#!/usr/bin/env sh # Originally from the git sources (GIT-VERSION-GEN) # Presumably (C) Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net> # Reused under GPL v2.0 # Modified for fish by David Adam <zanchey@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> set -e # Find the fish git directory as two levels up from script directory. GIT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname $( dirname "$0" ) )" && pwd )" FBVF=FISH-BUILD-VERSION-FILE DEF_VER=unknown # First see if there is a version file (included in release tarballs), # then try git-describe, then default. if test -f version then VN=$(cat version) || VN="$DEF_VER" elif ! VN=$(git -C "$GIT_DIR" describe --always --dirty 2>/dev/null); then VN="$DEF_VER" fi if test -r $FBVF then VC=$(grep -v '^#' $FBVF | tr -d '"' | sed -e 's/^FISH_BUILD_VERSION=//') else VC=unset fi # Maybe output the FBVF # It looks like FISH_BUILD_VERSION="2.7.1-621-ga2f065e6" test "$VN" = "$VC" || { echo >&2 "FISH_BUILD_VERSION=$VN" echo "FISH_BUILD_VERSION=\"$VN\"" >$FBVF } # Output the fish-build-version-witness.txt # See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.4/policy/CMP0058.html date +%s > fish-build-version-witness.txt