//! The killring. //! //! Works like the killring in emacs and readline. The killring is cut and paste with a memory of //! previous cuts. use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::sync::Mutex; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; struct KillRing(VecDeque); static KILL_RING: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(KillRing::new())); impl KillRing { /// Create a new killring. fn new() -> Self { Self(VecDeque::new()) } /// Return whether this killring is empty. #[cfg(test)] fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_empty() } /// Add a string to the top of the killring. fn add(&mut self, new_entry: WString) { if !new_entry.is_empty() { self.0.push_front(new_entry); } } /// Replace the specified string in the killring. pub fn replace(&mut self, old_entry: &wstr, new_entry: WString) { if let Some(old_entry_idx) = self.0.iter().position(|entry| entry == old_entry) { self.0.remove(old_entry_idx); } if !new_entry.is_empty() { self.add(new_entry); } } /// Paste from the killring. pub fn yank(&mut self) -> WString { self.0.front().cloned().unwrap_or_default() } /// Rotate the killring. pub fn yank_rotate(&mut self) -> WString { self.0.rotate_left(1); self.yank() } /// Return a copy of the list of entries. pub fn entries(&self) -> Vec { self.0.iter().cloned().collect() } } /// Add a string to the top of the killring. pub fn kill_add(new_entry: WString) { KILL_RING.lock().unwrap().add(new_entry) } /// Replace the specified string in the killring. pub fn kill_replace(old_entry: &wstr, new_entry: WString) { KILL_RING.lock().unwrap().replace(old_entry, new_entry) } /// Rotate the killring. pub fn kill_yank_rotate() -> WString { KILL_RING.lock().unwrap().yank_rotate() } /// Paste from the killring. pub fn kill_yank() -> WString { KILL_RING.lock().unwrap().yank() } pub fn kill_entries() -> Vec { KILL_RING.lock().unwrap().entries() } #[cfg(test)] fn test_killring() { let mut kr = KillRing::new(); assert!(kr.is_empty()); kr.add(WString::from_str("a")); kr.add(WString::from_str("b")); kr.add(WString::from_str("c")); assert!((kr.entries() == [L!("c"), L!("b"), L!("a")])); assert!(kill_yank_rotate() == L!("b")); assert!((kr.entries() == [L!("b"), L!("a"), L!("c")])); assert!(kill_yank_rotate() == L!("a")); assert!((kr.entries() == [L!("a"), L!("c"), L!("b")])); kr.add(WString::from_str("d")); assert!((kr.entries() == [L!("d"), L!("a"), L!("c"), L!("b")])); assert!(kr.yank_rotate() == L!("a")); assert!((kr.entries() == [L!("a"), L!("c"), L!("b"), L!("d")])); }