function __fish_print_packages # apt-cache is much, much faster than rpm, and can do this in real # time. We use it if available. switch (commandline -tc) case '-**' return end #Get the word 'Package' in the current language set -l package (_ Package) # Set up cache directory if test -z "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" set XDG_CACHE_HOME $HOME/.cache end mkdir -m 700 -p $XDG_CACHE_HOME if type -q -f apt-cache # Do not generate the cache as apparently sometimes this is slow. # apt-cache --no-generate pkgnames (commandline -tc) ^/dev/null | sed -e 's/$/'\t$package'/' return end # Pkg is fast on FreeBSD and provides versioning info which we want for # installed packages if begin type -q -f pkg and test (uname) = "FreeBSD" end pkg query "%n-%v" return end # Caches for 5 minutes if type -q -f pacman set cache_file $XDG_CACHE_HOME/.pac-cache.$USER if test -f $cache_file cat $cache_file set age (math (date +%s) - (stat -c '%Y' $cache_file)) set max_age 250 if test $age -lt $max_age return end end # prints: <package name> Package pacman -Ssq | sed -e 's/$/\t'$package'/' >$cache_file & return end # Zypper needs caching as it is slow if type -q -f zypper # If the cache is less than five minutes old, we do not recalculate it set -l cache_file $XDG_CACHE_HOME/.zypper-cache.$USER if test -f $cache_file cat $cache_file set -l age (math (date +%s) - (stat -c '%Y' $cache_file)) set -l max_age 300 if test $age -lt $max_age return end end # Remove package version information from output and pipe into cache file zypper --quiet --non-interactive search --type=package | tail -n +4 | sed -E 's/^. \| ((\w|[-_.])+).*/\1\t'$package'/g' > $cache_file & return end # yum is slow, just like rpm, so go to the background if type -q -f /usr/share/yum-cli/ # If the cache is less than six hours old, we do not recalculate it set cache_file $XDG_CACHE_HOME/.yum-cache.$USER if test -f $cache_file cat $cache_file set age (math (date +%s) - (stat -c '%Y' $cache_file)) set max_age 21600 if test $age -lt $max_age return end end # Remove package version information from output and pipe into cache file /usr/share/yum-cli/ list all -d 0 -C | sed "s/\..*/\t$package/" >$cache_file & return end # Rpm is too slow for this job, so we set it up to do completions # as a background job and cache the results. if type -q -f rpm # If the cache is less than five minutes old, we do not recalculate it set cache_file $XDG_CACHE_HOME/.rpm-cache.$USER if test -f $cache_file cat $cache_file set age (math (date +%s) - (stat -c '%Y' $cache_file)) set max_age 250 if test $age -lt $max_age return end end # Remove package version information from output and pipe into cache file rpm -qa |sed -e 's/-[^-]*-[^-]*$/\t'$package'/' >$cache_file & return end # This completes the package name from the portage tree. # True for installing new packages. Function for printing # installed on the system packages is in completions/ # eix is MUCH faster than emerge so use it if it is available if type -q -f eix eix --only-names "^"(commandline -tc) | cut -d/ -f2 return else # FIXME? Seems to be broken if type -q -f emerge emerge -s \^(commandline -tc) |sgrep "^*" |cut -d\ -f3 |cut -d/ -f2 return end end end