/** \file fish_tests.c Various bug and feature tests. Compiled and run by make test. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <termios.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdarg.h> #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include <getopt.h> #endif #include <signal.h> #include <locale.h> #include <dirent.h> #include "fallback.h" #include "util.h" #include "common.h" #include "proc.h" #include "reader.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "function.h" #include "complete.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "env.h" #include "expand.h" #include "parser.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "output.h" #include "exec.h" #include "event.h" #include "halloc_util.h" /** Number of laps to run performance testing loop */ #define LAPS 50 /** The result of one of the test passes */ #define NUM_ANS L"-7 99999999 1234567 deadbeef DEADBEEFDEADBEEF" /** Number of encountered errors */ static int err_count=0; /** Print formatted output */ static void say( wchar_t *blah, ... ) { va_list va; va_start( va, blah ); vwprintf( blah, va ); va_end( va ); wprintf( L"\n" ); } /** Print formatted error string */ static void err( wchar_t *blah, ... ) { va_list va; va_start( va, blah ); err_count++; wprintf( L"Error: " ); vwprintf( blah, va ); va_end( va ); wprintf( L"\n" ); } /** Print ok message */ static void ok() { wprintf( L"OK\n" ); } /** Compare two pointers */ static int pq_compare( void *e1, void *e2 ) { return e1-e2; } /** Test priority queue functionality */ static void pq_test( int elements ) { int i; int prev; int *count = calloc( sizeof(int), 100 ); priority_queue_t q; pq_init( &q, pq_compare ); for( i=0; i<elements; i++ ) { int foo = rand() % 100; // printf( "Adding %d\n", foo ); pq_put( &q, (void *)foo ); count[foo]++; } prev = 100; for( i=0; i<elements; i++ ) { int pos = (int)pq_get( &q ); count[ pos ]--; if( pos > prev ) err( L"Wrong order of elements in priority_queue_t" ); prev = pos; } for( i=0; i<100; i++ ) { if( count[i] != 0 ) { err( L"Wrong number of elements in priority_queue_t" ); } } } /** Test stack functionality */ static int stack_test( int elements ) { int i; int res=1; array_list_t s; al_init( &s ); for( i=0; i<elements; i++ ) { int foo; al_push( &s, (void*)i); al_push( &s, (void*)i); if( (foo=(int)al_pop( &s )) != i ) { err( L"Unexpected data" ); res = 0; break; } } for( i=0; i<elements; i++ ) { int foo; if( (foo=(int)al_pop( &s )) != (elements-i-1) ) { err( L"Unexpected data" ); res = 0; break; } } al_destroy( &s ); return res; } /** Hash function for pointers */ static int hash_func( void *data ) { /* srand( (int)data ); return rand(); */ int foo = (int)data; return 127*((foo^0xefc7e214)) ^(foo<<11); } /** Pointer hash comparison function */ static int compare_func( void *key1, void *key2 ) { return key1==key2; } /** Hashtable test */ static int hash_test( int elements ) { int i; int res=1; hash_table_t h; hash_init( &h, hash_func, compare_func ); for( i=1; i< elements+1; i++ ) { hash_put( &h, (void*)i, (void*)100-i ); } for( i=1; i< elements+1; i++ ) { if( (int)hash_get( &h, (void*)i ) != (100-i) ) { err( L"Key %d gave data %d, expected data %d", i, (int)hash_get( &h, (void*)i ), 100-i ); res = 0; break; } } if( hash_get_count( &h ) != elements ) { err( L"Table holds %d elements, should hold %d elements", hash_get_count( &h ), elements ); res = 0; } for( i=1; i<elements+1; i+=2 ) { hash_remove( &h, (void*)i, 0, 0 ); } if( hash_get_count( &h ) != ((elements)/2) ) { err( L"Table contains %d elements, should contain %d elements", hash_get_count( &h ), elements/2 ); res = 0; } for( i=1; i<elements+1; i++ ) { if( hash_contains( &h, (void*)i) != (i+1)%2 ) { if( i%2 ) err( L"Key %d remains, should be deleted", i ); else err( L"Key %d does not exist", i ); res = 0; break; } } hash_destroy( &h ); return res; } /** Arraylist test */ static void al_test( int sz) { int i; array_list_t l; al_init( &l ); al_set( &l, 1, (void *)7 ); al_set( &l, sz, (void *)7 ); if( al_get_count( &l ) != maxf( sz+1, 2 ) ) err( L"Wrong number of elements in array list" ); for( i=0; i<al_get_count( &l ); i++ ) { int val = (int)((long) al_get( &l, i )); if( (i == 1) || (i==sz)) { if( val != 7 ) err( L"Canary changed to %d at index %d", val, i ); } else { if( val != 0 ) err( L"False canary %d found at index %d", val, i ); } } } /** Stringbuffer test */ static void sb_test() { string_buffer_t b; int res; sb_init( &b ); if( (res=sb_printf( &b, L"%ls%s", L"Testing ", "string_buffer_t " )) == -1 ) { err( L"Error %d while testing stringbuffers", res ); } if( (res=sb_printf( &b, L"%ls", L"functionality" ))==-1) { err( L"Error %d while testing stringbuffers", res ); } say( (wchar_t *)b.buff ); sb_clear( &b ); sb_printf( &b, L"%d %u %o %x %llX", -7, 99999999, 01234567, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefll ); if( wcscmp( (wchar_t *)b.buff, NUM_ANS) != 0 ) { err( L"numerical formating is broken, '%ls' != '%ls'", (wchar_t *)b.buff, NUM_ANS ); } else say( L"numerical formating works" ); } /** Performs all tests of the util library */ static void test_util() { int i; say( L"Testing utility library" ); for( i=0; i<18; i++ ) { long t1, t2; pq_test( 1<<i ); stack_test( 1<<i ); t1 = get_time(); hash_test( 1<<i ); t2 = get_time(); if( i > 8 ) say( L"Hashtable uses %f microseconds per element at size %d", ((double)(t2-t1))/(1<<i), 1<<i ); al_test( 1<<i ); } sb_test(); /* int i; for( i=2; i<10000000; i*=2 ) { printf( "%d", i ); t1 = get_time(); if(!hash_test(i)) exit(0); t2 = get_time(); printf( " %d\n", (t2-t1)/i ); } */ } /** Test the tokenizer */ static void test_tok() { tokenizer t; say( L"Testing tokenizer" ); say( L"Testing invalid input" ); tok_init( &t, 0, 0 ); if( tok_last_type( &t ) != TOK_ERROR ) { err(L"Invalid input to tokenizer was undetected" ); } say( L"Testing use of broken tokenizer" ); if( !tok_has_next( &t ) ) { err( L"tok_has_next() should return 1 once on broken tokenizer" ); } tok_next( &t ); if( tok_last_type( &t ) != TOK_ERROR ) { err(L"Invalid input to tokenizer was undetected" ); } /* This should crash if there is a bug. No reliable way to detect otherwise. */ say( L"Test destruction of broken tokenizer" ); tok_destroy( &t ); { wchar_t *str = L"string <redirection 2>&1 'nested \"quoted\" '(string containing subshells ){and,brackets}$as[$well (as variable arrays)]"; const int types[] = { TOK_STRING, TOK_REDIRECT_IN, TOK_STRING, TOK_REDIRECT_FD, TOK_STRING, TOK_STRING, TOK_END } ; int i; say( L"Test correct tokenization" ); for( i=0, tok_init( &t, str, 0 ); i<(sizeof(types)/sizeof(int)); i++,tok_next( &t ) ) { if( types[i] != tok_last_type( &t ) ) { err( L"Tokenization error:"); wprintf( L"Token number %d of string \n'%ls'\n, expected token type %ls, got token '%ls' of type %ls\n", i+1, str, tok_get_desc(types[i]), tok_last(&t), tok_get_desc(tok_last_type( &t )) ); } } } } /** Test the parser */ static void test_parser() { say( L"Testing parser" ); say( L"Testing null input to parser" ); if( !parser_test( 0, 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"Null input to parser_test undetected" ); } say( L"Testing block nesting" ); if( !parser_test( L"if; end", 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"Incomplete if statement undetected" ); } if( !parser_test( L"if test; echo", 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"Missing end undetected" ); } if( !parser_test( L"if test; end; end", 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"Unbalanced end undetected" ); } say( L"Testing detection of invalid use of builtin commands" ); if( !parser_test( L"case foo", 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"'case' command outside of block context undetected" ); } if( !parser_test( L"switch ggg; if true; case foo;end;end", 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"'case' command outside of switch block context undetected" ); } if( !parser_test( L"else", 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"'else' command outside of conditional block context undetected" ); } if( !parser_test( L"break", 0, 0 ) ) { err( L"'break' command outside of loop block context undetected" ); } if( !parser_test( L"exec ls|less", 0, 0 ) || !parser_test( L"echo|return", 0, 0 )) { err( L"Invalid pipe command undetected" ); } say( L"Testing basic evaluation" ); if( !eval( 0, 0, TOP ) ) { err( L"Null input when evaluating undetected" ); } if( !eval( L"ls", 0, WHILE ) ) { err( L"Invalid block mode when evaluating undetected" ); } } /** Perform parameter expansion and test if the output equals the zero-terminated parameter list supplied. \param in the string to expand \param flags the flags to send to expand_string */ static int expand_test( const wchar_t *in, int flags, ... ) { array_list_t out; va_list va; int i=0; int res=1; wchar_t *arg; al_init( &out ); expand_string( 0, wcsdup(in), &out, flags); va_start( va, flags ); while( (arg=va_arg(va, wchar_t *) )!= 0 ) { if( al_get_count( &out ) == i ) { res=0; break; } if( wcscmp( al_get( &out, i ),arg) != 0 ) { res=0; break; } i++; } va_end( va ); al_foreach( &out, &free ); return res; } /** Test globbing and other parameter expansion */ static void test_expand() { say( L"Testing parameter expansion" ); if( !expand_test( L"foo", 0, L"foo", 0 )) { err( L"Strings do not expand to themselves" ); } if( !expand_test( L"a{b,c,d}e", 0, L"abe", L"ace", L"ade", 0 ) ) { err( L"Bracket expansion is broken" ); } if( !expand_test( L"a*", EXPAND_SKIP_WILDCARDS, L"a*", 0 ) ) { err( L"Cannot skip wildcard expansion" ); } } /** Test speed of completion calculations */ void perf_complete() { wchar_t c; array_list_t out; long long t1, t2; int matches=0; double t; wchar_t str[3]= { 0, 0, 0 } ; int i; say( L"Testing completion performance" ); al_init( &out ); reader_push(L""); say( L"Here we go" ); t1 = get_time(); for( c=L'a'; c<=L'z'; c++ ) { str[0]=c; reader_set_buffer( str, 0 ); complete( str, &out ); matches += al_get_count( &out ); al_foreach( &out, &free ); al_truncate( &out, 0 ); } t2=get_time(); t = (double)(t2-t1)/(1000000*26); say( L"One letter command completion took %f seconds per completion, %f microseconds/match", t, (double)(t2-t1)/matches ); matches=0; t1 = get_time(); for( i=0; i<LAPS; i++ ) { str[0]='a'+(rand()%26); str[1]='a'+(rand()%26); reader_set_buffer( str, 0 ); complete( str, &out ); matches += al_get_count( &out ); al_foreach( &out, &free ); al_truncate( &out, 0 ); } t2=get_time(); t = (double)(t2-t1)/(1000000*LAPS); say( L"Two letter command completion took %f seconds per completion, %f microseconds/match", t, (double)(t2-t1)/matches ); al_destroy( &out ); reader_pop(); } /** Main test */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { program_name=L"(ignore)"; say( L"Testing low-level functionality"); say( L"Lines beginning with '(ignore):' are not errors, they are warning messages\ngenerated by the fish parser library when given broken input, and can be\nignored. All actual errors begin with 'Error:'." ); proc_init(); halloc_util_init(); event_init(); parser_init(); function_init(); builtin_init(); reader_init(); env_init(); test_util(); test_tok(); test_parser(); test_expand(); say( L"Encountered %d errors in low-level tests", err_count ); /* Skip performance tests for now, since they seem to hang when running from inside make (?) */ // say( L"Testing performance" ); // perf_complete(); env_destroy(); reader_destroy(); parser_destroy(); function_destroy(); builtin_destroy(); wutil_destroy(); event_destroy(); proc_destroy(); halloc_util_destroy(); }