/*! * This defines the fish abstract syntax tree. * The fish ast is a tree data structure. The nodes of the tree * are divided into three categories: * * - leaf nodes refer to a range of source, and have no child nodes. * - branch nodes have ONLY child nodes, and no other fields. * - list nodes contain a list of some other node type (branch or leaf). * * Most clients will be interested in visiting the nodes of an ast. */ use crate::common::{unescape_string, UnescapeStringStyle}; use crate::flog::{FLOG, FLOGF}; use crate::parse_constants::{ token_type_user_presentable_description, ParseError, ParseErrorCode, ParseErrorList, ParseKeyword, ParseTokenType, ParseTreeFlags, SourceRange, StatementDecoration, ERROR_BAD_COMMAND_ASSIGN_ERR_MSG, INVALID_PIPELINE_CMD_ERR_MSG, SOURCE_OFFSET_INVALID, }; use crate::parse_tree::ParseToken; #[cfg(test)] use crate::tests::prelude::*; use crate::tokenizer::{ variable_assignment_equals_pos, TokFlags, TokenType, Tokenizer, TokenizerError, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED, TOK_CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR, TOK_SHOW_COMMENTS, }; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; use std::ops::{ControlFlow, Index, IndexMut}; /** * A NodeVisitor is something which can visit an AST node. * * To visit a node's fields, use the node's accept() function: * let mut v = MyNodeVisitor{}; * node.accept(&mut v); */ pub trait NodeVisitor<'a> { fn visit(&mut self, node: &'a dyn Node); } pub trait Acceptor { fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool); } impl Acceptor for Option { fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool) { match self { Some(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), None => (), } } } pub struct MissingEndError { allowed_keywords: &'static [ParseKeyword], token: ParseToken, } pub type VisitResult = ControlFlow; trait NodeVisitorMut { /// will_visit (did_visit) is called before (after) a node's fields are visited. fn will_visit_fields_of(&mut self, node: &mut dyn NodeMut); fn visit_mut(&mut self, node: &mut dyn NodeMut) -> VisitResult; fn did_visit_fields_of<'a>(&'a mut self, node: &'a dyn NodeMut, flow: VisitResult); fn visit_argument_or_redirection( &mut self, _node: &mut Box, ) -> VisitResult; fn visit_block_statement_header( &mut self, _node: &mut Box, ) -> VisitResult; fn visit_statement(&mut self, _node: &mut Box) -> VisitResult; fn visit_decorated_statement_decorator( &mut self, _node: &mut Option, ); fn visit_job_conjunction_decorator(&mut self, _node: &mut Option); fn visit_else_clause(&mut self, _node: &mut Option); fn visit_semi_nl(&mut self, _node: &mut Option); fn visit_time(&mut self, _node: &mut Option); fn visit_token_background(&mut self, _node: &mut Option); } trait AcceptorMut { fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool); } impl AcceptorMut for Option { fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool) { match self { Some(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), None => (), } } } /// Node is the base trait of all AST nodes. pub trait Node: Acceptor + ConcreteNode + std::fmt::Debug { /// The parent node, or null if this is root. fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Node>; /// The type of this node. fn typ(&self) -> Type; /// The category of this node. fn category(&self) -> Category; /// \return a helpful string description of this node. fn describe(&self) -> WString { let mut res = ast_type_to_string(self.typ()).to_owned(); if let Some(n) = self.as_token() { let token_type = n.token_type().to_wstr(); sprintf!(=> &mut res, " '%ls'", token_type); } else if let Some(n) = self.as_keyword() { let keyword = n.keyword().to_wstr(); sprintf!(=> &mut res, " '%ls'", keyword); } res } /// \return the source range for this node, or none if unsourced. /// This may return none if the parse was incomplete or had an error. fn try_source_range(&self) -> Option; /// \return the source range for this node, or an empty range {0, 0} if unsourced. fn source_range(&self) -> SourceRange { self.try_source_range().unwrap_or(SourceRange::new(0, 0)) } /// \return the source code for this node, or none if unsourced. fn try_source<'s>(&self, orig: &'s wstr) -> Option<&'s wstr> { self.try_source_range().map(|r| &orig[r.start()..r.end()]) } /// \return the source code for this node, or an empty string if unsourced. fn source<'s>(&self, orig: &'s wstr) -> &'s wstr { self.try_source(orig).unwrap_or_default() } // The address of the object, for comparison. fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const (); fn pointer_eq(&self, rhs: &dyn Node) -> bool { std::ptr::eq(self.as_ptr(), rhs.as_ptr()) } fn as_node(&self) -> &dyn Node; } /// NodeMut is a mutable node. trait NodeMut: Node + AcceptorMut + ConcreteNodeMut {} pub trait ConcreteNode { // Cast to any sub-trait. fn as_leaf(&self) -> Option<&dyn Leaf> { None } fn as_keyword(&self) -> Option<&dyn Keyword> { None } fn as_token(&self) -> Option<&dyn Token> { None } // Cast to any node type. fn as_redirection(&self) -> Option<&Redirection> { None } fn as_variable_assignment(&self) -> Option<&VariableAssignment> { None } fn as_variable_assignment_list(&self) -> Option<&VariableAssignmentList> { None } fn as_argument_or_redirection(&self) -> Option<&ArgumentOrRedirection> { None } fn as_argument_or_redirection_list(&self) -> Option<&ArgumentOrRedirectionList> { None } fn as_statement(&self) -> Option<&Statement> { None } fn as_job_pipeline(&self) -> Option<&JobPipeline> { None } fn as_job_conjunction(&self) -> Option<&JobConjunction> { None } fn as_for_header(&self) -> Option<&ForHeader> { None } fn as_while_header(&self) -> Option<&WhileHeader> { None } fn as_function_header(&self) -> Option<&FunctionHeader> { None } fn as_begin_header(&self) -> Option<&BeginHeader> { None } fn as_block_statement(&self) -> Option<&BlockStatement> { None } fn as_if_clause(&self) -> Option<&IfClause> { None } fn as_elseif_clause(&self) -> Option<&ElseifClause> { None } fn as_elseif_clause_list(&self) -> Option<&ElseifClauseList> { None } fn as_else_clause(&self) -> Option<&ElseClause> { None } fn as_if_statement(&self) -> Option<&IfStatement> { None } fn as_case_item(&self) -> Option<&CaseItem> { None } fn as_switch_statement(&self) -> Option<&SwitchStatement> { None } fn as_decorated_statement(&self) -> Option<&DecoratedStatement> { None } fn as_not_statement(&self) -> Option<&NotStatement> { None } fn as_job_continuation(&self) -> Option<&JobContinuation> { None } fn as_job_continuation_list(&self) -> Option<&JobContinuationList> { None } fn as_job_conjunction_continuation(&self) -> Option<&JobConjunctionContinuation> { None } fn as_andor_job(&self) -> Option<&AndorJob> { None } fn as_andor_job_list(&self) -> Option<&AndorJobList> { None } fn as_freestanding_argument_list(&self) -> Option<&FreestandingArgumentList> { None } fn as_job_conjunction_continuation_list(&self) -> Option<&JobConjunctionContinuationList> { None } fn as_maybe_newlines(&self) -> Option<&MaybeNewlines> { None } fn as_case_item_list(&self) -> Option<&CaseItemList> { None } fn as_argument(&self) -> Option<&Argument> { None } fn as_argument_list(&self) -> Option<&ArgumentList> { None } fn as_job_list(&self) -> Option<&JobList> { None } } #[allow(unused)] trait ConcreteNodeMut { // Cast to any sub-trait. fn as_mut_leaf(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Leaf> { None } fn as_mut_keyword(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Keyword> { None } fn as_mut_token(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Token> { None } // Cast to any node type. fn as_mut_redirection(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Redirection> { None } fn as_mut_variable_assignment(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VariableAssignment> { None } fn as_mut_variable_assignment_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VariableAssignmentList> { None } fn as_mut_argument_or_redirection(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ArgumentOrRedirection> { None } fn as_mut_argument_or_redirection_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ArgumentOrRedirectionList> { None } fn as_mut_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Statement> { None } fn as_mut_job_pipeline(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobPipeline> { None } fn as_mut_job_conjunction(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobConjunction> { None } fn as_mut_for_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ForHeader> { None } fn as_mut_while_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut WhileHeader> { None } fn as_mut_function_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut FunctionHeader> { None } fn as_mut_begin_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut BeginHeader> { None } fn as_mut_block_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut BlockStatement> { None } fn as_mut_if_clause(&mut self) -> Option<&mut IfClause> { None } fn as_mut_elseif_clause(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ElseifClause> { None } fn as_mut_elseif_clause_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ElseifClauseList> { None } fn as_mut_else_clause(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ElseClause> { None } fn as_mut_if_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut IfStatement> { None } fn as_mut_case_item(&mut self) -> Option<&mut CaseItem> { None } fn as_mut_switch_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut SwitchStatement> { None } fn as_mut_decorated_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut DecoratedStatement> { None } fn as_mut_not_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut NotStatement> { None } fn as_mut_job_continuation(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobContinuation> { None } fn as_mut_job_continuation_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobContinuationList> { None } fn as_mut_job_conjunction_continuation(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobConjunctionContinuation> { None } fn as_mut_andor_job(&mut self) -> Option<&mut AndorJob> { None } fn as_mut_andor_job_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut AndorJobList> { None } fn as_mut_freestanding_argument_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut FreestandingArgumentList> { None } fn as_mut_job_conjunction_continuation_list( &mut self, ) -> Option<&mut JobConjunctionContinuationList> { None } fn as_mut_maybe_newlines(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MaybeNewlines> { None } fn as_mut_case_item_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut CaseItemList> { None } fn as_mut_argument(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Argument> { None } fn as_mut_argument_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ArgumentList> { None } fn as_mut_job_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobList> { None } } /// Trait for all "leaf" nodes: nodes with no ast children. pub trait Leaf: Node { /// Returns none if this node is "unsourced." This happens if for whatever reason we are /// unable to parse the node, either because we had a parse error and recovered, or because /// we accepted incomplete and the token stream was exhausted. fn range(&self) -> Option; fn range_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option; fn has_source(&self) -> bool { self.range().is_some() } fn leaf_as_node(&self) -> &dyn Node; } // A token node is a node which contains a token, which must be one of a fixed set. pub trait Token: Leaf { /// The token type which was parsed. fn token_type(&self) -> ParseTokenType; fn token_type_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParseTokenType; fn allowed_tokens(&self) -> &'static [ParseTokenType]; /// \return whether a token type is allowed in this token_t, i.e. is a member of our Toks list. fn allows_token(&self, token_type: ParseTokenType) -> bool { self.allowed_tokens().contains(&token_type) } } /// A keyword node is a node which contains a keyword, which must be one of a fixed set. pub trait Keyword: Leaf { fn keyword(&self) -> ParseKeyword; fn keyword_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParseKeyword; fn allowed_keywords(&self) -> &'static [ParseKeyword]; fn allows_keyword(&self, kw: ParseKeyword) -> bool { self.allowed_keywords().contains(&kw) } } // A simple variable-sized array, possibly empty. pub trait List: Node { type ContentsNode: Node + Default; fn contents(&self) -> &[Box]; fn contents_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec>; /// \return our count. fn count(&self) -> usize { self.contents().len() } /// \return whether we are empty. fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.contents().is_empty() } /// Iteration support. fn iter(&self) -> std::slice::Iter> { self.contents().iter() } fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Self::ContentsNode> { self.contents().get(index).map(|b| &**b) } } /// This is for optional values and for lists. trait CheckParse { /// A true return means we should descend into the production, false means stop. fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool; } /// Implement the node trait. macro_rules! implement_node { ( $name:ident, $category:ident, $type:ident $(,)? ) => { impl Node for $name { fn typ(&self) -> Type { Type::$type } fn parent(&self) -> Option<&dyn Node> { self.parent.map(|p| unsafe { &*p }) } fn category(&self) -> Category { Category::$category } fn try_source_range(&self) -> Option { let mut visitor = SourceRangeVisitor { total: SourceRange::new(0, 0), any_unsourced: false, }; visitor.visit(self); if visitor.any_unsourced { None } else { Some(visitor.total) } } fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const () { (self as *const $name).cast() } fn as_node(&self) -> &dyn Node { self } } impl NodeMut for $name {} }; } /// Implement the leaf trait. macro_rules! implement_leaf { ( $name:ident ) => { impl Leaf for $name { fn range(&self) -> Option { self.range } fn range_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option { &mut self.range } fn leaf_as_node(&self) -> &dyn Node { self } } impl Acceptor for $name { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool) {} } impl AcceptorMut for $name { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool) { visitor.will_visit_fields_of(self); visitor.did_visit_fields_of(self, VisitResult::Continue(())); } } impl $name { /// Set the parent fields of all nodes in the tree rooted at \p self. fn set_parents(&mut self) {} } }; } /// Define a node that implements the keyword trait. macro_rules! define_keyword_node { ( $name:ident, $($allowed:ident),* $(,)? ) => { #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct $name { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, range: Option, keyword: ParseKeyword, } implement_node!($name, leaf, keyword_base); implement_leaf!($name); impl ConcreteNode for $name { fn as_leaf(&self) -> Option<&dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_keyword(&self) -> Option<&dyn Keyword> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for $name { fn as_mut_leaf(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_mut_keyword(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Keyword> { Some(self) } } impl Keyword for $name { fn keyword(&self) -> ParseKeyword { self.keyword } fn keyword_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParseKeyword { &mut self.keyword } fn allowed_keywords(&self) -> &'static [ParseKeyword] { &[$(ParseKeyword::$allowed),*] } } } } /// Define a node that implements the token trait. macro_rules! define_token_node { ( $name:ident, $($allowed:ident),* $(,)? ) => { #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct $name { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, range: Option, parse_token_type: ParseTokenType, } implement_node!($name, leaf, token_base); implement_leaf!($name); impl ConcreteNode for $name { fn as_leaf(&self) -> Option<&dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_token(&self) -> Option<&dyn Token> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for $name { fn as_mut_leaf(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_mut_token(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Token> { Some(self) } } impl Token for $name { fn token_type(&self) -> ParseTokenType { self.parse_token_type } fn token_type_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParseTokenType { &mut self.parse_token_type } fn allowed_tokens(&self) -> &'static [ParseTokenType] { Self::ALLOWED_TOKENS } } impl CheckParse for $name { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { let typ = pop.peek_type(0); Self::ALLOWED_TOKENS.contains(&typ) } } impl $name { const ALLOWED_TOKENS: &'static [ParseTokenType] = &[$(ParseTokenType::$allowed),*]; } } } /// Define a node that implements the list trait. macro_rules! define_list_node { ( $name:ident, $type:tt, $contents:ident ) => { #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct $name { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, list_contents: Vec>, } implement_node!($name, list, $type); impl List for $name { type ContentsNode = $contents; fn contents(&self) -> &[Box] { &self.list_contents } fn contents_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec> { &mut self.list_contents } } impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a $name { type Item = &'a Box<$contents>; type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, Box<$contents>>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { self.contents().into_iter() } } impl Index for $name { type Output = <$name as List>::ContentsNode; fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output { &*self.contents()[index] } } impl IndexMut for $name { fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut *self.contents_mut()[index] } } impl Acceptor for $name { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool) { accept_list_visitor!(Self, accept, visit, self, visitor, reversed, $contents); } } impl AcceptorMut for $name { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool) { visitor.will_visit_fields_of(self); let flow = accept_list_visitor!( Self, accept_mut, visit_mut, self, visitor, reversed, $contents ); visitor.did_visit_fields_of(self, flow); } } impl $name { /// Set the parent fields of all nodes in the tree rooted at \p self. fn set_parents(&mut self) { for i in 0..self.count() { self[i].parent = Some(self); self[i].set_parents(); } } } }; } macro_rules! accept_list_visitor { ( $Self:ident, $accept:ident, $visit:ident, $self:ident, $visitor:ident, $reversed:ident, $list_element:ident ) => { loop { let mut result = VisitResult::Continue(()); // list types pretend their child nodes are direct embeddings. // This isn't used during AST construction because we need to construct the list. if $reversed { for i in (0..$self.count()).rev() { result = accept_list_visitor_impl!($self, $visitor, $visit, $self[i]); if result.is_break() { break; } } } else { for i in 0..$self.count() { result = accept_list_visitor_impl!($self, $visitor, $visit, $self[i]); if result.is_break() { break; } } } break result; } }; } macro_rules! accept_list_visitor_impl { ( $self:ident, $visitor:ident, visit, $child:expr) => {{ $visitor.visit(&$child); VisitResult::Continue(()) }}; ( $self:ident, $visitor:ident, visit_mut, $child:expr) => { $visitor.visit_mut(&mut $child) }; } /// Implement the acceptor trait for the given branch node. macro_rules! implement_acceptor_for_branch { ( $name:ident $(, ($field_name:ident: $field_type:tt) )* $(,)? ) => { impl Acceptor for $name { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool){ visitor_accept_field!( Self, accept, visit, self, visitor, reversed, ( $( $field_name: $field_type, )* ) ); } } impl AcceptorMut for $name { #[allow(unused_variables)] fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool) { visitor.will_visit_fields_of(self); let flow = visitor_accept_field!( Self, accept_mut, visit_mut, self, visitor, reversed, ( $( $field_name: $field_type, )* )); visitor.did_visit_fields_of(self, flow); } } impl $name { /// Set the parent fields of all nodes in the tree rooted at \p self. fn set_parents(&mut self) { $( set_parent_of_field!(self, $field_name, $field_type); )* } } } } /// Visit the given fields in order, returning whether the visitation succeeded. macro_rules! visitor_accept_field { ( $Self:ident, $accept:ident, $visit:ident, $self:ident, $visitor:ident, $reversed:ident, $fields:tt ) => { loop { visitor_accept_field_impl!($visit, $self, $visitor, $reversed, $fields); break VisitResult::Continue(()); } }; } /// Visit the given fields in order, breaking if a visitation fails. macro_rules! visitor_accept_field_impl { // Base case: no fields left to visit. ( $visit:ident, $self:ident, $visitor:ident, $reversed:ident, () ) => {}; // Visit the first or last field and then the rest. ( $visit:ident, $self:ident, $visitor:ident, $reversed:ident, ( $field_name:ident: $field_type:tt, $( $field_names:ident: $field_types:tt, )* ) ) => { if !$reversed { visit_1_field!($visit, ($self.$field_name), $field_type, $visitor); } visitor_accept_field_impl!( $visit, $self, $visitor, $reversed, ( $( $field_names: $field_types, )* )); if $reversed { visit_1_field!($visit, ($self.$field_name), $field_type, $visitor); } } } /// Visit the given field, breaking on failure. macro_rules! visit_1_field { ( visit, $field:expr, $field_type:tt, $visitor:ident ) => { visit_1_field_impl!(visit, $field, $field_type, $visitor); }; ( visit_mut, $field:expr, $field_type:tt, $visitor:ident ) => { let result = visit_1_field_impl!(visit_mut, $field, $field_type, $visitor); if result.is_break() { break result; } }; } /// Visit the given field. macro_rules! visit_1_field_impl { ( $visit:ident, $field:expr, (Box<$field_type:ident>), $visitor:ident ) => { visit_union_field!($visit, $field_type, $field, $visitor) }; ( $visit:ident, $field:expr, (Option<$field_type:ident>), $visitor:ident ) => { visit_optional_field!($visit, $field_type, $field, $visitor) }; ( $visit:ident, $field:expr, $field_type:tt, $visitor:ident ) => { $visitor.$visit(apply_borrow!($visit, $field)) }; } macro_rules! apply_borrow { ( visit, $expr:expr ) => { &$expr }; ( visit_mut, $expr:expr ) => { &mut $expr }; } macro_rules! visit_union_field { ( visit, $field_type:ident, $field:expr, $visitor:ident ) => { $visitor.visit($field.embedded_node().as_node()) }; ( visit_mut, $field_type:ident, $field:expr, $visitor:ident ) => { visit_union_field_mut!($field_type, $visitor, $field) }; } macro_rules! visit_union_field_mut { (ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant, $visitor:ident, $field:expr) => { $visitor.visit_argument_or_redirection(&mut $field) }; (BlockStatementHeaderVariant, $visitor:ident, $field:expr) => { $visitor.visit_block_statement_header(&mut $field) }; (StatementVariant, $visitor:ident, $field:expr) => { $visitor.visit_statement(&mut $field) }; } macro_rules! visit_optional_field { ( visit, $field_type:ident, $field:expr, $visitor:ident ) => { match &$field { Some(value) => $visitor.visit(&*value), None => visit_result!(visit), } }; ( visit_mut, $field_type:ident, $field:expr, $visitor:ident ) => {{ visit_optional_field_mut!($field_type, $field, $visitor); VisitResult::Continue(()) }}; } macro_rules! visit_optional_field_mut { (DecoratedStatementDecorator, $field:expr, $visitor:ident) => { $visitor.visit_decorated_statement_decorator(&mut $field); }; (JobConjunctionDecorator, $field:expr, $visitor:ident) => { $visitor.visit_job_conjunction_decorator(&mut $field); }; (ElseClause, $field:expr, $visitor:ident) => { $visitor.visit_else_clause(&mut $field); }; (SemiNl, $field:expr, $visitor:ident) => { $visitor.visit_semi_nl(&mut $field); }; (KeywordTime, $field:expr, $visitor:ident) => { $visitor.visit_time(&mut $field); }; (TokenBackground, $field:expr, $visitor:ident) => { $visitor.visit_token_background(&mut $field); }; } macro_rules! visit_result { ( visit) => { () }; ( visit_mut ) => { VisitResult::Continue(()) }; } macro_rules! set_parent_of_field { ( $self:ident, $field_name:ident, (Box<$field_type:ident>) ) => { set_parent_of_union_field!($self, $field_name, $field_type); }; ( $self:ident, $field_name:ident, (Option<$field_type:ident>) ) => { if $self.$field_name.is_some() { $self.$field_name.as_mut().unwrap().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut().unwrap().set_parents(); } }; ( $self:ident, $field_name:ident, $field_type:tt ) => { $self.$field_name.parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.set_parents(); }; } macro_rules! set_parent_of_union_field { ( $self:ident, $field_name:ident, ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant ) => { if matches!( *$self.$field_name, ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(_) ) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_argument().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_argument().set_parents(); } else { $self.$field_name.as_mut_redirection().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_redirection().set_parents(); } }; ( $self:ident, $field_name:ident, StatementVariant ) => { if matches!(*$self.$field_name, StatementVariant::NotStatement(_)) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_not_statement().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_not_statement().set_parents(); } else if matches!(*$self.$field_name, StatementVariant::BlockStatement(_)) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_block_statement().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_block_statement().set_parents(); } else if matches!(*$self.$field_name, StatementVariant::IfStatement(_)) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_if_statement().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_if_statement().set_parents(); } else if matches!(*$self.$field_name, StatementVariant::SwitchStatement(_)) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_switch_statement().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_switch_statement().set_parents(); } else if matches!(*$self.$field_name, StatementVariant::DecoratedStatement(_)) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_decorated_statement().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_decorated_statement().set_parents(); } }; ( $self:ident, $field_name:ident, BlockStatementHeaderVariant ) => { if matches!( *$self.$field_name, BlockStatementHeaderVariant::ForHeader(_) ) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_for_header().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_for_header().set_parents(); } else if matches!( *$self.$field_name, BlockStatementHeaderVariant::WhileHeader(_) ) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_while_header().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_while_header().set_parents(); } else if matches!( *$self.$field_name, BlockStatementHeaderVariant::FunctionHeader(_) ) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_function_header().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_function_header().set_parents(); } else if matches!( *$self.$field_name, BlockStatementHeaderVariant::BeginHeader(_) ) { $self.$field_name.as_mut_begin_header().parent = Some($self); $self.$field_name.as_mut_begin_header().set_parents(); } }; } /// A redirection has an operator like > or 2>, and a target like /dev/null or &1. /// Note that pipes are not redirections. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct Redirection { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub oper: TokenRedirection, pub target: String_, } implement_node!(Redirection, branch, redirection); implement_acceptor_for_branch!(Redirection, (oper: TokenRedirection), (target: String_)); impl ConcreteNode for Redirection { fn as_redirection(&self) -> Option<&Redirection> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for Redirection { fn as_mut_redirection(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Redirection> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for Redirection { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { pop.peek_type(0) == ParseTokenType::redirection } } define_list_node!( VariableAssignmentList, variable_assignment_list, VariableAssignment ); impl ConcreteNode for VariableAssignmentList { fn as_variable_assignment_list(&self) -> Option<&VariableAssignmentList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for VariableAssignmentList { fn as_mut_variable_assignment_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VariableAssignmentList> { Some(self) } } /// An argument or redirection holds either an argument or redirection. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct ArgumentOrRedirection { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub contents: Box, } implement_node!(ArgumentOrRedirection, branch, argument_or_redirection); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( ArgumentOrRedirection, (contents: (Box)) ); impl ConcreteNode for ArgumentOrRedirection { fn as_argument_or_redirection(&self) -> Option<&ArgumentOrRedirection> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for ArgumentOrRedirection { fn as_mut_argument_or_redirection(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ArgumentOrRedirection> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for ArgumentOrRedirection { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { let typ = pop.peek_type(0); matches!(typ, ParseTokenType::string | ParseTokenType::redirection) } } define_list_node!( ArgumentOrRedirectionList, argument_or_redirection_list, ArgumentOrRedirection ); impl ConcreteNode for ArgumentOrRedirectionList { fn as_argument_or_redirection_list(&self) -> Option<&ArgumentOrRedirectionList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for ArgumentOrRedirectionList { fn as_mut_argument_or_redirection_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ArgumentOrRedirectionList> { Some(self) } } /// A statement is a normal command, or an if / while / etc #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct Statement { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub contents: Box, } implement_node!(Statement, branch, statement); implement_acceptor_for_branch!(Statement, (contents: (Box))); impl ConcreteNode for Statement { fn as_statement(&self) -> Option<&Statement> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for Statement { fn as_mut_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Statement> { Some(self) } } /// A job is a non-empty list of statements, separated by pipes. (Non-empty is useful for cases /// like if statements, where we require a command). #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct JobPipeline { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// Maybe the time keyword. pub time: Option, /// A (possibly empty) list of variable assignments. pub variables: VariableAssignmentList, /// The statement. pub statement: Statement, /// Piped remainder. pub continuation: JobContinuationList, /// Maybe backgrounded. pub bg: Option, } implement_node!(JobPipeline, branch, job_pipeline); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( JobPipeline, (time: (Option)), (variables: (VariableAssignmentList)), (statement: (Statement)), (continuation: (JobContinuationList)), (bg: (Option)), ); impl ConcreteNode for JobPipeline { fn as_job_pipeline(&self) -> Option<&JobPipeline> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for JobPipeline { fn as_mut_job_pipeline(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobPipeline> { Some(self) } } /// A job_conjunction is a job followed by a && or || continuations. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct JobConjunction { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// The job conjunction decorator. pub decorator: Option, /// The job itself. pub job: JobPipeline, /// The rest of the job conjunction, with && or ||s. pub continuations: JobConjunctionContinuationList, /// A terminating semicolon or newline. This is marked optional because it may not be /// present, for example the command `echo foo` may not have a terminating newline. It will /// only fail to be present if we ran out of tokens. pub semi_nl: Option, } implement_node!(JobConjunction, branch, job_conjunction); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( JobConjunction, (decorator: (Option)), (job: (JobPipeline)), (continuations: (JobConjunctionContinuationList)), (semi_nl: (Option)), ); impl ConcreteNode for JobConjunction { fn as_job_conjunction(&self) -> Option<&JobConjunction> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for JobConjunction { fn as_mut_job_conjunction(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobConjunction> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for JobConjunction { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { let token = pop.peek_token(0); // These keywords end a job list. token.typ == ParseTokenType::string && !matches!( token.keyword, ParseKeyword::kw_end | ParseKeyword::kw_else | ParseKeyword::kw_case ) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct ForHeader { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// 'for' pub kw_for: KeywordFor, /// var_name pub var_name: String_, /// 'in' pub kw_in: KeywordIn, /// list of arguments pub args: ArgumentList, /// newline or semicolon pub semi_nl: SemiNl, } implement_node!(ForHeader, branch, for_header); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( ForHeader, (kw_for: (KeywordFor)), (var_name: (String_)), (kw_in: (KeywordIn)), (args: (ArgumentList)), (semi_nl: (SemiNl)), ); impl ConcreteNode for ForHeader { fn as_for_header(&self) -> Option<&ForHeader> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for ForHeader { fn as_mut_for_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ForHeader> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct WhileHeader { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// 'while' pub kw_while: KeywordWhile, pub condition: JobConjunction, pub andor_tail: AndorJobList, } implement_node!(WhileHeader, branch, while_header); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( WhileHeader, (kw_while: (KeywordWhile)), (condition: (JobConjunction)), (andor_tail: (AndorJobList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for WhileHeader { fn as_while_header(&self) -> Option<&WhileHeader> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for WhileHeader { fn as_mut_while_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut WhileHeader> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct FunctionHeader { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub kw_function: KeywordFunction, /// functions require at least one argument. pub first_arg: Argument, pub args: ArgumentList, pub semi_nl: SemiNl, } implement_node!(FunctionHeader, branch, function_header); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( FunctionHeader, (kw_function: (KeywordFunction)), (first_arg: (Argument)), (args: (ArgumentList)), (semi_nl: (SemiNl)), ); impl ConcreteNode for FunctionHeader { fn as_function_header(&self) -> Option<&FunctionHeader> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for FunctionHeader { fn as_mut_function_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut FunctionHeader> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct BeginHeader { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub kw_begin: KeywordBegin, /// Note that 'begin' does NOT require a semi or nl afterwards. /// This is valid: begin echo hi; end pub semi_nl: Option, } implement_node!(BeginHeader, branch, begin_header); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( BeginHeader, (kw_begin: (KeywordBegin)), (semi_nl: (Option)) ); impl ConcreteNode for BeginHeader { fn as_begin_header(&self) -> Option<&BeginHeader> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for BeginHeader { fn as_mut_begin_header(&mut self) -> Option<&mut BeginHeader> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct BlockStatement { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// A header like for, while, etc. pub header: Box, /// List of jobs in this block. pub jobs: JobList, /// The 'end' node. pub end: KeywordEnd, /// Arguments and redirections associated with the block. pub args_or_redirs: ArgumentOrRedirectionList, } implement_node!(BlockStatement, branch, block_statement); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( BlockStatement, (header: (Box)), (jobs: (JobList)), (end: (KeywordEnd)), (args_or_redirs: (ArgumentOrRedirectionList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for BlockStatement { fn as_block_statement(&self) -> Option<&BlockStatement> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for BlockStatement { fn as_mut_block_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut BlockStatement> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct IfClause { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// The 'if' keyword. pub kw_if: KeywordIf, /// The 'if' condition. pub condition: JobConjunction, /// 'and/or' tail. pub andor_tail: AndorJobList, /// The body to execute if the condition is true. pub body: JobList, } implement_node!(IfClause, branch, if_clause); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( IfClause, (kw_if: (KeywordIf)), (condition: (JobConjunction)), (andor_tail: (AndorJobList)), (body: (JobList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for IfClause { fn as_if_clause(&self) -> Option<&IfClause> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for IfClause { fn as_mut_if_clause(&mut self) -> Option<&mut IfClause> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct ElseifClause { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// The 'else' keyword. pub kw_else: KeywordElse, /// The 'if' clause following it. pub if_clause: IfClause, } implement_node!(ElseifClause, branch, elseif_clause); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( ElseifClause, (kw_else: (KeywordElse)), (if_clause: (IfClause)), ); impl ConcreteNode for ElseifClause { fn as_elseif_clause(&self) -> Option<&ElseifClause> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for ElseifClause { fn as_mut_elseif_clause(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ElseifClause> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for ElseifClause { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { pop.peek_token(0).keyword == ParseKeyword::kw_else && pop.peek_token(1).keyword == ParseKeyword::kw_if } } define_list_node!(ElseifClauseList, elseif_clause_list, ElseifClause); impl ConcreteNode for ElseifClauseList { fn as_elseif_clause_list(&self) -> Option<&ElseifClauseList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for ElseifClauseList { fn as_mut_elseif_clause_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ElseifClauseList> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct ElseClause { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// else ; body pub kw_else: KeywordElse, pub semi_nl: SemiNl, pub body: JobList, } implement_node!(ElseClause, branch, else_clause); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( ElseClause, (kw_else: (KeywordElse)), (semi_nl: (SemiNl)), (body: (JobList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for ElseClause { fn as_else_clause(&self) -> Option<&ElseClause> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for ElseClause { fn as_mut_else_clause(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ElseClause> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for ElseClause { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { pop.peek_token(0).keyword == ParseKeyword::kw_else } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct IfStatement { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// if part pub if_clause: IfClause, /// else if list pub elseif_clauses: ElseifClauseList, /// else part pub else_clause: Option, /// literal end pub end: KeywordEnd, /// block args / redirs pub args_or_redirs: ArgumentOrRedirectionList, } implement_node!(IfStatement, branch, if_statement); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( IfStatement, (if_clause: (IfClause)), (elseif_clauses: (ElseifClauseList)), (else_clause: (Option)), (end: (KeywordEnd)), (args_or_redirs: (ArgumentOrRedirectionList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for IfStatement { fn as_if_statement(&self) -> Option<&IfStatement> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for IfStatement { fn as_mut_if_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut IfStatement> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct CaseItem { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// case ; body pub kw_case: KeywordCase, pub arguments: ArgumentList, pub semi_nl: SemiNl, pub body: JobList, } implement_node!(CaseItem, branch, case_item); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( CaseItem, (kw_case: (KeywordCase)), (arguments: (ArgumentList)), (semi_nl: (SemiNl)), (body: (JobList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for CaseItem { fn as_case_item(&self) -> Option<&CaseItem> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for CaseItem { fn as_mut_case_item(&mut self) -> Option<&mut CaseItem> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for CaseItem { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { pop.peek_token(0).keyword == ParseKeyword::kw_case } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct SwitchStatement { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// switch ; body ; end args_redirs pub kw_switch: KeywordSwitch, pub argument: Argument, pub semi_nl: SemiNl, pub cases: CaseItemList, pub end: KeywordEnd, pub args_or_redirs: ArgumentOrRedirectionList, } implement_node!(SwitchStatement, branch, switch_statement); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( SwitchStatement, (kw_switch: (KeywordSwitch)), (argument: (Argument)), (semi_nl: (SemiNl)), (cases: (CaseItemList)), (end: (KeywordEnd)), (args_or_redirs: (ArgumentOrRedirectionList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for SwitchStatement { fn as_switch_statement(&self) -> Option<&SwitchStatement> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for SwitchStatement { fn as_mut_switch_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut SwitchStatement> { Some(self) } } /// A decorated_statement is a command with a list of arguments_or_redirections, possibly with /// "builtin" or "command" or "exec" #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct DecoratedStatement { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// An optional decoration (command, builtin, exec, etc). pub opt_decoration: Option, /// Command to run. pub command: String_, /// Args and redirs pub args_or_redirs: ArgumentOrRedirectionList, } implement_node!(DecoratedStatement, branch, decorated_statement); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( DecoratedStatement, (opt_decoration: (Option)), (command: (String_)), (args_or_redirs: (ArgumentOrRedirectionList)), ); impl ConcreteNode for DecoratedStatement { fn as_decorated_statement(&self) -> Option<&DecoratedStatement> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for DecoratedStatement { fn as_mut_decorated_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut DecoratedStatement> { Some(self) } } /// A not statement like `not true` or `! true` #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct NotStatement { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// Keyword, either not or exclam. pub kw: KeywordNot, pub variables: VariableAssignmentList, pub time: Option, pub contents: Statement, } implement_node!(NotStatement, branch, not_statement); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( NotStatement, (kw: (KeywordNot)), (variables: (VariableAssignmentList)), (time: (Option)), (contents: (Statement)), ); impl ConcreteNode for NotStatement { fn as_not_statement(&self) -> Option<&NotStatement> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for NotStatement { fn as_mut_not_statement(&mut self) -> Option<&mut NotStatement> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct JobContinuation { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub pipe: TokenPipe, pub newlines: MaybeNewlines, pub variables: VariableAssignmentList, pub statement: Statement, } implement_node!(JobContinuation, branch, job_continuation); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( JobContinuation, (pipe: (TokenPipe)), (newlines: (MaybeNewlines)), (variables: (VariableAssignmentList)), (statement: (Statement)), ); impl ConcreteNode for JobContinuation { fn as_job_continuation(&self) -> Option<&JobContinuation> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for JobContinuation { fn as_mut_job_continuation(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobContinuation> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for JobContinuation { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { pop.peek_type(0) == ParseTokenType::pipe } } define_list_node!(JobContinuationList, job_continuation_list, JobContinuation); impl ConcreteNode for JobContinuationList { fn as_job_continuation_list(&self) -> Option<&JobContinuationList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for JobContinuationList { fn as_mut_job_continuation_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobContinuationList> { Some(self) } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct JobConjunctionContinuation { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, /// The && or || token. pub conjunction: TokenConjunction, pub newlines: MaybeNewlines, /// The job itself. pub job: JobPipeline, } implement_node!( JobConjunctionContinuation, branch, job_conjunction_continuation ); implement_acceptor_for_branch!( JobConjunctionContinuation, (conjunction: (TokenConjunction)), (newlines: (MaybeNewlines)), (job: (JobPipeline)), ); impl ConcreteNode for JobConjunctionContinuation { fn as_job_conjunction_continuation(&self) -> Option<&JobConjunctionContinuation> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for JobConjunctionContinuation { fn as_mut_job_conjunction_continuation(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobConjunctionContinuation> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for JobConjunctionContinuation { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { let typ = pop.peek_type(0); matches!(typ, ParseTokenType::andand | ParseTokenType::oror) } } /// An andor_job just wraps a job, but requires that the job have an 'and' or 'or' job_decorator. /// Note this is only used for andor_job_list; jobs that are not part of an andor_job_list are not /// instances of this. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct AndorJob { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub job: JobConjunction, } implement_node!(AndorJob, branch, andor_job); implement_acceptor_for_branch!(AndorJob, (job: (JobConjunction))); impl ConcreteNode for AndorJob { fn as_andor_job(&self) -> Option<&AndorJob> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for AndorJob { fn as_mut_andor_job(&mut self) -> Option<&mut AndorJob> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for AndorJob { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { let keyword = pop.peek_token(0).keyword; if !matches!(keyword, ParseKeyword::kw_and | ParseKeyword::kw_or) { return false; } // Check that the argument to and/or is a string that's not help. Otherwise // it's either 'and --help' or a naked 'and', and not part of this list. let next_token = pop.peek_token(1); next_token.typ == ParseTokenType::string && !next_token.is_help_argument } } define_list_node!(AndorJobList, andor_job_list, AndorJob); impl ConcreteNode for AndorJobList { fn as_andor_job_list(&self) -> Option<&AndorJobList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for AndorJobList { fn as_mut_andor_job_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut AndorJobList> { Some(self) } } /// A freestanding_argument_list is equivalent to a normal argument list, except it may contain /// TOK_END (newlines, and even semicolons, for historical reasons). /// In practice the tok_ends are ignored by fish code so we do not bother to store them. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct FreestandingArgumentList { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, pub arguments: ArgumentList, } implement_node!(FreestandingArgumentList, branch, freestanding_argument_list); implement_acceptor_for_branch!(FreestandingArgumentList, (arguments: (ArgumentList))); impl ConcreteNode for FreestandingArgumentList { fn as_freestanding_argument_list(&self) -> Option<&FreestandingArgumentList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for FreestandingArgumentList { fn as_mut_freestanding_argument_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut FreestandingArgumentList> { Some(self) } } define_list_node!( JobConjunctionContinuationList, job_conjunction_continuation_list, JobConjunctionContinuation ); impl ConcreteNode for JobConjunctionContinuationList { fn as_job_conjunction_continuation_list(&self) -> Option<&JobConjunctionContinuationList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for JobConjunctionContinuationList { fn as_mut_job_conjunction_continuation_list( &mut self, ) -> Option<&mut JobConjunctionContinuationList> { Some(self) } } define_list_node!(ArgumentList, argument_list, Argument); impl ConcreteNode for ArgumentList { fn as_argument_list(&self) -> Option<&ArgumentList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for ArgumentList { fn as_mut_argument_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ArgumentList> { Some(self) } } // For historical reasons, a job list is a list of job *conjunctions*. This should be fixed. define_list_node!(JobList, job_list, JobConjunction); impl ConcreteNode for JobList { fn as_job_list(&self) -> Option<&JobList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for JobList { fn as_mut_job_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut JobList> { Some(self) } } define_list_node!(CaseItemList, case_item_list, CaseItem); impl ConcreteNode for CaseItemList { fn as_case_item_list(&self) -> Option<&CaseItemList> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for CaseItemList { fn as_mut_case_item_list(&mut self) -> Option<&mut CaseItemList> { Some(self) } } /// A variable_assignment contains a source range like FOO=bar. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct VariableAssignment { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, range: Option, } implement_node!(VariableAssignment, leaf, variable_assignment); implement_leaf!(VariableAssignment); impl ConcreteNode for VariableAssignment { fn as_leaf(&self) -> Option<&dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_variable_assignment(&self) -> Option<&VariableAssignment> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for VariableAssignment { fn as_mut_variable_assignment(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VariableAssignment> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for VariableAssignment { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { // Do we have a variable assignment at all? if !pop.peek_token(0).may_be_variable_assignment { return false; } // What is the token after it? match pop.peek_type(1) { // We have `a= cmd` and should treat it as a variable assignment. ParseTokenType::string => true, // We have `a=` which is OK if we are allowing incomplete, an error otherwise. ParseTokenType::terminate => pop.allow_incomplete(), // We have e.g. `a= >` which is an error. // Note that we do not produce an error here. Instead we return false // so this the token will be seen by allocate_populate_statement_contents. _ => false, } } } /// Zero or more newlines. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct MaybeNewlines { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, range: Option, } implement_node!(MaybeNewlines, leaf, maybe_newlines); implement_leaf!(MaybeNewlines); impl ConcreteNode for MaybeNewlines { fn as_leaf(&self) -> Option<&dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_maybe_newlines(&self) -> Option<&MaybeNewlines> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for MaybeNewlines { fn as_mut_leaf(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_mut_maybe_newlines(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MaybeNewlines> { Some(self) } } /// An argument is just a node whose source range determines its contents. /// This is a separate type because it is sometimes useful to find all arguments. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct Argument { parent: Option<*const dyn Node>, range: Option, } implement_node!(Argument, leaf, argument); implement_leaf!(Argument); impl ConcreteNode for Argument { fn as_leaf(&self) -> Option<&dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_argument(&self) -> Option<&Argument> { Some(self) } } impl ConcreteNodeMut for Argument { fn as_mut_leaf(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Leaf> { Some(self) } fn as_mut_argument(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Argument> { Some(self) } } impl CheckParse for Argument { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { pop.peek_type(0) == ParseTokenType::string } } define_token_node!(SemiNl, end); define_token_node!(String_, string); define_token_node!(TokenBackground, background); define_token_node!(TokenConjunction, andand, oror); define_token_node!(TokenPipe, pipe); define_token_node!(TokenRedirection, redirection); define_keyword_node!(DecoratedStatementDecorator, kw_command, kw_builtin, kw_exec); define_keyword_node!(JobConjunctionDecorator, kw_and, kw_or); define_keyword_node!(KeywordBegin, kw_begin); define_keyword_node!(KeywordCase, kw_case); define_keyword_node!(KeywordElse, kw_else); define_keyword_node!(KeywordEnd, kw_end); define_keyword_node!(KeywordFor, kw_for); define_keyword_node!(KeywordFunction, kw_function); define_keyword_node!(KeywordIf, kw_if); define_keyword_node!(KeywordIn, kw_in); define_keyword_node!(KeywordNot, kw_not, kw_builtin, kw_exclam); define_keyword_node!(KeywordSwitch, kw_switch); define_keyword_node!(KeywordTime, kw_time); define_keyword_node!(KeywordWhile, kw_while); impl CheckParse for JobConjunctionDecorator { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { // This is for a job conjunction like `and stuff` // But if it's `and --help` then we treat it as an ordinary command. let keyword = pop.peek_token(0).keyword; if !matches!(keyword, ParseKeyword::kw_and | ParseKeyword::kw_or) { return false; } !pop.peek_token(1).is_help_argument } } impl CheckParse for DecoratedStatementDecorator { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { // Here the keyword is 'command' or 'builtin' or 'exec'. // `command stuff` executes a command called stuff. // `command -n` passes the -n argument to the 'command' builtin. // `command` by itself is a command. let keyword = pop.peek_token(0).keyword; if !matches!( keyword, ParseKeyword::kw_command | ParseKeyword::kw_builtin | ParseKeyword::kw_exec ) { return false; } let next_token = pop.peek_token(1); next_token.typ == ParseTokenType::string && !next_token.is_dash_prefix_string() } } impl CheckParse for KeywordTime { fn can_be_parsed(pop: &mut Populator<'_>) -> bool { // Time keyword is only the time builtin if the next argument doesn't have a dash. let keyword = pop.peek_token(0).keyword; if !matches!(keyword, ParseKeyword::kw_time) { return false; } !pop.peek_token(1).is_dash_prefix_string() } } impl DecoratedStatement { /// \return the decoration for this statement. pub fn decoration(&self) -> StatementDecoration { let Some(decorator) = &self.opt_decoration else { return StatementDecoration::none; }; let decorator: &dyn Keyword = decorator; match decorator.keyword() { ParseKeyword::kw_command => StatementDecoration::command, ParseKeyword::kw_builtin => StatementDecoration::builtin, ParseKeyword::kw_exec => StatementDecoration::exec, _ => panic!("Unexpected keyword in statement decoration"), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant { Argument(Argument), Redirection(Redirection), } impl Default for ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant { fn default() -> Self { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(Argument::default()) } } impl Acceptor for ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant { fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool) { match self { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(child) => child.accept(visitor, reversed), ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Redirection(child) => child.accept(visitor, reversed), } } } impl AcceptorMut for ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant { fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool) { match self { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(child) => child.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Redirection(child) => child.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), } } } impl ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant { pub fn typ(&self) -> Type { self.embedded_node().typ() } pub fn try_source_range(&self) -> Option { self.embedded_node().try_source_range() } fn embedded_node(&self) -> &dyn NodeMut { match self { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(node) => node, ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Redirection(node) => node, } } fn as_mut_argument(&mut self) -> &mut Argument { match self { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_redirection(&mut self) -> &mut Redirection { match self { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Redirection(redirection) => redirection, _ => panic!(), } } } impl ArgumentOrRedirection { /// \return whether this represents an argument. pub fn is_argument(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self.contents, ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(_)) } /// \return whether this represents a redirection pub fn is_redirection(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self.contents, ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Redirection(_)) } /// \return this as an argument, assuming it wraps one. pub fn argument(&self) -> &Argument { match *self.contents { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(ref arg) => arg, _ => panic!("Is not an argument"), } } /// \return this as an argument, assuming it wraps one. pub fn redirection(&self) -> &Redirection { match *self.contents { ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Redirection(ref arg) => arg, _ => panic!("Is not a redirection"), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum StatementVariant { None, NotStatement(NotStatement), BlockStatement(BlockStatement), // IfStatement is much larger than the rest, so we box it. IfStatement(Box), SwitchStatement(SwitchStatement), DecoratedStatement(DecoratedStatement), } impl Default for StatementVariant { fn default() -> Self { StatementVariant::None } } impl Acceptor for StatementVariant { fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool) { match self { StatementVariant::None => panic!("cannot visit null statement"), StatementVariant::NotStatement(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::BlockStatement(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::IfStatement(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::SwitchStatement(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::DecoratedStatement(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), } } } impl AcceptorMut for StatementVariant { fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool) { match self { StatementVariant::None => panic!("cannot visit null statement"), StatementVariant::NotStatement(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::BlockStatement(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::IfStatement(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::SwitchStatement(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), StatementVariant::DecoratedStatement(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), } } } impl StatementVariant { pub fn typ(&self) -> Type { self.embedded_node().typ() } pub fn try_source_range(&self) -> Option { self.embedded_node().try_source_range() } pub fn as_not_statement(&self) -> Option<&NotStatement> { match self { StatementVariant::NotStatement(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } pub fn as_block_statement(&self) -> Option<&BlockStatement> { match self { StatementVariant::BlockStatement(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } pub fn as_if_statement(&self) -> Option<&IfStatement> { match self { StatementVariant::IfStatement(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } pub fn as_switch_statement(&self) -> Option<&SwitchStatement> { match self { StatementVariant::SwitchStatement(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } pub fn as_decorated_statement(&self) -> Option<&DecoratedStatement> { match self { StatementVariant::DecoratedStatement(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } fn embedded_node(&self) -> &dyn NodeMut { match self { StatementVariant::None => panic!("cannot visit null statement"), StatementVariant::NotStatement(node) => node, StatementVariant::BlockStatement(node) => node, StatementVariant::IfStatement(node) => &**node, StatementVariant::SwitchStatement(node) => node, StatementVariant::DecoratedStatement(node) => node, } } fn as_mut_not_statement(&mut self) -> &mut NotStatement { match self { StatementVariant::NotStatement(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_block_statement(&mut self) -> &mut BlockStatement { match self { StatementVariant::BlockStatement(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_if_statement(&mut self) -> &mut IfStatement { match self { StatementVariant::IfStatement(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_switch_statement(&mut self) -> &mut SwitchStatement { match self { StatementVariant::SwitchStatement(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_decorated_statement(&mut self) -> &mut DecoratedStatement { match self { StatementVariant::DecoratedStatement(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum BlockStatementHeaderVariant { None, ForHeader(ForHeader), WhileHeader(WhileHeader), FunctionHeader(FunctionHeader), BeginHeader(BeginHeader), } impl Default for BlockStatementHeaderVariant { fn default() -> Self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::None } } impl Acceptor for BlockStatementHeaderVariant { fn accept<'a>(&'a self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitor<'a>, reversed: bool) { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::None => panic!("cannot visit null block header"), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::ForHeader(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::WhileHeader(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::FunctionHeader(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::BeginHeader(node) => node.accept(visitor, reversed), } } } impl AcceptorMut for BlockStatementHeaderVariant { fn accept_mut(&mut self, visitor: &mut dyn NodeVisitorMut, reversed: bool) { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::None => panic!("cannot visit null block header"), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::ForHeader(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::WhileHeader(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::FunctionHeader(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::BeginHeader(node) => node.accept_mut(visitor, reversed), } } } impl BlockStatementHeaderVariant { pub fn typ(&self) -> Type { self.embedded_node().typ() } pub fn try_source_range(&self) -> Option { self.embedded_node().try_source_range() } pub fn as_for_header(&self) -> Option<&ForHeader> { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::ForHeader(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } pub fn as_while_header(&self) -> Option<&WhileHeader> { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::WhileHeader(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } pub fn as_function_header(&self) -> Option<&FunctionHeader> { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::FunctionHeader(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } pub fn as_begin_header(&self) -> Option<&BeginHeader> { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::BeginHeader(node) => Some(node), _ => None, } } fn embedded_node(&self) -> &dyn NodeMut { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::None => panic!("cannot visit null block header"), BlockStatementHeaderVariant::ForHeader(node) => node, BlockStatementHeaderVariant::WhileHeader(node) => node, BlockStatementHeaderVariant::FunctionHeader(node) => node, BlockStatementHeaderVariant::BeginHeader(node) => node, } } fn as_mut_for_header(&mut self) -> &mut ForHeader { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::ForHeader(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_while_header(&mut self) -> &mut WhileHeader { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::WhileHeader(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_function_header(&mut self) -> &mut FunctionHeader { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::FunctionHeader(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } fn as_mut_begin_header(&mut self) -> &mut BeginHeader { match self { BlockStatementHeaderVariant::BeginHeader(node) => node, _ => panic!(), } } } /// \return a string literal name for an ast type. pub fn ast_type_to_string(t: Type) -> &'static wstr { match t { Type::token_base => L!("token_base"), Type::keyword_base => L!("keyword_base"), Type::redirection => L!("redirection"), Type::variable_assignment => L!("variable_assignment"), Type::variable_assignment_list => L!("variable_assignment_list"), Type::argument_or_redirection => L!("argument_or_redirection"), Type::argument_or_redirection_list => L!("argument_or_redirection_list"), Type::statement => L!("statement"), Type::job_pipeline => L!("job_pipeline"), Type::job_conjunction => L!("job_conjunction"), Type::for_header => L!("for_header"), Type::while_header => L!("while_header"), Type::function_header => L!("function_header"), Type::begin_header => L!("begin_header"), Type::block_statement => L!("block_statement"), Type::if_clause => L!("if_clause"), Type::elseif_clause => L!("elseif_clause"), Type::elseif_clause_list => L!("elseif_clause_list"), Type::else_clause => L!("else_clause"), Type::if_statement => L!("if_statement"), Type::case_item => L!("case_item"), Type::switch_statement => L!("switch_statement"), Type::decorated_statement => L!("decorated_statement"), Type::not_statement => L!("not_statement"), Type::job_continuation => L!("job_continuation"), Type::job_continuation_list => L!("job_continuation_list"), Type::job_conjunction_continuation => L!("job_conjunction_continuation"), Type::andor_job => L!("andor_job"), Type::andor_job_list => L!("andor_job_list"), Type::freestanding_argument_list => L!("freestanding_argument_list"), Type::token_conjunction => L!("token_conjunction"), Type::job_conjunction_continuation_list => L!("job_conjunction_continuation_list"), Type::maybe_newlines => L!("maybe_newlines"), Type::token_pipe => L!("token_pipe"), Type::case_item_list => L!("case_item_list"), Type::argument => L!("argument"), Type::argument_list => L!("argument_list"), Type::job_list => L!("job_list"), } } // A way to visit nodes iteratively. // This is pre-order. Each node is visited before its children. // Example: // let tv = Traversal::new(start); // while let Some(node) = tv.next() {...} pub struct Traversal<'a> { stack: Vec<&'a dyn Node>, } impl<'a> Traversal<'a> { // Construct starting with a node pub fn new(n: &'a dyn Node) -> Self { Self { stack: vec![n] } } } impl<'a> Iterator for Traversal<'a> { type Item = &'a dyn Node; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a dyn Node> { let node = self.stack.pop()?; // We want to visit in reverse order so the first child ends up on top of the stack. node.accept(self, true /* reverse */); Some(node) } } impl<'a, 'v: 'a> NodeVisitor<'v> for Traversal<'a> { fn visit(&mut self, node: &'a dyn Node) { self.stack.push(node) } } pub type SourceRangeList = Vec; /// Extra source ranges. /// These are only generated if the corresponding flags are set. #[derive(Default)] pub struct Extras { /// Set of comments, sorted by offset. pub comments: SourceRangeList, /// Set of semicolons, sorted by offset. pub semis: SourceRangeList, /// Set of error ranges, sorted by offset. pub errors: SourceRangeList, } /// The ast type itself. pub struct Ast { // The top node. // Its type depends on what was requested to parse. top: Box, /// Whether any errors were encountered during parsing. pub any_error: bool, /// Extra fields. pub extras: Extras, } #[allow(clippy::derivable_impls)] // false positive impl Default for Ast { fn default() -> Ast { Self { top: Box::::default(), any_error: false, extras: Extras::default(), } } } impl Ast { /// Construct an ast by parsing \p src as a job list. /// The ast attempts to produce \p type as the result. /// \p type may only be JobList or FreestandingArgumentList. pub fn parse( src: &wstr, flags: ParseTreeFlags, out_errors: Option<&mut ParseErrorList>, ) -> Self { parse_from_top(src, flags, out_errors, Type::job_list) } /// Like parse(), but constructs a freestanding_argument_list. pub fn parse_argument_list( src: &wstr, flags: ParseTreeFlags, out_errors: Option<&mut ParseErrorList>, ) -> Self { parse_from_top(src, flags, out_errors, Type::freestanding_argument_list) } /// \return a traversal, allowing iteration over the nodes. pub fn walk(&'_ self) -> Traversal<'_> { Traversal::new(self.top.as_node()) } /// \return the top node. This has the type requested in the 'parse' method. pub fn top(&self) -> &dyn Node { self.top.as_node() } fn top_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn NodeMut { &mut *self.top } /// \return whether any errors were encountered during parsing. pub fn errored(&self) -> bool { self.any_error } /// \return a textual representation of the tree. /// Pass the original source as \p orig. pub fn dump(&self, orig: &wstr) -> WString { let mut result = WString::new(); for node in self.walk() { let depth = get_depth(node); // dot-| padding result += &str::repeat("! ", depth)[..]; if let Some(n) = node.as_argument() { result += "argument"; if let Some(argsrc) = n.try_source(orig) { sprintf!(=> &mut result, ": '%ls'", argsrc); } } else if let Some(n) = node.as_keyword() { sprintf!(=> &mut result, "keyword: %ls", n.keyword().to_wstr()); } else if let Some(n) = node.as_token() { let desc = match n.token_type() { ParseTokenType::string => { let mut desc = WString::from_str("string"); if let Some(strsource) = n.try_source(orig) { sprintf!(=> &mut desc, ": '%ls'", strsource); } desc } ParseTokenType::redirection => { let mut desc = WString::from_str("redirection"); if let Some(strsource) = n.try_source(orig) { sprintf!(=> &mut desc, ": '%ls'", strsource); } desc } ParseTokenType::end => WString::from_str("<;>"), ParseTokenType::invalid => { // This may occur with errors, e.g. we expected to see a string but saw a // redirection. WString::from_str("") } _ => { token_type_user_presentable_description(n.token_type(), ParseKeyword::none) } }; result += &desc[..]; } else { result += &node.describe()[..]; } result += "\n"; } result } } // \return the depth of a node, i.e. number of parent links. fn get_depth(node: &dyn Node) -> usize { let mut result = 0; let mut cursor = node; while let Some(parent) = cursor.parent() { result += 1; cursor = parent; } result } struct SourceRangeVisitor { /// Total range we have encountered. total: SourceRange, /// Whether any node was found to be unsourced. any_unsourced: bool, } impl<'a> NodeVisitor<'a> for SourceRangeVisitor { fn visit(&mut self, node: &'a dyn Node) { match node.category() { Category::leaf => match node.as_leaf().unwrap().range() { None => self.any_unsourced = true, // Union with our range. Some(range) if range.length > 0 => { if self.total.length == 0 { self.total = range; } else { let end = (self.total.start + self.total.length).max(range.start + range.length); self.total.start = self.total.start.min(range.start); self.total.length = end - self.total.start; } } _ => (), }, _ => { // Other node types recurse. node.accept(self, false); } } } } /// A token stream generates a sequence of parser tokens, permitting arbitrary lookahead. struct TokenStream<'a> { // We implement a queue with a simple circular buffer. // Note that peek() returns an address, so we must not move elements which are peek'd. // This prevents using vector (which may reallocate). // Deque would work but is too heavyweight for just 2 items. lookahead: [ParseToken; TokenStream::MAX_LOOKAHEAD], // Starting index in our lookahead. // The "first" token is at this index. start: usize, // Number of items in our lookahead. count: usize, // A reference to the original source. src: &'a wstr, // The tokenizer to generate new tokens. tok: Tokenizer, /// Any comment nodes are collected here. /// These are only collected if parse_flag_include_comments is set. comment_ranges: SourceRangeList, } impl<'a> TokenStream<'a> { // The maximum number of lookahead supported. const MAX_LOOKAHEAD: usize = 2; fn new(src: &'a wstr, flags: ParseTreeFlags) -> Self { Self { lookahead: [ParseToken::new(ParseTokenType::invalid); Self::MAX_LOOKAHEAD], start: 0, count: 0, src, tok: Tokenizer::new(src, TokFlags::from(flags)), comment_ranges: vec![], } } /// \return the token at the given index, without popping it. If the token streamĀ is exhausted, /// it will have parse_token_type_t::terminate. idx = 0 means the next token, idx = 1 means the /// next-next token, and so forth. /// We must have that idx < kMaxLookahead. fn peek(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &ParseToken { assert!(idx < Self::MAX_LOOKAHEAD, "Trying to look too far ahead"); while idx >= self.count { self.lookahead[Self::mask(self.start + self.count)] = self.next_from_tok(); self.count += 1 } &self.lookahead[Self::mask(self.start + idx)] } /// Pop the next token. fn pop(&mut self) -> ParseToken { if self.count == 0 { return self.next_from_tok(); } let result = self.lookahead[self.start]; self.start = Self::mask(self.start + 1); self.count -= 1; result } // Helper to mask our circular buffer. fn mask(idx: usize) -> usize { idx % Self::MAX_LOOKAHEAD } /// \return the next parse token from the tokenizer. /// This consumes and stores comments. fn next_from_tok(&mut self) -> ParseToken { loop { let res = self.advance_1(); if res.typ == ParseTokenType::comment { self.comment_ranges.push(res.range()); continue; } return res; } } /// \return a new parse token, advancing the tokenizer. /// This returns comments. fn advance_1(&mut self) -> ParseToken { let Some(token) = self.tok.next() else { return ParseToken::new(ParseTokenType::terminate); }; // Set the type, keyword, and whether there's a dash prefix. Note that this is quite // sketchy, because it ignores quotes. This is the historical behavior. For example, // `builtin --names` lists builtins, but `builtin "--names"` attempts to run --names as a // command. Amazingly as of this writing (10/12/13) nobody seems to have noticed this. // Squint at it really hard and it even starts to look like a feature. let mut result = ParseToken::new(ParseTokenType::from(token.type_)); let text = self.tok.text_of(&token); result.keyword = keyword_for_token(token.type_, text); result.has_dash_prefix = text.starts_with('-'); result.is_help_argument = [L!("-h"), L!("--help")].contains(&text); result.is_newline = result.typ == ParseTokenType::end && text == "\n"; result.may_be_variable_assignment = variable_assignment_equals_pos(text).is_some(); result.tok_error = token.error; assert!(token.offset() < SOURCE_OFFSET_INVALID); result.set_source_start(token.offset()); result.set_source_length(token.length()); if token.error != TokenizerError::none { let subtoken_offset = token.error_offset_within_token(); // Skip invalid tokens that have a zero length, especially if they are at EOF. if subtoken_offset < result.source_length() { result.set_source_start(result.source_start() + subtoken_offset); result.set_source_length(token.error_length()); } } result } } /// This indicates a bug in fish code. macro_rules! internal_error { ( $self:ident, $func:ident, $fmt:expr $(, $args:expr)* $(,)? ) => { FLOG!( debug, concat!( "Internal parse error from {$func} - this indicates a bug in fish.", $fmt, ) $(, $args)* ); FLOGF!(debug, "Encountered while parsing:<<<<\n{}\n>>>", $self.tokens.src); panic!(); }; } /// Report an error based on \p fmt for the tokens' range macro_rules! parse_error { ( $self:ident, $token:expr, $code:expr, $fmt:expr $(, $args:expr)* $(,)? ) => { let range = $token.range(); parse_error_range!($self, range, $code, $fmt $(, $args)*); } } /// Report an error based on \p fmt for the source range \p range. macro_rules! parse_error_range { ( $self:ident, $range:expr, $code:expr, $fmt:expr $(, $args:expr)* $(,)? ) => { let text = if $self.out_errors.is_some() && !$self.unwinding { Some(wgettext_maybe_fmt!($fmt $(, $args)*)) } else { None }; $self.any_error = true; // Ignore additional parse errors while unwinding. // These may come about e.g. from `true | and`. if !$self.unwinding { $self.unwinding = true; FLOGF!(ast_construction, "%*sparse error - begin unwinding", $self.spaces(), ""); // TODO: can store this conditionally dependent on flags. if $range.start() != SOURCE_OFFSET_INVALID { $self.errors.push($range); } if let Some(errors) = &mut $self.out_errors { let mut err = ParseError::default(); err.text = text.unwrap(); err.code = $code; err.source_start = $range.start(); err.source_length = $range.length(); errors.push(err); } } } } struct Populator<'a> { /// Flags controlling parsing. flags: ParseTreeFlags, /// Set of semicolons, sorted by offset. semis: SourceRangeList, /// Set of error ranges, sorted by offset. errors: SourceRangeList, /// Stream of tokens which we consume. tokens: TokenStream<'a>, /** The type which we are attempting to parse, typically job_list but may be freestanding_argument_list. */ top_type: Type, /// If set, we are unwinding due to error recovery. unwinding: bool, /// If set, we have encountered an error. any_error: bool, /// The number of parent links of the node we are visiting depth: usize, // If non-null, populate with errors. out_errors: Option<&'a mut ParseErrorList>, } impl<'s> NodeVisitorMut for Populator<'s> { fn visit_mut(&mut self, node: &mut dyn NodeMut) -> VisitResult { match node.typ() { Type::argument => { self.visit_argument(node.as_mut_argument().unwrap()); return VisitResult::Continue(()); } Type::variable_assignment => { self.visit_variable_assignment(node.as_mut_variable_assignment().unwrap()); return VisitResult::Continue(()); } Type::job_continuation => { self.visit_job_continuation(node.as_mut_job_continuation().unwrap()); return VisitResult::Continue(()); } Type::token_base => { self.visit_token(node.as_mut_token().unwrap()); return VisitResult::Continue(()); } Type::keyword_base => { return self.visit_keyword(node.as_mut_keyword().unwrap()); } Type::maybe_newlines => { self.visit_maybe_newlines(node.as_mut_maybe_newlines().unwrap()); return VisitResult::Continue(()); } _ => (), } match node.category() { Category::leaf => {} // Visit branch nodes by just calling accept() to visit their fields. Category::branch => { // This field is a direct embedding of an AST value. node.accept_mut(self, false); return VisitResult::Continue(()); } Category::list => { // This field is an embedding of an array of (pointers to) ContentsNode. // Parse as many as we can. match node.typ() { Type::andor_job_list => self.populate_list::( node.as_mut_andor_job_list().unwrap(), false, ), Type::argument_list => self .populate_list::(node.as_mut_argument_list().unwrap(), false), Type::argument_or_redirection_list => self .populate_list::( node.as_mut_argument_or_redirection_list().unwrap(), false, ), Type::case_item_list => self.populate_list::( node.as_mut_case_item_list().unwrap(), false, ), Type::elseif_clause_list => self.populate_list::( node.as_mut_elseif_clause_list().unwrap(), false, ), Type::job_conjunction_continuation_list => self .populate_list::( node.as_mut_job_conjunction_continuation_list().unwrap(), false, ), Type::job_continuation_list => self.populate_list::( node.as_mut_job_continuation_list().unwrap(), false, ), Type::job_list => { self.populate_list::(node.as_mut_job_list().unwrap(), false) } Type::variable_assignment_list => self.populate_list::( node.as_mut_variable_assignment_list().unwrap(), false, ), _ => (), } } } VisitResult::Continue(()) } fn will_visit_fields_of(&mut self, node: &mut dyn NodeMut) { FLOGF!( ast_construction, "%*swill_visit %ls", self.spaces(), "", node.describe() ); self.depth += 1 } fn did_visit_fields_of<'a>(&'a mut self, node: &'a dyn NodeMut, flow: VisitResult) { self.depth -= 1; if self.unwinding { return; } let VisitResult::Break(error) = flow else { return; }; // We believe the node is some sort of block statement. Attempt to find a source range // for the block's keyword (for, if, etc) and a user-presentable description. This // is used to provide better error messages. Note at this point the parse tree is // incomplete; in particular parent nodes are not set. let mut cursor = node; let header = loop { match cursor.typ() { Type::block_statement => { cursor = cursor.as_block_statement().unwrap().header.embedded_node(); } Type::for_header => { let n = cursor.as_for_header().unwrap(); break Some((n.kw_for.range.unwrap(), L!("for loop"))); } Type::while_header => { let n = cursor.as_while_header().unwrap(); break Some((n.kw_while.range.unwrap(), L!("while loop"))); } Type::function_header => { let n = cursor.as_function_header().unwrap(); break Some((n.kw_function.range.unwrap(), L!("function definition"))); } Type::begin_header => { let n = cursor.as_begin_header().unwrap(); break Some((n.kw_begin.range.unwrap(), L!("begin"))); } Type::if_statement => { let n = cursor.as_if_statement().unwrap(); break Some((n.if_clause.kw_if.range.unwrap(), L!("if statement"))); } Type::switch_statement => { let n = cursor.as_switch_statement().unwrap(); break Some((n.kw_switch.range.unwrap(), L!("switch statement"))); } _ => break None, } }; if let Some((header_kw_range, enclosing_stmt)) = header { parse_error_range!( self, header_kw_range, ParseErrorCode::generic, "Missing end to balance this %ls", enclosing_stmt ); } else { parse_error!( self, error.token, ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected %ls, but found %ls", keywords_user_presentable_description(error.allowed_keywords), error.token.user_presentable_description(), ); } } // We currently only have a handful of union pointer types. // Handle them directly. fn visit_argument_or_redirection( &mut self, node: &mut Box, ) -> VisitResult { if let Some(arg) = self.try_parse::() { **node = ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Argument(*arg); } else if let Some(redir) = self.try_parse::() { **node = ArgumentOrRedirectionVariant::Redirection(*redir); } else { internal_error!( self, visit_argument_or_redirection, "Unable to parse argument or redirection" ); } VisitResult::Continue(()) } fn visit_block_statement_header( &mut self, node: &mut Box, ) -> VisitResult { *node = self.allocate_populate_block_header(); VisitResult::Continue(()) } fn visit_statement(&mut self, node: &mut Box) -> VisitResult { *node = self.allocate_populate_statement_contents(); VisitResult::Continue(()) } fn visit_decorated_statement_decorator( &mut self, node: &mut Option, ) { *node = self.try_parse::().map(|b| *b); } fn visit_job_conjunction_decorator(&mut self, node: &mut Option) { *node = self.try_parse::().map(|b| *b); } fn visit_else_clause(&mut self, node: &mut Option) { *node = self.try_parse::().map(|b| *b); } fn visit_semi_nl(&mut self, node: &mut Option) { *node = self.try_parse::().map(|b| *b); } fn visit_time(&mut self, node: &mut Option) { *node = self.try_parse::().map(|b| *b); } fn visit_token_background(&mut self, node: &mut Option) { *node = self.try_parse::().map(|b| *b); } } /// Helper to describe a list of keywords. /// TODO: these need to be localized properly. fn keywords_user_presentable_description(kws: &'static [ParseKeyword]) -> WString { assert!(!kws.is_empty(), "Should not be empty list"); if kws.len() == 1 { return sprintf!("keyword '%ls'", kws[0]); } let mut res = L!("keywords ").to_owned(); for (i, kw) in kws.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { res += L!(" or "); } res += &sprintf!("'%ls'", *kw)[..]; } res } /// Helper to describe a list of token types. /// TODO: these need to be localized properly. fn token_types_user_presentable_description(types: &'static [ParseTokenType]) -> WString { assert!(!types.is_empty(), "Should not be empty list"); let mut res = WString::new(); for typ in types { if !res.is_empty() { res += L!(" or "); } res += &token_type_user_presentable_description(*typ, ParseKeyword::none)[..]; } res } impl<'s> Populator<'s> { /// Construct from a source, flags, top type, and out_errors, which may be null. fn new( src: &'s wstr, flags: ParseTreeFlags, top_type: Type, out_errors: Option<&'s mut ParseErrorList>, ) -> Self { Self { flags, semis: vec![], errors: vec![], tokens: TokenStream::new(src, flags), top_type, unwinding: false, any_error: false, depth: 0, out_errors, } } /// Helper for FLOGF. This returns a number of spaces appropriate for a '%*c' format. fn spaces(&self) -> usize { self.depth * 2 } /// \return the parser's status. fn status(&mut self) -> ParserStatus { if self.unwinding { ParserStatus::unwinding } else if self.flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::LEAVE_UNTERMINATED) && self.peek_type(0) == ParseTokenType::terminate { ParserStatus::unsourcing } else { ParserStatus::ok } } /// \return whether any leaf nodes we visit should be marked as unsourced. fn unsource_leaves(&mut self) -> bool { matches!( self.status(), ParserStatus::unsourcing | ParserStatus::unwinding ) } /// \return whether we permit an incomplete parse tree. fn allow_incomplete(&self) -> bool { self.flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::LEAVE_UNTERMINATED) } /// \return whether a list type \p type allows arbitrary newlines in it. fn list_type_chomps_newlines(&self, typ: Type) -> bool { match typ { Type::argument_list => { // Hackish. If we are producing a freestanding argument list, then it allows // semicolons, for hysterical raisins. self.top_type == Type::freestanding_argument_list } Type::argument_or_redirection_list => { // No newlines inside arguments. false } Type::variable_assignment_list => { // No newlines inside variable assignment lists. false } Type::job_list => { // Like echo a \n \n echo b true } Type::case_item_list => { // Like switch foo \n \n \n case a \n end true } Type::andor_job_list => { // Like while true ; \n \n and true ; end true } Type::elseif_clause_list => { // Like if true ; \n \n else if false; end true } Type::job_conjunction_continuation_list => { // This would be like echo a && echo b \n && echo c // We could conceivably support this but do not now. false } Type::job_continuation_list => { // This would be like echo a \n | echo b // We could conceivably support this but do not now. false } _ => { internal_error!( self, list_type_chomps_newlines, "Type %ls not handled", ast_type_to_string(typ) ); } } } /// \return whether a list type \p type allows arbitrary semicolons in it. fn list_type_chomps_semis(&self, typ: Type) -> bool { match typ { Type::argument_list => { // Hackish. If we are producing a freestanding argument list, then it allows // semicolons, for hysterical raisins. // That is, this is OK: complete -c foo -a 'x ; y ; z' // But this is not: foo x ; y ; z self.top_type == Type::freestanding_argument_list } Type::argument_or_redirection_list | Type::variable_assignment_list => false, Type::job_list => { // Like echo a ; ; echo b true } Type::case_item_list => { // Like switch foo ; ; ; case a \n end // This is historically allowed. true } Type::andor_job_list => { // Like while true ; ; ; and true ; end true } Type::elseif_clause_list => { // Like if true ; ; ; else if false; end false } Type::job_conjunction_continuation_list => { // Like echo a ; ; && echo b. Not supported. false } Type::job_continuation_list => { // This would be like echo a ; | echo b // Not supported. // We could conceivably support this but do not now. false } _ => { internal_error!( self, list_type_chomps_semis, "Type %ls not handled", ast_type_to_string(typ) ); } } } /// Chomp extra comments, semicolons, etc. for a given list type. fn chomp_extras(&mut self, typ: Type) { let chomp_semis = self.list_type_chomps_semis(typ); let chomp_newlines = self.list_type_chomps_newlines(typ); loop { let peek = self.tokens.peek(0); if chomp_newlines && peek.typ == ParseTokenType::end && peek.is_newline { // Just skip this newline, no need to save it. self.tokens.pop(); } else if chomp_semis && peek.typ == ParseTokenType::end && !peek.is_newline { let tok = self.tokens.pop(); // Perhaps save this extra semi. if self.flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::SHOW_EXTRA_SEMIS) { self.semis.push(tok.range()); } } else { break; } } } /// \return whether a list type should recover from errors.s /// That is, whether we should stop unwinding when we encounter this type. fn list_type_stops_unwind(&self, typ: Type) -> bool { typ == Type::job_list && self.flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR) } /// \return a reference to a non-comment token at index \p idx. fn peek_token(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &ParseToken { self.tokens.peek(idx) } /// \return the type of a non-comment token. fn peek_type(&mut self, idx: usize) -> ParseTokenType { self.peek_token(idx).typ } /// Consume the next token, chomping any comments. /// It is an error to call this unless we know there is a non-terminate token available. /// \return the token. fn consume_any_token(&mut self) -> ParseToken { let tok = self.tokens.pop(); assert!( tok.typ != ParseTokenType::comment, "Should not be a comment" ); assert!( tok.typ != ParseTokenType::terminate, "Cannot consume terminate token, caller should check status first" ); tok } /// Consume the next token which is expected to be of the given type. fn consume_token_type(&mut self, typ: ParseTokenType) -> SourceRange { assert!( typ != ParseTokenType::terminate, "Should not attempt to consume terminate token" ); let tok = self.consume_any_token(); if tok.typ != typ { parse_error!( self, tok, ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected %ls, but found %ls", token_type_user_presentable_description(typ, ParseKeyword::none), tok.user_presentable_description() ); return SourceRange::new(0, 0); } tok.range() } /// The next token could not be parsed at the top level. /// For example a trailing end like `begin ; end ; end` /// Or an unexpected redirection like `>` /// Consume it and add an error. fn consume_excess_token_generating_error(&mut self) { let tok = self.consume_any_token(); // In the rare case that we are parsing a freestanding argument list and not a job list, // generate a generic error. // TODO: this is a crummy message if we get a tokenizer error, for example: // complete -c foo -a "'abc" if self.top_type == Type::freestanding_argument_list { parse_error!( self, tok, ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected %ls, but found %ls", token_type_user_presentable_description(ParseTokenType::string, ParseKeyword::none), tok.user_presentable_description() ); return; } assert!(self.top_type == Type::job_list); match tok.typ { ParseTokenType::string => { // There are three keywords which end a job list. match tok.keyword { ParseKeyword::kw_end => { parse_error!( self, tok, ParseErrorCode::unbalancing_end, "'end' outside of a block" ); } ParseKeyword::kw_else => { parse_error!( self, tok, ParseErrorCode::unbalancing_else, "'else' builtin not inside of if block" ); } ParseKeyword::kw_case => { parse_error!( self, tok, ParseErrorCode::unbalancing_case, "'case' builtin not inside of switch block" ); } _ => { internal_error!( self, consume_excess_token_generating_error, "Token %ls should not have prevented parsing a job list", tok.user_presentable_description() ); } } } ParseTokenType::redirection if self.peek_type(0) == ParseTokenType::string => { let next = self.tokens.pop(); parse_error_range!( self, next.range().combine(tok.range()), ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected a string, but found a redirection" ); } ParseTokenType::pipe | ParseTokenType::redirection | ParseTokenType::background | ParseTokenType::andand | ParseTokenType::oror => { parse_error!( self, tok, ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected a string, but found %ls", tok.user_presentable_description() ); } ParseTokenType::tokenizer_error => { parse_error!( self, tok, ParseErrorCode::from(tok.tok_error), "%ls", tok.tok_error ); } ParseTokenType::end => { internal_error!( self, consume_excess_token_generating_error, "End token should never be excess" ); } ParseTokenType::terminate => { internal_error!( self, consume_excess_token_generating_error, "Terminate token should never be excess" ); } _ => { internal_error!( self, consume_excess_token_generating_error, "Unexpected excess token type: %ls", tok.user_presentable_description() ); } } } /// Given that we are a list of type ListNodeType, whose contents type is ContentsNode, /// populate as many elements as we can. /// If exhaust_stream is set, then keep going until we get parse_token_type_t::terminate. fn populate_list(&mut self, list: &mut ListType, exhaust_stream: bool) where ::ContentsNode: NodeMut + CheckParse, { assert!(list.contents().is_empty(), "List is not initially empty"); // Do not attempt to parse a list if we are unwinding. if self.unwinding { assert!( !exhaust_stream, "exhaust_stream should only be set at top level, and so we should not be unwinding" ); // Mark in the list that it was unwound. FLOGF!( ast_construction, "%*sunwinding %ls", self.spaces(), "", ast_type_to_string(list.typ()) ); assert!(list.contents().is_empty(), "Should be an empty list"); return; } // We're going to populate a vector with our nodes. // Later on we will copy this to the heap with a single allocation. let mut contents = vec![]; loop { // If we are unwinding, then either we recover or we break the loop, dependent on the // loop type. if self.unwinding { if !self.list_type_stops_unwind(list.typ()) { break; } // We are going to stop unwinding. // Rather hackish. Just chomp until we get to a string or end node. loop { let typ = self.peek_type(0); if [ ParseTokenType::string, ParseTokenType::terminate, ParseTokenType::end, ] .contains(&typ) { break; } let tok = self.tokens.pop(); self.errors.push(tok.range()); FLOGF!( ast_construction, "%*schomping range %u-%u", self.spaces(), "", tok.source_start(), tok.source_length() ); } FLOGF!(ast_construction, "%*sdone unwinding", self.spaces(), ""); self.unwinding = false; } // Chomp semis and newlines. self.chomp_extras(list.typ()); // Now try parsing a node. if let Some(node) = self.try_parse::() { // #7201: Minimize reallocations of contents vector // Empirically, 99.97% of cases are 16 elements or fewer, // with 75% being empty, so this works out best. if contents.is_empty() { contents.reserve(16); } contents.push(node); } else if exhaust_stream && self.peek_type(0) != ParseTokenType::terminate { // We aren't allowed to stop. Produce an error and keep going. self.consume_excess_token_generating_error() } else { // We either stop once we can't parse any more of this contents node, or we // exhausted the stream as requested. break; } } // Populate our list from our contents. if !contents.is_empty() { assert!( contents.len() <= u32::MAX.try_into().unwrap(), "Contents size out of bounds" ); assert!(list.contents().is_empty(), "List should still be empty"); *list.contents_mut() = contents; } FLOGF!( ast_construction, "%*s%ls size: %lu", self.spaces(), "", ast_type_to_string(list.typ()), list.count() ); } /// Allocate and populate a statement contents pointer. /// This must never return null. fn allocate_populate_statement_contents(&mut self) -> Box { // In case we get a parse error, we still need to return something non-null. Use a // decorated statement; all of its leaf nodes will end up unsourced. fn got_error(slf: &mut Populator<'_>) -> Box { assert!(slf.unwinding, "Should have produced an error"); new_decorated_statement(slf) } fn new_decorated_statement(slf: &mut Populator<'_>) -> Box { let embedded = slf.allocate_visit::(); Box::new(StatementVariant::DecoratedStatement(*embedded)) } if self.peek_token(0).typ == ParseTokenType::terminate && self.allow_incomplete() { // This may happen if we just have a 'time' prefix. // Construct a decorated statement, which will be unsourced. self.allocate_visit::(); } else if self.peek_token(0).typ != ParseTokenType::string { // We may be unwinding already; do not produce another error. // For example in `true | and`. parse_error!( self, self.peek_token(0), ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected a command, but found %ls", self.peek_token(0).user_presentable_description() ); return got_error(self); } else if self.peek_token(0).may_be_variable_assignment { // Here we have a variable assignment which we chose to not parse as a variable // assignment because there was no string after it. // Ensure we consume the token, so we don't get back here again at the same place. let token = &self.consume_any_token(); let text = &self.tokens.src [token.source_start()..token.source_start() + token.source_length()]; let equals_pos = variable_assignment_equals_pos(text).unwrap(); let variable = &text[..equals_pos]; let value = &text[equals_pos + 1..]; parse_error!( self, token, ParseErrorCode::bare_variable_assignment, ERROR_BAD_COMMAND_ASSIGN_ERR_MSG, variable, value ); return got_error(self); } // In some cases a block starter is a decorated statement instead, mostly if invoked with "--help". // The logic here is subtle: // // If we are 'begin', it's only really a block if it has no arguments. // If we are 'function' or another block starter, then we are a non-block if we are invoked with -h or --help // If we are anything else, we require an argument, so do the same thing if the subsequent // token is a statement terminator. if self.peek_token(0).typ == ParseTokenType::string { // If we are one of these, then look for specifically help arguments. Otherwise, if the next token // looks like an option (starts with a dash), then parse it as a decorated statement. let help_only_kws = [ ParseKeyword::kw_begin, ParseKeyword::kw_function, ParseKeyword::kw_if, ParseKeyword::kw_switch, ParseKeyword::kw_while, ]; if (help_only_kws.contains(&self.peek_token(0).keyword) && self.peek_token(1).is_help_argument) || (!help_only_kws.contains(&self.peek_token(0).keyword) && self.peek_token(1).is_dash_prefix_string()) { return new_decorated_statement(self); } // Likewise if the next token doesn't look like an argument at all. This corresponds to // e.g. a "naked if". let naked_invocation_invokes_help = ![ParseKeyword::kw_begin, ParseKeyword::kw_end] .contains(&self.peek_token(0).keyword); if naked_invocation_invokes_help && [ParseTokenType::end, ParseTokenType::terminate] .contains(&self.peek_token(1).typ) { return new_decorated_statement(self); } } match self.peek_token(0).keyword { ParseKeyword::kw_not | ParseKeyword::kw_exclam => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); Box::new(StatementVariant::NotStatement(*embedded)) } ParseKeyword::kw_for | ParseKeyword::kw_while | ParseKeyword::kw_function | ParseKeyword::kw_begin => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); Box::new(StatementVariant::BlockStatement(*embedded)) } ParseKeyword::kw_if => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); Box::new(StatementVariant::IfStatement(embedded)) } ParseKeyword::kw_switch => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); Box::new(StatementVariant::SwitchStatement(*embedded)) } ParseKeyword::kw_end => { // 'end' is forbidden as a command. // For example, `if end` or `while end` will produce this error. // We still have to descend into the decorated statement because // we can't leave our pointer as null. parse_error!( self, self.peek_token(0), ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected a command, but found %ls", self.peek_token(0).user_presentable_description() ); return got_error(self); } _ => new_decorated_statement(self), } } /// Allocate and populate a block statement header. /// This must never return null. fn allocate_populate_block_header(&mut self) -> Box { Box::new(match self.peek_token(0).keyword { ParseKeyword::kw_for => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); BlockStatementHeaderVariant::ForHeader(*embedded) } ParseKeyword::kw_while => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); BlockStatementHeaderVariant::WhileHeader(*embedded) } ParseKeyword::kw_function => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); BlockStatementHeaderVariant::FunctionHeader(*embedded) } ParseKeyword::kw_begin => { let embedded = self.allocate_visit::(); BlockStatementHeaderVariant::BeginHeader(*embedded) } _ => { internal_error!( self, allocate_populate_block_header, "should not have descended into block_header" ); } }) } fn try_parse(&mut self) -> Option> { if !T::can_be_parsed(self) { return None; } Some(self.allocate_visit()) } /// Given a node type, allocate it and invoke its default constructor. /// \return the resulting Node fn allocate(&self) -> Box { let result = Box::::default(); FLOGF!( ast_construction, "%*smake %ls %ls", self.spaces(), "", ast_type_to_string(result.typ()), format!("{result:p}") ); result } // Given a node type, allocate it, invoke its default constructor, // and then visit it as a field. // \return the resulting Node pointer. It is never null. fn allocate_visit(&mut self) -> Box { let mut result = Box::::default(); self.visit_mut(&mut *result); result } fn visit_argument(&mut self, arg: &mut Argument) { if self.unsource_leaves() { arg.range = None; return; } arg.range = Some(self.consume_token_type(ParseTokenType::string)); } fn visit_variable_assignment(&mut self, varas: &mut VariableAssignment) { if self.unsource_leaves() { varas.range = None; return; } if !self.peek_token(0).may_be_variable_assignment { internal_error!( self, visit_variable_assignment, "Should not have created variable_assignment_t from this token" ); } varas.range = Some(self.consume_token_type(ParseTokenType::string)); } fn visit_job_continuation(&mut self, node: &mut JobContinuation) { // Special error handling to catch 'and' and 'or' in pipelines, like `true | and false`. if [ParseKeyword::kw_and, ParseKeyword::kw_or].contains(&self.peek_token(1).keyword) { parse_error!( self, self.peek_token(1), ParseErrorCode::andor_in_pipeline, INVALID_PIPELINE_CMD_ERR_MSG, self.peek_token(1).keyword ); } node.accept_mut(self, false); } // Overload for token fields. fn visit_token(&mut self, token: &mut dyn Token) { if self.unsource_leaves() { *token.range_mut() = None; return; } if !token.allows_token(self.peek_token(0).typ) { if self.flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::LEAVE_UNTERMINATED) && [ TokenizerError::unterminated_quote, TokenizerError::unterminated_subshell, ] .contains(&self.peek_token(0).tok_error) { return; } parse_error!( self, self.peek_token(0), ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected %ls, but found %ls", token_types_user_presentable_description(token.allowed_tokens()), self.peek_token(0).user_presentable_description() ); *token.range_mut() = None; return; } let tok = self.consume_any_token(); *token.token_type_mut() = tok.typ; *token.range_mut() = Some(tok.range()); } // Overload for keyword fields. fn visit_keyword(&mut self, keyword: &mut dyn Keyword) -> VisitResult { if self.unsource_leaves() { *keyword.range_mut() = None; return VisitResult::Continue(()); } if !keyword.allows_keyword(self.peek_token(0).keyword) { *keyword.range_mut() = None; if self.flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::LEAVE_UNTERMINATED) && [ TokenizerError::unterminated_quote, TokenizerError::unterminated_subshell, ] .contains(&self.peek_token(0).tok_error) { return VisitResult::Continue(()); } // Special error reporting for keyword_t. let allowed_keywords = keyword.allowed_keywords(); if keyword.allowed_keywords() == [ParseKeyword::kw_end] { return VisitResult::Break(MissingEndError { allowed_keywords, token: *self.peek_token(0), }); } else { parse_error!( self, self.peek_token(0), ParseErrorCode::generic, "Expected %ls, but found %ls", keywords_user_presentable_description(allowed_keywords), self.peek_token(0).user_presentable_description(), ); return VisitResult::Continue(()); } } let tok = self.consume_any_token(); *keyword.keyword_mut() = tok.keyword; *keyword.range_mut() = Some(tok.range()); VisitResult::Continue(()) } fn visit_maybe_newlines(&mut self, nls: &mut MaybeNewlines) { if self.unsource_leaves() { nls.range = None; return; } let mut range = SourceRange::new(0, 0); // TODO: it would be nice to have the start offset be the current position in the token // stream, even if there are no newlines. while self.peek_token(0).is_newline { let r = self.consume_token_type(ParseTokenType::end); if range.length == 0 { range = r; } else { range.length = r.start + r.length - range.start } } nls.range = Some(range); } } /// The status of our parser. enum ParserStatus { /// Parsing is going just fine, thanks for asking. ok, /// We have exhausted the token stream, but the caller was OK with an incomplete parse tree. /// All further leaf nodes should have the unsourced flag set. unsourcing, /// We encountered an parse error and are "unwinding." /// Do not consume any tokens until we get back to a list type which stops unwinding. unwinding, } fn parse_from_top( src: &wstr, flags: ParseTreeFlags, out_errors: Option<&mut ParseErrorList>, top_type: Type, ) -> Ast { assert!( [Type::job_list, Type::freestanding_argument_list].contains(&top_type), "Invalid top type" ); let mut ast = Ast::default(); let mut pops = Populator::new(src, flags, top_type, out_errors); if top_type == Type::job_list { let mut list = pops.allocate::(); pops.populate_list(&mut *list, true /* exhaust_stream */); ast.top = list; } else { let mut list = pops.allocate::(); pops.populate_list(&mut list.arguments, true /* exhaust_stream */); ast.top = list; } // Chomp trailing extras, etc. pops.chomp_extras(Type::job_list); ast.any_error = pops.any_error; ast.extras = Extras { comments: pops.tokens.comment_ranges, semis: pops.semis, errors: pops.errors, }; if top_type == Type::job_list { // Set all parent nodes. // It turns out to be more convenient to do this after the parse phase. ast.top_mut() .as_mut_job_list() .as_mut() .unwrap() .set_parents(); } else { ast.top_mut() .as_mut_freestanding_argument_list() .as_mut() .unwrap() .set_parents(); } ast } /// \return tokenizer flags corresponding to parse tree flags. impl From for TokFlags { fn from(flags: ParseTreeFlags) -> Self { let mut tok_flags = TokFlags(0); // Note we do not need to respect parse_flag_show_blank_lines, no clients are interested // in them. if flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::INCLUDE_COMMENTS) { tok_flags |= TOK_SHOW_COMMENTS; } if flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE_TOKENS) { tok_flags |= TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED; } if flags.contains(ParseTreeFlags::CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR) { tok_flags |= TOK_CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR } tok_flags } } /// Convert from Tokenizer's token type to a parse_token_t type. impl From for ParseTokenType { fn from(token_type: TokenType) -> Self { match token_type { TokenType::string => ParseTokenType::string, TokenType::pipe => ParseTokenType::pipe, TokenType::andand => ParseTokenType::andand, TokenType::oror => ParseTokenType::oror, TokenType::end => ParseTokenType::end, TokenType::background => ParseTokenType::background, TokenType::redirect => ParseTokenType::redirection, TokenType::error => ParseTokenType::tokenizer_error, TokenType::comment => ParseTokenType::comment, } } } fn is_keyword_char(c: char) -> bool { ('a'..='z').contains(&c) || ('A'..='Z').contains(&c) || ('0'..='9').contains(&c) || c == '\'' || c == '"' || c == '\\' || c == '\n' || c == '!' } /// Given a token, returns the keyword it matches, or ParseKeyword::none. fn keyword_for_token(tok: TokenType, token: &wstr) -> ParseKeyword { /* Only strings can be keywords */ if tok != TokenType::string { return ParseKeyword::none; } // If token is clean (which most are), we can compare it directly. Otherwise we have to expand // it. We only expand quotes, and we don't want to do expensive expansions like tilde // expansions. So we do our own "cleanliness" check; if we find a character not in our allowed // set we know it's not a keyword, and if we never find a quote we don't have to expand! Note // that this lowercase set could be shrunk to be just the characters that are in keywords. let mut result = ParseKeyword::none; let mut needs_expand = false; let mut all_chars_valid = true; for c in token.chars() { if !is_keyword_char(c) { all_chars_valid = false; break; } // If we encounter a quote, we need expansion. needs_expand = needs_expand || c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == '\\' } if all_chars_valid { // Expand if necessary. if !needs_expand { result = ParseKeyword::from(token); } else if let Some(unescaped) = unescape_string(token, UnescapeStringStyle::default()) { result = ParseKeyword::from(&unescaped[..]); } } result } #[test] #[serial] fn test_ast_parse() { test_init(); let src = L!("echo"); let ast = Ast::parse(src, ParseTreeFlags::empty(), None); assert!(!ast.any_error); } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Category { branch, leaf, list, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Type { token_base, keyword_base, redirection, variable_assignment, variable_assignment_list, argument_or_redirection, argument_or_redirection_list, statement, job_pipeline, job_conjunction, for_header, while_header, function_header, begin_header, block_statement, if_clause, elseif_clause, elseif_clause_list, else_clause, if_statement, case_item, switch_statement, decorated_statement, not_statement, job_continuation, job_continuation_list, job_conjunction_continuation, andor_job, andor_job_list, freestanding_argument_list, token_conjunction, job_conjunction_continuation_list, maybe_newlines, token_pipe, case_item_list, argument, argument_list, job_list, }