// Implementation of the argparse builtin. // // See issue #4190 for the rationale behind the original behavior of this builtin. #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "builtin.h" #include "builtin_argparse.h" #include "common.h" #include "env.h" #include "exec.h" #include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "io.h" #include "wgetopt.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep class parser_t; const wcstring var_name_prefix = L"_flag_"; #define BUILTIN_ERR_INVALID_OPT_SPEC _(L"%ls: Invalid option spec '%ls' at char '%lc'\n") class option_spec_t { public: wchar_t short_flag; wcstring long_flag; wcstring validation_command; wcstring_list_t vals; bool short_flag_valid; int num_allowed; int num_seen; option_spec_t(wchar_t s) : short_flag(s), long_flag(), validation_command(), vals(), short_flag_valid(true), num_allowed(0), num_seen(0) {} }; class argparse_cmd_opts_t { public: bool print_help = false; bool stop_nonopt = false; size_t min_args = 0; size_t max_args = SIZE_MAX; wchar_t implicit_int_flag = L'\0'; wcstring name = L"argparse"; wcstring_list_t raw_exclusive_flags; wcstring_list_t argv; std::map options; std::map long_to_short_flag; std::vector> exclusive_flag_sets; ~argparse_cmd_opts_t() { for (auto it : options) { delete it.second; } } }; static const wchar_t *short_options = L"+:hn:sx:N:X:"; static const struct woption long_options[] = {{L"stop-nonopt", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {L"name", required_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {L"exclusive", required_argument, NULL, 'x'}, {L"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {L"min-args", required_argument, NULL, 'N'}, {L"max-args", required_argument, NULL, 'X'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}}; // Check if any pair of mutually exclusive options was seen. Note that since every option must have // a short name we only need to check those. static int check_for_mutually_exclusive_flags(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, io_streams_t &streams) { for (auto it : opts.options) { auto opt_spec = it.second; if (opt_spec->num_seen == 0) continue; // We saw this option at least once. Check all the sets of mutually exclusive options to see // if this option appears in any of them. for (auto xarg_set : opts.exclusive_flag_sets) { auto found = std::find(xarg_set.begin(), xarg_set.end(), opt_spec->short_flag); if (found != xarg_set.end()) { // Okay, this option is in a mutually exclusive set of options. Check if any of the // other mutually exclusive options have been seen. for (auto xflag : xarg_set) { auto xopt_spec = opts.options[xflag]; // Ignore this flag in the list of mutually exclusive flags. if (xopt_spec->short_flag == opt_spec->short_flag) continue; // If it is a different flag check if it has been seen. if (xopt_spec->num_seen) { wcstring flag1; if (opt_spec->short_flag_valid) flag1 = wcstring(1, opt_spec->short_flag); if (!opt_spec->long_flag.empty()) { if (opt_spec->short_flag_valid) flag1 += L"/"; flag1 += opt_spec->long_flag; } wcstring flag2; if (xopt_spec->short_flag_valid) flag2 = wcstring(1, xopt_spec->short_flag); if (!xopt_spec->long_flag.empty()) { if (xopt_spec->short_flag_valid) flag2 += L"/"; flag2 += xopt_spec->long_flag; } streams.err.append_format( _(L"%ls: Mutually exclusive flags '%ls' and `%ls` seen\n"), opts.name.c_str(), flag1.c_str(), flag2.c_str()); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } } } } } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // This is used as a specialization to allow us to force operator>> to split the input on something // other than spaces. class WordDelimitedByComma : public wcstring {}; // Cppcheck incorrectly complains this is unused. It is indirectly used by std:istream_iterator. std::wistream &operator>>(std::wistream &is, WordDelimitedByComma &output) { // cppcheck-suppress std::getline(is, output, L','); return is; } // This should be called after all the option specs have been parsed. At that point we have enough // information to parse the values associated with any `--exclusive` flags. static int parse_exclusive_args(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, io_streams_t &streams) { for (auto raw_xflags : opts.raw_exclusive_flags) { // This is an advanced technique that leverages the C++ STL to split the string on commas. std::wistringstream iss(raw_xflags); wcstring_list_t xflags((std::istream_iterator(iss)), std::istream_iterator()); if (xflags.size() < 2) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: exclusive flag string '%ls' is not valid\n"), opts.name.c_str(), raw_xflags.c_str()); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } std::vector exclusive_set; for (auto flag : xflags) { if (flag.size() == 1 && opts.options.find(flag[0]) != opts.options.end()) { // It's a short flag. exclusive_set.push_back(flag[0]); } else { auto x = opts.long_to_short_flag.find(flag); if (x != opts.long_to_short_flag.end()) { // It's a long flag we store as its short flag equivalent. exclusive_set.push_back(x->second); } else { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: exclusive flag '%ls' is not valid\n"), opts.name.c_str(), flag.c_str()); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } } } // Store the set of exclusive flags for use when parsing the supplied set of arguments. opts.exclusive_flag_sets.push_back(exclusive_set); } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } static bool parse_flag_modifiers(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, option_spec_t *opt_spec, const wcstring &option_spec, const wchar_t **opt_spec_str, io_streams_t &streams) { const wchar_t *s = *opt_spec_str; if (opt_spec->short_flag == opts.implicit_int_flag && *s && *s != L'!') { streams.err.append_format( _(L"%ls: Implicit int short flag '%lc' does not allow modifiers like '%lc'\n"), opts.name.c_str(), opt_spec->short_flag, *s); return false; } if (*s == L'=') { s++; if (*s == L'?') { opt_spec->num_allowed = -1; // optional arg s++; } else if (*s == L'+') { opt_spec->num_allowed = 2; // mandatory arg and can appear more than once s++; } else { opt_spec->num_allowed = 1; // mandatory arg and can appear only once } } if (*s == L'!') { s++; opt_spec->validation_command = wcstring(s); } else if (*s) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_INVALID_OPT_SPEC, opts.name.c_str(), option_spec.c_str(), *s); return false; } // Make sure we have some validation for implicit int flags. if (opt_spec->short_flag == opts.implicit_int_flag && opt_spec->validation_command.empty()) { opt_spec->validation_command = L"_validate_int"; } if (opts.options.find(opt_spec->short_flag) != opts.options.end()) { streams.err.append_format(L"%ls: Short flag '%lc' already defined\n", opts.name.c_str(), opt_spec->short_flag); return false; } opts.options.emplace(opt_spec->short_flag, opt_spec); *opt_spec_str = s; return true; } /// Parse the text following the short flag letter. static bool parse_option_spec_sep(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, option_spec_t *opt_spec, wcstring &option_spec, const wchar_t **opt_spec_str, io_streams_t &streams) { const wchar_t *s = *opt_spec_str; if (*(s - 1) == L'#') { if (*s != L'-') { streams.err.append_format( _(L"%ls: Short flag '#' must be followed by '-' and a long name\n"), opts.name.c_str()); return false; } if (opts.implicit_int_flag) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Implicit int flag '%lc' already defined\n"), opts.name.c_str(), opts.implicit_int_flag); return false; } opts.implicit_int_flag = opt_spec->short_flag; opt_spec->short_flag_valid = false; s++; } else if (*s == L'-') { opt_spec->short_flag_valid = false; s++; if (!*s) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_INVALID_OPT_SPEC, opts.name.c_str(), option_spec.c_str(), *(s - 1)); return false; } } else if (*s == L'/') { s++; // the struct is initialized assuming short_flag_valid should be true if (!*s) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_INVALID_OPT_SPEC, opts.name.c_str(), option_spec.c_str(), *(s - 1)); return false; } } else if (*s == L'#') { if (opts.implicit_int_flag) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Implicit int flag '%lc' already defined\n"), opts.name.c_str(), opts.implicit_int_flag); return false; } opts.implicit_int_flag = opt_spec->short_flag; opt_spec->num_allowed = 1; // mandatory arg and can appear only once s++; // the struct is initialized assuming short_flag_valid should be true if (!*s) opts.options.emplace(opt_spec->short_flag, opt_spec); } else { // Long flag name not allowed if second char isn't '/', '-' or '#' so just check for // behavior modifier chars. if (!parse_flag_modifiers(opts, opt_spec, option_spec, &s, streams)) return false; } *opt_spec_str = s; return true; } /// This parses an option spec string into a struct option_spec. static bool parse_option_spec(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, //!OCLINT(high npath complexity) wcstring option_spec, io_streams_t &streams) { if (option_spec.empty()) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: An option spec must have a short flag letter\n"), opts.name.c_str()); return false; } const wchar_t *s = option_spec.c_str(); if (!iswalnum(*s) && *s != L'#') { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Short flag '%lc' invalid, must be alphanum or '#'\n"), opts.name.c_str(), *s); return false; } option_spec_t *opt_spec = new option_spec_t(*s++); if (!*s) { // Bool short flag only. opts.options.emplace(opt_spec->short_flag, opt_spec); return true; } if (!parse_option_spec_sep(opts, opt_spec, option_spec, &s, streams)) return false; if (!*s) return true; // parsed the entire string so the option spec doesn't have a long flag // Collect the long flag name. const wchar_t *e = s; while (*e && (*e == L'-' || *e == L'_' || iswalnum(*e))) e++; if (e != s) { opt_spec->long_flag = wcstring(s, e - s); if (opts.long_to_short_flag.find(opt_spec->long_flag) != opts.long_to_short_flag.end()) { streams.err.append_format(L"%ls: Long flag '%ls' already defined\n", opts.name.c_str(), opt_spec->long_flag.c_str()); return false; } opts.long_to_short_flag.emplace(opt_spec->long_flag, opt_spec->short_flag); } return parse_flag_modifiers(opts, opt_spec, option_spec, &e, streams); } static int collect_option_specs(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, int *optind, int argc, wchar_t **argv, io_streams_t &streams) { wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; while (true) { if (wcscmp(L"--", argv[*optind]) == 0) { ++*optind; break; } if (!parse_option_spec(opts, argv[*optind], streams)) { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } if (++*optind == argc) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Missing -- separator\n"), cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } } if (opts.options.empty()) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: No option specs were provided\n"), cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } static int parse_cmd_opts(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, int *optind, //!OCLINT(high ncss method) int argc, wchar_t **argv, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; int opt; wgetopter_t w; while ((opt = w.wgetopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'n': { opts.name = w.woptarg; break; } case 's': { opts.stop_nonopt = true; break; } case 'x': { // Just save the raw string here. Later, when we have all the short and long flag // definitions we'll parse these strings into a more useful data structure. opts.raw_exclusive_flags.push_back(w.woptarg); break; } case 'h': { opts.print_help = true; break; } case 'N': { long x = fish_wcstol(w.woptarg); if (errno || x < 0) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Invalid --min-args value '%ls'\n"), cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.min_args = x; break; } case 'X': { long x = fish_wcstol(w.woptarg); if (errno || x < 0) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Invalid --max-args value '%ls'\n"), cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.max_args = x; break; } case ':': { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } case '?': { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } default: { DIE("unexpected retval from wgetopt_long"); break; } } } if (opts.print_help) return STATUS_CMD_OK; if (argc == w.woptind || wcscmp(L"--", argv[w.woptind - 1]) == 0) { // The user didn't specify any option specs. streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: No option specs were provided\n"), cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } *optind = w.woptind; return collect_option_specs(opts, optind, argc, argv, streams); } static void populate_option_strings( argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, wcstring &short_options, std::unique_ptr> &long_options) { int i = 0; for (auto it : opts.options) { option_spec_t *opt_spec = it.second; if (opt_spec->short_flag_valid) short_options.push_back(opt_spec->short_flag); int arg_type = no_argument; if (opt_spec->num_allowed == -1) { arg_type = optional_argument; if (opt_spec->short_flag_valid) short_options.append(L"::"); } else if (opt_spec->num_allowed > 0) { arg_type = required_argument; if (opt_spec->short_flag_valid) short_options.append(L":"); } if (!opt_spec->long_flag.empty()) { long_options.get()[i++] = {opt_spec->long_flag.c_str(), arg_type, NULL, opt_spec->short_flag}; } } long_options.get()[i] = {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}; } static int validate_arg(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, option_spec_t *opt_spec, bool is_long_flag, const wchar_t *woptarg, io_streams_t &streams) { // Obviously if there is no arg validation command we assume the arg is okay. if (opt_spec->validation_command.empty()) return STATUS_CMD_OK; wcstring_list_t cmd_output; env_push(true); env_set(L"_argparse_cmd", opts.name.c_str(), ENV_LOCAL); if (is_long_flag) { env_set(var_name_prefix + L"name", opt_spec->long_flag.c_str(), ENV_LOCAL); } else { env_set(var_name_prefix + L"name", wcstring(1, opt_spec->short_flag).c_str(), ENV_LOCAL); } env_set(var_name_prefix + L"value", woptarg, ENV_LOCAL); int retval = exec_subshell(opt_spec->validation_command, cmd_output, false); for (auto it : cmd_output) { streams.err.append(it); streams.err.push_back(L'\n'); } env_pop(); return retval; } // Check if it is an implicit integer option. Try to parse and validate it as a valid integer. The // code that parses option specs has already ensured that implicit integers have either an explicit // or implicit validation function. static int check_for_implicit_int(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, const wchar_t *val, const wchar_t *cmd, const wchar_t *const *argv, wgetopter_t &w, int opt, int long_idx, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { if (opts.implicit_int_flag == L'\0') { // There is no implicit integer option so report an error. builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if (opt == '?') { // It's a flag that might be an implicit integer flag. Try to parse it as an integer to // decide if it is in fact something like `-NNN` or an invalid flag. (void)fish_wcstol(val); if (errno) { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } } // Okay, it looks like an integer. See if it passes the validation checks. auto found = opts.options.find(opts.implicit_int_flag); assert(found != opts.options.end()); auto opt_spec = found->second; int retval = validate_arg(opts, opt_spec, long_idx != -1, val, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; // It's a valid integer so store it and return success. opt_spec->vals.clear(); opt_spec->vals.push_back(wcstring(val)); opt_spec->num_seen++; w.nextchar = NULL; return STATUS_CMD_OK; } static int handle_flag(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, option_spec_t *opt_spec, int long_idx, const wchar_t *woptarg, io_streams_t &streams) { opt_spec->num_seen++; if (opt_spec->num_allowed == 0) { // It's a boolean flag. Save the flag we saw since it might be useful to know if the // short or long flag was given. assert(!woptarg); if (long_idx == -1) { opt_spec->vals.push_back(wcstring(1, L'-') + opt_spec->short_flag); } else { opt_spec->vals.push_back(L"--" + opt_spec->long_flag); } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if (woptarg) { int retval = validate_arg(opts, opt_spec, long_idx != -1, woptarg, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; } if (opt_spec->num_allowed == -1 || opt_spec->num_allowed == 1) { // We're depending on `wgetopt_long()` to report that a mandatory value is missing if // `opt_spec->num_allowed == 1` and thus return ':' so that we don't take this branch if // the mandatory arg is missing. opt_spec->vals.clear(); if (woptarg) { opt_spec->vals.push_back(woptarg); } } else { assert(woptarg); opt_spec->vals.push_back(woptarg); } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } static int argparse_parse_flags(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, const wchar_t *short_options, const woption *long_options, const wchar_t *cmd, int argc, wchar_t **argv, int *optind, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { int opt; int long_idx = -1; wgetopter_t w; while ((opt = w.wgetopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &long_idx)) != -1) { if (opt == ':') { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if (opt == '?') { // It's not a recognized flag. See if it's an implicit int flag. int retval = check_for_implicit_int(opts, argv[w.woptind - 1] + 1, cmd, argv, w, opt, long_idx, parser, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; long_idx = -1; continue; } // It's a recognized flag. auto found = opts.options.find(opt); assert(found != opts.options.end()); option_spec_t *opt_spec = found->second; int retval = handle_flag(opts, opt_spec, long_idx, w.woptarg, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; long_idx = -1; } *optind = w.woptind; return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // This function mimics the `wgetopt_long()` usage found elsewhere in our other builtin commands. // It's different in that the short and long option structures are constructed dynamically based on // arguments provided to the `argparse` command. static int argparse_parse_args(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, const wcstring_list_t &args, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { if (args.empty()) return STATUS_CMD_OK; wcstring short_options = opts.stop_nonopt ? L"+:" : L":"; size_t nflags = opts.options.size(); // This assumes every option has a long flag. Which is the worst case and isn't worth optimizing // since the number of options is always quite small. auto long_options = std::unique_ptr>( new woption[nflags + 1], [](woption *p) { delete[] p; }); populate_option_strings(opts, short_options, long_options); const wchar_t *cmd = opts.name.c_str(); int argc = static_cast(args.size()); // We need to convert our wcstring_list_t to a that can be used by wgetopt_long(). // This ensures the memory for the data structure is freed when we leave this scope. null_terminated_array_t argv_container(args); auto argv = (wchar_t **)argv_container.get(); int optind; int retval = argparse_parse_flags(opts, short_options.c_str(), long_options.get(), cmd, argc, argv, &optind, parser, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; retval = check_for_mutually_exclusive_flags(opts, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; for (int i = optind; argv[i]; i++) opts.argv.push_back(argv[i]); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } static int check_min_max_args_constraints(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { UNUSED(parser); const wchar_t *cmd = opts.name.c_str(); if (opts.argv.size() < opts.min_args) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_MIN_ARG_COUNT1, cmd, opts.min_args, opts.argv.size()); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } if (opts.max_args != SIZE_MAX && opts.argv.size() > opts.max_args) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_MAX_ARG_COUNT1, cmd, opts.max_args, opts.argv.size()); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } /// Put the result of parsing the supplied args into the caller environment as local vars. static void set_argparse_result_vars(argparse_cmd_opts_t &opts) { for (auto it : opts.options) { option_spec_t *opt_spec = it.second; if (!opt_spec->num_seen) continue; auto val = list_to_array_val(opt_spec->vals); if (opt_spec->short_flag_valid) { env_set(var_name_prefix + opt_spec->short_flag, val->c_str(), ENV_LOCAL); } if (!opt_spec->long_flag.empty()) { // We do a simple replacement of all non alphanum chars rather than calling // escape_string(long_flag, 0, STRING_STYLE_VAR). wcstring long_flag = opt_spec->long_flag; for (size_t pos = 0; pos < long_flag.size(); pos++) { if (!iswalnum(long_flag[pos])) long_flag[pos] = L'_'; } env_set(var_name_prefix + long_flag, val->c_str(), ENV_LOCAL); } } auto val = list_to_array_val(opts.argv); env_set(L"argv", val->c_str(), ENV_LOCAL); } /// The argparse builtin. This is explicitly not compatible with the BSD or GNU version of this /// command. That's because fish doesn't have the weird quoting problems of POSIX shells. So we /// don't need to support flags like `--unquoted`. Similarly we don't want to support introducing /// long options with a single dash so we don't support the `--alternative` flag. That `getopt` is /// an external command also means its output has to be in a form that can be eval'd. Because our /// version is a builtin it can directly set variables local to the current scope (e.g., a /// function). It doesn't need to write anything to stdout that then needs to be eval'd. int builtin_argparse(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, wchar_t **argv) { const wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; int argc = builtin_count_args(argv); argparse_cmd_opts_t opts; int optind; int retval = parse_cmd_opts(opts, &optind, argc, argv, parser, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; if (opts.print_help) { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.out); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } wcstring_list_t args; args.push_back(opts.name); while (optind < argc) args.push_back(argv[optind++]); retval = parse_exclusive_args(opts, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; retval = argparse_parse_args(opts, args, parser, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; retval = check_min_max_args_constraints(opts, parser, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; set_argparse_result_vars(opts); return retval; }