursor.y + 1, }); // Note that our cursor position may be a lie: Apple Terminal makes the right cursor stick // to the margin, while Ubuntu makes it "go off the end" (but still doesn't wrap). We rely // on s_move to fix this up. } else { zelf.soft_wrap_location = None; } } /// Send the specified string through tputs and append the output to the screen's outputter. fn write_mbs(&mut self, s: &CStr) { self.outp.borrow_mut().tputs(s); } fn write_mbs_if_some(&mut self, s: &Option>) -> bool { self.outp.borrow_mut().tputs_if_some(s) } pub(crate) fn write_bytes(&mut self, s: &[u8]) { self.outp.borrow_mut().tputs_bytes(s); } /// Convert a wide string to a multibyte string and append it to the buffer. fn write_str(&mut self, s: &wstr) { self.outp.borrow_mut().write_wstr(s); } /// Update the cursor as if soft wrapping had been performed. /// We are about to output one or more characters onto the screen at the given x, y. If we are at the /// end of previous line, and the previous line is marked as soft wrapping, then tweak the screen so /// we believe we are already in the target position. This lets the terminal take care of wrapping, /// which means that if you copy and paste the text, it won't have an embedded newline. fn handle_soft_wrap(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) { if self .soft_wrap_location .as_ref() .is_some_and(|swl| (x, y) == (swl.x, swl.y)) { // We can soft wrap; but do we want to? if self.desired.line(y - 1).is_soft_wrapped && allow_soft_wrap() { // Yes. Just update the actual cursor; that will cause us to elide emitting the commands // to move here, so we will just output on "one big line" (which the terminal soft // wraps. self.actual.cursor = self.soft_wrap_location.unwrap(); } } } fn scoped_buffer(&mut self) -> impl ScopeGuarding { self.outp.borrow_mut().begin_buffering(); ScopeGuard::new(self, |zelf| { zelf.outp.borrow_mut().end_buffering(); }) } /// Update the screen to match the desired output. fn update( &mut self, vars: &dyn Environment, left_prompt: &wstr, right_prompt: &wstr, is_final_rendering: bool, ) { // Helper function to set a resolved color, using the caching resolver. let mut color_resolver = HighlightColorResolver::new(); let mut set_color = |zelf: &mut Self, c| { let fg = color_resolver.resolve_spec(&c, false, vars); let bg = color_resolver.resolve_spec(&c, true, vars); zelf.outp.borrow_mut().set_color(fg, bg); }; let mut cached_layouts = LAYOUT_CACHE_SHARED.lock().unwrap(); let mut zelf = self.scoped_buffer(); // Determine size of left and right prompt. Note these have already been truncated. let left_prompt_layout = cached_layouts.calc_prompt_layout(left_prompt, None, usize::MAX); let left_prompt_width = left_prompt_layout.last_line_width; let right_prompt_width = cached_layouts .calc_prompt_layout(right_prompt, None, usize::MAX) .last_line_width; // Figure out how many following lines we need to clear (probably 0). let actual_lines_before_reset = zelf.actual_lines_before_reset; zelf.actual_lines_before_reset = 0; let mut need_clear_lines = zelf.need_clear_lines; let mut need_clear_screen = zelf.need_clear_screen; let mut has_cleared_screen = false; let screen_width = zelf.desired.screen_width; if zelf.actual.screen_width != screen_width { // Ensure we don't issue a clear screen for the very first output, to avoid issue #402. if zelf.actual.screen_width.is_some_and(|sw| sw > 0) { need_clear_screen = true; zelf.r#move(0, 0); zelf.reset_line(false); need_clear_lines |= zelf.need_clear_lines; need_clear_screen |= zelf.need_clear_screen; } zelf.actual.screen_width = screen_width; } zelf.need_clear_lines = false; zelf.need_clear_screen = false; // Determine how many lines have stuff on them; we need to clear lines with stuff that we don't // want. let lines_with_stuff = std::cmp::max(actual_lines_before_reset, zelf.actual.line_count()); if zelf.desired.line_count() < lines_with_stuff { need_clear_screen = true; } let term = term(); let term = term.as_ref(); // Output the left prompt if it has changed. if zelf.scrolled() && !is_final_rendering { zelf.r#move(0, 0); zelf.outp .borrow_mut() .tputs_if_some(&term.and_then(|term| term.clr_eol.as_ref())); zelf.actual_left_prompt.clear(); zelf.actual.cursor.x = 0; } else if left_prompt != zelf.actual_left_prompt || (zelf.scrolled() && is_final_rendering) { zelf.r#move(0, 0); let mut start = 0; let osc_133_prompt_start = |zelf: &mut Screen| zelf.write_bytes(b"\x1b]133;A;click_events=1\x07"); if left_prompt_layout.line_breaks.is_empty() { osc_133_prompt_start(&mut zelf); } for (i, &line_break) in left_prompt_layout.line_breaks.iter().enumerate() { zelf.outp .borrow_mut() .tputs_if_some(&term.and_then(|term| term.clr_eol.as_ref())); if i == 0 { osc_133_prompt_start(&mut zelf); } zelf.write_str(&left_prompt[start..=line_break]); start = line_break + 1; } zelf.write_str(&left_prompt[start..]); zelf.actual_left_prompt = left_prompt.to_owned(); zelf.actual.cursor.x = left_prompt_width; } fn o_line(zelf: &Screen, i: usize) -> &Line { zelf.desired.line(i) } fn s_line(zelf: &Screen, i: usize) -> &Line { zelf.actual.line(i) } // Output all lines. for i in 0..zelf.desired.line_count() { zelf.actual.create_line(i); let start_pos = if i == 0 { left_prompt_width } else { 0 }; let mut current_width = 0; let mut has_cleared_line = false; // If this is the last line, maybe we should clear the screen. // Don't issue clr_eos if we think the cursor will end up in the last column - see #6951. let should_clear_screen_this_line = need_clear_screen && i + 1 == zelf.desired.line_count() && term.is_some_and(|term| term.clr_eos.is_some()) && !(zelf.desired.cursor.x == 0 && zelf.desired.cursor.y == zelf.desired.line_count()); // skip_remaining is how many columns are unchanged on this line. // Note that skip_remaining is a width, not a character count. let mut skip_remaining = start_pos; let shared_prefix = if zelf.scrolled() { 0 } else { line_shared_prefix(o_line(&zelf, i), s_line(&zelf, i)) }; let mut skip_prefix = shared_prefix; if shared_prefix < o_line(&zelf, i).indentation { if o_line(&zelf, i).indentation > s_line(&zelf, i).indentation && !has_cleared_screen && term.is_some_and(|term| term.clr_eol.is_some() && term.clr_eos.is_some()) { set_color(&mut zelf, HighlightSpec::new()); zelf.r#move(0, i); let term = term.unwrap(); zelf.write_mbs_if_some(if should_clear_screen_this_line { &term.clr_eos } else { &term.clr_eol }); has_cleared_screen = should_clear_screen_this_line; has_cleared_line = true; } skip_prefix = o_line(&zelf, i).indentation; } // Compute how much we should skip. At a minimum we skip over the prompt. But also skip // over the shared prefix of what we want to output now, and what we output before, to // avoid repeatedly outputting it. if skip_prefix > 0 { let skip_width = if shared_prefix < skip_prefix { skip_prefix } else { o_line(&zelf, i).wcswidth_min_0(shared_prefix) }; if skip_width > skip_remaining { skip_remaining = skip_width; } } if !should_clear_screen_this_line { // If we're soft wrapped, and if we're going to change the first character of the next // line, don't skip over the last two characters so that we maintain soft-wrapping. if o_line(&zelf, i).is_soft_wrapped && i + 1 < zelf.desired.line_count() { let mut next_line_will_change = true; if i + 1 < zelf.actual.line_count() { if line_shared_prefix(zelf.desired.line(i + 1), zelf.actual.line(i + 1)) > 0 { next_line_will_change = false; } } if next_line_will_change { skip_remaining = std::cmp::min(skip_remaining, zelf.actual.screen_width.unwrap() - 2); } } } // Skip over skip_remaining width worth of characters. let mut j = 0; while j < o_line(&zelf, i).len() { let width = wcwidth_rendered_min_0(o_line(&zelf, i).char_at(j)); if skip_remaining < width { break; } skip_remaining -= width; current_width += width; j += 1; } // Skip over zero-width characters (e.g. combining marks at the end of the prompt). while j < o_line(&zelf, i).len() { let width = wcwidth_rendered_min_0(o_line(&zelf, i).char_at(j)); if width > 0 { break; } j += 1; } // Now actually output stuff. loop { let done = j >= o_line(&zelf, i).len(); // Clear the screen if we have not done so yet. // If we are about to output into the last column, clear the screen first. If we clear // the screen after we output into the last column, it can erase the last character due // to the sticky right cursor. If we clear the screen too early, we can defeat soft // wrapping. if should_clear_screen_this_line && !has_cleared_screen && (done || Some(j + 1) == screen_width) { set_color(&mut zelf, HighlightSpec::new()); zelf.r#move(current_width, i); zelf.write_mbs_if_some(&term.and_then(|term| term.clr_eos.as_ref())); has_cleared_screen = true; } if done { break; } zelf.handle_soft_wrap(current_width, i); zelf.r#move(current_width, i); let color = o_line(&zelf, i).color_at(j); set_color(&mut zelf, color); let ch = o_line(&zelf, i).char_at(j); let width = wcwidth_rendered_min_0(ch); zelf.write_char(ch, isize::try_from(width).unwrap()); current_width += width; j += 1; } let mut clear_remainder = false; // Clear the remainder of the line if we need to clear and if we didn't write to the end of // the line. If we did write to the end of the line, the "sticky right edge" (as part of // auto_right_margin) means that we'll be clearing the last character we wrote! if has_cleared_screen || has_cleared_line { // Already cleared everything. clear_remainder = false; } else if need_clear_lines && screen_width.is_some_and(|sw| current_width < sw) { clear_remainder = true; } else if right_prompt_width < zelf.last_right_prompt_width { clear_remainder = true; } else { // This wcswidth shows up strong in the profile. // Only do it if the previous line could conceivably be wider. // That means if it is a prefix of the current one we can skip it. if s_line(&zelf, i).text.len() != shared_prefix { let prev_width = s_line(&zelf, i).wcswidth_min_0(usize::MAX); clear_remainder = prev_width > current_width; } } // We unset the color even if we don't clear the line. // This means that we switch background correctly on the next, // including our weird implicit bolding. set_color(&mut zelf, HighlightSpec::new()); if let (true, Some(clr_eol)) = (clear_remainder, term.and_then(|term| term.clr_eol.as_ref())) { zelf.r#move(current_width, i); zelf.write_mbs(clr_eol); } // Output any rprompt if this is the first line. if i == 0 && right_prompt_width > 0 { // Move the cursor to the beginning of the line first to be independent of the width. // This helps prevent staircase effects if fish and the terminal disagree. zelf.r#move(0, 0); zelf.r#move(screen_width.unwrap() - right_prompt_width, i); set_color(&mut zelf, HighlightSpec::new()); zelf.write_str(right_prompt); zelf.actual.cursor.x += right_prompt_width; // We output in the last column. Some terms (Linux) push the cursor further right, past // the window. Others make it "stick." Since we don't really know which is which, issue // a cr so it goes back to the left. // // However, if the user is resizing the window smaller, then it's possible the cursor // wrapped. If so, then a cr will go to the beginning of the following line! So instead // issue a bunch of "move left" commands to get back onto the line, and then jump to the // front of it. let Cursor { x, y } = zelf.actual.cursor; zelf.r#move(x - right_prompt_width, y); zelf.write_str(L!("\r")); zelf.actual.cursor.x = 0; } } // Also move the cursor to the beginning of the line here, // in case we're wrong about the width anywhere. // Don't do it when running in midnight_commander because of // https://midnight-commander.org/ticket/4258. if !MIDNIGHT_COMMANDER_HACK.load() { zelf.r#move(0, 0); } // Clear remaining lines (if any) if we haven't cleared the screen. if let (false, true, Some(clr_eol)) = ( has_cleared_screen, need_clear_screen, term.and_then(|term| term.clr_eol.as_ref()), ) { set_color(&mut zelf, HighlightSpec::new()); for i in zelf.desired.line_count()..lines_with_stuff { zelf.r#move(0, i); zelf.write_mbs(clr_eol); } } let Cursor { x, y } = zelf.desired.cursor; zelf.r#move(x, y); set_color(&mut zelf, HighlightSpec::new()); // We have now synced our actual screen against our desired screen. Note that this is a big // assignment! zelf.actual = zelf.desired.clone(); zelf.last_right_prompt_width = right_prompt_width; } } /// Helper to get the mtime of stdout and stderr. pub fn mtime_stdout_stderr() -> (Option, Option) { let mtime_out = fstat(STDOUT_FILENO).and_then(|md| md.modified()).ok(); let mtime_err = fstat(STDERR_FILENO).and_then(|md| md.modified()).ok(); (mtime_out, mtime_err) } /// Issues an immediate clr_eos. pub fn screen_force_clear_to_end() { Outputter::stdoutput() .borrow_mut() .tputs_if_some(&term().unwrap().clr_eos); } /// Information about the layout of a prompt. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct PromptLayout { /// line breaks when rendering the prompt pub line_breaks: Vec, /// width of the longest line pub max_line_width: usize, /// width of the last line pub last_line_width: usize, } // Fields exposed for testing. pub struct PromptCacheEntry { /// Original prompt string. pub text: WString, /// Max line width when computing layout (for truncation). pub max_line_width: usize, /// Resulting truncated prompt string. pub trunc_text: WString, /// Resulting layout. pub layout: PromptLayout, } // Maintain a mapping of escape sequences to their widths for fast lookup. #[derive(Default)] pub struct LayoutCache { // Cached escape sequences we've already detected in the prompt and similar strings, ordered // lexicographically. esc_cache: Vec, // LRU-list of prompts and their layouts. // Use a list so we can promote to the front on a cache hit. // Exposed for testing. pub prompt_cache: LinkedList, } // Singleton of the cached escape sequences seen in prompts and similar strings. // Note this is deliberately exported so that init_curses can clear it. pub static LAYOUT_CACHE_SHARED: Mutex = Mutex::new(LayoutCache::new()); impl LayoutCache { pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { esc_cache: vec![], prompt_cache: LinkedList::new(), } } pub const PROMPT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE: usize = 12; /// Return the size of the escape code cache. #[cfg(test)] pub fn esc_cache_size(&self) -> usize { self.esc_cache.len() } /// Insert the entry `str` in its sorted position, if it is not already present in the cache. pub fn add_escape_code(&mut self, s: WString) { if let Err(pos) = self.esc_cache.binary_search(&s) { self.esc_cache.insert(pos, s); } } /// Return the length of an escape code, accessing and perhaps populating the cache. pub fn escape_code_length(&mut self, code: &wstr) -> usize { if code.char_at(0) != '\x1B' { return 0; } let mut esc_seq_len = self.find_escape_code(code); if esc_seq_len != 0 { return esc_seq_len; } if let Some(len) = escape_code_length(code) { self.add_escape_code(code[..len].to_owned()); esc_seq_len = len; } esc_seq_len } /// Return the length of a string that matches a prefix of `entry`. pub fn find_escape_code(&self, entry: &wstr) -> usize { // Do a binary search and see if the escape code right before our entry is a prefix of our // entry. Note this assumes that escape codes are prefix-free: no escape code is a prefix of // another one. This seems like a safe assumption. match self.esc_cache.binary_search_by(|e| e[..].cmp(entry)) { Ok(_) => return entry.len(), Err(pos) => { if pos != 0 { let candidate = &self.esc_cache[pos - 1]; if string_prefixes_string(candidate, entry) { return candidate.len(); } } } } 0 } /// Computes a prompt layout for `prompt_str`, perhaps truncating it to `max_line_width`. /// Return the layout, and optionally the truncated prompt itself, by reference. pub fn calc_prompt_layout( &mut self, prompt_str: &wstr, out_trunc_prompt: Option<&mut WString>, max_line_width: usize, /* = usize::MAX */ ) -> PromptLayout { // FIXME: we could avoid allocating trunc_prompt if max_line_width is SIZE_T_MAX. if self.find_prompt_layout(prompt_str, max_line_width) { let entry = self.prompt_cache.front().unwrap(); out_trunc_prompt.map(|prompt| *prompt = entry.trunc_text.clone()); return entry.layout.clone(); } let mut layout = PromptLayout::default(); let mut trunc_prompt = WString::new(); let mut run_start = 0; while run_start < prompt_str.len() { let mut run_end = 0; let mut line_width = measure_run_from(prompt_str, run_start, Some(&mut run_end), self); if line_width <= max_line_width { // No truncation needed on this line. trunc_prompt.extend(prompt_str[run_start..run_end].chars()); } else { // Truncation needed on this line. let mut run_storage = prompt_str[run_start..run_end].to_owned(); truncate_run(&mut run_storage, max_line_width, &mut line_width, self); trunc_prompt.extend(run_storage.chars()); } layout.max_line_width = std::cmp::max(layout.max_line_width, line_width); layout.last_line_width = line_width; let endc = prompt_str.char_at(run_end); if endc != '\0' { if endc == '\n' || endc == '\x0C' { layout.line_breaks.push(trunc_prompt.len()); // If the prompt ends in a new line, that's one empy last line. if run_end == prompt_str.len() - 1 { layout.last_line_width = 0; } } trunc_prompt.push(endc); run_start = run_end + 1; } else { break; } } out_trunc_prompt.map(|prompt| *prompt = trunc_prompt.clone()); self.add_prompt_layout(PromptCacheEntry { text: prompt_str.to_owned(), max_line_width, trunc_text: trunc_prompt, layout: layout.clone(), }); layout } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.esc_cache.clear(); self.prompt_cache.clear(); } /// Add a cache entry. /// Exposed for testing. pub fn add_prompt_layout(&mut self, entry: PromptCacheEntry) { self.prompt_cache.push_front(entry); if self.prompt_cache.len() > Self::PROMPT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE { self.prompt_cache.pop_back(); } } /// Finds the layout for a prompt, promoting it to the front. Returns whether this was found. /// Exposed for testing. pub fn find_prompt_layout( &mut self, input: &wstr, max_line_width: usize, /* = usize::MAX */ ) -> bool { let mut i = 0; for entry in &self.prompt_cache { if entry.text == input && entry.max_line_width == max_line_width { break; } i += 1; } if i < self.prompt_cache.len() { // Found it. Move it to the front if not already there. if i > 0 { let mut tail = self.prompt_cache.split_off(i); let extracted = tail.pop_front().unwrap(); self.prompt_cache.append(&mut tail); self.prompt_cache.push_front(extracted); } return true; } false } } /// Returns the number of characters in the escape code starting at 'code'. We only handle sequences /// that begin with \x1B. If it doesn't we return zero. We also return zero if we don't recognize /// the escape sequence based on querying terminfo and other heuristics. pub fn escape_code_length(code: &wstr) -> Option { if code.char_at(0) != '\x1B' { return None; } is_visual_escape_seq(code) .or_else(|| is_screen_name_escape_seq(code)) .or_else(|| is_osc_escape_seq(code)) .or_else(|| is_three_byte_escape_seq(code)) .or_else(|| is_csi_style_escape_seq(code)) .or_else(|| is_two_byte_escape_seq(code)) } pub fn screen_clear() -> WString { term() .unwrap() .clear_screen .as_ref() .map(|clear_screen| str2wcstring(clear_screen.as_bytes())) .unwrap_or_default() } static MIDNIGHT_COMMANDER_HACK: RelaxedAtomicBool = RelaxedAtomicBool::new(false); pub fn screen_set_midnight_commander_hack() { MIDNIGHT_COMMANDER_HACK.store(true) } /// The number of characters to indent new blocks. const INDENT_STEP: usize = 4; /// Tests if the specified narrow character sequence is present at the specified position of the /// specified wide character string. All of \c seq must match, but str may be longer than seq. fn try_sequence(seq: &[u8], s: &wstr) -> usize { let mut i = 0; loop { if i == seq.len() { return i; } if char::from(seq[i]) != s.char_at(i) { return 0; } i += 1; } } /// Returns the number of columns left until the next tab stop, given the current cursor position. fn next_tab_stop(current_line_width: usize) -> usize { // Assume tab stops every 8 characters if undefined. let tab_width = term().unwrap().init_tabs.unwrap_or(8); ((current_line_width / tab_width) + 1) * tab_width } /// Whether we permit soft wrapping. If so, in some cases we don't explicitly move to the second /// physical line on a wrapped logical line; instead we just output it. fn allow_soft_wrap() -> bool { // Should we be looking at eat_newline_glitch as well? term().unwrap().auto_right_margin } /// Does this look like the escape sequence for setting a screen name? fn is_screen_name_escape_seq(code: &wstr) -> Option { // Tmux escapes start with `\ePtmux;` and end also in `\e\\`, // so we can just handle them here. let tmux_seq = L!("Ptmux;"); let mut is_tmux = false; if code.char_at(1) != 'k' { if code.starts_with(tmux_seq) { is_tmux = true; } else { return None; } } let screen_name_end_sentinel = L!("\x1B\\"); let mut offset = 2; let escape_sequence_end; loop { let Some(pos) = code[offset..].find(screen_name_end_sentinel) else { // Consider just k to be the code. // (note: for the tmux sequence this is broken, but since we have no idea...) escape_sequence_end = 2; break; }; let screen_name_end = offset + pos; // The tmux sequence requires that all escapes in the payload sequence // be doubled. So if we have \e\e\\ that's still not the end. if is_tmux { let mut esc_count = 0; let mut i = screen_name_end; while i > 0 && code.as_char_slice()[i - 1] == '\x1B' { i -= 1; if i > 0 { esc_count += 1; } } if esc_count % 2 == 1 { offset = screen_name_end + 1; continue; } } escape_sequence_end = screen_name_end + screen_name_end_sentinel.len(); break; } Some(escape_sequence_end) } /// Operating System Command (OSC) escape codes, used by iTerm2 and others: /// ESC followed by ], terminated by either BEL or escape + backslash. /// See https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html /// and https://iterm2.com/documentation-escape-codes.html . fn is_osc_escape_seq(code: &wstr) -> Option { if code.char_at(1) == ']' { // Start at 2 to skip over ]. let mut cursor = 2; while cursor < code.len() { let code = code.as_char_slice(); // Consume a sequence of characters up to \ or . if code[cursor] == '\x07' || (code[cursor] == '\\' && code[cursor - 1] == '\x1B') { return Some(cursor + 1); } cursor += 1; } } None } /// Generic VT100 three byte sequence: CSI followed by something in the range @ through _. fn is_three_byte_escape_seq(code: &wstr) -> Option { if code.char_at(1) == '[' && (code.char_at(2) >= '@' && code.char_at(2) <= '_') { return Some(3); } None } /// Generic VT100 two byte sequence: followed by something in the range @ through _. fn is_two_byte_escape_seq(code: &wstr) -> Option { if code.char_at(1) >= '@' && code.char_at(1) <= '_' { return Some(2); } None } /// Generic VT100 CSI-style sequence. , followed by zero or more ASCII characters NOT in /// the range [@,_], followed by one character in that range. /// This will also catch color sequences. fn is_csi_style_escape_seq(code: &wstr) -> Option { if code.char_at(1) != '[' { return None; } // Start at 2 to skip over [ let mut cursor = 2; while cursor < code.len() { // Consume a sequence of ASCII characters not in the range [@, ~]. let widechar = code.as_char_slice()[cursor]; // If we're not in ASCII, just stop. if !widechar.is_ascii() { break; } // If we're the end character, then consume it and then stop. if ('@'..'~').contains(&widechar) { cursor += 1; break; } cursor += 1; } // cursor now indexes just beyond the end of the sequence (or at the terminating zero). Some(cursor) } /// Detect whether the escape sequence sets one of the terminal attributes that affects how text is /// displayed other than the color. fn is_visual_escape_seq(code: &wstr) -> Option { let term = term()?; let esc2 = [ &term.enter_bold_mode, &term.exit_attribute_mode, &term.enter_underline_mode, &term.exit_underline_mode, &term.enter_standout_mode, &term.exit_standout_mode, &term.enter_blink_mode, &term.enter_protected_mode, &term.enter_italics_mode, &term.exit_italics_mode, &term.enter_reverse_mode, &term.enter_shadow_mode, &term.exit_shadow_mode, &term.enter_secure_mode, &term.enter_dim_mode, &term.enter_alt_charset_mode, &term.exit_alt_charset_mode, ]; for p in &esc2 { let Some(p) = p else { continue }; // Test both padded and unpadded version, just to be safe. Most versions of fish_tparm don't // actually seem to do anything these days. let esc_seq_len = std::cmp::max( try_sequence(tparm0(p).unwrap().as_bytes(), code), try_sequence(p.as_bytes(), code), ); if esc_seq_len != 0 { return Some(esc_seq_len); } } None } /// Return whether `c` ends a measuring run. fn is_run_terminator(c: char) -> bool { matches!(c, '\0' | '\n' | '\r' | '\x0C') } /// Measure a run of characters in `input` starting at `start`. /// Stop when we reach a run terminator, and return its index in `out_end` (if not null). /// Note \0 is a run terminator so there will always be one. /// We permit escape sequences to have run terminators other than \0. That is, escape sequences may /// have embedded newlines, etc.; it's unclear if this is possible but we allow it. fn measure_run_from( input: &wstr, start: usize, out_end: Option<&mut usize>, cache: &mut LayoutCache, ) -> usize { let mut width = 0; let mut idx = start; while !is_run_terminator(input.char_at(idx)) { if input.char_at(idx) == '\x1B' { // This is the start of an escape code; we assume it has width 0. // -1 because we are going to increment in the loop. let len = cache.escape_code_length(&input[idx..]); if len > 0 { idx += len - 1; } } else if input.char_at(idx) == '\t' { width = next_tab_stop(width); } else { // Ordinary char. Add its width with care to ignore control chars which have width -1. width += wcwidth_rendered_min_0(input.char_at(idx)); } idx += 1; } out_end.map(|end| *end = idx); width } /// Attempt to truncate the prompt run `run`, which has width `width`, to `no` more than /// desired_width. Return the resulting width and run by reference. fn truncate_run( run: &mut WString, desired_width: usize, width: &mut usize, cache: &mut LayoutCache, ) { let mut curr_width = *width; if curr_width < desired_width { return; } // Bravely prepend ellipsis char and skip it. // Ellipsis is always width 1. let ellipsis = get_ellipsis_char(); run.insert(0, ellipsis); curr_width += 1; // Start removing characters after ellipsis. // Note we modify 'run' inside this loop. let mut idx = 1; while curr_width > desired_width && idx < run.len() { let c = run.as_char_slice()[idx]; assert!( !is_run_terminator(c), "Should not have run terminator inside run" ); if c == '\x1B' { let len = cache.escape_code_length(&run[idx..]); idx += std::cmp::max(len, 1); } else if c == '\t' { // Tabs would seem to be quite annoying to measure while truncating. // We simply remove these and start over. run.remove(idx); curr_width = measure_run_from(run, 0, None, cache); idx = 0; } else { let char_width = wcwidth_rendered_min_0(c); curr_width -= std::cmp::min(curr_width, char_width); run.remove(idx); } } *width = curr_width; } fn calc_prompt_lines(prompt: &wstr) -> usize { // Hack for the common case where there's no newline at all. I don't know if a newline can // appear in an escape sequence, so if we detect a newline we have to defer to // calc_prompt_width_and_lines. let mut result = 1; if prompt.chars().any(|c| matches!(c, '\n' | '\x0C')) { result = LAYOUT_CACHE_SHARED .lock() .unwrap() .calc_prompt_layout(prompt, None, usize::MAX) .line_breaks .len() + 1; } result } /// Returns the length of the "shared prefix" of the two lines, which is the run of matching text /// and colors. If the prefix ends on a combining character, do not include the previous character /// in the prefix. fn line_shared_prefix(a: &Line, b: &Line) -> usize { let mut idx = 0; let max = std::cmp::min(a.len(), b.len()); while idx < max { let ac = a.char_at(idx); let bc = b.char_at(idx); // We're done if the text or colors are different. if ac != bc || a.color_at(idx) != b.color_at(idx) { if idx > 0 { let mut c = None; // Possible combining mark, go back until we hit _two_ printable characters or idx // of 0. if fish_wcwidth(a.char_at(idx)) < 1 { c = Some(&a); } else if fish_wcwidth(b.char_at(idx)) < 1 { c = Some(&b); } if let Some(c) = c { while idx > 1 && (fish_wcwidth(c.char_at(idx - 1)) < 1 || fish_wcwidth(c.char_at(idx)) < 1) { idx -= 1; } if idx == 1 && fish_wcwidth(c.char_at(idx)) < 1 { idx = 0; } } } break; } idx += 1; } idx } /// Returns true if we are using a dumb terminal. fn is_dumb() -> bool { term().is_none_or(|term| { term.cursor_up.is_none() || term.cursor_down.is_none() || term.cursor_left.is_none() || term.cursor_right.is_none() }) } // Exposed for testing. #[derive(Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct ScreenLayout { // The left prompt that we're going to use. pub(crate) left_prompt: WString, // How much space to leave for it. pub(crate) left_prompt_space: usize, // The right prompt. pub(crate) right_prompt: WString, // The autosuggestion. pub(crate) autosuggestion: WString, } // Given a vector whose indexes are offsets and whose values are the widths of the string if // truncated at that offset, return the offset that fits in the given width. Returns // width_by_offset.size() - 1 if they all fit. The first value in width_by_offset is assumed to be // 0. fn truncation_offset_for_width(width_by_offset: &[usize], max_width: usize) -> usize { assert!(width_by_offset[0] == 0); let mut i = 1; while i < width_by_offset.len() { if width_by_offset[i] > max_width { break; } i += 1; } // i is the first index that did not fit; i-1 is therefore the last that did. i - 1 } // Exposed for testing. pub(crate) fn compute_layout( ellipsis_char: char, screen_width: usize, left_untrunc_prompt: &wstr, right_untrunc_prompt: &wstr, commandline_before_suggestion: &wstr, colors: &mut Vec, indent: &mut Vec, autosuggestion_str: &wstr, ) -> ScreenLayout { let mut result = ScreenLayout::default(); // Truncate both prompts to screen width (#904). let mut left_prompt = WString::new(); let left_prompt_layout = LAYOUT_CACHE_SHARED.lock().unwrap().calc_prompt_layout( left_untrunc_prompt, Some(&mut left_prompt), screen_width, ); let mut right_prompt = WString::new(); let right_prompt_layout = LAYOUT_CACHE_SHARED.lock().unwrap().calc_prompt_layout( right_untrunc_prompt, Some(&mut right_prompt), screen_width, ); let left_prompt_width = left_prompt_layout.last_line_width; let mut right_prompt_width = right_prompt_layout.last_line_width; if left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width > screen_width { // Nix right_prompt. right_prompt.truncate(0); right_prompt_width = 0; } // Now we should definitely fit. assert!(left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width <= screen_width); // Get the width of the first line, and if there is more than one line. let first_command_line_width: usize = line_at_cursor(commandline_before_suggestion, 0) .chars() .map(wcwidth_rendered_min_0) .sum(); let autosuggestion_line_explicit_width: usize = line_at_cursor( commandline_before_suggestion, commandline_before_suggestion.len(), ) .chars() .map(wcwidth_rendered_min_0) .sum(); let mut autosuggest_total_width = 0; let mut autosuggest_truncated_widths = Vec::with_capacity(autosuggestion_str.len()); for c in autosuggestion_str.chars() { autosuggest_truncated_widths.push(autosuggest_total_width); autosuggest_total_width += wcwidth_rendered_min_0(c); } // Here are the layouts we try in turn: // // 1. Left prompt visible, right prompt visible, command line visible, autosuggestion visible. // // 2. Left prompt visible, right prompt visible, command line visible, autosuggestion truncated // (possibly to zero). // // 3. Left prompt visible, right prompt hidden, command line visible, autosuggestion visible // // 4. Left prompt visible, right prompt hidden, command line visible, autosuggestion truncated // // 5. Newline separator (left prompt visible, right prompt hidden, command line visible, // autosuggestion visible). // // A remark about layout #4: if we've pushed the command line to a new line, why can't we draw // the right prompt? The issue is resizing: if you resize the window smaller, then the right // prompt will wrap to the next line. This means that we can't go back to the line that we were // on, and things turn to chaos very quickly. let mut truncated_autosuggestion = |indent: &mut Vec, right_prompt_width: usize| { let width = if let Some(pos) = commandline_before_suggestion .chars() .rposition(|c| c == '\n') { left_prompt_width + usize::try_from(indent[pos]).unwrap() * INDENT_STEP + autosuggestion_line_explicit_width } else { left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width + first_command_line_width }; // Need at least two characters to show an autosuggestion. let available_autosuggest_space = screen_width.saturating_sub(width); let mut result = WString::new(); if available_autosuggest_space > autosuggest_total_width { result = autosuggestion_str.to_owned(); } else if autosuggest_total_width > 0 && available_autosuggest_space > 2 { let truncation_offset = truncation_offset_for_width( &autosuggest_truncated_widths, available_autosuggest_space - 2, ); result = autosuggestion_str[..truncation_offset].to_owned(); result.push(ellipsis_char); } let suggestion_start = commandline_before_suggestion.len(); let truncation_range = suggestion_start + result.len()..suggestion_start + autosuggestion_str.len(); colors.drain(truncation_range.clone()); indent.drain(truncation_range); result }; // Case 1 and 2. Note that we require strict inequality so that there's always at least // one space between the left edge and the rprompt. let calculated_width = left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width + first_command_line_width; if calculated_width <= screen_width { result.left_prompt = left_prompt; result.left_prompt_space = left_prompt_width; result.right_prompt = right_prompt; result.autosuggestion = truncated_autosuggestion(indent, right_prompt_width); return result; } // Case 3 and 4 let calculated_width = left_prompt_width + first_command_line_width; if calculated_width <= screen_width { result.left_prompt = left_prompt; result.left_prompt_space = left_prompt_width; result.autosuggestion = truncated_autosuggestion(indent, 0); return result; } // Case 5 result.left_prompt = left_prompt; result.left_prompt_space = left_prompt_width; result.autosuggestion = autosuggestion_str.to_owned(); result } // Display non-printable control characters as a graphic symbol. // This is to prevent control characters like \t and \v from moving the // cursor in a way we don't handle. The ones we do handle are \r and // \n. // See https://unicode-table.com/en/blocks/control-pictures/ fn rendered_character(c: char) -> char { if c <= '\x1F' { char::from_u32(u32::from(c) + 0x2400).unwrap() } else { c } } fn wcwidth_rendered_min_0(c: char) -> usize { usize::try_from(wcwidth_rendered(c)).unwrap_or_default() } pub fn wcwidth_rendered(c: char) -> isize { fish_wcwidth(rendered_character(c)) } pub fn wcswidth_rendered(s: &wstr) -> isize { s.chars().map(wcwidth_rendered).sum() }