// Generic output functions. use crate::color::RgbColor; use crate::common::{self, wcs2string_appending}; use crate::curses::{self, tparm1, Term}; use crate::env::EnvVar; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; use bitflags::bitflags; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::ffi::CStr; use std::io::{Result, Write}; use std::os::fd::RawFd; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering}; bitflags! { #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct ColorSupport: u8 { const TERM_256COLOR = 1<<0; const TERM_24BIT = 1<<1; } } /// Whether term256 and term24bit are supported. static COLOR_SUPPORT: AtomicU8 = AtomicU8::new(0); /// Returns true if we think tparm can handle outputting a color index. fn term_supports_color_natively(term: &Term, c: u8) -> bool { #[allow(clippy::int_plus_one)] if let Some(max_colors) = term.max_colors { max_colors >= usize::from(c) + 1 } else { false } } pub fn get_color_support() -> ColorSupport { let val = COLOR_SUPPORT.load(Ordering::Relaxed); ColorSupport::from_bits_truncate(val) } pub fn set_color_support(val: ColorSupport) { COLOR_SUPPORT.store(val.bits(), Ordering::Relaxed); } fn index_for_color(c: RgbColor) -> u8 { if c.is_named() || !(get_color_support().contains(ColorSupport::TERM_256COLOR)) { return c.to_name_index(); } c.to_term256_index() } fn write_color_escape(outp: &mut Outputter, term: &Term, todo: &CStr, mut idx: u8, is_fg: bool) { if term_supports_color_natively(term, idx) { // Use tparm to emit color escape. outp.tputs_if_some(&tparm1(todo, idx.into())); } else { // We are attempting to bypass the term here. Generate the ANSI escape sequence ourself. if idx < 16 { // this allows the non-bright color to happen instead of no color working at all when a // bright is attempted when only colors 0-7 are supported. // // TODO: enter bold mode in builtin_set_color in the same circumstance- doing that combined // with what we do here, will make the brights actually work for virtual consoles/ancient // emulators. if term.max_colors == Some(8) && idx > 8 { idx -= 8; } write!( outp, "\x1B[{}m", (if idx > 7 { 82 } else { 30 }) + i32::from(idx) + ((i32::from(!is_fg)) * 10) ) .expect("Writing to in-memory buffer should never fail"); } else { write!(outp, "\x1B[{};5;{}m", if is_fg { 38 } else { 48 }, idx).unwrap(); } } } fn write_foreground_color(outp: &mut Outputter, idx: u8, term: &Term) -> bool { if let Some(cap) = &term.set_a_foreground { write_color_escape(outp, term, cap, idx, true); true } else if let Some(cap) = &term.set_foreground { write_color_escape(outp, term, cap, idx, true); true } else { false } } fn write_background_color(outp: &mut Outputter, idx: u8, term: &Term) -> bool { if let Some(cap) = &term.set_a_background { write_color_escape(outp, term, cap, idx, false); true } else if let Some(cap) = &term.set_background { write_color_escape(outp, term, cap, idx, false); true } else { false } } pub struct Outputter { /// Storage for buffered contents. contents: Vec, /// Count of how many outstanding begin_buffering() calls there are. buffer_count: u32, /// fd to output to, or -1 for none. fd: RawFd, /// Foreground. last_color: RgbColor, /// Background. last_color2: RgbColor, was_bold: bool, was_underline: bool, was_italics: bool, was_dim: bool, was_reverse: bool, } impl Outputter { /// Construct an outputter which outputs to a given fd. /// If the fd is negative, the outputter will buffer its output. const fn new_from_fd(fd: RawFd) -> Self { Self { contents: Vec::new(), buffer_count: 0, fd, last_color: RgbColor::NORMAL, last_color2: RgbColor::NORMAL, was_bold: false, was_underline: false, was_italics: false, was_dim: false, was_reverse: false, } } /// Construct an outputter which outputs to its string buffer. pub fn new_buffering() -> Self { Self::new_from_fd(-1) } fn reset_modes(&mut self) { self.was_bold = false; self.was_underline = false; self.was_italics = false; self.was_dim = false; self.was_reverse = false; } fn maybe_flush(&mut self) { if self.fd >= 0 && self.buffer_count == 0 { self.flush_to(self.fd); } } /// Unconditionally write the color string to the output. /// Exported for builtin_set_color's usage only. pub fn write_color(&mut self, color: RgbColor, is_fg: bool) -> bool { let Some(term) = curses::term() else { return false; }; let term: &Term = &term; let supports_term24bit = get_color_support().contains(ColorSupport::TERM_24BIT); if !supports_term24bit || !color.is_rgb() { // Indexed or non-24 bit color. let idx = index_for_color(color); if is_fg { return write_foreground_color(self, idx, term); } else { return write_background_color(self, idx, term); }; } // 24 bit! No tparm here, just ANSI escape sequences. // Foreground: ^[38;2;;;m // Background: ^[48;2;;;m let rgb = color.to_color24(); write!( self, "\x1B[{};2;{};{};{}m", if is_fg { 38 } else { 48 }, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b ) .expect("Outputter::write should never fail"); true } /// Sets the fg and bg color. May be called as often as you like, since if the new color is the same /// as the previous, nothing will be written. Negative values for set_color will also be ignored. /// Since the terminfo string this function emits can potentially cause the screen to flicker, the /// function takes care to write as little as possible. /// /// Possible values for colors are RgbColor colors or special values like RgbColor::NORMAL /// /// In order to set the color to normal, three terminfo strings may have to be written. /// /// - First a string to set the color, such as set_a_foreground. This is needed because otherwise /// the previous strings colors might be removed as well. /// /// - After that we write the exit_attribute_mode string to reset all color attributes. /// /// - Lastly we may need to write set_a_background or set_a_foreground to set the other half of the /// color pair to what it should be. #[allow(clippy::if_same_then_else)] pub fn set_color(&mut self, mut fg: RgbColor, mut bg: RgbColor) { // Test if we have at least basic support for setting fonts, colors and related bits - otherwise // just give up... let Some(term) = curses::term() else { return; }; let term: &Term = &term; let Term { enter_bold_mode, enter_underline_mode, exit_underline_mode, enter_italics_mode, exit_italics_mode, enter_dim_mode, enter_reverse_mode, enter_standout_mode, exit_attribute_mode, .. } = term; let Some(exit_attribute_mode) = exit_attribute_mode else { return; }; const normal: RgbColor = RgbColor::NORMAL; let mut bg_set = false; let mut last_bg_set = false; let is_bold = fg.is_bold() || bg.is_bold(); let is_underline = fg.is_underline() || bg.is_underline(); let is_italics = fg.is_italics() || bg.is_italics(); let is_dim = fg.is_dim() || bg.is_dim(); let is_reverse = fg.is_reverse() || bg.is_reverse(); if fg.is_reset() || bg.is_reset() { #[allow(unused_assignments)] { fg = normal; bg = normal; } self.reset_modes(); // If we exit attribute mode, we must first set a color, or previously colored text might // lose its color. Terminals are weird... write_foreground_color(self, 0, term); self.tputs(exit_attribute_mode); return; } if (self.was_bold && !is_bold) || (self.was_dim && !is_dim) || (self.was_reverse && !is_reverse) { // Only way to exit bold/dim/reverse mode is a reset of all attributes. self.tputs(exit_attribute_mode); self.last_color = normal; self.last_color2 = normal; self.reset_modes(); } if !self.last_color2.is_special() { // Background was set. // "Special" here refers to the special "normal", "reset" and "none" colors, // that really just disable the background. last_bg_set = true; } if !bg.is_special() { // Background is set. bg_set = true; if fg == bg { fg = if bg == RgbColor::WHITE { RgbColor::BLACK } else { RgbColor::WHITE }; } } if let Some(enter_bold_mode) = &enter_bold_mode { if bg_set && !last_bg_set { // Background color changed and is set, so we enter bold mode to make reading easier. // This means bold mode is _always_ on when the background color is set. self.tputs(enter_bold_mode); } if !bg_set && last_bg_set { // Background color changed and is no longer set, so we exit bold mode. self.tputs(exit_attribute_mode); self.reset_modes(); // We don't know if exit_attribute_mode resets colors, so we set it to something known. if write_foreground_color(self, 0, term) { self.last_color = RgbColor::BLACK; } } } if self.last_color != fg { if fg.is_normal() { write_foreground_color(self, 0, term); self.tputs(exit_attribute_mode); self.last_color2 = RgbColor::NORMAL; self.reset_modes(); } else if !fg.is_special() { self.write_color(fg, true /* foreground */); } } self.last_color = fg; if self.last_color2 != bg { if bg.is_normal() { write_background_color(self, 0, term); self.tputs(exit_attribute_mode); if !self.last_color.is_normal() { self.write_color(self.last_color, true /* foreground */); } self.reset_modes(); self.last_color2 = bg; } else if !bg.is_special() { self.write_color(bg, false /* not foreground */); self.last_color2 = bg; } } // Lastly, we set bold, underline, italics, dim, and reverse modes correctly. if is_bold && !self.was_bold && !bg_set && self.tputs_if_some(enter_bold_mode) { self.was_bold = is_bold; } if !self.was_underline && is_underline && self.tputs_if_some(enter_underline_mode) { self.was_underline = is_underline; } else if self.was_underline && !is_underline && self.tputs_if_some(exit_underline_mode) { self.was_underline = is_underline; } if self.was_italics && !is_italics && self.tputs_if_some(exit_italics_mode) { self.was_italics = is_italics; } else if !self.was_italics && is_italics && self.tputs_if_some(enter_italics_mode) { self.was_italics = is_italics; } if is_dim && !self.was_dim && self.tputs_if_some(enter_dim_mode) { self.was_dim = is_dim; } // N.B. there is no exit_dim_mode in curses, it's handled by exit_attribute_mode above. if is_reverse && !self.was_reverse { // Some terms do not have a reverse mode set, so standout mode is a fallback. if self.tputs_if_some(enter_reverse_mode) { self.was_reverse = is_reverse; } else if self.tputs_if_some(enter_standout_mode) { self.was_reverse = is_reverse; } } } /// Write a wide character to the receiver. pub fn writech(&mut self, ch: char) { self.write_wstr(wstr::from_char_slice(&[ch])); } /// Write a narrow character to the receiver. pub fn push(&mut self, ch: u8) { self.contents.push(ch); self.maybe_flush(); } /// Write a wide string. pub fn write_wstr(&mut self, str: &wstr) { wcs2string_appending(&mut self.contents, str); self.maybe_flush(); } /// \return the "output" contents. pub fn contents(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.contents } /// Output any buffered data to the given \p fd. fn flush_to(&mut self, fd: RawFd) { if fd >= 0 && !self.contents.is_empty() { let _ = common::write_loop(&fd, &self.contents); self.contents.clear(); } } /// Begins buffering. Output will not be automatically flushed until a corresponding /// end_buffering() call. pub fn begin_buffering(&mut self) { self.buffer_count += 1; assert!(self.buffer_count > 0, "buffer_count overflow"); } /// Balance a begin_buffering() call. pub fn end_buffering(&mut self) { assert!(self.buffer_count > 0, "buffer_count underflow"); self.buffer_count -= 1; self.maybe_flush(); } } /// Outputter implements Write, so it may be used as the receiver of the write! macro. /// Only ASCII data should be written this way: do NOT assume that the receiver is UTF-8. impl Write for Outputter { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result { self.contents.extend_from_slice(buf); self.maybe_flush(); Ok(buf.len()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.flush_to(self.fd); Ok(()) } } impl Outputter { /// Emit a terminfo string, like tputs. /// affcnt (number of lines affected) is assumed to be 1, i.e. not applicable. pub fn tputs(&mut self, str: &CStr) { self.begin_buffering(); let _ = self.write(str.to_bytes()); self.end_buffering(); } /// Convenience cover over tputs, in recognition of the fact that our Term has Optional fields. /// If `str` is Some, write it with tputs and return true. Otherwise, return false. pub fn tputs_if_some(&mut self, str: &Option>) -> bool { if let Some(str) = str { self.tputs(str.as_ref()); true } else { false } } /// Access the outputter for stdout. /// This should only be used from the main thread. pub fn stdoutput() -> &'static mut RefCell { crate::threads::assert_is_main_thread(); static mut STDOUTPUT: RefCell = RefCell::new(Outputter::new_from_fd(libc::STDOUT_FILENO)); // Safety: this is only called from the main thread. // XXX: creating and using multiple (read or write!) references to the same mutable static // is undefined behavior! unsafe { &mut STDOUTPUT } } } /// Given a list of RgbColor, pick the "best" one, as determined by the color support. Returns /// RgbColor::NONE if empty. pub fn best_color(candidates: &[RgbColor], support: ColorSupport) -> RgbColor { if candidates.is_empty() { return RgbColor::NONE; } let mut first_rgb = RgbColor::NONE; let mut first_named = RgbColor::NONE; for color in candidates { if first_rgb.is_none() && color.is_rgb() { first_rgb = *color; } if first_named.is_none() && color.is_named() { first_named = *color; } } // If we have both RGB and named colors, then prefer rgb if term256 is supported. let mut result; let has_term256 = support.contains(ColorSupport::TERM_256COLOR); if (!first_rgb.is_none() && has_term256) || first_named.is_none() { result = first_rgb; } else { result = first_named; } if result.is_none() { result = candidates[0]; } result } /// Return the internal color code representing the specified color. /// TODO: This code should be refactored to enable sharing with builtin_set_color. /// In particular, the argument parsing still isn't fully capable. #[allow(clippy::collapsible_else_if)] pub fn parse_color(var: &EnvVar, is_background: bool) -> RgbColor { let mut is_bold = false; let mut is_underline = false; let mut is_italics = false; let mut is_dim = false; let mut is_reverse = false; let mut candidates: Vec = Vec::new(); let prefix = L!("--background="); let mut next_is_background = false; let mut color_name = WString::new(); for next in var.as_list() { color_name.clear(); if is_background { if color_name.is_empty() && next_is_background { color_name = next.to_owned(); next_is_background = false; } else if next.starts_with(prefix) { // Look for something like "--background=red". color_name = next.slice_from(prefix.char_count()).to_owned(); } else if next == "--background" || next == "-b" { // Without argument attached the next token is the color // - if it's another option it's an error. next_is_background = true; } else if next == "--reverse" || next == "-r" { // Reverse should be meaningful in either context is_reverse = true; } else if next.starts_with("-b") { // Look for something like "-bred". // Yes, that length is hardcoded. color_name = next.slice_from(2).to_owned(); } } else { if next == "--bold" || next == "-o" { is_bold = true; } else if next == "--underline" || next == "-u" { is_underline = true; } else if next == "--italics" || next == "-i" { is_italics = true; } else if next == "--dim" || next == "-d" { is_dim = true; } else if next == "--reverse" || next == "-r" { is_reverse = true; } else { color_name = next.clone(); } } if !color_name.is_empty() { let color: Option = RgbColor::from_wstr(&color_name); if let Some(color) = color { candidates.push(color); } } } let mut result = best_color(&candidates, get_color_support()); if result.is_none() { result = RgbColor::NORMAL; } result.set_bold(is_bold); result.set_underline(is_underline); result.set_italics(is_italics); result.set_dim(is_dim); result.set_reverse(is_reverse); result }