use pcre2::utf32::Regex; use crate::ffi_tests::add_test; use crate::parse_constants::{ ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1, ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE1, ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE_QUOTED1, ERROR_NOT_ARGV_AT, ERROR_NOT_ARGV_COUNT, ERROR_NOT_ARGV_STAR, ERROR_NOT_PID, ERROR_NOT_STATUS, ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME, }; use crate::parse_util::parse_util_detect_errors; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; use crate::wchar_ext::WExt; add_test!("test_error_messages", || { // Given a format string, returns a list of non-empty strings separated by format specifiers. The // format specifiers themselves are omitted. fn separate_by_format_specifiers(format: &wstr) -> Vec<&wstr> { let format_specifier_regex = Regex::new(L!(r"%l?[ds]").as_char_slice()).unwrap(); let mut result = vec![]; let mut offset = 0; for mtch in format_specifier_regex.find_iter(format.as_char_slice()) { let mtch = mtch.unwrap(); result.push(&format[offset..mtch.start()]); offset = mtch.end(); } result } // Given a format string 'format', return true if the string may have been produced by that format // string. We do this by splitting the format string around the format specifiers, and then ensuring // that each of the remaining chunks is found (in order) in the string. fn string_matches_format(s: &wstr, format: &wstr) -> bool { let components = separate_by_format_specifiers(format); let mut idx = 0; for component in components { let Some(relpos) = s[idx..].find(component) else { return false; }; idx += relpos + component.len(); assert!(idx <= s.len()); } true } macro_rules! validate { ($src:expr, $error_text_format:expr) => { let mut errors = vec![]; let res = parse_util_detect_errors(L!($src), Some(&mut errors), false); assert!(res.is_err()); assert!( string_matches_format(&errors[0].text, L!($error_text_format)), "{}", $src ); }; } validate!("echo $^", ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1); validate!("echo foo${a}bar", ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE1); validate!("echo foo\"${a}\"bar", ERROR_BRACKETED_VARIABLE_QUOTED1); validate!("echo foo\"${\"bar", ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1); validate!("echo $?", ERROR_NOT_STATUS); validate!("echo $$", ERROR_NOT_PID); validate!("echo $#", ERROR_NOT_ARGV_COUNT); validate!("echo $@", ERROR_NOT_ARGV_AT); validate!("echo $*", ERROR_NOT_ARGV_STAR); validate!("echo $", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); validate!("echo foo\"$\"bar", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); validate!("echo \"foo\"$\"bar\"", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); validate!("echo foo $ bar", ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME); });