// Implementation of the history builtin. #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "builtin_history.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "builtin.h" #include "common.h" #include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "history.h" #include "io.h" #include "parser.h" #include "reader.h" #include "wgetopt.h" #include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep enum hist_cmd_t { HIST_SEARCH = 1, HIST_DELETE, HIST_CLEAR, HIST_MERGE, HIST_SAVE, HIST_UNDEF }; // Must be sorted by string, not enum or random. static const enum_map hist_enum_map[] = { {HIST_CLEAR, L"clear"}, {HIST_DELETE, L"delete"}, {HIST_MERGE, L"merge"}, {HIST_SAVE, L"save"}, {HIST_SEARCH, L"search"}, {HIST_UNDEF, NULL}}; struct history_cmd_opts_t { hist_cmd_t hist_cmd = HIST_UNDEF; history_search_type_t search_type = (history_search_type_t)-1; const wchar_t *show_time_format = NULL; size_t max_items = SIZE_MAX; bool print_help = false; bool history_search_type_defined = false; bool case_sensitive = false; bool null_terminate = false; bool reverse = false; }; /// Note: Do not add new flags that represent subcommands. We're encouraging people to switch to /// the non-flag subcommand form. While many of these flags are deprecated they must be /// supported at least until fish 3.0 and possibly longer to avoid breaking everyones /// config.fish and other scripts. static const wchar_t *const short_options = L":CRcehmn:pt::z"; static const struct woption long_options[] = {{L"prefix", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {L"contains", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {L"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {L"show-time", optional_argument, NULL, 't'}, {L"exact", no_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {L"max", required_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {L"null", no_argument, NULL, 'z'}, {L"case-sensitive", no_argument, NULL, 'C'}, {L"delete", no_argument, NULL, 1}, {L"search", no_argument, NULL, 2}, {L"save", no_argument, NULL, 3}, {L"clear", no_argument, NULL, 4}, {L"merge", no_argument, NULL, 5}, {L"reverse", no_argument, NULL, 'R'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}}; /// Remember the history subcommand and disallow selecting more than one history subcommand. static bool set_hist_cmd(wchar_t *const cmd, hist_cmd_t *hist_cmd, hist_cmd_t sub_cmd, io_streams_t &streams) { if (*hist_cmd != HIST_UNDEF) { wchar_t err_text[1024]; const wchar_t *subcmd_str1 = enum_to_str(*hist_cmd, hist_enum_map); const wchar_t *subcmd_str2 = enum_to_str(sub_cmd, hist_enum_map); std::swprintf(err_text, sizeof(err_text) / sizeof(wchar_t), _(L"you cannot do both '%ls' and '%ls' in the same invocation"), subcmd_str1, subcmd_str2); streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO2, cmd, err_text); return false; } *hist_cmd = sub_cmd; return true; } static bool check_for_unexpected_hist_args(const history_cmd_opts_t &opts, const wchar_t *cmd, const wcstring_list_t &args, io_streams_t &streams) { if (opts.history_search_type_defined || opts.show_time_format || opts.null_terminate) { const wchar_t *subcmd_str = enum_to_str(opts.hist_cmd, hist_enum_map); streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: you cannot use any options with the %ls command\n"), cmd, subcmd_str); return true; } if (args.size() != 0) { const wchar_t *subcmd_str = enum_to_str(opts.hist_cmd, hist_enum_map); streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_ARG_COUNT2, cmd, subcmd_str, 0, args.size()); return true; } return false; } static int parse_cmd_opts(history_cmd_opts_t &opts, int *optind, //!OCLINT(high ncss method) int argc, wchar_t **argv, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; int opt; wgetopter_t w; while ((opt = w.wgetopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 1: { if (!set_hist_cmd(cmd, &opts.hist_cmd, HIST_DELETE, streams)) { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } break; } case 2: { if (!set_hist_cmd(cmd, &opts.hist_cmd, HIST_SEARCH, streams)) { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } break; } case 3: { if (!set_hist_cmd(cmd, &opts.hist_cmd, HIST_SAVE, streams)) { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } break; } case 4: { if (!set_hist_cmd(cmd, &opts.hist_cmd, HIST_CLEAR, streams)) { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } break; } case 5: { if (!set_hist_cmd(cmd, &opts.hist_cmd, HIST_MERGE, streams)) { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } break; } case 'C': { opts.case_sensitive = true; break; } case 'R': { opts.reverse = true; break; } case 'p': { opts.search_type = HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX_GLOB; opts.history_search_type_defined = true; break; } case 'c': { opts.search_type = HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_CONTAINS_GLOB; opts.history_search_type_defined = true; break; } case 'e': { opts.search_type = HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_EXACT; opts.history_search_type_defined = true; break; } case 't': { opts.show_time_format = w.woptarg ? w.woptarg : L"# %c%n"; break; } case 'n': { long x = fish_wcstol(w.woptarg); if (errno) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_NOT_NUMBER, cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.max_items = static_cast(x); break; } case 'z': { opts.null_terminate = true; break; } case 'h': { opts.print_help = true; break; } case ':': { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } case '?': { // Try to parse it as a number; e.g., "-123". opts.max_items = fish_wcstol(argv[w.woptind - 1] + 1); if (errno) { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } w.nextchar = NULL; break; } default: { DIE("unexpected retval from wgetopt_long"); break; } } } *optind = w.woptind; return STATUS_CMD_OK; } /// Manipulate history of interactive commands executed by the user. int builtin_history(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, wchar_t **argv) { wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; int argc = builtin_count_args(argv); history_cmd_opts_t opts; int optind; int retval = parse_cmd_opts(opts, &optind, argc, argv, parser, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; if (opts.print_help) { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } // Use the default history if we have none (which happens if invoked non-interactively, e.g. // from webconfig.py. history_t *history = reader_get_history(); if (!history) history = &history_t::history_with_name(history_session_id(parser.vars())); // If a history command hasn't already been specified via a flag check the first word. // Note that this can be simplified after we eliminate allowing subcommands as flags. // See the TODO above regarding the `long_options` array. if (optind < argc) { constexpr size_t hist_enum_map_len = sizeof hist_enum_map / sizeof *hist_enum_map; hist_cmd_t subcmd = str_to_enum(argv[optind], hist_enum_map, hist_enum_map_len); if (subcmd != HIST_UNDEF) { if (!set_hist_cmd(cmd, &opts.hist_cmd, subcmd, streams)) { return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } optind++; } } // Every argument that we haven't consumed already is an argument for a subcommand (e.g., a // search term). const wcstring_list_t args(argv + optind, argv + argc); // Establish appropriate defaults. if (opts.hist_cmd == HIST_UNDEF) opts.hist_cmd = HIST_SEARCH; if (!opts.history_search_type_defined) { if (opts.hist_cmd == HIST_SEARCH) opts.search_type = HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_CONTAINS_GLOB; if (opts.hist_cmd == HIST_DELETE) opts.search_type = HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_EXACT; } int status = STATUS_CMD_OK; switch (opts.hist_cmd) { case HIST_SEARCH: { if (!history->search(opts.search_type, args, opts.show_time_format, opts.max_items, opts.case_sensitive, opts.null_terminate, opts.reverse, streams)) { status = STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } break; } case HIST_DELETE: { // TODO: Move this code to the history module and support the other search types // including case-insensitive matches. At this time we expect the non-exact deletions to // be handled only by the history function's interactive delete feature. if (opts.search_type != HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_EXACT) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"builtin history delete only supports --exact\n")); status = STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; break; } if (!opts.case_sensitive) { streams.err.append_format( _(L"builtin history delete --exact requires --case-sensitive\n")); status = STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; break; } for (wcstring delete_string : args) { if (delete_string[0] == '"' && delete_string[delete_string.length() - 1] == '"') { delete_string = delete_string.substr(1, delete_string.length() - 2); } history->remove(delete_string); } break; } case HIST_CLEAR: { if (check_for_unexpected_hist_args(opts, cmd, args, streams)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; break; } history->clear(); history->save(); break; } case HIST_MERGE: { if (check_for_unexpected_hist_args(opts, cmd, args, streams)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; break; } history->incorporate_external_changes(); break; } case HIST_SAVE: { if (check_for_unexpected_hist_args(opts, cmd, args, streams)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; break; } history->save(); break; } case HIST_UNDEF: { DIE("Unexpected HIST_UNDEF seen"); break; } } return status; }