# RUN: %fish -C 'set -g fish_indent %fish_indent' %s | %filter-ctrlseqs # Test file for fish_indent # Note that littlecheck ignores leading whitespace, so we have to use {{ }} to explicitly match it. echo 'echo foo \\ | cat' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo foo \ #CHECK: | cat echo 'echo foo | \\ cat' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo foo | cat echo 'echo foo | cat' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo foo | #CHECK: cat echo 'if true; \\ or false echo something end' | $fish_indent #CHECK: if true; or false #CHECK: echo something #CHECK: end echo '\\ echo wurst' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo wurst echo 'echo foo \\ brot' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo foo \ #CHECK: brot echo 'echo rabarber \\ banana' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo rabarber \ #CHECK: banana echo 'for x in a \\ b \\ c echo thing end' | $fish_indent #CHECK: for x in a \ #CHECK: b \ #CHECK: c #CHECK: echo thing #CHECK: end echo 'echo foo | echo banana' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo foo | #CHECK: echo banana echo 'echo foo \\ ;' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo foo echo 'echo foo \\ ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo foo echo -n ' begin echo hi end | cat | cat | begin ; echo hi ; end | begin ; begin ; echo hi ; end ; end arg ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: begin #CHECK: {{ }}echo hi #CHECK: #CHECK: end | cat | cat | begin #CHECK: {{ }}echo hi #CHECK: end | begin #CHECK: {{ }}begin #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}echo hi #CHECK: {{ }}end #CHECK: end arg echo -n ' switch aloha case alpha echo sup case beta gamma echo hi end ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: switch aloha #CHECK: {{ }}case alpha #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}echo sup #CHECK: {{ }}case beta gamma #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}echo hi #CHECK: #CHECK: end echo -n ' function hello_world \'begin\' echo hi end | cat echo sup; echo sup echo hello; echo hello end ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: function hello_world #CHECK: #CHECK: {{ }}begin #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}echo hi #CHECK: {{ }}end | cat #CHECK: #CHECK: {{ }}echo sup #CHECK: {{ }}echo sup #CHECK: {{ }}echo hello #CHECK: #CHECK: {{ }}echo hello #CHECK: end echo -n ' echo alpha #comment1 #comment2 #comment3 for i in abc #comment1 #comment2 echo hi end switch foo #abc # bar case bar echo baz\ qqq case "*" echo sup end' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo alpha #comment1 #CHECK: #comment2 #CHECK: #CHECK: #comment3 #CHECK: for i in abc #comment1 #CHECK: {{ }}#comment2 #CHECK: {{ }}echo hi #CHECK: end #CHECK: #CHECK: switch foo #abc #CHECK: {{ }}# bar #CHECK: {{ }}case bar #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}echo baz\ #CHECK: qqq #CHECK: {{ }}case "*" #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}echo sup #CHECK: end # No indent echo -n ' if true else if false echo alpha switch beta case gamma echo delta end end ' | $fish_indent -i #CHECK: if true #CHECK: else if false #CHECK: {{^}}echo alpha #CHECK: {{^}}switch beta #CHECK: {{^}}case gamma #CHECK: {{^}}echo delta #CHECK: {{^}}end #CHECK: end # Test errors echo -n ' begin echo hi else echo bye end; echo alpha " ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: begin #CHECK: {{ }}echo hi #CHECK: else #CHECK: #CHECK: {{^}}echo bye #CHECK: end; echo alpha " # issue 1665 echo -n ' if begin ; false; end; echo hi ; end while begin ; false; end; echo hi ; end ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: if begin #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}false #CHECK: {{ }}end #CHECK: {{ }}echo hi #CHECK: end #CHECK: while begin #CHECK: {{ }}{{ }}false #CHECK: {{ }}end #CHECK: {{ }}echo hi #CHECK: end # issue 2899 echo -n ' echo < stdin >>appended yes 2>&1 no > stdout maybe 2>& 4 | cat 2>| cat ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo <stdin >>appended yes 2>&1 no >stdout maybe 2>&4 | cat 2>| cat # issue 7252 echo -n ' begin # comment end ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: {{^}}begin #CHECK: {{^ }}# comment #CHECK: {{^}}end echo -n ' begin cmd # comment end ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: {{^}}begin #CHECK: {{^ }}cmd #CHECK: {{^ }}# comment #CHECK: {{^}}end echo -n ' cmd \\ continuation ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: {{^}}cmd \ #CHECK: {{^ }}continuation echo -n ' begin cmd \ continuation end ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: {{^}}begin #CHECK: {{^ }}cmd \ #CHECK: {{^ }}{{ }}continuation #CHECK: {{^}}end echo -n ' i\ f true echo yes en\ d "whil\ e" true "builtin" yes en"d" alpha | \ beta gamma | \ # comment3 delta if true echo abc end if false # comment4 and true && false echo abc;end echo hi | echo bye ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: i\ #CHECK: f true #CHECK: {{ }}echo yes #CHECK: en\ #CHECK: d #CHECK: #CHECK: while true #CHECK: {{ }}builtin yes #CHECK: end #CHECK: #CHECK: alpha | beta #CHECK: #CHECK: gamma | \ #CHECK: # comment3 #CHECK: delta #CHECK: #CHECK: if true #CHECK: {{ }}echo abc #CHECK: end #CHECK: #CHECK: if false # comment4 #CHECK: {{ }}and true && false #CHECK: {{ }}echo abc #CHECK: end #CHECK: #CHECK: echo hi | #CHECK: {{ }}echo bye echo 'a;;;;;;' | $fish_indent #CHECK: a echo 'echo; echo' | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo #CHECK: echo # Check that we keep semicolons for and and or, but only on the same line. printf '%s\n' "a; and b" | $fish_indent #CHECK: a; and b printf '%s\n' "a;" "and b" | $fish_indent #CHECK: a #CHECK: and b printf '%s\n' a "; and b" | $fish_indent #CHECK: a #CHECK: and b printf '%s\n' "a; b" | $fish_indent #CHECK: a #CHECK: b echo 'foo && # bar' | $fish_indent #CHECK: {{^}}foo && #CHECK: {{^ }}# #CHECK: {{ }}bar echo 'command 1 | command 1 cont || command 2' | $fish_indent #CHECK: {{^}}command 1 | #CHECK: {{^ }}command 1 cont || #CHECK: {{^ }}command 2 echo " foo" | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 1 echo foo | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 0 echo 'thing | # comment thing' | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 0 echo 'echo \ # first indented comment # second indented comment indented argument echo' | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 0 echo 'if true; end' | $fish_indent #CHECK: if true{{$}} #CHECK: end echo 'if true; and false; or true end' | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 0 echo -n ' function hello_continuations echo cmd \ echo --opt1 \ echo --opt2 \ echo --opt3 end ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: function hello_continuations #CHECK: {{^}} echo cmd \ #CHECK: {{^}} echo --opt1 \ #CHECK: {{^}} echo --opt2 \ #CHECK: {{^}} echo --opt3 #CHECK: end echo "\ a=1 \\ a=2 \\ echo" | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 0 echo "\ a=1 \\ a=2 echo" | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 0 echo 'first-word\\ second-word' | $fish_indent # CHECK: first-word \ # CHECK: {{^}} second-word echo 'begin first-indented-word\\ second-indented-word' | $fish_indent # CHECK: begin # CHECK: {{^}} first-indented-word \ # CHECK: {{^}} second-indented-word echo 'multiline-\\ -word' | $fish_indent --check echo $status #CHECK: 0 echo 'PATH={$PATH[echo " "' | $fish_indent --ansi # CHECK: PATH={$PATH[echo " " echo a\> | $fish_indent # CHECK: a > echo a\<\) | $fish_indent # CHECK: a < ) echo b\|\{ | $fish_indent # CHECK: b | { echo "\'\\\\\x00\'" | string unescape | $fish_indent | string escape # CHECK: \'\\\x00\' echo '\"\"\|\x00' | string unescape | $fish_indent | string unescape # CHECK: | echo 'a ; b ' | $fish_indent #CHECK: a #CHECK: #CHECK: b echo " echo this file starts late " | $fish_indent #CHECK: echo this file starts late