# # This function is used internally by the fish command completion code # # Perform this check once at startup rather than on each invocation if not type -q apropos function __fish_describe_command end exit end function __fish_describe_command -d "Command used to find descriptions for commands" # $argv will be inserted directly into the awk regex, so it must be escaped set -l argv_regex (string escape --style=regex "$argv") __fish_apropos $argv 2>/dev/null | awk -v FS=" +- +" '{ split($1, names, ", "); for (name in names) if (names[name] ~ /^'"$argv_regex"'.* *\([18]\)/ ) { sub( "( |\t)*\\\([18]\\\)", "", names[name] ); sub( " \\\[.*\\\]", "", names[name] ); print names[name] "\t" $2; } }' end