AAAA: --abcd AAAA: --abcd --efgh BBBB: --abcd BBBB: CCCC: --bar --baz -a -b -bar -foo CCCC: --baz -a -b -bar -foo CCCC: --baz -a -b -bar CCCC: --baz -b -bar CCCC: Test that -- suppresses option completions --TestDoubleDashOption Expect no output: Testing exclusive options Expect -A -Q -W: -A -Q -W Expect -AQ -AW: -AQ -AW Expect no output 1: Expect no output 2: Expect --backup --backup=: --backup --backup= Expect --backup=all --backup=none --backup=simple: --backup=all --backup=none --backup=simple implicit cd complete works PATH does not cause incorrect implicit cd Command completion with parened PATHs test passed Command completion with intermediate slashes passed