#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pexpect_helper import SpawnedProc import subprocess import sys from time import sleep import os SpawnedProc() sp = SpawnedProc() send, sendline, sleep, expect_prompt, expect_re, expect_str = ( sp.send, sp.sendline, sp.sleep, sp.expect_prompt, sp.expect_re, sp.expect_str, ) expect_prompt() # ensure the Apple key () is typeable sendline("echo ") expect_prompt("") # check that history is returned in the right order (#2028) # first send 'echo stuff' sendline("echo stuff") expect_prompt("stuff") # last history item should be 'echo stuff' sendline("echo $history[1]") expect_prompt("echo stuff") # last history command should be the one that printed the history sendline("echo $history[1]") expect_prompt("echo \$history\[1\]") # Backslashes at end of comments (#1255) # This backslash should NOT cause the line to continue sendline("echo -n #comment\\") expect_prompt() # a pipe at the end of the line (#1285) sendline("echo hoge |\n cat") expect_prompt("hoge") sendline("echo hoge | \n cat") expect_prompt("hoge") sendline("echo hoge 2>| \n cat") expect_prompt("hoge") sendline("echo hoge >| \n cat") expect_prompt("hoge") sendline("$fish --no-execute 2>&1") expect_prompt("error: no-execute mode enabled and no script given. Exiting") sendline("source; or echo failed") expect_prompt("failed")