# RUN: env fish_test_helper=%fish_test_helper fish=%fish %fish %s #REQUIRES: command -v %fish_test_helper $fish -c 'function main; exit 4; true; end; main' echo $status #CHECK: 4 $fish -c 'begin; exit 5; true; end' echo $status #CHECK: 5 $fish -c 'kill -SIGHUP $fish_pid' echo $status #CHECK: 129 $fish -c 'function main; kill -SIGTERM $fish_pid; true; end; main' echo $status #CHECK: 143 function alarm --on-signal ALRM echo ALRM received end kill -s ALRM $fish_pid # CHECK: ALRM received function anychild --on-process-exit 0 # Type and exit status echo $argv[1] $argv[3] end function anyjob --on-job-exit 0 # Type and exit status echo $argv[1] $argv[3] end echo "command false:" command false # CHECK: command false: # (Solaris' false exits with 255, not 1) # CHECK: PROCESS_EXIT {{1|255}} # CHECK: JOB_EXIT 0 echo "command true:" command true # CHECK: command true: # CHECK: PROCESS_EXIT 0 # CHECK: JOB_EXIT 0 echo "command false | true:" command false | command true # CHECK: command false | true: # CHECK: PROCESS_EXIT {{1|255}} # CHECK: PROCESS_EXIT 0 # CHECK: JOB_EXIT 0 # Signals are reported correctly. # SIGKILL $status is 128 + 9 = 137 $fish_test_helper sigkill_self # CHECK: PROCESS_EXIT 137 # CHECK: JOB_EXIT 0 function test_blocks block -l command echo "This is the process whose exit event should be blocked" echo "This should come before the event handler" end test_blocks # CHECK: This is the process whose exit event should be blocked # CHECK: This should come before the event handler echo "Now event handler should have run" # CHECK: PROCESS_EXIT 0 # CHECK: JOB_EXIT 0 # CHECK: Now event handler should have run # CHECK: PROCESS_EXIT 0