/** \file function.h

    Prototypes for functions for storing and retrieving function
	information. These functions also take care of autoloading
	functions in the $fish_function_path. Actual function evaluation
	is taken care of by the parser and to some degree the builtin
	handling library.


#include <wchar.h>

#include "util.h"

   Structure describing a function. This is used by the parser to
   store data on a function while parsing it. It is not used
   internally to store functions, the function_internal_data_t
   structure is used for that purpose. Parhaps these two should be
typedef struct function_data
	   Name of function
	wchar_t *name;
	   Description of function
	wchar_t *description;
	   Function definition
	wchar_t *definition;
	   List of all event handlers for this function
	array_list_t *events;
	   List of all named arguments for this function
	array_list_t *named_arguments;
	   Set to non-zero if invoking this function shadows the variables
	   of the underlying function.
	int shadows;

   Initialize function data
void function_init();

   Destroy function data
void function_destroy();

   Add an function. The parameters values are copied and should be
   freed by the caller.
void function_add( function_data_t *data );

   Remove the function with the specified name.
void function_remove( const wchar_t *name );

   Returns the definition of the function with the name \c name.
const wchar_t *function_get_definition( const wchar_t *name );

   Returns the description of the function with the name \c name.
const wchar_t *function_get_desc( const wchar_t *name );

   Sets the description of the function with the name \c name.
void function_set_desc( const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *desc );

   Returns true if the function with the name name exists.
int function_exists( const wchar_t *name );

   Insert all function names into l. These are not copies of the
   strings and should not be freed after use.

   \param list the list to add the names to
   \param get_hidden whether to include hidden functions, i.e. ones starting with an underscore
void function_get_names( array_list_t *list,
						 int get_hidden );

   Returns tha absolute path of the file where the specified function
   was defined. Returns 0 if the file was defined on the commandline.

   This function does not autoload functions, it will only work on
   functions that have already been defined.
const wchar_t *function_get_definition_file( const wchar_t *name );

   Returns the linenumber where the definition of the specified
   function started.

   This function does not autoload functions, it will only work on
   functions that have already been defined.
int function_get_definition_offset( const wchar_t *name );

   Returns a list of all named arguments of the specified function.
array_list_t *function_get_named_arguments( const wchar_t *name );

   Returns whether this function shadows variables of the underlying function
int function_get_shadows( const wchar_t *name );

   Creates a new function using the same definition as the specified function.
   Returns non-zero if copy is successful.
int function_copy( const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *new_name );
