# Explicitly overriding HOME/XDG_CONFIG_HOME is only required if not invoking via `make test` # RUN: %fish -C 'set -g fish %fish' %s mkdir -p $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish # fish_variables set -l target_file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/target_fish_variables set -l fish_variables $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/fish_variables set -l backup_file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/fish_variables_backup echo >$target_file cp $target_file $backup_file ln -sf $target_file $fish_variables $fish -c 'set -U variable value' if not test -L $fish_variables echo fish_variables has been overwritten else if cmp $target_file $backup_file >/dev/null echo fish_variables was never written else echo fish_variables is still a symlink end # CHECK: fish_variables is still a symlink rm $fish_variables # fish_history set -l history_file $XDG_DATA_HOME/fish/fish_history set -l target_file $XDG_DATA_HOME/fish/target_fish_history set -l backup_file $XDG_DATA_HOME/fish/fish_history_backup echo '- cmd: echo I will be deleted from history when: 1614577746' >$target_file cp $target_file $backup_file ln -sf $target_file $history_file # The one way to ensure non-interactive fish writes to the history file $fish -c 'echo all | history delete deleted | grep echo' # CHECK: [1] echo I will be deleted from history if not test -L $history_file echo fish_history has been overwritten else if cmp $target_file $backup_file &>/dev/null # cmp writes to stderr when one file is empty, thus &> above echo fish_history was never written else echo fish_history is still a symlink end # CHECK: fish_history is still a symlink rm $history_file