#RUN: %fish %s # OpenBSD doesn't do hex numbers in str/wcstod (like C99 requires). # So let's skip this. #REQUIRES: test "$(uname)" != OpenBSD # Validate basic expressions math 3 / 2 # CHECK: 1.5 math 10/6 # CHECK: 1.666667 math -s0 10 / 6 # CHECK: 1 math 'floor(10 / 6)' # CHECK: 1 math -s3 10/6 # CHECK: 1.667 math '10 % 6' # CHECK: 4 math -s0 '10 % 6' # CHECK: 4 math '23 % 7' # CHECK: 2 math --scale=6 '5 / 3 * 0.3' # CHECK: 0.5 math --scale=max '5 / 3' # CHECK: 1.666666666666667 math "7^2" # CHECK: 49 math -1 + 1 # CHECK: 0 math '-2 * -2' # CHECK: 4 math 5 \* -2 # CHECK: -10 math -- -4 / 2 # CHECK: -2 math -- '-4 * 2' # CHECK: -8 # Validate max and min math 'max(1,2)' math 'min(1,2)' # CHECK: 2 # CHECK: 1 # Validate some rounding functions math 'round(3/2)' math 'floor(3/2)' math 'ceil(3/2)' # CHECK: 2 # CHECK: 1 # CHECK: 2 math 'round(-3/2)' math 'floor(-3/2)' math 'ceil(-3/2)' # CHECK: -2 # CHECK: -2 # CHECK: -1 # Validate some integral computations math 1 math 10 math 100 math 1000 # CHECK: 1 # CHECK: 10 # CHECK: 100 # CHECK: 1000 math '10^15' math '-10^14' math '-10^15' # CHECK: 1000000000000000 # CHECK: 100000000000000 # CHECK: -1000000000000000 # Floating point operations under x86 without SSE2 have reduced accuracy! # This includes both i586 targets and i686 under Debian, where it's patched to remove SSE2. # As a result, some floating point tests use regular expressions to loosely match against # the shape of the expected result. # NB: The i586 case should also pass under other platforms, but not the other way around. math "3^0.5^2" # CHECK: {{1\.316074|1\.316\d+}} math -2^2 # CHECK: 4 math -s0 '1.0 / 2.0' math -s0 '3.0 / 2.0' math -s0 '10^15 / 2.0' # CHECK: 0 # CHECK: 1 # CHECK: 500000000000000 # Validate how variables in an expression are handled math $x + 1 set x 1 math $x + 1 set x 3 set y 1.5 math "-$x * $y" math -s0 "-$x * $y" # CHECK: 1 # CHECK: 2 # CHECK: -4.5 # CHECK: -4 # Validate math error reporting # NOTE: The leading whitespace for the carets here is ignored # by littlecheck. not math '2 - ' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too few arguments # CHECKERR: '2 - ' # CHECKERR: ^ not math 'ncr(1)' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too few arguments # CHECKERR: 'ncr(1)' # CHECKERR: ^ math "min()" # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too few arguments # CHECKERR: 'min()' # CHECKERR: ^ # There is no "blah" function. not math 'blah()' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Unknown function # CHECKERR: 'blah()' # CHECKERR: ^~~^ math n + 4 # CHECKERR: math: Error: Unknown function # CHECKERR: 'n + 4' # CHECKERR: ^ not math 'sin()' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too few arguments # CHECKERR: 'sin()' # CHECKERR: ^ not math '2 + 2 4' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Missing operator # CHECKERR: '2 + 2 4' # This regex to check whitespace - the error appears between the second 2 and the 4! # (right after the 2) # CHECKERR: {{^}} ^ printf '<%s>\n' (math '2 + 2 4' 2>&1) # CHECK: <math: Error: Missing operator> # CHECK: <'2 + 2 4'> # CHECK: < ^~~~~^> not math '(1 2)' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Missing operator # CHECKERR: '(1 2)' # CHECKERR: ^ not math '(1 pi)' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Missing operator # CHECKERR: '(1 pi)' # CHECKERR: ^ not math '(1 pow 1,2)' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Missing operator # CHECKERR: '(1 pow 1,2)' # CHECKERR: ^ not math # CHECKERR: math: expected >= 1 arguments; got 0 not math -s 12 # CHECKERR: math: expected >= 1 arguments; got 0 # XXX FIXME these two should be just "missing argument" errors, the count is not helpful not math 2^999999 # CHECKERR: math: Error: Result is infinite # CHECKERR: '2^999999' not math 'sqrt(-1)' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Result is not a number # CHECKERR: 'sqrt(-1)' math 'sqrt(-0)' # CHECK: -0 not math 2^53 + 1 # CHECKERR: math: Error: Result magnitude is too large # CHECKERR: '2^53 + 1' not math -2^53 - 1 # CHECKERR: math: Error: Result magnitude is too large # CHECKERR: '-2^53 - 1' printf '<%s>\n' (not math 1 / 0 2>&1) # CHECK: <math: Error: Division by zero> # CHECK: <'1 / 0'> # CHECK: < ^> printf '<%s>\n' (math 1 % 0 - 5 2>&1) # CHECK: <math: Error: Division by zero> # CHECK: <'1 % 0 - 5'> # CHECK: < ^> printf '<%s>\n' (math min 1 / 0, 5 2>&1) # CHECK: <math: Error: Division by zero> # CHECK: <'min 1 / 0, 5'> # CHECK: < ^> # Validate "x" as multiplier math 0x2 # Hex math 5 x 4 math 2x 4 math 2 x4 # ERROR # CHECKERR: math: Error: Unknown function # CHECKERR: '2 x4' # CHECKERR: ^^ math 0x 3 # CHECK: 2 # CHECK: 20 # CHECK: 8 # CHECK: 0 math "42 >= 1337" # CHECKERR: math: Error: Logical operations are not supported, use `test` instead # CHECKERR: '42 >= 1337' # CHECKERR: ^ math "bitand(0xFE, 1)" # CHECK: 0 math "bitor(0xFE, 1)" # CHECK: 255 math "bitxor(5, 1)" # CHECK: 4 math "bitand(5.5, 2)" # CHECK: 0 math "bitand(5.5, 1)" # CHECK: 1 math "bitor(37 ^ 5, 255)" # CHECK: 69343999 math 'log 16' # CHECK: 1.20412 math 'log(16' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Missing closing parenthesis # CHECKERR: 'log(16' # CHECKERR: ^ math '(2' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Missing closing parenthesis # CHECKERR: '(2' # CHECKERR: ^ math --base=16 255 / 15 # CHECK: 0x11 math -bhex 16 x 2 # CHECK: 0x20 math --base hex 12 + 0x50 # CHECK: 0x5c math --base hex 0 # CHECK: 0x0 math --base hex -1 # CHECK: -0x1 math --base hex -15 # CHECK: -0xf math --base hex 'pow(2,40)' # CHECK: 0x10000000000 math --base octal 0 # CHECK: 0 math --base octal -1 # CHECK: -01 math --base octal -15 # CHECK: -017 math --base octal 'pow(2,40)' # CHECK: 020000000000000 math --base octal --scale=0 55 # CHECK: 067 math --base notabase # CHECKERR: math: notabase: invalid base value echo $status # CHECK: 2 math 'log2(8)' # CHECK: 3 # same as sin(cos(2 x pi)) math sin cos 2 x pi # CHECK: 0.841471 # Inner function binds stronger, so this is interpreted as # pow(sin(3,5)) math pow sin 3, 5 # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too many arguments # CHECKERR: 'pow sin 3, 5' # CHECKERR: ^ math pow sin 3, 5 + 2 # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too many arguments # CHECKERR: 'pow sin 3, 5 + 2' # CHECKERR: ^~~~^ math sin pow 3, 5 # CHECK: {{-0\.890009|-0.890\d*}} math pow 2, cos -pi # CHECK: 0.5 # pow(2*cos(-pi), 2) # i.e. 2^2 # i.e. 4 math pow 2 x cos'(-pi)', 2 # CHECK: 4 # This used to take ages, see #8170. # If this test hangs, that's reintroduced! math 'ncr(0/0, 1)' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Division by zero # CHECKERR: 'ncr(0/0, 1)' # CHECKERR: ^ # Variadic functions require at least one argument math min # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too few arguments # CHECKERR: 'min' # CHECKERR: ^ math min 2 # CHECK: 2 math min 2, 3, 4, 5, -10, 1 # CHECK: -10 # Parentheses are required to disambiguate function call nested in argument list, # except when the call is the last argument. math 'min 5, 4, 3, ncr 2, 1, 5' # CHECKERR: math: Error: Too many arguments # CHECKERR: 'min 5, 4, 3, ncr 2, 1, 5' # CHECKERR: {{^}} ^ math 'min 5, 4, 3, ncr(2, 1), 5' # CHECK: 2 math 'min 5, 4, 3, 5, ncr 2, 1' # CHECK: 2 # Variadic function consumes all available arguments, # so it is always the last argument unless parenthesised. # max(1, 2, min(3, 4, 5)) math 'max 1, 2, min 3, 4, 5' # CHECK: 3 # max(1, 2, min(3, 4), 5) math 'max 1, 2, min(3, 4), 5' # CHECK: 5 math 0_1 # CHECK: 1 math 0x0_A # CHECK: 10 math 1_000 + 2_000 # CHECK: 3000 math 1_0_0_0 # CHECK: 1000 math 0_0.5_0 + 0_1.0_0 # CHECK: 1.5 math 2e0_0_2 # CHECK: 200 math -0_0.5_0_0E0_0_3 # CHECK: -500 math 20e-0_1 # CHECK: 2 math 0x0_2.0_0_0P0_2 # CHECK: 8 math -0x8p-0_3 # CHECK: -1 echo 5 + 6 | math # CHECK: 11 # Historical: If we have arguments on stdin and argv, # the former takes precedence and the latter is ignored entirely. echo 7 + 6 | math 2 + 2 # CHECK: 13 # It isn't checked at all. echo 7 + 8 | math not an expression # CHECK: 15 math (string repeat -n 1000 1) 2>| string shorten -m50 --char="" # CHECK: math: Error: Number is too large # CHECK: '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 # CHECK: ^ math 0x0_2.0P-0x3 # CHECKERR: math: Error: Unknown function # CHECKERR: '0x0_2.0P-0x3' # CHECKERR: ^^ math 0x0_2.0P-f # CHECKERR: math: Error: Unexpected token # CHECKERR: '0x0_2.0P-f' # CHECKERR: ^ math "22 / 5 - 5" # CHECK: -0.6 math -s 0 --scale-mode=truncate "22 / 5 - 5" # CHECK: -0 math --scale=0 -m truncate "22 / 5 - 5" # CHECK: -0 math -s 0 --scale-mode=floor "22 / 5 - 5" # CHECK: -1 math -s 0 --scale-mode=round "22 / 5 - 5" # CHECK: -1 math -s 0 --scale-mode=ceiling "22 / 5 - 5" # CHECK: -0 math "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: -0.666667 math --scale-mode=truncate "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: -0.666666 math --scale-mode=floor "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: {{-0.666667|-0.666668}} math --scale-mode=floor "2 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: {{-0.333334|-0.333335}} math --scale-mode=round "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: {{-0.666667|-0.666668}} math --scale-mode=ceiling "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: -0.666666 math --scale-mode=ceiling "2 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: -0.333333 math -s 6 --scale-mode=truncate "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: -0.666666 math -s 6 --scale-mode=floor "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: {{-0.666667|-0.666668}} math -s 6 --scale-mode=floor "2 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: {{-0.333334|-0.333335}} math -s 6 --scale-mode=round "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: {{-0.666667|-0.666668}} math -s 6 --scale-mode=ceiling "1 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: -0.666666 math -s 6 --scale-mode=ceiling "2 / 3 - 1" # CHECK: -0.333333