# based off of the git-prompt script that ships with git
# Written by Kevin Ballard <kevin@sb.org>
# Updated by Brian Gernhardt <brian@gernhardtsoftware.com>
# This is heavily based off of the git-prompt.bash script that ships with
# git, which is Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>.
# The act of porting the code, along with any new code, are Copyright (C) 2012
# Kevin Ballard <kevin@sb.org>.
# By virtue of being based on the git-prompt.bash script, this script is
# distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
# This script vends a function __fish_git_prompt which takes a format string,
# exactly how the bash script works. This can be used in your fish_prompt
# function.
# The behavior of __fish_git_prompt is very heavily based off of the bash
# script's __git_ps1 function. As such, usage and customization is very
# similar, although some extra features are provided in this script.
# Due to differences between bash and fish, the PROMPT_COMMAND style where
# passing two or three arguments causes the fucnction to set PS1 is not
# supported.  More information on the additional features is found after the
# bash-compatable documentation.
# The argument to __fish_git_prompt will be displayed only if you are currently
# in a git repository. The %s token will be the name of the branch.
# In addition, if you set __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate to a nonempty value,
# unstaged (*) and staged (+) changes will be shown next to the branch name.
# You can configure this per-repository with the bash.showDirtyState variable,
# which defaults to true once __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate is enabled. The
# choice to leave the variable as 'bash' instead of renaming to 'fish' is done
# to preserve compatibility with existing configured repositories.
# You can also see if currently something is stashed, by setting
# __fish_git_prompt_showstashstate to a nonempty value. If something is
# stashed, then a '$' will be shown next to the branch name.
# If you would like to see if there are untracked files, then you can set
# __fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles to a nonempty value. If there are
# untracked files, then a '%' will be shown next to the branch name. Once you
# have set __fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles, you can override it on a
# per-repository basis by setting the bash.showUntrackedFiles config variable.
# As before, this variable remains named 'bash' to preserve compatibility.
# If you would like to see the difference between HEAD and its upstream, set
# __fish_git_prompt_showupstream to 'auto'. A "<" indicates you are behind, ">"
# indicates you are ahead, "<>" indicates you have diverged and "=" indicates
# that there is no difference. You can further control behavior by setting
# __fish_git_prompt_showupstream to a space-separated list of values:
#     verbose        show number of commits ahead/behind (+/-) upstream
#     name           if verbose, then also show the upstream abbrev name
#     informative    similar to verbose, but shows nothing when equal (fish only)
#     git            always compare HEAD to @{upstream}
#     svn            always compare HEAD to your SVN upstream
#     none           disables (fish only, useful with show_informative_status)
# By default, __fish_git_prompt will compare HEAD to your SVN upstream if it
# can find one, or @{upstream} otherwise. Once you have set
# __fish_git_prompt_showupstream, you can override it on a per-repository basis
# by setting the bash.showUpstream config variable. As before, this variable
# remains named 'bash' to preserve compatibility.
# If you would like to see more information about the identity of commits
# checked out as a detached HEAD, set __fish_git_prompt_describe_style to
# one of the following values:
#     contains      relative to newer annotated tag (v1.6.3.2~35)
#     branch        relative to newer tag or branch (master~4)
#     describe      relative to older annotated tag (v1.6.3.1-13-gdd42c2f)
#     default       exactly matching tag
# If you would like a colored hint about the current dirty state, set
# __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints to a nonempty value.  The default colors are
# based on the colored output of "git status -sb"

# __fish_git_prompt includes some additional features on top of the
# above-documented bash-compatible features:
# An "informative git prompt" mode similar to the scripts for bash and zsh
# can be activated by setting __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status
# This works more like the "informative git prompt" scripts for bash and zsh,
# giving prompts like (master↑1↓2|●3✖4✚5…6) where master is the current branch,
# you have 1 commit your upstream doesn't and it has 2 you don't, and you have
# 3 staged, 4 unmerged, 5 dirty, and 6 untracked files.  If you have no
# changes, it displays (master|✔).
# Setting __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status changes several defaults.
# The default mode for __fish_git_prompt_showupstream changes to informative
# and the following characters have their defaults changed.  (The characters
# and colors can still be customized as described below.)
#     upstream_prefix ()
#     upstream_ahead  (↑)
#     upstream_behind (↓)
#     stateseparator  (|)
#     dirtystate      (✚)
#     invalidstate    (✖)
#     stagedstate     (●)
#     untrackedfiles  (…)
#     cleanstate      (✔)
# The color for each component of the prompt can specified using
# __fish_git_prompt_color_<name>, where <name> is one of the following and the
# values are specified as arguments to `set_color`.  The variable
# __fish_git_prompt_color is used for any component that does not have an
# individual color set.
#     prefix     Anything before %s in the format string
#     suffix     Anything after  %s in the format string
#     bare       Marker for a bare repository
#     merging    Current operation (|MERGING, |REBASE, etc.)
#     branch     Branch name
#     flags      Optional flags (see below)
#     upstream   Upstream name and flags (with showupstream)
# The following optional flags have both colors, as above, and custom
# characters via __fish_git_prompt_char_<name>.  The default character is
# shown in parenthesis.  The default color for these flags can be also be set
# via the __fish_git_prompt_color_flags variable.
#   __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate
#     dirtystate          unstaged changes (*)
#     stagedstate         staged changes   (+)
#     invalidstate        HEAD invalid     (#, colored as stagedstate)
#   __fish_git_prompt_showstashstate
#     stashstate          stashed changes  ($)
#   __fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles
#     untrackedfiles      untracked files  (%)
#   __fish_git_prompt_showupstream  (all colored as upstream)
#     upstream_equal      Branch matches upstream              (=)
#     upstream_behind     Upstream has more commits            (<)
#     upstream_ahead      Branch has more commits              (>)
#     upstream_diverged   Upstream and branch have new commits (<>)
#   __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status
#     (see also the flags for showdirtystate and showuntrackedfiles, above)
#     cleanstate          Working directory has no changes (✔)
# The separator between the branch name and flags can also be customized via
# __fish_git_prompt_char_stateseparator.  It can only be colored by
# __fish_git_prompt_color.  It normally defaults to a space ( ) and defaults
# to a vertical bar (|) when __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status is set.
# The separator before the upstream information can be customized via
# __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix.  It is colored like the rest of
# the upstream information.  It normally defaults to nothing () and defaults
# to a space ( ) when __fish_git_prompt_showupstream contains verbose.
# Turning on __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints changes the colors as follows to
# more closely match the behavior in bash.  Note that setting any of these
# colors manually will override these defaults.
#     branch            Defaults to green
#     branch_detached   New color, when head is detached, default red
#     dirtystate        Defaults to red
#     stagedstate       Defaults to green
#     flags             Defaults to --bold blue

function __fish_git_prompt_show_upstream --description "Helper function for __fish_git_prompt"
    set -l show_upstream $__fish_git_prompt_showupstream
    set -l svn_prefix # For better SVN upstream information
    set -l informative

    set -l svn_url_pattern
    set -l count
    set -l upstream git
    set -l verbose
    set -l name

    # Default to informative if __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status is set
    if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status"
        set informative 1

    set -l svn_remote
    # get some config options from git-config
    command git config -z --get-regexp '^(svn-remote\..*\.url|bash\.showupstream)$' ^/dev/null | while read -lz key value
        switch $key
            case bash.showupstream
                set show_upstream $value
                test -n "$show_upstream"
                or return
            case svn-remote.'*'.url
                set svn_remote $svn_remote $value
                # Avoid adding \| to the beginning to avoid needing #?? later
                if test -n "$svn_url_pattern"
                    set svn_url_pattern $svn_url_pattern"|$value"
                    set svn_url_pattern $value
                set upstream svn+git # default upstream is SVN if available, else git

                # Save the config key (without .url) for later use
                set -l remote_prefix (string replace -r '\.url$' '' -- $key)
                set svn_prefix $svn_prefix $remote_prefix

    # parse configuration variables
    # and clear informative default when needed
    for option in $show_upstream
        switch $option
            case git svn
                set upstream $option
                set -e informative
            case verbose
                set verbose 1
                set -e informative
            case informative
                set informative 1
            case name
                set name 1
            case none

    # Find our upstream
    switch $upstream
        case git
            set upstream '@{upstream}'
        case svn\*
            # get the upstream from the 'git-svn-id: …' in a commit message
            # (git-svn uses essentially the same procedure internally)
            set -l svn_upstream (git log --first-parent -1 --grep="^git-svn-id: \($svn_url_pattern\)" ^/dev/null)
            if test (count $svn_upstream) -ne 0
                echo $svn_upstream[-1] | read -l __ svn_upstream __
                set svn_upstream (string replace -r '@.*' '' -- $svn_upstream)
                set -l cur_prefix
                for i in (seq (count $svn_remote))
                    set -l remote $svn_remote[$i]
                    set -l mod_upstream (string replace "$remote" "" -- $svn_upstream)
                    if test "$svn_upstream" != "$mod_upstream"
                        # we found a valid remote
                        set svn_upstream $mod_upstream
                        set cur_prefix $svn_prefix[$i]

                if test -z "$svn_upstream"
                    # default branch name for checkouts with no layout:
                    if test -n "$GIT_SVN_ID"
                        set upstream $GIT_SVN_ID
                        set upstream git-svn
                    set upstream (string replace '/branches' '' -- $svn_upstream | string replace -a '/' '')

                    # Use fetch config to fix upstream
                    set -l fetch_val (command git config "$cur_prefix".fetch)
                    if test -n "$fetch_val"
                        set -l IFS :
                        echo "$fetch_val" | read -l trunk pattern
                        set upstream (string replace -r -- "/$trunk\$" '' $pattern) /$upstream
            else if test $upstream = svn+git
                set upstream '@{upstream}'

    # Find how many commits we are ahead/behind our upstream
    set count (command git rev-list --count --left-right $upstream...HEAD ^/dev/null)

    # calculate the result
    if test -n "$verbose"
        # Verbose has a space by default
        set -l prefix "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix"
        # Using two underscore version to check if user explicitly set to nothing
        if not set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix
            set -l prefix " "

        echo $count | read -l behind ahead
        switch "$count"
            case '' # no upstream
            case "0	0" # equal to upstream
                echo "$prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal"
            case "0	*" # ahead of upstream
                echo "$prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead$ahead"
            case "*	0" # behind upstream
                echo "$prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind$behind"
            case '*' # diverged from upstream
                echo "$prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged$ahead-$behind"
        if test -n "$count" -a -n "$name"
            echo " "(command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref "$upstream" ^/dev/null)
    else if test -n "$informative"
        echo $count | read -l behind ahead
        switch "$count"
            case '' # no upstream
            case "0	0" # equal to upstream
            case "0	*" # ahead of upstream
                echo "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead$ahead"
            case "*	0" # behind upstream
                echo "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind$behind"
            case '*' # diverged from upstream
                echo "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead$ahead$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind$behind"
        switch "$count"
            case '' # no upstream
            case "0	0" # equal to upstream
                echo "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal"
            case "0	*" # ahead of upstream
                echo "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead"
            case "*	0" # behind upstream
                echo "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind"
            case '*' # diverged from upstream
                echo "$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix$___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged"

function __fish_git_prompt --description "Prompt function for Git"
    # If git isn't installed, there's nothing we can do
    # Return 1 so the calling prompt can deal with it
    if not command -s git >/dev/null
        return 1
    set -l repo_info (command git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree HEAD ^/dev/null)
    test -n "$repo_info"
    or return

    set -l git_dir $repo_info[1]
    set -l inside_gitdir $repo_info[2]
    set -l bare_repo $repo_info[3]
    set -l inside_worktree $repo_info[4]
    set -q repo_info[5]
    and set -l sha $repo_info[5]

    set -l rbc (__fish_git_prompt_operation_branch_bare $repo_info)
    set -l r $rbc[1] # current operation
    set -l b $rbc[2] # current branch
    set -l detached $rbc[3]
    set -l w #dirty working directory
    set -l i #staged changes
    set -l s #stashes
    set -l u #untracked
    set -l c $rbc[4] # bare repository
    set -l p #upstream
    set -l informative_status


    set -l space "$___fish_git_prompt_color$___fish_git_prompt_char_stateseparator$___fish_git_prompt_color_done"

    if test "true" = $inside_worktree
        if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status"
            set informative_status "$space"(__fish_git_prompt_informative_status)
            if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate"
                set -l config (command git config --bool bash.showDirtyState)
                if test "$config" != "false"
                    set w (__fish_git_prompt_dirty)
                    set i (__fish_git_prompt_staged $sha)

            if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showstashstate" -a -r $git_dir/refs/stash
                set s $___fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate

            if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles"
                set -l config (command git config --bool bash.showUntrackedFiles)
                if test "$config" != false
                    if command git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --error-unmatch -- '*' >/dev/null ^/dev/null
                        set u $___fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles

        if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showupstream" -o "$__fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status"
            set p (__fish_git_prompt_show_upstream)

    set -l branch_color $___fish_git_prompt_color_branch
    set -l branch_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_branch_done
    if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints"
        if test $detached = yes
            set branch_color $___fish_git_prompt_color_branch_detached
            set branch_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_branch_detached_done

    if test -n "$w"
        set w "$___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate$w$___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate_done"
    if test -n "$i"
        set i "$___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate$i$___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate_done"
    if test -n "$s"
        set s "$___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate$s$___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate_done"
    if test -n "$u"
        set u "$___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles$u$___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles_done"
    set b (string replace refs/heads/ '' -- $b)
    if test -n "$b"
        set b "$branch_color$b$branch_done"
    if test -n "$c"
        set c "$___fish_git_prompt_color_bare$c$___fish_git_prompt_color_bare_done"
    if test -n "$r"
        set r "$___fish_git_prompt_color_merging$r$___fish_git_prompt_color_merging_done"
    if test -n "$p"
        set p "$___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream$p$___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream_done"

    # Formatting
    set -l f "$w$i$s$u"
    if test -n "$f"
        set f "$space$f"
    set -l format $argv[1]
    if test -z "$format"
        set format " (%s)"

    printf "%s$format%s" "$___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix" "$___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix_done$c$b$f$r$p$informative_status$___fish_git_prompt_color_suffix" "$___git_ps_color_suffix_done"

### helper functions

function __fish_git_prompt_staged --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, tells whether or not the current branch has staged files"
    set -l sha $argv[1]

    set -l staged

    if test -n "$sha"
        command git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD -- ^/dev/null
        or set staged $___fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate
        set staged $___fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate
    echo $staged

function __fish_git_prompt_dirty --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, tells whether or not the current branch has tracked, modified files"
    set -l dirty

    set -l os
    command git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code ^/dev/null
    set os $status
    if test $os -ne 0
        set dirty $___fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate
    echo $dirty

set -g ___fish_git_prompt_status_order stagedstate invalidstate dirtystate untrackedfiles

function __fish_git_prompt_informative_status

    set -l changedFiles (command git diff --name-status | cut -c 1-2)
    set -l stagedFiles (command git diff --staged --name-status | cut -c 1-2)

    set -l dirtystate (math (count $changedFiles) - (count (echo $changedFiles | grep "U")) ^/dev/null)
    set -l invalidstate (count (echo $stagedFiles | grep "U"))
    set -l stagedstate (math (count $stagedFiles) - $invalidstate ^/dev/null)
    set -l untrackedfiles (command git ls-files --others --exclude-standard | wc -l | string trim)

    set -l info

    # If `math` fails for some reason, assume the state is clean - it's the simpler path
    set -l state (math $dirtystate + $invalidstate + $stagedstate + $untrackedfiles ^/dev/null)
    if test -z "$state"; or test "$state" = 0
        set info $___fish_git_prompt_color_cleanstate$___fish_git_prompt_char_cleanstate$___fish_git_prompt_color_cleanstate_done
        for i in $___fish_git_prompt_status_order
            if [ $$i != "0" ]
                set -l color_var ___fish_git_prompt_color_$i
                set -l color_done_var ___fish_git_prompt_color_{$i}_done
                set -l symbol_var ___fish_git_prompt_char_$i

                set -l color $$color_var
                set -l color_done $$color_done_var
                set -l symbol $$symbol_var

                set -l count

                if not set -q __fish_git_prompt_hide_$i
                    set count $$i

                set info "$info$color$symbol$count$color_done"

    echo $info


# Keeping these together avoids many duplicated checks
function __fish_git_prompt_operation_branch_bare --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, returns the current Git operation and branch"
    # This function is passed the full repo_info array
    set -l git_dir $argv[1]
    set -l inside_gitdir $argv[2]
    set -l bare_repo $argv[3]
    set -q argv[5]
    and set -l sha $argv[5]

    set -l branch
    set -l operation
    set -l detached no
    set -l bare
    set -l step
    set -l total
    set -l os

    if test -d $git_dir/rebase-merge
        set branch (cat $git_dir/rebase-merge/head-name ^/dev/null)
        set step (cat $git_dir/rebase-merge/msgnum ^/dev/null)
        set total (cat $git_dir/rebase-merge/end ^/dev/null)
        if test -f $git_dir/rebase-merge/interactive
            set operation "|REBASE-i"
            set operation "|REBASE-m"
        if test -d $git_dir/rebase-apply
            set step (cat $git_dir/rebase-apply/next ^/dev/null)
            set total (cat $git_dir/rebase-apply/last ^/dev/null)
            if test -f $git_dir/rebase-apply/rebasing
                set branch (cat $git_dir/rebase-apply/head-name ^/dev/null)
                set operation "|REBASE"
            else if test -f $git_dir/rebase-apply/applying
                set operation "|AM"
                set operation "|AM/REBASE"
        else if test -f $git_dir/MERGE_HEAD
            set operation "|MERGING"
        else if test -f $git_dir/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
            set operation "|CHERRY-PICKING"
        else if test -f $git_dir/REVERT_HEAD
            set operation "|REVERTING"
        else if test -f $git_dir/BISECT_LOG
            set operation "|BISECTING"

    if test -n "$step" -a -n "$total"
        set operation "$operation $step/$total"

    if test -z "$branch"
        set branch (command git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null; set os $status)
        if test $os -ne 0
            set detached yes
            set branch (switch "$__fish_git_prompt_describe_style"
						case contains
							command git describe --contains HEAD
						case branch
							command git describe --contains --all HEAD
						case describe
							command git describe HEAD
						case default '*'
							command git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD
						end ^/dev/null; set os $status)
            if test $os -ne 0
                # Shorten the sha ourselves to 8 characters - this should be good for most repositories,
                # and even for large ones it should be good for most commits
                if set -q sha
                    set branch (string match -r '^.{8}' -- $sha)…
                    set branch unknown
            set branch "($branch)"

    if test "true" = $inside_gitdir
        if test "true" = $bare_repo
            set bare "BARE:"
            # Let user know they're inside the git dir of a non-bare repo
            set branch "GIT_DIR!"

    echo $operation
    echo $branch
    echo $detached
    echo $bare

function __fish_git_prompt_set_char
    set -l user_variable_name "$argv[1]"
    set -l char $argv[2]
    set -l user_variable $$user_variable_name

    if test (count $argv) -ge 3
        if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status"
            set char $argv[3]

    set -l variable _$user_variable_name
    set -l variable_done "$variable"_done

    if not set -q $variable
        set -g $variable (set -q $user_variable_name; and echo $user_variable; or echo $char)

function __fish_git_prompt_validate_chars --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, checks char variables"

    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_cleanstate '✔'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate '*' '✚'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate '#' '✖'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate '+' '●'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate '$'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_stateseparator ' ' '|'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles '%' '…'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead '>' '↑'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind '<' '↓'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged '<>'
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal '='
    __fish_git_prompt_set_char __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_prefix ''


function __fish_git_prompt_set_color
    set -l user_variable_name "$argv[1]"
    set -l user_variable $$user_variable_name
    set -l user_variable_bright

    set -l default default_done
    switch (count $argv)
        case 1 # No defaults given, use prompt color
            set default $___fish_git_prompt_color
            set default_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
        case 2 # One default given, use normal for done
            set default "$argv[2]"
            set default_done (set_color normal)
        case 3 # Both defaults given
            set default "$argv[2]"
            set default_done "$argv[3]"

    set -l variable _$user_variable_name
    set -l variable_done "$variable"_done

    if not set -q $variable
        if test -n "$user_variable"
            set -g $variable (set_color $user_variable)
            set -g $variable_done (set_color normal)
            set -g $variable $default
            set -g $variable_done $default_done


function __fish_git_prompt_validate_colors --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, checks color variables"

    # Base color defaults to nothing (must be done first)
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color '' ''

    # Normal colors
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_prefix
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_suffix
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_bare
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_merging
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_cleanstate
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_upstream

    # Colors with defaults with showcolorhints
    if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints"
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_flags (set_color --bold blue)
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_branch (set_color green)
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate (set_color red)
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate (set_color green)
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_flags
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_branch
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags_done
        __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags_done

    # Branch_detached has a default, but is only used with showcolorhints
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_detached (set_color red)

    # Colors that depend on flags color
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags_done
    __fish_git_prompt_set_color __fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags $___fish_git_prompt_color_flags_done


set -l varargs
for var in repaint describe_style show_informative_status showdirtystate showstashstate showuntrackedfiles showupstream
    set varargs $varargs --on-variable __fish_git_prompt_$var
function __fish_git_prompt_repaint $varargs --description "Event handler, repaints prompt when functionality changes"
    if status --is-interactive
        if test $argv[3] = __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status
            # Clear characters that have different defaults with/without informative status
            for name in cleanstate dirtystate invalidstate stagedstate stateseparator untrackedfiles upstream_ahead upstream_behind
                set -e ___fish_git_prompt_char_$name

        commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null

set -l varargs
for var in '' _prefix _suffix _bare _merging _cleanstate _invalidstate _upstream _flags _branch _dirtystate _stagedstate _branch_detached _stashstate _untrackedfiles
    set varargs $varargs --on-variable __fish_git_prompt_color$var
set varargs $varargs --on-variable __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints
function __fish_git_prompt_repaint_color $varargs --description "Event handler, repaints prompt when any color changes"
    if status --is-interactive
        set -l var $argv[3]
        set -e _$var
        set -e _{$var}_done
        if test $var = __fish_git_prompt_color -o $var = __fish_git_prompt_color_flags -o $var = __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints
            # reset all the other colors too
            for name in prefix suffix bare merging branch dirtystate stagedstate invalidstate stashstate untrackedfiles upstream flags
                set -e ___fish_git_prompt_color_$name
                set -e ___fish_git_prompt_color_{$name}_done
        commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null

set -l varargs
for var in cleanstate dirtystate invalidstate stagedstate stashstate stateseparator untrackedfiles upstream_ahead upstream_behind upstream_diverged upstream_equal upstream_prefix
    set varargs $varargs --on-variable __fish_git_prompt_char_$var
function __fish_git_prompt_repaint_char $varargs --description "Event handler, repaints prompt when any char changes"
    if status --is-interactive
        set -e _$argv[3]
        commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null