/** \file fish_tests.c
  Various bug and feature tests. Compiled and run by make test.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

#include <getopt.h>

#include <signal.h>

#include <locale.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "fallback.h"
#include "util.h"

#include "common.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "builtin.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "autoload.h"
#include "complete.h"
#include "wutil.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "expand.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "highlight.h"
#include "iothread.h"
#include "postfork.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "parse_tree.h"
#include "parse_util.h"
#include "pager.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "env_universal_common.h"
#include "wcstringutil.h"

static const char * const * s_arguments;
static int s_test_run_count = 0;

/* Indicate if we should test the given function. Either we test everything (all arguments) or we run only tests that have a prefix in s_arguments */
static bool should_test_function(const char *func_name)
    /* No args, test everything */
    bool result = false;
    if (! s_arguments || ! s_arguments[0])
        result = true;
        for (size_t i=0; s_arguments[i] != NULL; i++)
            if (! strncmp(func_name, s_arguments[i], strlen(s_arguments[i])))
                /* Prefix match */
                result = true;
    if (result)
    return result;

   The number of tests to run
#define ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT 100000
   The average length of strings to unescape
   The higest character number of character to try and escape
#define ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR 4000

   Number of laps to run performance testing loop
#define LAPS 50

   The result of one of the test passes
#define NUM_ANS L"-7 99999999 1234567 deadbeef DEADBEEFDEADBEEF"

   Number of encountered errors
static int err_count=0;

   Print formatted output
static void say(const wchar_t *blah, ...)
    va_list va;
    va_start(va, blah);
    vwprintf(blah, va);

   Print formatted error string
static void err(const wchar_t *blah, ...)
    va_list va;
    va_start(va, blah);
    // Xcode's term doesn't support color (even though TERM claims it does)
    bool colorize = ! getenv("RUNNING_IN_XCODE");

    // show errors in red
    if (colorize)
        fputs("\x1b[31m", stdout);

    wprintf(L"Error: ");
    vwprintf(blah, va);

    // return to normal color
    if (colorize)
        fputs("\x1b[0m", stdout);


// Joins a wcstring_list_t via commas
static wcstring comma_join(const wcstring_list_t &lst)
    wcstring result;
    for (size_t i=0; i < lst.size(); i++)
        if (i > 0)
    return result;

#define do_test(e) do { if (! (e)) err(L"Test failed on line %lu: %s", __LINE__, #e); } while (0)

/* Test sane escapes */
static void test_unescape_sane()
    const struct test_t
        const wchar_t * input;
        const wchar_t * expected;
    } tests[] =
        {L"abcd", L"abcd"},
        {L"'abcd'", L"abcd"},
        {L"'abcd\\n'", L"abcd\\n"},
        {L"\"abcd\\n\"", L"abcd\\n"},
        {L"\"abcd\\n\"", L"abcd\\n"},
        {L"\\143", L"c"},
        {L"'\\143'", L"\\143"},
        {L"\\n", L"\n"} // \n normally becomes newline
    wcstring output;
    for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof tests / sizeof *tests; i++)
        bool ret = unescape_string(tests[i].input, &output, UNESCAPE_DEFAULT);
        if (! ret)
            err(L"Failed to unescape '%ls'\n", tests[i].input);
        else if (output != tests[i].expected)
            err(L"In unescaping '%ls', expected '%ls' but got '%ls'\n", tests[i].input, tests[i].expected, output.c_str());

    // test for overflow
    if (unescape_string(L"echo \\UFFFFFF", &output, UNESCAPE_DEFAULT))
        err(L"Should not have been able to unescape \\UFFFFFF\n");
    if (unescape_string(L"echo \\U110000", &output, UNESCAPE_DEFAULT))
        err(L"Should not have been able to unescape \\U110000\n");
    if (! unescape_string(L"echo \\U10FFFF", &output, UNESCAPE_DEFAULT))
        err(L"Should have been able to unescape \\U10FFFF\n");


   Test the escaping/unescaping code by escaping/unescaping random
   strings and verifying that the original string comes back.

static void test_escape_crazy()
    say(L"Testing escaping and unescaping");
    wcstring random_string;
    wcstring escaped_string;
    wcstring unescaped_string;
    for (size_t i=0; i<ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT; i++)
        while (rand() % ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH)
            random_string.push_back((rand() % ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR) +1);

        escaped_string = escape_string(random_string, ESCAPE_ALL);
        bool unescaped_success = unescape_string(escaped_string, &unescaped_string, UNESCAPE_DEFAULT);

        if (! unescaped_success)
            err(L"Failed to unescape string <%ls>", escaped_string.c_str());
        else if (unescaped_string != random_string)
            err(L"Escaped and then unescaped string '%ls', but got back a different string '%ls'", random_string.c_str(), unescaped_string.c_str());

static void test_format(void)
    say(L"Testing formatting functions");
        unsigned long long val;
        const char *expected;
    } tests[] =
        { 0, "empty" },
        { 1, "1B" },
        { 2, "2B" },
        { 1024, "1kB" },
        { 1870, "1.8kB" },
        { 4322911, "4.1MB" }
    size_t i;
    for (i=0; i < sizeof tests / sizeof *tests; i++)
        char buff[128];
        format_size_safe(buff, tests[i].val);
        do_test(! strcmp(buff, tests[i].expected));

    for (int j=-129; j <= 129; j++)
        char buff1[128], buff2[128];
        format_long_safe(buff1, j);
        sprintf(buff2, "%d", j);
        do_test(! strcmp(buff1, buff2));

    long q = LONG_MIN;
    char buff1[128], buff2[128];
    format_long_safe(buff1, q);
    sprintf(buff2, "%ld", q);
    do_test(! strcmp(buff1, buff2));


   Test wide/narrow conversion by creating random strings and
   verifying that the original string comes back thorugh double
static void test_convert()
    /*  char o[] =
          -17, -128, -121, -68, 0

      wchar_t *w = str2wcs(o);
      char *n = wcs2str(w);

      int i;

      for( i=0; o[i]; i++ )
        //wprintf(L"%d ", o[i]);

      for( i=0; w[i]; i++ )
        //wprintf(L"%d ", w[i]);

      for( i=0; n[i]; i++ )
        //wprintf(L"%d ", n[i]);


    int i;
    std::vector<char> sb;

    say(L"Testing wide/narrow string conversion");

    for (i=0; i<ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT; i++)
        const char *o, *n;

        char c;


        while (rand() % ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH)
            c = rand();
        c = 0;

        o = &sb.at(0);
        const wcstring w = str2wcstring(o);
        n = wcs2str(w.c_str());

        if (!o || !n)
            err(L"Line %d - Conversion cycle of string %s produced null pointer on %s", __LINE__, o, L"wcs2str");

        if (strcmp(o, n))
            err(L"Line %d - %d: Conversion cycle of string %s produced different string %s", __LINE__, i, o, n);
        free((void *)n);


/* Verify correct behavior with embedded nulls */
static void test_convert_nulls(void)
    say(L"Testing embedded nulls in string conversion");
    const wchar_t in[] = L"AAA\0BBB";
    const size_t in_len = (sizeof in / sizeof *in) - 1;
    const wcstring in_str = wcstring(in, in_len);
    std::string out_str = wcs2string(in_str);
    if (out_str.size() != in_len)
        err(L"Embedded nulls mishandled in wcs2string");
    for (size_t i=0; i < in_len; i++)
        if (in[i] != out_str.at(i))
            err(L"Embedded nulls mishandled in wcs2string at index %lu", (unsigned long)i);

    wcstring out_wstr = str2wcstring(out_str);
    if (out_wstr.size() != in_len)
        err(L"Embedded nulls mishandled in str2wcstring");
    for (size_t i=0; i < in_len; i++)
        if (in[i] != out_wstr.at(i))
            err(L"Embedded nulls mishandled in str2wcstring at index %lu", (unsigned long)i);


   Test the tokenizer
static void test_tok()

    say(L"Testing tokenizer");

    say(L"Testing invalid input");
    tokenizer_t t(NULL, 0);

    if (tok_last_type(&t) != TOK_ERROR)
        err(L"Invalid input to tokenizer was undetected");

    say(L"Testing use of broken tokenizer");
    if (!tok_has_next(&t))
        err(L"tok_has_next() should return 1 once on broken tokenizer");

    if (tok_last_type(&t) != TOK_ERROR)
        err(L"Invalid input to tokenizer was undetected");

      This should crash if there is a bug. No reliable way to detect otherwise.
    say(L"Test destruction of broken tokenizer");

        const wchar_t *str = L"string <redirection  2>&1 'nested \"quoted\" '(string containing subshells ){and,brackets}$as[$well (as variable arrays)] not_a_redirect^ ^ ^^is_a_redirect Compress_Newlines\n  \n\t\n   \nInto_Just_One";
        const int types[] =

        say(L"Test correct tokenization");

        tokenizer_t t(str, 0);
        for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof types / sizeof *types; i++, tok_next(&t))
            if (types[i] != tok_last_type(&t))
                err(L"Tokenization error:");
                wprintf(L"Token number %d of string \n'%ls'\n, expected token type %ls, got token '%ls' of type %ls\n",

    /* Test redirection_type_for_string */
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"<") != TOK_REDIRECT_IN) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"^") != TOK_REDIRECT_OUT) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L">") != TOK_REDIRECT_OUT) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"2>") != TOK_REDIRECT_OUT) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L">>") != TOK_REDIRECT_APPEND) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"2>>") != TOK_REDIRECT_APPEND) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"2>?") != TOK_REDIRECT_NOCLOB) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"9999999999999999>?") != TOK_NONE) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"2>&3") != TOK_REDIRECT_FD) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (redirection_type_for_string(L"2>|") != TOK_NONE) err(L"redirection_type_for_string failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

// Little function that runs in the main thread
static int test_iothread_main_call(int *addr)
    *addr += 1;
    return *addr;

// Little function that runs in a background thread, bouncing to the main
static int test_iothread_thread_call(int *addr)
    int before = *addr;
    iothread_perform_on_main(test_iothread_main_call, addr);
    int after = *addr;

    // Must have incremented it at least once
    if (before >= after)
        err(L"Failed to increment from background thread");
    return after;

static void test_iothread(void)
    say(L"Testing iothreads");
    int *int_ptr = new int(0);
    int iterations = 50000;
    int max_achieved_thread_count = 0;
    double start = timef();
    for (int i=0; i < iterations; i++)
        int thread_count = iothread_perform(test_iothread_thread_call, (void (*)(int *, int))NULL, int_ptr);
        max_achieved_thread_count = std::max(max_achieved_thread_count, thread_count);

    // Now wait until we're done
    double end = timef();

    // Should have incremented it once per thread
    if (*int_ptr != iterations)
        say(L"Expected int to be %d, but instead it was %d", iterations, *int_ptr);
    say(L"    (%.02f msec, with max of %d threads)", (end - start) * 1000.0, max_achieved_thread_count);

    delete int_ptr;

static parser_test_error_bits_t detect_argument_errors(const wcstring &src)
    parse_node_tree_t tree;
    if (! parse_tree_from_string(src, parse_flag_none, &tree, NULL, symbol_argument_list))
        return PARSER_TEST_ERROR;

    assert(! tree.empty());
    const parse_node_t *first_arg = tree.next_node_in_node_list(tree.at(0), symbol_argument, NULL);
    assert(first_arg != NULL);
    return parse_util_detect_errors_in_argument(*first_arg, first_arg->get_source(src));

   Test the parser
static void test_parser()
    say(L"Testing parser");

    parser_t parser(PARSER_TYPE_GENERAL, true);

    say(L"Testing block nesting");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"if; end"))
        err(L"Incomplete if statement undetected");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"if test; echo"))
        err(L"Missing end undetected");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"if test; end; end"))
        err(L"Unbalanced end undetected");

    say(L"Testing detection of invalid use of builtin commands");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"case foo"))
        err(L"'case' command outside of block context undetected");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"switch ggg; if true; case foo;end;end"))
        err(L"'case' command outside of switch block context undetected");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"else"))
        err(L"'else' command outside of conditional block context undetected");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"else if"))
        err(L"'else if' command outside of conditional block context undetected");
    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"if false; else if; end"))
        err(L"'else if' missing command undetected");

    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"break"))
        err(L"'break' command outside of loop block context undetected");

    if (parse_util_detect_errors(L"break --help"))
        err(L"'break --help' incorrectly marked as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"while false ; function foo ; break ; end ; end "))
        err(L"'break' command inside function allowed to break from loop outside it");

    if (!parse_util_detect_errors(L"exec ls|less") || !parse_util_detect_errors(L"echo|return"))
        err(L"Invalid pipe command undetected");

    if (parse_util_detect_errors(L"for i in foo ; switch $i ; case blah ; break; end; end "))
        err(L"'break' command inside switch falsely reported as error");

    if (parse_util_detect_errors(L"or cat | cat") || parse_util_detect_errors(L"and cat | cat"))
        err(L"boolean command at beginning of pipeline falsely reported as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"cat | and cat"))
        err(L"'and' command in pipeline not reported as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"cat | or cat"))
        err(L"'or' command in pipeline not reported as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"cat | exec") || ! parse_util_detect_errors(L"exec | cat"))
        err(L"'exec' command in pipeline not reported as error");

    if (detect_argument_errors(L"foo"))
        err(L"simple argument reported as error");

    if (detect_argument_errors(L"''"))
        err(L"Empty string reported as error");

    if (!(detect_argument_errors(L"foo$$") & PARSER_TEST_ERROR))
        err(L"Bad variable expansion not reported as error");

    if (!(detect_argument_errors(L"foo$@") & PARSER_TEST_ERROR))
        err(L"Bad variable expansion not reported as error");

    /* Within command substitutions, we should be able to detect everything that parse_util_detect_errors can detect */
    if (!(detect_argument_errors(L"foo(cat | or cat)") & PARSER_TEST_ERROR))
        err(L"Bad command substitution not reported as error");

    if (!(detect_argument_errors(L"foo\\xFF9") & PARSER_TEST_ERROR))
        err(L"Bad escape not reported as error");

    if (!(detect_argument_errors(L"foo(echo \\xFF9)") & PARSER_TEST_ERROR))
        err(L"Bad escape in command substitution not reported as error");

    if (!(detect_argument_errors(L"foo(echo (echo (echo \\xFF9)))") & PARSER_TEST_ERROR))
        err(L"Bad escape in nested command substitution not reported as error");
    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"false & ; and cat"))
        err(L"'and' command after background not reported as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"true & ; or cat"))
        err(L"'or' command after background not reported as error");
    if (parse_util_detect_errors(L"true & ; not cat"))
        err(L"'not' command after background falsely reported as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"if true & ; end"))
        err(L"backgrounded 'if' conditional not reported as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"if false; else if true & ; end"))
        err(L"backgrounded 'else if' conditional not reported as error");

    if (! parse_util_detect_errors(L"while true & ; end"))
        err(L"backgrounded 'while' conditional not reported as error");

    say(L"Testing basic evaluation");
#if 0
    /* This fails now since the parser takes a wcstring&, and NULL converts to wchar_t * converts to wcstring which crashes (thanks C++) */
    if (!parser.eval(0, 0, TOP))
        err(L"Null input when evaluating undetected");
    if (!parser.eval(L"ls", io_chain_t(), WHILE))
        err(L"Invalid block mode when evaluating undetected");

    /* Ensure that we don't crash on infinite self recursion and mutual recursion. These must use the principal parser because we cannot yet execute jobs on other parsers (!) */
    say(L"Testing recursion detection");
    parser_t::principal_parser().eval(L"function recursive ; recursive ; end ; recursive; ", io_chain_t(), TOP);
#if 0
    /* This is disabled since it produces a long backtrace. We should find a way to either visually compress the backtrace, or disable error spewing */
    parser_t::principal_parser().eval(L"function recursive1 ; recursive2 ; end ; function recursive2 ; recursive1 ; end ; recursive1; ", io_chain_t(), TOP);

    say(L"Testing empty function name");
    parser_t::principal_parser().eval(L"function '' ; echo fail; exit 42 ; end ; ''", io_chain_t(), TOP);

    say(L"Testing eval_args");
    completion_list_t comps;
    parser_t::principal_parser().expand_argument_list(L"alpha 'beta gamma' delta", comps);
    do_test(comps.size() == 3);
    do_test(comps.at(0).completion == L"alpha");
    do_test(comps.at(1).completion == L"beta gamma");
    do_test(comps.at(2).completion == L"delta");


/* Wait a while and then SIGINT the main thread */
struct test_cancellation_info_t
    pthread_t thread;
    double delay;

static int signal_main(test_cancellation_info_t *info)
    usleep(info->delay * 1E6);
    pthread_kill(info->thread, SIGINT);
    return 0;

static void test_1_cancellation(const wchar_t *src)
    shared_ptr<io_buffer_t> out_buff(io_buffer_t::create(STDOUT_FILENO));
    const io_chain_t io_chain(out_buff);
    test_cancellation_info_t ctx = {pthread_self(), 0.25 /* seconds */ };
    iothread_perform(signal_main, (void (*)(test_cancellation_info_t *, int))NULL, &ctx);
    parser_t::principal_parser().eval(src, io_chain, TOP);
    if (out_buff->out_buffer_size() != 0)
        err(L"Expected 0 bytes in out_buff, but instead found %lu bytes\n", out_buff->out_buffer_size());

static void test_cancellation()
    if (getenv("RUNNING_IN_XCODE")) {
        say(L"Skipping Ctrl-C cancellation test because we are running in Xcode debugger");
    say(L"Testing Ctrl-C cancellation. If this hangs, that's a bug!");

    /* Enable fish's signal handling here. We need to make this interactive for fish to install its signal handlers */

    /* This tests that we can correctly ctrl-C out of certain loop constructs, and that nothing gets printed if we do */

    /* Here the command substitution is an infinite loop. echo never even gets its argument, so when we cancel we expect no output */
    test_1_cancellation(L"echo (while true ; echo blah ; end)");

    fprintf(stderr, ".");

    /* Nasty infinite loop that doesn't actually execute anything */
    test_1_cancellation(L"echo (while true ; end) (while true ; end) (while true ; end)");
    fprintf(stderr, ".");

    test_1_cancellation(L"while true ; end");
    fprintf(stderr, ".");

    test_1_cancellation(L"for i in (while true ; end) ; end");
    fprintf(stderr, ".");

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    /* Restore signal handling */

    /* Ensure that we don't think we should cancel */

static void test_indents()
    say(L"Testing indents");

    // Here are the components of our source and the indents we expect those to be
    struct indent_component_t
        const wchar_t *txt;
        int indent;

    const indent_component_t components1[] =
        {L"if foo", 0},
        {L"end", 0},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components2[] =
        {L"if foo", 0},
        {L"", 1}, //trailing newline!
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components3[] =
        {L"if foo", 0},
        {L"foo", 1},
        {L"end", 0}, //trailing newline!
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components4[] =
        {L"if foo", 0},
        {L"if bar", 1},
        {L"end", 1},
        {L"end", 0},
        {L"", 0},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components5[] =
        {L"if foo", 0},
        {L"if bar", 1},
        {L"", 2},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components6[] =
        {L"begin", 0},
        {L"foo", 1},
        {L"", 1},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components7[] =
        {L"begin; end", 0},
        {L"foo", 0},
        {L"", 0},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components8[] =
        {L"if foo", 0},
        {L"if bar", 1},
        {L"baz", 2},
        {L"end", 1},
        {L"", 1},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components9[] =
        {L"switch foo", 0},
        {L"", 1},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components10[] =
        {L"switch foo", 0},
        {L"case bar", 1},
        {L"case baz", 1},
        {L"quux", 2},
        {L"", 2},
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components11[] =
        {L"switch foo", 0},
        {L"cas", 1}, //parse error indentation handling
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t components12[] =
        {L"while false", 0},
        {L"# comment", 1}, //comment indentation handling
        {L"command", 1}, //comment indentation handling
        {L"# comment2", 1}, //comment indentation handling
        {NULL, -1}

    const indent_component_t *tests[] = {components1, components2, components3, components4, components5, components6, components7, components8, components9, components10, components11, components12};
    for (size_t which = 0; which < sizeof tests / sizeof *tests; which++)
        const indent_component_t *components = tests[which];
        // Count how many we have
        size_t component_count = 0;
        while (components[component_count].txt != NULL)

        // Generate the expected indents
        wcstring text;
        std::vector<int> expected_indents;
        for (size_t i=0; i < component_count; i++)
            if (i > 0)
            expected_indents.resize(text.size(), components[i].indent);
        do_test(expected_indents.size() == text.size());

        // Compute the indents
        std::vector<int> indents = parse_util_compute_indents(text);

        if (expected_indents.size() != indents.size())
            err(L"Indent vector has wrong size! Expected %lu, actual %lu", expected_indents.size(), indents.size());
        do_test(expected_indents.size() == indents.size());
        for (size_t i=0; i < text.size(); i++)
            if (expected_indents.at(i) != indents.at(i))
                err(L"Wrong indent at index %lu in test #%lu (expected %d, actual %d):\n%ls\n", i, which + 1, expected_indents.at(i), indents.at(i), text.c_str());
                break; //don't keep showing errors for the rest of the line


static void test_utils()
    say(L"Testing utils");
    const wchar_t *a = L"echo (echo (echo hi";

    const wchar_t *begin = NULL, *end = NULL;
    parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 0, &begin, &end);
    if (begin != a || end != begin + wcslen(begin)) err(L"parse_util_cmdsubst_extent failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 1, &begin, &end);
    if (begin != a || end != begin + wcslen(begin)) err(L"parse_util_cmdsubst_extent failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 2, &begin, &end);
    if (begin != a || end != begin + wcslen(begin)) err(L"parse_util_cmdsubst_extent failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 3, &begin, &end);
    if (begin != a || end != begin + wcslen(begin)) err(L"parse_util_cmdsubst_extent failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

    parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 8, &begin, &end);
    if (begin != a + wcslen(L"echo (")) err(L"parse_util_cmdsubst_extent failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

    parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 17, &begin, &end);
    if (begin != a + wcslen(L"echo (echo (")) err(L"parse_util_cmdsubst_extent failed on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

/* UTF8 tests taken from Alexey Vatchenko's utf8 library. See http://www.bsdua.org/libbsdua.html */

static void test_utf82wchar(const char *src, size_t slen, const wchar_t *dst, size_t dlen,
                            int flags, size_t res, const char *descr)
    size_t size;
    wchar_t *mem = NULL;

    /* Hack: if wchar is only UCS-2, and the UTF-8 input string contains astral characters, then tweak the expected size to 0 */
    if (src != NULL && is_wchar_ucs2())
        /* A UTF-8 code unit may represent an astral code point if it has 4 or more leading 1s */
        const unsigned char astral_mask = 0xF0;
        for (size_t i=0; i < slen; i++)
            if ((src[i] & astral_mask) == astral_mask)
                /* Astral char. We expect this conversion to just fail. */
                res = 0;

    if (dst != NULL)
        mem = (wchar_t *)malloc(dlen * sizeof(*mem));
        if (mem == NULL)
            err(L"u2w: %s: MALLOC FAILED\n", descr);

        size = utf8_to_wchar(src, slen, mem, dlen, flags);
        if (res != size)
            err(L"u2w: %s: FAILED (rv: %lu, must be %lu)", descr, size, res);

        if (mem == NULL)
            break;		/* OK */

        if (memcmp(mem, dst, size * sizeof(*mem)) != 0)
            err(L"u2w: %s: BROKEN", descr);

    while (0);


// Annoying variant to handle uchar to avoid narrowing conversion warnings
static void test_utf82wchar(const unsigned char *usrc, size_t slen, const wchar_t *dst, size_t dlen,
                            int flags, size_t res, const char *descr) {
    const char *src = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(usrc);
    return test_utf82wchar(src, slen, dst, dlen, flags, res, descr);

static void test_wchar2utf8(const wchar_t *src, size_t slen, const char *dst, size_t dlen,
                            int flags, size_t res, const char *descr)
    size_t size;
    char *mem = NULL;

    /* Hack: if wchar is simulating UCS-2, and the wchar_t input string contains astral characters, then tweak the expected size to 0 */
    if (src != NULL && is_wchar_ucs2())
        const uint32_t astral_mask = 0xFFFF0000U;
        for (size_t i=0; i < slen; i++)
            if ((src[i] & astral_mask) != 0)
                /* astral char */
                res = 0;

    if (dst != NULL)
        mem = (char *)malloc(dlen);
        if (mem == NULL)
            err(L"w2u: %s: MALLOC FAILED", descr);

    size = wchar_to_utf8(src, slen, mem, dlen, flags);
    if (res != size)
        err(L"w2u: %s: FAILED (rv: %lu, must be %lu)", descr, size, res);
        goto finish;

    if (mem == NULL)
        goto finish;		/* OK */

    if (memcmp(mem, dst, size) != 0)
        err(L"w2u: %s: BROKEN", descr);
        goto finish;


// Annoying variant to handle uchar to avoid narrowing conversion warnings
static void test_wchar2utf8(const wchar_t *src, size_t slen, const unsigned char *udst, size_t dlen,
                            int flags, size_t res, const char *descr)
    const char *dst = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(udst);
    return test_wchar2utf8(src, slen, dst, dlen, flags, res, descr);

static void test_utf8()
    wchar_t w1[] = {0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74};
    wchar_t w2[] = {0x0422, 0x0435, 0x0441, 0x0442};
    wchar_t w3[] = {0x800, 0x1e80, 0x98c4, 0x9910, 0xff00};
    wchar_t w4[] = {0x15555, 0xf7777, 0xa};
    wchar_t w5[] = {0x255555, 0x1fa04ff, 0xddfd04, 0xa};
    wchar_t w6[] = {0xf255555, 0x1dfa04ff, 0x7fddfd04, 0xa};
    wchar_t wb[] = {-2, 0xa, (wchar_t)0xffffffff, 0x0441};
    wchar_t wm[] = {0x41, 0x0441, 0x3042, 0xff67, 0x9b0d, 0x2e05da67};
    wchar_t wb1[] = {0xa, 0x0422};
    wchar_t wb2[] = {0xd800, 0xda00, 0x41, 0xdfff, 0xa};
    wchar_t wbom[] = {0xfeff, 0x41, 0xa};
    wchar_t wbom2[] = {0x41, 0xa};
    wchar_t wbom22[] = {0xfeff, 0x41, 0xa};
    unsigned char u1[] = {0x54, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74};
    unsigned char u2[] = {0xd0, 0xa2, 0xd0, 0xb5, 0xd1, 0x81, 0xd1, 0x82};
    unsigned char u3[] = {0xe0, 0xa0, 0x80, 0xe1, 0xba, 0x80, 0xe9, 0xa3, 0x84,
                 0xe9, 0xa4, 0x90, 0xef, 0xbc, 0x80
    unsigned char u4[] = {0xf0, 0x95, 0x95, 0x95, 0xf3, 0xb7, 0x9d, 0xb7, 0xa};
    unsigned char u5[] = {0xf8, 0x89, 0x95, 0x95, 0x95, 0xf9, 0xbe, 0xa0, 0x93,
                 0xbf, 0xf8, 0xb7, 0x9f, 0xb4, 0x84, 0x0a
    unsigned char u6[] = {0xfc, 0x8f, 0x89, 0x95, 0x95, 0x95, 0xfc, 0x9d, 0xbe,
                 0xa0, 0x93, 0xbf, 0xfd, 0xbf, 0xb7, 0x9f, 0xb4, 0x84, 0x0a
    unsigned char ub[] = {0xa, 0xd1, 0x81};
    unsigned char um[] = {0x41, 0xd1, 0x81, 0xe3, 0x81, 0x82, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xa7,
                 0xe9, 0xac, 0x8d, 0xfc, 0xae, 0x81, 0x9d, 0xa9, 0xa7
    unsigned char ub1[] = {0xa, 0xff, 0xd0, 0xa2, 0xfe, 0x8f, 0xe0, 0x80};
    unsigned char uc080[] = {0xc0, 0x80};
    unsigned char ub2[] = {0xed, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0xed, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xa};
    unsigned char ubom[] = {0x41, 0xa};
    unsigned char ubom2[] = {0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf, 0x41, 0xa};

     * UTF-8 -> UCS-4 string.
    test_utf82wchar(ubom2, sizeof(ubom2), wbom2,
                    sizeof(wbom2) / sizeof(*wbom2), UTF8_SKIP_BOM,
                    sizeof(wbom2) / sizeof(*wbom2), "skip BOM");
    test_utf82wchar(ubom2, sizeof(ubom2), wbom22,
                    sizeof(wbom22) / sizeof(*wbom22), 0,
                    sizeof(wbom22) / sizeof(*wbom22), "BOM");
    test_utf82wchar(uc080, sizeof(uc080), NULL, 0, 0, 0,
                    "c0 80 - forbitten by rfc3629");
    test_utf82wchar(ub2, sizeof(ub2), NULL, 0, 0, is_wchar_ucs2() ? 0 : 3,
                    "resulted in forbitten wchars (len)");
    test_utf82wchar(ub2, sizeof(ub2), wb2, sizeof(wb2) / sizeof(*wb2), 0, 0,
                    "resulted in forbitten wchars");
    test_utf82wchar(ub2, sizeof(ub2), L"\x0a", 1, UTF8_IGNORE_ERROR,
                    1, "resulted in ignored forbitten wchars");
    test_utf82wchar(u1, sizeof(u1), w1, sizeof(w1) / sizeof(*w1), 0,
                    sizeof(w1) / sizeof(*w1), "1 octet chars");
    test_utf82wchar(u2, sizeof(u2), w2, sizeof(w2) / sizeof(*w2), 0,
                    sizeof(w2) / sizeof(*w2), "2 octets chars");
    test_utf82wchar(u3, sizeof(u3), w3, sizeof(w3) / sizeof(*w3), 0,
                    sizeof(w3) / sizeof(*w3), "3 octets chars");
    test_utf82wchar(u4, sizeof(u4), w4, sizeof(w4) / sizeof(*w4), 0,
                    sizeof(w4) / sizeof(*w4), "4 octets chars");
    test_utf82wchar(u5, sizeof(u5), w5, sizeof(w5) / sizeof(*w5), 0,
                    sizeof(w5) / sizeof(*w5), "5 octets chars");
    test_utf82wchar(u6, sizeof(u6), w6, sizeof(w6) / sizeof(*w6), 0,
                    sizeof(w6) / sizeof(*w6), "6 octets chars");
    test_utf82wchar("\xff", 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, "broken utf-8 0xff symbol");
    test_utf82wchar("\xfe", 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, "broken utf-8 0xfe symbol");
    test_utf82wchar("\x8f", 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0,
                    "broken utf-8, start from 10 higher bits");
    if (! is_wchar_ucs2()) test_utf82wchar(ub1, sizeof(ub1), wb1, sizeof(wb1) / sizeof(*wb1),
                                               UTF8_IGNORE_ERROR, sizeof(wb1) / sizeof(*wb1), "ignore bad chars");
    test_utf82wchar(um, sizeof(um), wm, sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), 0,
                    sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), "mixed languages");
    test_utf82wchar(um, sizeof(um), wm, sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm) - 1, 0,
                    0, "boundaries -1");
    test_utf82wchar(um, sizeof(um), wm, sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm) + 1, 0,
                    sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), "boundaries +1");
    test_utf82wchar(um, sizeof(um), NULL, 0, 0,
                    sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), "calculate length");
    test_utf82wchar(ub1, sizeof(ub1), NULL, 0, 0,
                    0, "calculate length of bad chars");
    test_utf82wchar(ub1, sizeof(ub1), NULL, 0,
                    UTF8_IGNORE_ERROR, sizeof(wb1) / sizeof(*wb1),
                    "calculate length, ignore bad chars");
    test_utf82wchar((const char *)NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, "invalid params, all 0");
    test_utf82wchar(u1, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0,
                    "invalid params, src buf not NULL");
    test_utf82wchar((const char *)NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 0,
                    "invalid params, src length is not 0");
    test_utf82wchar(u1, sizeof(u1), w1, 0, 0, 0,
                    "invalid params, dst is not NULL");

     * UCS-4 -> UTF-8 string.
    const char * const nullc = NULL;
    test_wchar2utf8(wbom, sizeof(wbom) / sizeof(*wbom), ubom, sizeof(ubom),
                    UTF8_SKIP_BOM, sizeof(ubom), "BOM");
    test_wchar2utf8(wb2, sizeof(wb2) / sizeof(*wb2), nullc, 0, 0,
                    0, "prohibited wchars");
    test_wchar2utf8(wb2, sizeof(wb2) / sizeof(*wb2), nullc, 0,
                    UTF8_IGNORE_ERROR, 2, "ignore prohibited wchars");
    test_wchar2utf8(w1, sizeof(w1) / sizeof(*w1), u1, sizeof(u1), 0,
                    sizeof(u1), "1 octet chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(w2, sizeof(w2) / sizeof(*w2), u2, sizeof(u2), 0,
                    sizeof(u2), "2 octets chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(w3, sizeof(w3) / sizeof(*w3), u3, sizeof(u3), 0,
                    sizeof(u3), "3 octets chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(w4, sizeof(w4) / sizeof(*w4), u4, sizeof(u4), 0,
                    sizeof(u4), "4 octets chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(w5, sizeof(w5) / sizeof(*w5), u5, sizeof(u5), 0,
                    sizeof(u5), "5 octets chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(w6, sizeof(w6) / sizeof(*w6), u6, sizeof(u6), 0,
                    sizeof(u6), "6 octets chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(wb, sizeof(wb) / sizeof(*wb), ub, sizeof(ub), 0,
                    0, "bad chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(wb, sizeof(wb) / sizeof(*wb), ub, sizeof(ub),
                    UTF8_IGNORE_ERROR, sizeof(ub), "ignore bad chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(wm, sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), um, sizeof(um), 0,
                    sizeof(um), "mixed languages");
    test_wchar2utf8(wm, sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), um, sizeof(um) - 1, 0,
                    0, "boundaries -1");
    test_wchar2utf8(wm, sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), um, sizeof(um) + 1, 0,
                    sizeof(um), "boundaries +1");
    test_wchar2utf8(wm, sizeof(wm) / sizeof(*wm), nullc, 0, 0,
                    sizeof(um), "calculate length");
    test_wchar2utf8(wb, sizeof(wb) / sizeof(*wb), nullc, 0, 0,
                    0, "calculate length of bad chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(wb, sizeof(wb) / sizeof(*wb), nullc, 0,
                    UTF8_IGNORE_ERROR, sizeof(ub),
                    "calculate length, ignore bad chars");
    test_wchar2utf8(NULL, 0, nullc, 0, 0, 0, "invalid params, all 0");
    test_wchar2utf8(w1, 0, nullc, 0, 0, 0,
                    "invalid params, src buf not NULL");
    test_wchar2utf8(NULL, 10, nullc, 0, 0, 0,
                    "invalid params, src length is not 0");
    test_wchar2utf8(w1, sizeof(w1) / sizeof(*w1), u1, 0, 0, 0,
                    "invalid params, dst is not NULL");

static void test_escape_sequences(void)
    say(L"Testing escape codes");
    if (escape_code_length(L"") != 0) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"abcd") != 0) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b[2J") != 4) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b[38;5;123mABC") != strlen("\x1b[38;5;123m")) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b@") != 2) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    // iTerm2 escape sequences
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b]50;CurrentDir=/tmp/foo\x07NOT_PART_OF_SEQUENCE") != 25) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b]50;SetMark\x07NOT_PART_OF_SEQUENCE") != 13) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b" L"]6;1;bg;red;brightness;255\x07NOT_PART_OF_SEQUENCE") != 28) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b]Pg4040ff\x1b\\NOT_PART_OF_SEQUENCE") != 12) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b]blahblahblah\x1b\\") != 16) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);
    if (escape_code_length(L"\x1b]blahblahblah\x07") != 15) err(L"test_escape_sequences failed on line %d\n", __LINE__);

class lru_node_test_t : public lru_node_t
    lru_node_test_t(const wcstring &tmp) : lru_node_t(tmp) { }

class test_lru_t : public lru_cache_t<lru_node_test_t>
    test_lru_t() : lru_cache_t<lru_node_test_t>(16) { }

    std::vector<lru_node_test_t *> evicted_nodes;

    virtual void node_was_evicted(lru_node_test_t *node)
        do_test(find(evicted_nodes.begin(), evicted_nodes.end(), node) == evicted_nodes.end());

static void test_lru(void)
    say(L"Testing LRU cache");

    test_lru_t cache;
    std::vector<lru_node_test_t *> expected_evicted;
    size_t total_nodes = 20;
    for (size_t i=0; i < total_nodes; i++)
        do_test(cache.size() == std::min(i, (size_t)16));
        lru_node_test_t *node = new lru_node_test_t(to_string(i));
        if (i < 4) expected_evicted.push_back(node);
        // Adding the node the first time should work, and subsequent times should fail
        do_test(! cache.add_node(node));
    do_test(cache.evicted_nodes == expected_evicted);
    do_test(cache.evicted_nodes.size() == total_nodes);
    while (! cache.evicted_nodes.empty())
        lru_node_t *node = cache.evicted_nodes.back();
        delete node;

   Perform parameter expansion and test if the output equals the zero-terminated parameter list supplied.

   \param in the string to expand
   \param flags the flags to send to expand_string
   \param ... A zero-terminated parameter list of values to test.
              After the zero terminator comes one more arg, a string, which is the error
              message to print if the test fails.

static bool expand_test(const wchar_t *in, expand_flags_t flags, ...)
    std::vector<completion_t> output;
    va_list va;
    bool res=true;
    wchar_t *arg;
    parse_error_list_t errors;

    if (expand_string(in, output, flags, &errors) == EXPAND_ERROR)
        if (errors.empty())
            err(L"Bug: Parse error reported but no error text found.");
            err(L"%ls", errors.at(0).describe(wcstring(in)).c_str());
        return false;

    wcstring_list_t expected;

    va_start(va, flags);
    while ((arg=va_arg(va, wchar_t *))!= 0)

    wcstring_list_t::const_iterator exp_it = expected.begin(), exp_end = expected.end();
    std::vector<completion_t>::const_iterator out_it = output.begin(), out_end = output.end();
    for (; exp_it != exp_end || out_it != out_end; ++exp_it, ++out_it)
        if (exp_it == exp_end || out_it == out_end)
            // sizes don't match
            res = false;

        if (out_it->completion != *exp_it)
            res = false;

    if (!res)
        if ((arg = va_arg(va, wchar_t *)) != 0)
            wcstring msg = L"Expected [";
            bool first = true;
            for (wcstring_list_t::const_iterator it = expected.begin(), end = expected.end(); it != end; ++it)
                if (!first) msg += L", ";
                first = false;
                msg += '"';
                msg += *it;
                msg += '"';
            msg += L"], found [";
            first = true;
            for (std::vector<completion_t>::const_iterator it = output.begin(), end = output.end(); it != end; ++it)
                if (!first) msg += L", ";
                first = false;
                msg += '"';
                msg += it->completion;
                msg += '"';
            msg += L"]";
            err(L"%ls\n%ls", arg, msg.c_str());


    return res;


   Test globbing and other parameter expansion
static void test_expand()
    say(L"Testing parameter expansion");

    expand_test(L"foo", 0, L"foo", 0,
                L"Strings do not expand to themselves");

    expand_test(L"a{b,c,d}e", 0, L"abe", L"ace", L"ade", 0,
                L"Bracket expansion is broken");

    expand_test(L"a*", EXPAND_SKIP_WILDCARDS, L"a*", 0,
                L"Cannot skip wildcard expansion");

    expand_test(L"/bin/l\\0", ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE, 0,
                L"Failed to handle null escape in expansion");

    expand_test(L"foo\\$bar", EXPAND_SKIP_VARIABLES, L"foo$bar", 0,
                L"Failed to handle dollar sign in variable-skipping expansion");

    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/fish_expand_test/")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("touch /tmp/fish_expand_test/.foo")) err(L"touch failed");
    if (system("touch /tmp/fish_expand_test/bar")) err(L"touch failed");

    // This is checking that .* does NOT match . and .. (https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/270). But it does have to match literal components (e.g. "./*" has to match the same as "*"
    expand_test(L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/.*", 0, L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/.foo", 0,
                L"Expansion not correctly handling dotfiles");
    expand_test(L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/./.*", 0, L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/./.foo", 0,
                L"Expansion not correctly handling literal path components in dotfiles");

    if (! expand_test(L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/.*", 0, L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/.foo", 0))
        err(L"Expansion not correctly handling dotfiles");
    if (! expand_test(L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/./.*", 0, L"/tmp/fish_expand_test/./.foo", 0))
        err(L"Expansion not correctly handling literal path components in dotfiles");

    if (system("rm -Rf /tmp/fish_expand_test")) err(L"rm failed");

static void test_fuzzy_match(void)
    say(L"Testing fuzzy string matching");

    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"", L"").type != fuzzy_match_exact) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"alpha", L"alpha").type != fuzzy_match_exact) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"alp", L"alpha").type != fuzzy_match_prefix) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"ALPHA!", L"alPhA!").type != fuzzy_match_case_insensitive) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"alPh", L"ALPHA!").type != fuzzy_match_prefix_case_insensitive) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"LPH", L"ALPHA!").type != fuzzy_match_substring) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"AA", L"ALPHA!").type != fuzzy_match_subsequence_insertions_only) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);
    if (string_fuzzy_match_string(L"BB", L"ALPHA!").type != fuzzy_match_none) err(L"test_fuzzy_match failed on line %ld", __LINE__);

static void test_abbreviations(void)
    say(L"Testing abbreviations");

    const wchar_t *abbreviations =
        L"gc=git checkout" ARRAY_SEP_STR
        L"foo=" ARRAY_SEP_STR
        L"gc=something else" ARRAY_SEP_STR
        L"=" ARRAY_SEP_STR
        L"=foo" ARRAY_SEP_STR
        L"foo" ARRAY_SEP_STR
        L"foo=bar" ARRAY_SEP_STR
        L"gx git checkout";


    int ret = env_set(USER_ABBREVIATIONS_VARIABLE_NAME, abbreviations, ENV_LOCAL);
    if (ret != 0) err(L"Unable to set abbreviation variable");

    wcstring result;
    if (expand_abbreviation(L"", &result)) err(L"Unexpected success with empty abbreviation");
    if (expand_abbreviation(L"nothing", &result)) err(L"Unexpected success with missing abbreviation");

    if (! expand_abbreviation(L"gc", &result)) err(L"Unexpected failure with gc abbreviation");
    if (result != L"git checkout") err(L"Wrong abbreviation result for gc");

    if (! expand_abbreviation(L"foo", &result)) err(L"Unexpected failure with foo abbreviation");
    if (result != L"bar") err(L"Wrong abbreviation result for foo");

    bool expanded;
    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"just a command", 3, &result);
    if (expanded) err(L"Command wrongly expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"gc somebranch", 0, &result);
    if (! expanded) err(L"Command not expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"gc somebranch", wcslen(L"gc"), &result);
    if (! expanded) err(L"gc not expanded");
    if (result != L"git checkout somebranch") err(L"gc incorrectly expanded on line %ld to '%ls'", (long)__LINE__, result.c_str());
    /* space separation */
    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"gx somebranch", wcslen(L"gc"), &result);
    if (! expanded) err(L"gx not expanded");
    if (result != L"git checkout somebranch") err(L"gc incorrectly expanded on line %ld to '%ls'", (long)__LINE__, result.c_str());

    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"echo hi ; gc somebranch", wcslen(L"echo hi ; g"), &result);
    if (! expanded) err(L"gc not expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (result != L"echo hi ; git checkout somebranch") err(L"gc incorrectly expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"echo (echo (echo (echo (gc ", wcslen(L"echo (echo (echo (echo (gc"), &result);
    if (! expanded) err(L"gc not expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (result != L"echo (echo (echo (echo (git checkout ") err(L"gc incorrectly expanded on line %ld to '%ls'", (long)__LINE__, result.c_str());

    /* if commands should be expanded */
    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"if gc", wcslen(L"if gc"), &result);
    if (! expanded) err(L"gc not expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (result != L"if git checkout") err(L"gc incorrectly expanded on line %ld to '%ls'", (long)__LINE__, result.c_str());

    /* others should not be */
    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"of gc", wcslen(L"of gc"), &result);
    if (expanded) err(L"gc incorrectly expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

    /* others should not be */
    expanded = reader_expand_abbreviation_in_command(L"command gc", wcslen(L"command gc"), &result);
    if (expanded) err(L"gc incorrectly expanded on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);


/** Test path functions */
static void test_path()
    say(L"Testing path functions");

    wcstring path = L"//foo//////bar/";
    if (path != L"/foo/bar")
        err(L"Bug in canonical PATH code");

    path = L"/";
    if (path != L"/")
        err(L"Bug in canonical PATH code");

    if (paths_are_equivalent(L"/foo/bar/baz", L"foo/bar/baz")) err(L"Bug in canonical PATH code on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (! paths_are_equivalent(L"///foo///bar/baz", L"/foo/bar////baz//")) err(L"Bug in canonical PATH code on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (! paths_are_equivalent(L"/foo/bar/baz", L"/foo/bar/baz")) err(L"Bug in canonical PATH code on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);
    if (! paths_are_equivalent(L"/", L"/")) err(L"Bug in canonical PATH code on line %ld", (long)__LINE__);

static void test_pager_navigation()
    say(L"Testing pager navigation");

    /* Generate 19 strings of width 10. There's 2 spaces between completions, and our term size is 80; these can therefore fit into 6 columns (6 * 12 - 2 = 70) or 5 columns (58) but not 7 columns (7 * 12 - 2 = 82).

       You can simulate this test by creating 19 files named "file00.txt" through "file_18.txt".
    completion_list_t completions;
    for (size_t i=0; i < 19; i++)
        append_completion(completions, L"abcdefghij");

    pager_t pager;
    pager.set_term_size(80, 24);
    page_rendering_t render = pager.render();

    if (render.term_width != 80)
        err(L"Wrong term width");
    if (render.term_height != 24)
        err(L"Wrong term height");

    size_t rows = 4, cols = 5;

    /* We have 19 completions. We can fit into 6 columns with 4 rows or 5 columns with 4 rows; the second one is better and so is what we ought to have picked. */
    if (render.rows != rows)
        err(L"Wrong row count");
    if (render.cols != cols)
        err(L"Wrong column count");

    /* Initially expect to have no completion index */
    if (render.selected_completion_idx != (size_t)(-1))
        err(L"Wrong initial selection");

    /* Here are navigation directions and where we expect the selection to be */
    const struct
        selection_direction_t dir;
        size_t sel;
    cmds[] =
        /* Tab completion to get into the list */
        {direction_next, 0},

        /* Westward motion in upper left wraps along the top row */
        {direction_west, 16},
        {direction_east, 1},

        /* "Next" motion goes down the column */
        {direction_next, 2},
        {direction_next, 3},

        {direction_west, 18},
        {direction_east, 3},
        {direction_east, 7},
        {direction_east, 11},
        {direction_east, 15},
        {direction_east, 3},

        {direction_west, 18},
        {direction_east, 3},

        /* Eastward motion wraps along the bottom, westward goes to the prior column */
        {direction_east, 7},
        {direction_east, 11},
        {direction_east, 15},
        {direction_east, 3},

        /* Column memory */
        {direction_west, 18},
        {direction_south, 15},
        {direction_north, 18},
        {direction_west, 14},
        {direction_south, 15},
        {direction_north, 14}
    for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof cmds / sizeof *cmds; i++)
        pager.select_next_completion_in_direction(cmds[i].dir, render);
        if (cmds[i].sel != render.selected_completion_idx)
            err(L"For command %lu, expected selection %lu, but found instead %lu\n", i, cmds[i].sel, render.selected_completion_idx);


enum word_motion_t
static void test_1_word_motion(word_motion_t motion, move_word_style_t style, const wcstring &test)
    wcstring command;
    std::set<size_t> stops;

    // Carets represent stops and should be cut out of the command
    for (size_t i=0; i < test.size(); i++)
        wchar_t wc = test.at(i);
        if (wc == L'^')

    size_t idx, end;
    if (motion == word_motion_left)
        idx = command.size();
        end = 0;
        idx = 0;
        end = command.size();

    move_word_state_machine_t sm(style);
    while (idx != end)
        size_t char_idx = (motion == word_motion_left ? idx - 1 : idx);
        wchar_t wc = command.at(char_idx);
        bool will_stop = ! sm.consume_char(wc);
        //printf("idx %lu, looking at %lu (%c): %d\n", idx, char_idx, (char)wc, will_stop);
        bool expected_stop = (stops.count(idx) > 0);
        if (will_stop != expected_stop)
            wcstring tmp = command;
            tmp.insert(idx, L"^");
            const char *dir = (motion == word_motion_left ? "left" : "right");
            if (will_stop)
                err(L"Word motion: moving %s, unexpected stop at idx %lu: '%ls'", dir, idx, tmp.c_str());
            else if (! will_stop && expected_stop)
                err(L"Word motion: moving %s, should have stopped at idx %lu: '%ls'", dir, idx, tmp.c_str());
        // We don't expect to stop here next time
        if (expected_stop)
        if (will_stop)
            idx += (motion == word_motion_left ? -1 : 1);

/** Test word motion (forward-word, etc.). Carets represent cursor stops. */
static void test_word_motion()
    say(L"Testing word motion");
    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_left, move_word_style_punctuation, L"^echo ^hello_^world.^txt");
    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_right, move_word_style_punctuation, L"echo^ hello^_world^.txt^");

    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_left, move_word_style_punctuation, L"echo ^foo_^foo_^foo/^/^/^/^/^    ");
    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_right, move_word_style_punctuation, L"echo^ foo^_foo^_foo^/^/^/^/^/    ^");

    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_left, move_word_style_path_components, L"^/^foo/^bar/^baz/");
    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_left, move_word_style_path_components, L"^echo ^--foo ^--bar");
    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_left, move_word_style_path_components, L"^echo ^hi ^> /^dev/^null");

    test_1_word_motion(word_motion_left, move_word_style_path_components, L"^echo /^foo/^bar{^aaa,^bbb,^ccc}^bak/");

/** Test is_potential_path */
static void test_is_potential_path()
    say(L"Testing is_potential_path");
    if (system("rm -Rf /tmp/is_potential_path_test/"))
        err(L"Failed to remove /tmp/is_potential_path_test/");

    /* Directories */
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/is_potential_path_test/alpha/")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/is_potential_path_test/beta/")) err(L"mkdir failed");

    /* Files */
    if (system("touch /tmp/is_potential_path_test/aardvark")) err(L"touch failed");
    if (system("touch /tmp/is_potential_path_test/gamma")) err(L"touch failed");

    const wcstring wd = L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/";
    const wcstring_list_t wds(1, wd);

    wcstring tmp;
    do_test(is_potential_path(L"al", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp) && tmp == L"alpha/");
    do_test(is_potential_path(L"alpha/", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp) && tmp == L"alpha/");
    do_test(is_potential_path(L"aard", wds, 0, &tmp) && tmp == L"aardvark");

    do_test(! is_potential_path(L"balpha/", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp));
    do_test(! is_potential_path(L"aard", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp));
    do_test(! is_potential_path(L"aarde", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp));
    do_test(! is_potential_path(L"aarde", wds, 0, &tmp));

    do_test(is_potential_path(L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/aardvark", wds, 0, &tmp) && tmp == L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/aardvark");
    do_test(is_potential_path(L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/al", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp) && tmp == L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/alpha/");
    do_test(is_potential_path(L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/aardv", wds, 0, &tmp) && tmp == L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/aardvark");

    do_test(! is_potential_path(L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/aardvark", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp));
    do_test(! is_potential_path(L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/al/", wds, 0, &tmp));
    do_test(! is_potential_path(L"/tmp/is_potential_path_test/ar", wds, 0, &tmp));

    do_test(is_potential_path(L"/usr", wds, PATH_REQUIRE_DIR, &tmp) && tmp == L"/usr/");


/** Test the 'test' builtin */
int builtin_test(parser_t &parser, wchar_t **argv);
static bool run_one_test_test(int expected, wcstring_list_t &lst, bool bracket)
    parser_t parser(PARSER_TYPE_GENERAL, true);
    size_t i, count = lst.size();
    wchar_t **argv = new wchar_t *[count+3];
    argv[0] = (wchar_t *)(bracket ? L"[" : L"test");
    for (i=0; i < count; i++)
        argv[i+1] = (wchar_t *)lst.at(i).c_str();
    if (bracket)
        argv[i+1] = (wchar_t *)L"]";
    argv[i+1] = NULL;
    int result = builtin_test(parser, argv);
    delete[] argv;
    return expected == result;

static bool run_test_test(int expected, const wcstring &str)
    using namespace std;
    wcstring_list_t lst;

    wistringstream iss(str);
    copy(istream_iterator<wcstring, wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >(iss),
         istream_iterator<wstring, wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >(),
         back_inserter<vector<wcstring> >(lst));

    bool bracket = run_one_test_test(expected, lst, true);
    bool nonbracket = run_one_test_test(expected, lst, false);
    do_test(bracket == nonbracket);
    return nonbracket;

static void test_test_brackets()
    // Ensure [ knows it needs a ]
    parser_t parser(PARSER_TYPE_GENERAL, true);

    const wchar_t *argv1[] = {L"[", L"foo", NULL};
    do_test(builtin_test(parser, (wchar_t **)argv1) != 0);

    const wchar_t *argv2[] = {L"[", L"foo", L"]", NULL};
    do_test(builtin_test(parser, (wchar_t **)argv2) == 0);

    const wchar_t *argv3[] = {L"[", L"foo", L"]", L"bar", NULL};
    do_test(builtin_test(parser, (wchar_t **)argv3) != 0);


static void test_test()
    say(L"Testing test builtin");

    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"5 -ne 6"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"5 -eq 5"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"0 -eq 0"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-1 -eq -1"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"1 -ne -1"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"-1 -ne -1"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"abc != def"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"abc = def"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"5 -le 10"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"10 -le 10"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"20 -le 10"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-1 -le 0"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"0 -le -1"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"15 -ge 10"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"15 -ge 10"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"! 15 -ge 10"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"! ! 15 -ge 10"));

    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"0 -ne 1 -a 0 -eq 0"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"0 -ne 1 -a -n 5"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-n 5 -a 10 -gt 5"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-n 3 -a -n 5"));

    /* test precedence:
            '0 == 0 || 0 == 1 && 0 == 2'
        should be evaluated as:
            '0 == 0 || (0 == 1 && 0 == 2)'
        and therefore true. If it were
            '(0 == 0 || 0 == 1) && 0 == 2'
        it would be false. */
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"0 = 0 -o 0 = 1 -a 0 = 2"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-n 5 -o 0 = 1 -a 0 = 2"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"( 0 = 0 -o  0 = 1 ) -a 0 = 2"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"0 = 0 -o ( 0 = 1 -a 0 = 2 )"));

    /* A few lame tests for permissions; these need to be a lot more complete. */
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-e /bin/ls"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"-e /bin/ls_not_a_path"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-x /bin/ls"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"-x /bin/ls_not_a_path"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-d /bin/"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"-d /bin/ls"));

    /* This failed at one point */
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"-d /bin -a 5 -eq 3"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-d /bin -o 5 -eq 3"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-d /bin -a ! 5 -eq 3"));

    /* We didn't properly handle multiple "just strings" either */
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"foo"));
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"foo -a bar"));

    /* These should be errors */
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"foo bar"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"foo bar baz"));

    /* This crashed */
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"1 = 1 -a = 1"));

    /* Make sure we can treat -S as a parameter instead of an operator. https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/601 */
    do_test(run_test_test(0, L"-S = -S"));
    do_test(run_test_test(1, L"! ! ! A"));

/** Testing colors */
static void test_colors()
    say(L"Testing colors");

static void test_complete(void)
    say(L"Testing complete");

    const wchar_t *name_strs[] = {L"Foo1", L"Foo2", L"Foo3", L"Bar1", L"Bar2", L"Bar3"};
    size_t count = sizeof name_strs / sizeof *name_strs;
    const wcstring_list_t names(name_strs, name_strs + count);


    std::vector<completion_t> completions;
    complete(L"$F", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 3);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"oo1");
    do_test(completions.at(1).completion == L"oo2");
    do_test(completions.at(2).completion == L"oo3");

    complete(L"$1", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);

    do_test(completions.size() == 2);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"$Foo1");
    do_test(completions.at(1).completion == L"$Bar1");

    complete(L"echo (/bin/mkdi", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"r");

    complete(L"echo (ls /bin/mkdi", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"r");

    complete(L"echo (command ls /bin/mkdi", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"r");

    /* Add a function and test completing it in various ways */
    struct function_data_t func_data;
    func_data.name = L"scuttlebutt";
    func_data.definition = L"echo gongoozle";
    function_add(func_data, parser_t::principal_parser());

    /* Complete a function name */
    complete(L"echo (scuttlebut", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"t");

    /* But not with the command prefix */
    complete(L"echo (command scuttlebut", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 0);

    /* Not with the builtin prefix */
    complete(L"echo (builtin scuttlebut", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 0);

    /* Not after a redirection */
    complete(L"echo hi > scuttlebut", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 0);

    /* Trailing spaces (#1261) */
    complete_add(L"foobarbaz", false, 0, NULL, 0, NO_FILES, NULL, L"qux", NULL, COMPLETE_AUTO_SPACE);
    complete(L"foobarbaz ", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"qux");

    /* Don't complete variable names in single quotes (#1023) */
    complete(L"echo '$Foo", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    complete(L"echo \\$Foo", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    /* File completions */
    char saved_wd[PATH_MAX + 1] = {};
    getcwd(saved_wd, sizeof saved_wd);
    if (system("mkdir -p '/tmp/complete_test/'")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("touch '/tmp/complete_test/testfile'")) err(L"touch failed");
    if (chdir("/tmp/complete_test/")) err(L"chdir failed");
    complete(L"cat te", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"stfile");
    complete(L"cat /tmp/complete_test/te", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"stfile");
    complete(L"echo sup > /tmp/complete_test/te", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"stfile");
    complete(L"echo sup > /tmp/complete_test/te", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    do_test(completions.size() == 1);
    do_test(completions.at(0).completion == L"stfile");
    // Zero escapes can cause problems. See #1631
    complete(L"cat foo\\0", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    complete(L"cat foo\\0bar", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    complete(L"cat \\0", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);
    complete(L"cat te\\0", completions, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);

    if (chdir(saved_wd)) err(L"chdir failed");
    if (system("rm -Rf '/tmp/complete_test/'")) err(L"rm failed");
    /* Test wraps */
    do_test(comma_join(complete_get_wrap_chain(L"wrapper1")) == L"wrapper1");
    complete_add_wrapper(L"wrapper1", L"wrapper2");
    do_test(comma_join(complete_get_wrap_chain(L"wrapper1")) == L"wrapper1,wrapper2");
    complete_add_wrapper(L"wrapper2", L"wrapper3");
    do_test(comma_join(complete_get_wrap_chain(L"wrapper1")) == L"wrapper1,wrapper2,wrapper3");
    complete_add_wrapper(L"wrapper3", L"wrapper1"); //loop!
    do_test(comma_join(complete_get_wrap_chain(L"wrapper1")) == L"wrapper1,wrapper2,wrapper3");
    complete_remove_wrapper(L"wrapper1", L"wrapper2");
    do_test(comma_join(complete_get_wrap_chain(L"wrapper1")) == L"wrapper1");
    do_test(comma_join(complete_get_wrap_chain(L"wrapper2")) == L"wrapper2,wrapper3,wrapper1");

static void test_1_completion(wcstring line, const wcstring &completion, complete_flags_t flags, bool append_only, wcstring expected, long source_line)
    // str is given with a caret, which we use to represent the cursor position
    // find it
    const size_t in_cursor_pos = line.find(L'^');
    do_test(in_cursor_pos != wcstring::npos);
    line.erase(in_cursor_pos, 1);

    const size_t out_cursor_pos = expected.find(L'^');
    do_test(out_cursor_pos != wcstring::npos);
    expected.erase(out_cursor_pos, 1);

    size_t cursor_pos = in_cursor_pos;
    wcstring result = completion_apply_to_command_line(completion, flags, line, &cursor_pos, append_only);
    if (result != expected)
        fprintf(stderr, "line %ld: %ls + %ls -> [%ls], expected [%ls]\n", source_line, line.c_str(), completion.c_str(), result.c_str(), expected.c_str());
    do_test(result == expected);
    do_test(cursor_pos == out_cursor_pos);

static void test_completion_insertions()
#define TEST_1_COMPLETION(a, b, c, d, e) test_1_completion(a, b, c, d, e, __LINE__)
    say(L"Testing completion insertions");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo^", L"bar", 0, false, L"foobar ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo^ baz", L"bar", 0, false, L"foobar ^ baz"); //we really do want to insert two spaces here - otherwise it's hidden by the cursor
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo^", L"bar", 0, false, L"'foobar' ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo'^", L"bar", 0, false, L"'foobar' ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo\\'^", L"bar", 0, false, L"'foo\\'bar' ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo\\'^", L"bar", 0, false, L"foo\\'bar ^");

    // Test append only
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo^", L"bar", 0, true, L"foobar ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo^ baz", L"bar", 0, true, L"foobar ^ baz");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo^", L"bar", 0, true, L"'foobar' ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo'^", L"bar", 0, true, L"'foo'bar ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo\\'^", L"bar", 0, true, L"'foo\\'bar' ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo\\'^", L"bar", 0, true, L"foo\\'bar ^");

    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo^", L"bar", COMPLETE_NO_SPACE, false, L"foobar^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo^", L"bar", COMPLETE_NO_SPACE, false, L"'foobar^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo'^", L"bar", COMPLETE_NO_SPACE, false, L"'foobar'^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo\\'^", L"bar", COMPLETE_NO_SPACE, false, L"'foo\\'bar^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo\\'^", L"bar", COMPLETE_NO_SPACE, false, L"foo\\'bar^");

    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"foo^", L"bar", COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN, false, L"bar ^");
    TEST_1_COMPLETION(L"'foo^", L"bar", COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN, false, L"bar ^");

static void perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(const wcstring &command, const wcstring &wd, const wcstring &expected, long line)
    wcstring suggestion;
    bool success = autosuggest_suggest_special(command, wd, suggestion);
    if (! success)
        printf("line %ld: autosuggest_suggest_special() failed for command %ls\n", line, command.c_str());
    if (suggestion != expected)
        printf("line %ld: autosuggest_suggest_special() returned the wrong expected string for command %ls\n", line, command.c_str());
        printf("  actual: %ls\n", suggestion.c_str());
        printf("expected: %ls\n", expected.c_str());
        do_test(suggestion == expected);

/* Testing test_autosuggest_suggest_special, in particular for properly handling quotes and backslashes */
static void test_autosuggest_suggest_special()
    if (system("mkdir -p '/tmp/autosuggest_test/0foobar'")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("mkdir -p '/tmp/autosuggest_test/1foo bar'")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("mkdir -p '/tmp/autosuggest_test/2foo  bar'")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("mkdir -p '/tmp/autosuggest_test/3foo\\bar'")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/autosuggest_test/4foo\\'bar")) err(L"mkdir failed"); //a path with a single quote
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/autosuggest_test/5foo\\\"bar")) err(L"mkdir failed"); //a path with a double quote
    if (system("mkdir -p ~/test_autosuggest_suggest_special/")) err(L"mkdir failed"); //make sure tilde is handled

    const wcstring wd = L"/tmp/autosuggest_test/";
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/0", wd, L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/0foobar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/0", wd, L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/0foobar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/0", wd, L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/0foobar/'", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd 0", wd, L"cd 0foobar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"0", wd, L"cd \"0foobar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '0", wd, L"cd '0foobar/'", __LINE__);

    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/1", wd, L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/1foo\\ bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/1", wd, L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/1foo bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/1", wd, L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/1foo bar/'", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd 1", wd, L"cd 1foo\\ bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"1", wd, L"cd \"1foo bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '1", wd, L"cd '1foo bar/'", __LINE__);

    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/2", wd, L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/2foo\\ \\ bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/2", wd, L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/2foo  bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/2", wd, L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/2foo  bar/'", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd 2", wd, L"cd 2foo\\ \\ bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"2", wd, L"cd \"2foo  bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '2", wd, L"cd '2foo  bar/'", __LINE__);

    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/3", wd, L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/3foo\\\\bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/3", wd, L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/3foo\\bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/3", wd, L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/3foo\\bar/'", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd 3", wd, L"cd 3foo\\\\bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"3", wd, L"cd \"3foo\\bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '3", wd, L"cd '3foo\\bar/'", __LINE__);

    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/4", wd, L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/4foo\\'bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/4", wd, L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/4foo'bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/4", wd, L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/4foo\\'bar/'", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd 4", wd, L"cd 4foo\\'bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"4", wd, L"cd \"4foo'bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '4", wd, L"cd '4foo\\'bar/'", __LINE__);

    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/5", wd, L"cd /tmp/autosuggest_test/5foo\\\"bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/5", wd, L"cd \"/tmp/autosuggest_test/5foo\\\"bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/5", wd, L"cd '/tmp/autosuggest_test/5foo\"bar/'", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd 5", wd, L"cd 5foo\\\"bar/", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd \"5", wd, L"cd \"5foo\\\"bar/\"", __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '5", wd, L"cd '5foo\"bar/'", __LINE__);

    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd ~/test_autosuggest_suggest_specia", wd, L"cd ~/test_autosuggest_suggest_special/", __LINE__);
    // A single quote should defeat tilde expansion
    perform_one_autosuggestion_special_test(L"cd '~/test_autosuggest_suggest_specia'", wd, L"", __LINE__);

    if (system("rm -Rf '/tmp/autosuggest_test/'")) err(L"rm failed");
    if (system("rm -Rf ~/test_autosuggest_suggest_special/")) err(L"rm failed");

static void perform_one_autosuggestion_should_ignore_test(const wcstring &command, const wcstring &wd, long line)
    completion_list_t comps;
    complete(command, comps, COMPLETION_REQUEST_AUTOSUGGESTION);
    if (! comps.empty())
        const wcstring &suggestion = comps.front().completion;
        printf("line %ld: complete() expected to return nothing for %ls\n", line, command.c_str());
        printf("  instead got: %ls\n", suggestion.c_str());

static void test_autosuggestion_ignores()
    say(L"Testing scenarios that should produce no autosuggestions");
    const wcstring wd = L"/tmp/autosuggest_test/";
    // Do not do file autosuggestions immediately after certain statement terminators - see #1631
    perform_one_autosuggestion_should_ignore_test(L"echo PIPE_TEST|", wd, __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_should_ignore_test(L"echo PIPE_TEST&", wd, __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_should_ignore_test(L"echo PIPE_TEST#comment", wd, __LINE__);
    perform_one_autosuggestion_should_ignore_test(L"echo PIPE_TEST;", wd, __LINE__);

static void test_autosuggestion_combining()
    say(L"Testing autosuggestion combining");
    do_test(combine_command_and_autosuggestion(L"alpha", L"alphabeta") == L"alphabeta");

    // when the last token contains no capital letters, we use the case of the autosuggestion
    do_test(combine_command_and_autosuggestion(L"alpha", L"ALPHABETA") == L"ALPHABETA");

    // when the last token contains capital letters, we use its case
    do_test(combine_command_and_autosuggestion(L"alPha", L"alphabeTa") == L"alPhabeTa");

    // if autosuggestion is not longer than input, use the input's case
    do_test(combine_command_and_autosuggestion(L"alpha", L"ALPHAA") == L"ALPHAA");
    do_test(combine_command_and_autosuggestion(L"alpha", L"ALPHA") == L"alpha");

   Test speed of completion calculations
void perf_complete()
    wchar_t c;
    std::vector<completion_t> out;
    long long t1, t2;
    int matches=0;
    double t;
    wchar_t str[3]=
        0, 0, 0
    int i;

    say(L"Testing completion performance");

    say(L"Here we go");

    t1 = get_time();

    for (c=L'a'; c<=L'z'; c++)
        reader_set_buffer(str, 0);

        complete(str, out, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);

        matches += out.size();

    t = (double)(t2-t1)/(1000000*26);

    say(L"One letter command completion took %f seconds per completion, %f microseconds/match", t, (double)(t2-t1)/matches);

    t1 = get_time();
    for (i=0; i<LAPS; i++)

        reader_set_buffer(str, 0);

        complete(str, out, COMPLETION_REQUEST_DEFAULT);

        matches += out.size();

    t = (double)(t2-t1)/(1000000*LAPS);

    say(L"Two letter command completion took %f seconds per completion, %f microseconds/match", t, (double)(t2-t1)/matches);



static void test_history_matches(history_search_t &search, size_t matches)
    size_t i;
    for (i=0; i < matches; i++)
        wcstring item = search.current_string();
    do_test(! search.go_backwards());

    for (i=1; i < matches; i++)
    do_test(! search.go_forwards());

static bool history_contains(history_t *history, const wcstring &txt)
    bool result = false;
    size_t i;
    for (i=1; ; i++)
        history_item_t item = history->item_at_index(i);
        if (item.empty())

        if (item.str() == txt)
            result = true;
    return result;

static void test_input()
    say(L"Testing input");
    /* Ensure sequences are order independent. Here we add two bindings where the first is a prefix of the second, and then emit the second key list. The second binding should be invoked, not the first! */
    wcstring prefix_binding = L"qqqqqqqa";
    wcstring desired_binding = prefix_binding + L'a';
    input_mapping_add(prefix_binding.c_str(), L"up-line");
    input_mapping_add(desired_binding.c_str(), L"down-line");

    /* Push the desired binding on the stack (backwards!) */
    size_t idx = desired_binding.size();
    while (idx--)

    /* Now test */
    wint_t c = input_readch();
    if (c != R_DOWN_LINE)
        err(L"Expected to read char R_DOWN_LINE, but instead got %ls\n", describe_char(c).c_str());

#define UVARS_TEST_PATH L"/tmp/fish_uvars_test/varsfile.txt"

static int test_universal_helper(int *x)
    env_universal_t uvars(UVARS_TEST_PATH);
    for (int j=0; j < UVARS_PER_THREAD; j++)
        const wcstring key = format_string(L"key_%d_%d", *x, j);
        const wcstring val = format_string(L"val_%d_%d", *x, j);
        uvars.set(key, val, false);
        bool synced = uvars.sync(NULL);
        if (! synced)
            err(L"Failed to sync universal variables");
        fputc('.', stderr);
    /* Last step is to delete the first key */
    uvars.remove(format_string(L"key_%d_%d", *x, 0));
    bool synced = uvars.sync(NULL);
    if (! synced)
        err(L"Failed to sync universal variables");
    fputc('.', stderr);
    return 0;

static void test_universal()
    say(L"Testing universal variables");
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/fish_uvars_test/")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    const int threads = 16;
    for (int i=0; i < threads; i++)
        iothread_perform(test_universal_helper, (void (*)(int *, int))NULL, new int(i));
    env_universal_t uvars(UVARS_TEST_PATH);
    bool loaded = uvars.load();
    if (! loaded)
        err(L"Failed to load universal variables");
    for (int i=0; i < threads; i++)
        for (int j=0; j < UVARS_PER_THREAD; j++)
            const wcstring key = format_string(L"key_%d_%d", i, j);
            env_var_t expected_val;
            if (j == 0)
                expected_val = env_var_t::missing_var();
                expected_val = format_string(L"val_%d_%d", i, j);
            const env_var_t var = uvars.get(key);
            if (j == 0)
            if (var != expected_val)
                const wchar_t *missing_desc = L"<missing>";
                err(L"Wrong value for key %ls: expected %ls, got %ls\n", key.c_str(), (expected_val.missing() ? missing_desc : expected_val.c_str()), (var.missing() ? missing_desc : var.c_str()));
    if (system("rm -Rf /tmp/fish_uvars_test")) err(L"rm failed");
    putc('\n', stderr);

static bool callback_data_less_than(const callback_data_t &a, const callback_data_t &b) {
    return a.key < b.key;

static void test_universal_callbacks()
    say(L"Testing universal callbacks");
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/fish_uvars_test/")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    env_universal_t uvars1(UVARS_TEST_PATH);
    env_universal_t uvars2(UVARS_TEST_PATH);
    /* Put some variables into both */
    uvars1.set(L"alpha", L"1", false);
    uvars1.set(L"beta", L"1", false);
    uvars1.set(L"delta", L"1", false);
    uvars1.set(L"epsilon", L"1", false);
    uvars1.set(L"lambda", L"1", false);
    uvars1.set(L"kappa", L"1", false);
    uvars1.set(L"omicron", L"1", false);
    /* Change uvars1 */
    uvars1.set(L"alpha", L"2", false); //changes value
    uvars1.set(L"beta", L"1", true); //changes export
    uvars1.remove(L"delta"); //erases value
    uvars1.set(L"epsilon", L"1", false); //changes nothing
    /* Change uvars2. It should treat its value as correct and ignore changes from uvars1. */
    uvars2.set(L"lambda", L"1", false); //same value
    uvars2.set(L"kappa", L"2", false); //different value

    /* Now see what uvars2 sees */
    callback_data_list_t callbacks;
    /* Sort them to get them in a predictable order */
    std::sort(callbacks.begin(), callbacks.end(), callback_data_less_than);
    /* Should see exactly two changes */
    do_test(callbacks.size() == 3);
    do_test(callbacks.at(0).type == SET);
    do_test(callbacks.at(0).key == L"alpha");
    do_test(callbacks.at(0).val == L"2");
    do_test(callbacks.at(1).type == SET_EXPORT);
    do_test(callbacks.at(1).key == L"beta");
    do_test(callbacks.at(1).val == L"1");
    do_test(callbacks.at(2).type == ERASE);
    do_test(callbacks.at(2).key == L"delta");
    do_test(callbacks.at(2).val == L"");

    if (system("rm -Rf /tmp/fish_uvars_test")) err(L"rm failed");

bool poll_notifier(universal_notifier_t *note)
    bool result = false;
    if (note->usec_delay_between_polls() > 0)
        result = note->poll();
    int fd = note->notification_fd();
    if (! result && fd >= 0)
        fd_set fds;
        FD_SET(fd, &fds);
        struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
        if (select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0 && FD_ISSET(fd, &fds))
            result = note->notification_fd_became_readable(fd);
    return result;

static void trigger_or_wait_for_notification(universal_notifier_t *notifier, universal_notifier_t::notifier_strategy_t strategy)
    switch (strategy)
        case universal_notifier_t::strategy_default:
            assert(0 && "strategy_default should be passed");
        case universal_notifier_t::strategy_shmem_polling:
            // nothing required
        case universal_notifier_t::strategy_notifyd:
            // notifyd requires a round trip to the notifyd server, which means we have to wait a little bit to receive it
            // In practice, this seems to be enough
            usleep(1000000 / 25);
        case universal_notifier_t::strategy_named_pipe:
        case universal_notifier_t::strategy_null:

static void test_notifiers_with_strategy(universal_notifier_t::notifier_strategy_t strategy)
    assert(strategy != universal_notifier_t::strategy_default);
    say(L"Testing universal notifiers with strategy %d", (int)strategy);
    universal_notifier_t *notifiers[16];
    size_t notifier_count = sizeof notifiers / sizeof *notifiers;
    // Populate array of notifiers
    for (size_t i=0; i < notifier_count; i++)
        notifiers[i] = universal_notifier_t::new_notifier_for_strategy(strategy, UVARS_TEST_PATH);
    // Nobody should poll yet
    for (size_t i=0; i < notifier_count; i++)
        if (poll_notifier(notifiers[i]))
            err(L"Universal variable notifier polled true before any changes, with strategy %d", (int)strategy);

    // Tweak each notifier. Verify that others see it.
    for (size_t post_idx=0; post_idx < notifier_count; post_idx++)
        // Do special stuff to "trigger" a notification for testing
        trigger_or_wait_for_notification(notifiers[post_idx], strategy);
        for (size_t i=0; i < notifier_count; i++)
            // We aren't concerned with the one who posted
            // Poll from it (to drain it), and then skip it
            if (i == post_idx)
            if (! poll_notifier(notifiers[i]))
                err(L"Universal variable notifier (%lu) %p polled failed to notice changes, with strategy %d", i, notifiers[i], (int)strategy);
        // Named pipes have special cleanup requirements
        if (strategy == universal_notifier_t::strategy_named_pipe)
            usleep(1000000 / 10); //corresponds to NAMED_PIPE_FLASH_DURATION_USEC
            // Have to clean up the posted one first, so that the others see the pipe become no longer readable
            for (size_t i=0; i < notifier_count; i++)
    // Nobody should poll now
    for (size_t i=0; i < notifier_count; i++)
        if (poll_notifier(notifiers[i]))
            err(L"Universal variable notifier polled true after all changes, with strategy %d", (int)strategy);
    // Clean up
    for (size_t i=0; i < notifier_count; i++)
        delete notifiers[i];

static void test_universal_notifiers()
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/fish_uvars_test/ && touch /tmp/fish_uvars_test/varsfile.txt")) err(L"mkdir failed");
#if __APPLE__
    if (system("rm -Rf /tmp/fish_uvars_test/")) err(L"rm failed");

class history_tests_t
    static void test_history(void);
    static void test_history_merge(void);
    static void test_history_formats(void);
    static void test_history_speed(void);

    static void test_history_races(void);
    static void test_history_races_pound_on_history();

static wcstring random_string(void)
    wcstring result;
    size_t max = 1 + rand() % 32;
    while (max--)
        wchar_t c = 1 + rand()%ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR;
    return result;

void history_tests_t::test_history(void)
    say(L"Testing history");

    history_t &history = history_t::history_with_name(L"test_history");

    /* All three items match "a" */
    history_search_t search1(history, L"a");
    test_history_matches(search1, 3);
    do_test(search1.current_string() == L"Alpha");

    /* One item matches "et" */
    history_search_t search2(history, L"et");
    test_history_matches(search2, 1);
    do_test(search2.current_string() == L"Beta");

    /* Test item removal */
    history_search_t search3(history, L"Alpha");
    test_history_matches(search3, 0);

    /* Test history escaping and unescaping, yaml, etc. */
    history_item_list_t before, after;
    size_t i, max = 100;
    for (i=1; i <= max; i++)

        /* Generate a value */
        wcstring value = wcstring(L"test item ") + to_string(i);

        /* Maybe add some backslashes */
        if (i % 3 == 0)
            value.append(L"(slashies \\\\\\ slashies)");

        /* Generate some paths */
        path_list_t paths;
        size_t count = rand() % 6;
        while (count--)

        /* Record this item */
        history_item_t item(value, time(NULL));
        item.required_paths = paths;

    /* Read items back in reverse order and ensure they're the same */
    for (i=100; i >= 1; i--)
        history_item_t item = history.item_at_index(i);
        do_test(! item.empty());
    do_test(before.size() == after.size());
    for (size_t i=0; i < before.size(); i++)
        const history_item_t &bef = before.at(i), &aft = after.at(i);
        do_test(bef.contents == aft.contents);
        do_test(bef.creation_timestamp == aft.creation_timestamp);
        do_test(bef.required_paths == aft.required_paths);

    /* Clean up after our tests */

// wait until the next second
static void time_barrier(void)
    time_t start = time(NULL);
    while (time(NULL) == start);

static wcstring_list_t generate_history_lines(int pid)
    wcstring_list_t result;
    long max = 256;
    for (long i=0; i < max; i++)
        result.push_back(format_string(L"%ld %ld", (long)pid, i));
    return result;

void history_tests_t::test_history_races_pound_on_history()
    /* Called in child process to modify history */
    history_t *hist = new history_t(L"race_test");
    hist->chaos_mode = true;
    const wcstring_list_t lines = generate_history_lines(getpid());
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < lines.size(); idx++)
        const wcstring &line = lines.at(idx);
    delete hist;

void history_tests_t::test_history_races(void)
    say(L"Testing history race conditions");

    // Ensure history is clear
    history_t *hist = new history_t(L"race_test");
    delete hist;

    // Test concurrent history writing
#define RACE_COUNT 10
    pid_t children[RACE_COUNT];

    for (size_t i=0; i < RACE_COUNT; i++)
        pid_t pid = fork();
        if (! pid)
            // Child process
            // Parent process
            children[i] = pid;

    // Wait for all children
    for (size_t i=0; i < RACE_COUNT; i++)
        int stat;
        waitpid(children[i], &stat, WUNTRACED);

    // Compute the expected lines
    wcstring_list_t lines[RACE_COUNT];
    for (size_t i=0; i < RACE_COUNT; i++)
        lines[i] = generate_history_lines(children[i]);

    // Count total lines
    size_t line_count = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i < RACE_COUNT; i++)
        line_count += lines[i].size();

    // Ensure we consider the lines that have been outputted as part of our history

    /* Ensure that we got sane, sorted results */
    hist = new history_t(L"race_test");
    hist->chaos_mode = true;
    size_t hist_idx;
    for (hist_idx = 1; ; hist_idx ++)
        history_item_t item = hist->item_at_index(hist_idx);
        if (item.empty())

        // The item must be present in one of our 'lines' arrays
        // If it is present, then every item after it is assumed to be missed
        size_t i;
        for (i=0; i < RACE_COUNT; i++)
            wcstring_list_t::iterator where = std::find(lines[i].begin(), lines[i].end(), item.str());
            if (where != lines[i].end())
                // Delete everything from the found location onwards
                lines[i].resize(where - lines[i].begin());

                // Break because we found it
        if (i >= RACE_COUNT)
            err(L"Line '%ls' found in history not found in some array", item.str().c_str());
    // every write should add at least one item
    do_test(hist_idx >= RACE_COUNT);

    delete hist;

void history_tests_t::test_history_merge(void)
    // In a single fish process, only one history is allowed to exist with the given name
    // But it's common to have multiple history instances with the same name active in different processes,
    // e.g. when you have multiple shells open.
    // We try to get that right and merge all their history together. Test that case.
    say(L"Testing history merge");
    const size_t count = 3;
    const wcstring name = L"merge_test";
    history_t *hists[count] = {new history_t(name), new history_t(name), new history_t(name)};
    const wcstring texts[count] = {L"History 1", L"History 2", L"History 3"};
    const wcstring alt_texts[count] = {L"History Alt 1", L"History Alt 2", L"History Alt 3"};

    /* Make sure history is clear */
    for (size_t i=0; i < count; i++)

    /* Make sure we don't add an item in the same second as we created the history */

    /* Add a different item to each */
    for (size_t i=0; i < count; i++)

    /* Save them */
    for (size_t i=0; i < count; i++)

    /* Make sure each history contains what it ought to, but they have not leaked into each other */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
        for (size_t j=0; j < count; j++)
            bool does_contain = history_contains(hists[i], texts[j]);
            bool should_contain = (i == j);
            do_test(should_contain == does_contain);

    /* Make a new history. It should contain everything. The time_barrier() is so that the timestamp is newer, since we only pick up items whose timestamp is before the birth stamp. */
    history_t *everything = new history_t(name);
    for (size_t i=0; i < count; i++)
        do_test(history_contains(everything, texts[i]));

    /* Tell all histories to merge. Now everybody should have everything. */
    for (size_t i=0; i < count; i++)
    /* Add some more per-history items */
    for (size_t i=0; i < count; i++)
    /* Everybody should have old items, but only one history should have each new item */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
        for (size_t j=0; j < count; j++)
            /* Old item */
            do_test(history_contains(hists[i], texts[j]));

            /* New item */
            bool does_contain = history_contains(hists[i], alt_texts[j]);
            bool should_contain = (i == j);
            do_test(should_contain == does_contain);

    /* Clean up */
    for (size_t i=0; i < 3; i++)
        delete hists[i];
    delete everything; //not as scary as it looks

static bool install_sample_history(const wchar_t *name)
    char command[512];
    snprintf(command, sizeof command, "cp tests/%ls ~/.config/fish/%ls_history", name, name);
    if (system(command))
        err(L"Failed to copy sample history");
        return false;
    return true;

/* Indicates whether the history is equal to the given null-terminated array of strings. */
static bool history_equals(history_t &hist, const wchar_t * const *strings)
    /* Count our expected items */
    size_t expected_count = 0;
    while (strings[expected_count])

    /* Ensure the contents are the same */
    size_t history_idx = 1;
    size_t array_idx = 0;
    for (;;)
        const wchar_t *expected = strings[array_idx];
        history_item_t item = hist.item_at_index(history_idx);
        if (expected == NULL)
            if (! item.empty())
                err(L"Expected empty item at history index %lu", history_idx);
            if (item.str() != expected)
                err(L"Expected '%ls', found '%ls' at index %lu", expected, item.str().c_str(), history_idx);

    return true;

void history_tests_t::test_history_formats(void)
    const wchar_t *name;
    // Test inferring and reading legacy and bash history formats
    name = L"history_sample_fish_1_x";
    say(L"Testing %ls", name);
    if (! install_sample_history(name))
        err(L"Couldn't open file tests/%ls", name);
        /* Note: This is backwards from what appears in the file */
        const wchar_t * const expected[] =

            L"echo #abc",

            L"function yay\n"
            "echo hi\n"

            L"cd foobar",

            L"ls /",


        history_t &test_history = history_t::history_with_name(name);
        if (! history_equals(test_history, expected))
            err(L"test_history_formats failed for %ls\n", name);

    name = L"history_sample_fish_2_0";
    say(L"Testing %ls", name);
    if (! install_sample_history(name))
        err(L"Couldn't open file tests/%ls", name);
        const wchar_t * const expected[] =
            L"echo this has\\\nbackslashes",

            L"function foo\n"
            "echo bar\n"

            L"echo alpha",


        history_t &test_history = history_t::history_with_name(name);
        if (! history_equals(test_history, expected))
            err(L"test_history_formats failed for %ls\n", name);

    say(L"Testing bash import");
    FILE *f = fopen("tests/history_sample_bash", "r");
    if (! f)
        err(L"Couldn't open file tests/history_sample_bash");
        // It should skip over the export command since that's a bash-ism
        const wchar_t *expected[] =
            L"echo supsup",

            L"history --help",

            L"echo foo",

        history_t &test_history = history_t::history_with_name(L"bash_import");
        if (! history_equals(test_history, expected))
            err(L"test_history_formats failed for bash import\n");
    name = L"history_sample_corrupt1";
    say(L"Testing %ls", name);
    if (! install_sample_history(name))
        err(L"Couldn't open file tests/%ls", name);
        /* We simply invoke get_string_representation. If we don't die, the test is a success. */
        history_t &test_history = history_t::history_with_name(name);
        const wchar_t *expected[] =
        if (! history_equals(test_history, expected))
            err(L"test_history_formats failed for %ls\n", name);

void history_tests_t::test_history_speed(void)
    say(L"Testing history speed (pid is %d)", getpid());
    history_t *hist = new history_t(L"speed_test");
    wcstring item = L"History Speed Test - X";

    /* Test for 10 seconds */
    double start = timef();
    double end = start + 10;
    double stop = 0;
    size_t count = 0;
    for (;;)
        item[item.size() - 1] = L'0' + (count % 10);

        stop = timef();
        if (stop >= end)
    printf("%lu items - %.2f msec per item\n", (unsigned long)count, (stop - start) * 1E6 / count);
    delete hist;

static void test_new_parser_correctness(void)
    say(L"Testing new parser!");
    const struct parser_test_t
        const wchar_t *src;
        bool ok;
    parser_tests[] =
        {L"; ; ; ", true},
        {L"if ; end", false},
        {L"if true ; end", true},
        {L"if true; end ; end", false},
        {L"if end; end ; end", false},
        {L"if end", false},
        {L"end", false},
        {L"for i i", false},
        {L"for i in a b c ; end", true}

    for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof parser_tests / sizeof *parser_tests; i++)
        const parser_test_t *test = &parser_tests[i];

        parse_node_tree_t parse_tree;
        bool success = parse_tree_from_string(test->src, parse_flag_none, &parse_tree, NULL);
        say(L"%lu / %lu: Parse \"%ls\": %s", i+1, sizeof parser_tests / sizeof *parser_tests, test->src, success ? "yes" : "no");
        if (success && ! test->ok)
            err(L"\"%ls\" should NOT have parsed, but did", test->src);
        else if (! success && test->ok)
            err(L"\"%ls\" should have parsed, but failed", test->src);
    say(L"Parse tests complete");

/* Given that we have an array of 'fuzz_count' strings, we wish to enumerate all permutations of 'len' values. We do this by incrementing an integer, interpreting it as "base fuzz_count". */
static inline bool string_for_permutation(const wcstring *fuzzes, size_t fuzz_count, size_t len, size_t permutation, wcstring *out_str)

    size_t remaining_permutation = permutation;
    for (size_t i=0; i < len; i++)
        size_t idx = remaining_permutation % fuzz_count;
        remaining_permutation /= fuzz_count;

        out_str->push_back(L' ');
    // Return false if we wrapped
    return remaining_permutation == 0;

static void test_new_parser_fuzzing(void)
    say(L"Fuzzing parser (node size: %lu)", sizeof(parse_node_t));
    const wcstring fuzzes[] =

    /* Generate a list of strings of all keyword / token combinations. */
    wcstring src;

    parse_node_tree_t node_tree;
    parse_error_list_t errors;

    double start = timef();
    bool log_it = true;
    unsigned long max_len = 5;
    for (unsigned long len = 0; len < max_len; len++)
        if (log_it)
            fprintf(stderr, "%lu / %lu...", len, max_len);

        /* We wish to look at all permutations of 4 elements of 'fuzzes' (with replacement). Construct an int and keep incrementing it. */
        unsigned long permutation = 0;
        while (string_for_permutation(fuzzes, sizeof fuzzes / sizeof *fuzzes, len, permutation++, &src))
            parse_tree_from_string(src, parse_flag_continue_after_error, &node_tree, &errors);
        if (log_it)
            fprintf(stderr, "done (%lu)\n", permutation);

    double end = timef();
    if (log_it)
        say(L"All fuzzed in %f seconds!", end - start);

// Parse a statement, returning the command, args (joined by spaces), and the decoration. Returns true if successful.
static bool test_1_parse_ll2(const wcstring &src, wcstring *out_cmd, wcstring *out_joined_args, enum parse_statement_decoration_t *out_deco)
    *out_deco = parse_statement_decoration_none;

    bool result = false;
    parse_node_tree_t tree;
    if (parse_tree_from_string(src, parse_flag_none, &tree, NULL))
        /* Get the statement. Should only have one */
        const parse_node_tree_t::parse_node_list_t stmt_nodes = tree.find_nodes(tree.at(0), symbol_plain_statement);
        if (stmt_nodes.size() != 1)
            say(L"Unexpected number of statements (%lu) found in '%ls'", stmt_nodes.size(), src.c_str());
            return false;
        const parse_node_t &stmt = *stmt_nodes.at(0);

        /* Return its decoration */
        *out_deco = tree.decoration_for_plain_statement(stmt);

        /* Return its command */
        tree.command_for_plain_statement(stmt, src, out_cmd);

        /* Return arguments separated by spaces */
        const parse_node_tree_t::parse_node_list_t arg_nodes = tree.find_nodes(stmt, symbol_argument);
        for (size_t i=0; i < arg_nodes.size(); i++)
            if (i > 0) out_joined_args->push_back(L' ');
        result = true;
    return result;

/* Test the LL2 (two token lookahead) nature of the parser by exercising the special builtin and command handling. In particular, 'command foo' should be a decorated statement 'foo' but 'command --help' should be an undecorated statement 'command' with argument '--help', and NOT attempt to run a command called '--help' */
static void test_new_parser_ll2(void)
    say(L"Testing parser two-token lookahead");

    const struct
        wcstring src;
        wcstring cmd;
        wcstring args;
        enum parse_statement_decoration_t deco;
    } tests[] =
        {L"echo hello", L"echo", L"hello", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"command echo hello", L"echo", L"hello", parse_statement_decoration_command},
        {L"exec echo hello", L"echo", L"hello", parse_statement_decoration_exec},
        {L"command command hello", L"command", L"hello", parse_statement_decoration_command},
        {L"builtin command hello", L"command", L"hello", parse_statement_decoration_builtin},
        {L"command --help", L"command", L"--help", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"command -h", L"command", L"-h", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"command", L"command", L"", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"command -", L"command", L"-", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"command --", L"command", L"--", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"builtin --names", L"builtin", L"--names", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"function", L"function", L"", parse_statement_decoration_none},
        {L"function --help", L"function", L"--help", parse_statement_decoration_none}

    for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof tests / sizeof *tests; i++)
        wcstring cmd, args;
        enum parse_statement_decoration_t deco = parse_statement_decoration_none;
        bool success = test_1_parse_ll2(tests[i].src, &cmd, &args, &deco);
        if (! success)
            err(L"Parse of '%ls' failed on line %ld", tests[i].cmd.c_str(), (long)__LINE__);
        if (cmd != tests[i].cmd)
            err(L"When parsing '%ls', expected command '%ls' but got '%ls' on line %ld", tests[i].src.c_str(), tests[i].cmd.c_str(), cmd.c_str(), (long)__LINE__);
        if (args != tests[i].args)
            err(L"When parsing '%ls', expected args '%ls' but got '%ls' on line %ld", tests[i].src.c_str(), tests[i].args.c_str(), args.c_str(), (long)__LINE__);
        if (deco != tests[i].deco)
            err(L"When parsing '%ls', expected decoration %d but got %d on line %ld", tests[i].src.c_str(), (int)tests[i].deco, (int)deco, (long)__LINE__);

    /* Verify that 'function -h' and 'function --help' are plain statements but 'function --foo' is not (#1240) */
    const struct
        wcstring src;
        parse_token_type_t type;
    tests2[] =
        {L"function -h", symbol_plain_statement},
        {L"function --help", symbol_plain_statement},
        {L"function --foo ; end", symbol_function_header},
        {L"function foo ; end", symbol_function_header},
    for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof tests2 / sizeof *tests2; i++)
        parse_node_tree_t tree;
        if (! parse_tree_from_string(tests2[i].src, parse_flag_none, &tree, NULL))
            err(L"Failed to parse '%ls'", tests2[i].src.c_str());

        const parse_node_tree_t::parse_node_list_t node_list = tree.find_nodes(tree.at(0), tests2[i].type);
        if (node_list.size() == 0)
            err(L"Failed to find node of type '%ls'", token_type_description(tests2[i].type).c_str());
        else if (node_list.size() > 1)
            err(L"Found too many nodes of type '%ls'", token_type_description(tests2[i].type).c_str());

static void test_new_parser_ad_hoc()
    /* Very ad-hoc tests for issues encountered */
    say(L"Testing new parser ad hoc tests");

    /* Ensure that 'case' terminates a job list */
    const wcstring src = L"switch foo ; case bar; case baz; end";
    parse_node_tree_t parse_tree;
    bool success = parse_tree_from_string(src, parse_flag_none, &parse_tree, NULL);
    if (! success)
        err(L"Parsing failed");

    /* Expect three case_item_lists: one for each case, and a terminal one. The bug was that we'd try to run a command 'case' */
    const parse_node_t &root = parse_tree.at(0);
    const parse_node_tree_t::parse_node_list_t node_list = parse_tree.find_nodes(root, symbol_case_item_list);
    if (node_list.size() != 3)
        err(L"Expected 3 case item nodes, found %lu", node_list.size());

static void test_new_parser_errors(void)
    say(L"Testing new parser error reporting");
    const struct
        const wchar_t *src;
        parse_error_code_t code;
    tests[] =
        {L"echo 'abc", parse_error_tokenizer_unterminated_quote},
        {L"'", parse_error_tokenizer_unterminated_quote},
        {L"echo (abc", parse_error_tokenizer_unterminated_subshell},

        {L"end", parse_error_unbalancing_end},
        {L"echo hi ; end", parse_error_unbalancing_end},

        {L"else", parse_error_unbalancing_else},
        {L"if true ; end ; else", parse_error_unbalancing_else},

        {L"case", parse_error_unbalancing_case},
        {L"if true ; case ; end", parse_error_unbalancing_case},

        {L"foo || bar", parse_error_double_pipe},
        {L"foo && bar", parse_error_double_background},

    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof tests / sizeof *tests; i++)
        const wcstring src = tests[i].src;
        parse_error_code_t expected_code = tests[i].code;

        parse_error_list_t errors;
        parse_node_tree_t parse_tree;
        bool success = parse_tree_from_string(src, parse_flag_none, &parse_tree, &errors);
        if (success)
            err(L"Source '%ls' was expected to fail to parse, but succeeded", src.c_str());

        if (errors.size() != 1)
            err(L"Source '%ls' was expected to produce 1 error, but instead produced %lu errors", src.c_str(), errors.size());
        else if (errors.at(0).code != expected_code)
            err(L"Source '%ls' was expected to produce error code %lu, but instead produced error code %lu", src.c_str(), expected_code, (unsigned long)errors.at(0).code);
            for (size_t i=0; i < errors.size(); i++)
                err(L"\t\t%ls", errors.at(i).describe(src).c_str());



static void test_highlighting(void)
    say(L"Testing syntax highlighting");
    if (system("mkdir -p /tmp/fish_highlight_test/")) err(L"mkdir failed");
    if (system("touch /tmp/fish_highlight_test/foo")) err(L"touch failed");
    if (system("touch /tmp/fish_highlight_test/bar")) err(L"touch failed");

    // Here are the components of our source and the colors we expect those to be
    struct highlight_component_t
        const wchar_t *txt;
        int color;

    const highlight_component_t components1[] =
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"/tmp/fish_highlight_test/foo", highlight_spec_param | highlight_modifier_valid_path},
        {L"&", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components2[] =
        {L"command", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"abc", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"/tmp/fish_highlight_test/foo", highlight_spec_param | highlight_modifier_valid_path},
        {L"&", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components3[] =
        {L"if command ls", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"; ", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"abc", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"; ", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {L"/bin/definitely_not_a_command", highlight_spec_error},
        {L"; ", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {L"end", highlight_spec_command},
        {NULL, -1}

    /* Verify that cd shows errors for non-directories */
    const highlight_component_t components4[] =
        {L"cd", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"/tmp/fish_highlight_test", highlight_spec_param | highlight_modifier_valid_path},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components5[] =
        {L"cd", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"/tmp/fish_highlight_test/foo", highlight_spec_error},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components6[] =
        {L"cd", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"--help", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"-h", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"definitely_not_a_directory", highlight_spec_error},
        {NULL, -1}

    // Command substitutions
    const highlight_component_t components7[] =
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"param1", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"(", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"ls", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"param2", highlight_spec_param},
        {L")", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"|", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {L"cat", highlight_spec_command},
        {NULL, -1}

    // Redirections substitutions
    const highlight_component_t components8[] =
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"param1", highlight_spec_param},

        /* Input redirection */
        {L"<", highlight_spec_redirection},
        {L"/bin/echo", highlight_spec_redirection},

        /* Output redirection to a valid fd */
        {L"1>&2", highlight_spec_redirection},

        /* Output redirection to an invalid fd */
        {L"2>&", highlight_spec_redirection},
        {L"LOL", highlight_spec_error},

        /* Just a param, not a redirection */
        {L"/tmp/blah", highlight_spec_param},

        /* Input redirection from directory */
        {L"<", highlight_spec_redirection},
        {L"/tmp/", highlight_spec_error},

        /* Output redirection to an invalid path */
        {L"3>", highlight_spec_redirection},
        {L"/not/a/valid/path/nope", highlight_spec_error},

        /* Output redirection to directory */
        {L"3>", highlight_spec_redirection},
        {L"/tmp/nope/", highlight_spec_error},

        /* Redirections to overflow fd */
        {L"99999999999999999999>&2", highlight_spec_error},
        {L"2>&", highlight_spec_redirection},
        {L"99999999999999999999", highlight_spec_error},

        /* Output redirection containing a command substitution */
        {L"4>", highlight_spec_redirection},
        {L"(", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"/tmp/somewhere", highlight_spec_param},
        {L")", highlight_spec_operator},

        /* Just another param */
        {L"param2", highlight_spec_param},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components9[] =
        {L"end", highlight_spec_error},
        {L";", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {L"if", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"end", highlight_spec_error},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components10[] =
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"'single_quote", highlight_spec_error},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components11[] =
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"$foo", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"\"", highlight_spec_quote},
        {L"$bar", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"\"", highlight_spec_quote},
        {L"$baz[", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"1 2..3", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"]", highlight_spec_operator},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components12[] =
        {L"for", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"i", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"in", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"1 2 3", highlight_spec_param},
        {L";", highlight_spec_statement_terminator},
        {L"end", highlight_spec_command},
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t components13[] =
        {L"echo", highlight_spec_command},
        {L"$$foo[", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"1", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"][", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"2", highlight_spec_param},
        {L"]", highlight_spec_operator},
        {L"[3]", highlight_spec_param}, // two dollar signs, so last one is not an expansion
        {NULL, -1}

    const highlight_component_t *tests[] = {components1, components2, components3, components4, components5, components6, components7, components8, components9, components10, components11, components12, components13};
    for (size_t which = 0; which < sizeof tests / sizeof *tests; which++)
        const highlight_component_t *components = tests[which];
        // Count how many we have
        size_t component_count = 0;
        while (components[component_count].txt != NULL)

        // Generate the text
        wcstring text;
        std::vector<highlight_spec_t> expected_colors;
        for (size_t i=0; i < component_count; i++)
            if (i > 0)
                text.push_back(L' ');
            expected_colors.resize(text.size(), components[i].color);
        do_test(expected_colors.size() == text.size());

        std::vector<highlight_spec_t> colors(text.size());
        highlight_shell(text, colors, 20, NULL, env_vars_snapshot_t());

        if (expected_colors.size() != colors.size())
            err(L"Color vector has wrong size! Expected %lu, actual %lu", expected_colors.size(), colors.size());
        do_test(expected_colors.size() == colors.size());
        for (size_t i=0; i < text.size(); i++)
            // Hackish space handling. We don't care about the colors in spaces.
            if (text.at(i) == L' ')

            if (expected_colors.at(i) != colors.at(i))
                const wcstring spaces(i, L' ');
                err(L"Wrong color at index %lu in text (expected %#x, actual %#x):\n%ls\n%ls^", i, expected_colors.at(i), colors.at(i), text.c_str(), spaces.c_str());

    if (system("rm -Rf /tmp/fish_highlight_test"))
        err(L"rm failed");

static void test_wcstring_tok(void)
    say(L"Testing wcstring_tok");
    wcstring buff = L"hello world";
    wcstring needle = L" \t\n";
    wcstring_range loc = wcstring_tok(buff, needle);
    if (loc.first == wcstring::npos || buff.substr(loc.first, loc.second) != L"hello")
        err(L"Wrong results from first wcstring_tok(): {%zu, %zu}", loc.first, loc.second);
    loc = wcstring_tok(buff, needle, loc);
    if (loc.first == wcstring::npos || buff.substr(loc.first, loc.second) != L"world")
        err(L"Wrong results from second wcstring_tok(): {%zu, %zu}", loc.first, loc.second);
    loc = wcstring_tok(buff, needle, loc);
    if (loc.first != wcstring::npos)
        err(L"Wrong results from third wcstring_tok(): {%zu, %zu}", loc.first, loc.second);

    buff = L"hello world";
    loc = wcstring_tok(buff, needle);
    // loc is "hello" again
    loc = wcstring_tok(buff, L"", loc);
    if (loc.first == wcstring::npos || buff.substr(loc.first, loc.second) != L"world")
        err(L"Wrong results from wcstring_tok with empty needle: {%zu, %zu}", loc.first, loc.second);

   Main test
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // Look for the file tests/test.fish. We expect to run in a directory containing that file.
    // If we don't find it, walk up the directory hierarchy until we do, or error
    while (access("./tests/test.fish", F_OK) != 0)
        char wd[PATH_MAX + 1] = {};
        getcwd(wd, sizeof wd);
        if (! strcmp(wd, "/"))
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find 'tests' directory, which should contain file test.fish\n");
        if (chdir(dirname(wd)) < 0)
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

    s_arguments = argv + 1;

    say(L"Testing low-level functionality");

    /* Set default signal handlers, so we can ctrl-C out of this */

    if (should_test_function("highlighting")) test_highlighting();
    if (should_test_function("new_parser_ll2")) test_new_parser_ll2();
    if (should_test_function("new_parser_fuzzing")) test_new_parser_fuzzing(); //fuzzing is expensive
    if (should_test_function("new_parser_correctness")) test_new_parser_correctness();
    if (should_test_function("new_parser_ad_hoc")) test_new_parser_ad_hoc();
    if (should_test_function("new_parser_errors")) test_new_parser_errors();
    if (should_test_function("escape")) test_unescape_sane();
    if (should_test_function("escape")) test_escape_crazy();
    if (should_test_function("format")) test_format();
    if (should_test_function("convert")) test_convert();
    if (should_test_function("convert_nulls")) test_convert_nulls();
    if (should_test_function("tok")) test_tok();
    if (should_test_function("iothread")) test_iothread();
    if (should_test_function("parser")) test_parser();
    if (should_test_function("cancellation")) test_cancellation();
    if (should_test_function("indents")) test_indents();
    if (should_test_function("utils")) test_utils();
    if (should_test_function("utf8")) test_utf8();
    if (should_test_function("escape_sequences")) test_escape_sequences();
    if (should_test_function("lru")) test_lru();
    if (should_test_function("expand")) test_expand();
    if (should_test_function("fuzzy_match")) test_fuzzy_match();
    if (should_test_function("abbreviations")) test_abbreviations();
    if (should_test_function("test")) test_test();
    if (should_test_function("path")) test_path();
    if (should_test_function("pager_navigation")) test_pager_navigation();
    if (should_test_function("word_motion")) test_word_motion();
    if (should_test_function("is_potential_path")) test_is_potential_path();
    if (should_test_function("colors")) test_colors();
    if (should_test_function("complete")) test_complete();
    if (should_test_function("input")) test_input();
    if (should_test_function("universal")) test_universal();
    if (should_test_function("universal")) test_universal_callbacks();
    if (should_test_function("notifiers")) test_universal_notifiers();
    if (should_test_function("completion_insertions")) test_completion_insertions();
    if (should_test_function("autosuggestion_ignores")) test_autosuggestion_ignores();
    if (should_test_function("autosuggestion_combining")) test_autosuggestion_combining();
    if (should_test_function("autosuggest_suggest_special")) test_autosuggest_suggest_special();
    if (should_test_function("wcstring_tok")) test_wcstring_tok();
    if (should_test_function("history")) history_tests_t::test_history();
    if (should_test_function("history_merge")) history_tests_t::test_history_merge();
    if (should_test_function("history_races")) history_tests_t::test_history_races();
    if (should_test_function("history_formats")) history_tests_t::test_history_formats();

    say(L"Encountered %d errors in low-level tests", err_count);
    if (s_test_run_count == 0)
        say(L"*** No Tests Were Actually Run! ***");

      Skip performance tests for now, since they seem to hang when running from inside make (?)
//  say( L"Testing performance" );
//  perf_complete();


    if (err_count != 0)