/** \file wildcard.c My own globbing implementation. Needed to implement this to support tab-expansion of globbed parameters. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "complete.h" #include "common.h" #include "wildcard.h" #include "complete.h" #include "reader.h" #include "expand.h" int wildcard_has( const wchar_t *str, int internal ) { wchar_t prev=0; if( internal ) { for( ; *str; str++ ) { if( ( *str == ANY_CHAR ) || (*str == ANY_STRING) || (*str == ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE) ) return 1; prev = *str; } } else { for( ; *str; str++ ) { if( ( (*str == L'*' ) || (*str == L'?' ) ) && (prev != L'\\') ) return 1; prev = *str; } } return 0; } /** Check whether the string str matches the wildcard string wc. \param str String to be matched. \param wc The wildcard. \param is_first Whether files beginning with dots should not be matched against wildcards. \param wc_unescaped Whether the unescaped special character ANY_CHAR abd ANY_STRING should be used instead of '?' and '*' for wildcard matching */ static int wildcard_match2( const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *wc, int is_first ) { if( *str == 0 && *wc==0 ) return 1; if( *wc == ANY_STRING || *wc == ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE) { /* Ignore hidden file */ if( is_first && *str == L'.' ) return 0; /* Try all submatches */ do { if( wildcard_match2( str, wc+1, 0 ) ) return 1; } while( *(str++) != 0 ); return 0; } if( *wc == ANY_CHAR ) return wildcard_match2( str+1, wc+1, 0 ); if( *wc == *str ) return wildcard_match2( str+1, wc+1, 0 ); return 0; } /** Matches the string against the wildcard, and if the wildcard is a possible completion of the string, the remainder of the string is inserted into the array_list_t. */ static int wildcard_complete_internal( const wchar_t *orig, const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *wc, int is_first, const wchar_t *desc, const wchar_t *(*desc_func)(const wchar_t *), array_list_t *out ) { if( *wc == 0 && ( ( *str != L'.') || (!is_first)) ) { if( !out ) return 1; wchar_t *new; if( wcschr( str, PROG_COMPLETE_SEP ) ) { /* This completion has an embedded description, du not use the generic description */ wchar_t *sep; new = wcsdup( str ); sep = wcschr(new, PROG_COMPLETE_SEP ); *sep = COMPLETE_SEP; } else if( desc_func ) { /* A descripton generating function is specified, use it */ new = wcsdupcat2( str, COMPLETE_SEP_STR, desc_func( orig ), 0); } else { /* Append generic description to item, if the description exists */ if( desc && wcslen(desc)>1 ) new = wcsdupcat( str, desc ); else new = wcsdup( str ); } if( new ) { al_push( out, new ); } return 1; } if( *wc == ANY_STRING ) { int res=0; /* Ignore hidden file */ if( is_first && str[0] == L'.' ) return 0; /* Try all submatches */ do { res |= wildcard_complete_internal( orig, str, wc+1, 0, desc, desc_func, out ); if( res && !out ) break; } while( *str++ != 0 ); return res; } else if( *wc == ANY_CHAR ) { return wildcard_complete_internal( orig, str+1, wc+1, 0, desc, desc_func, out ); } else if( *wc == *str ) { return wildcard_complete_internal( orig, str+1, wc+1, 0, desc, desc_func, out ); } return 0; } int wildcard_complete( const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *wc, const wchar_t *desc, const wchar_t *(*desc_func)(const wchar_t *), array_list_t *out ) { return wildcard_complete_internal( str, str, wc, 1, desc, desc_func, out ); } int wildcard_match( const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *wc ) { return wildcard_match2( str, wc, 1 ); } /** Creates a path from the specified directory and filename. */ static wchar_t *make_path( const wchar_t *base_dir, const wchar_t *name ) { wchar_t *long_name; int base_len = wcslen( base_dir ); if( !(long_name= malloc( sizeof(wchar_t)*(base_len+wcslen(name)+1) ))) { return 0; } wcscpy( long_name, base_dir ); wcscpy(&long_name[base_len], name ); return long_name; } void get_desc( wchar_t *fn, string_buffer_t *sb, int is_cmd ) { const wchar_t *desc; struct stat buf; off_t sz; wchar_t *sz_name[]= { L"kB", L"MB", L"GB", L"TB", L"PB", L"EB", L"ZB", L"YB", 0 } ; sb_clear( sb ); if( wstat( fn, &buf ) ) { sz=-1; } else { sz = buf.st_size; } desc = complete_get_desc( fn ); if( sz >= 0 && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ) { sb_append2( sb, desc, (void *)0 ); } else { sb_append2( sb, desc, L", ", (void *)0 ); if( sz < 0 ) { sb_append( sb, L"unknown" ); } else if( sz < 1 ) { sb_append( sb, L"empty" ); } else if( sz < 1024 ) { sb_printf( sb, L"%dB", sz ); } else { int i; for( i=0; sz_name[i]; i++ ) { if( sz < (1024*1024) || !sz_name[i+1] ) { int isz = sz/1024; if( isz > 9 ) sb_printf( sb, L"%d%ls", isz, sz_name[i] ); else sb_printf( sb, L"%.1f%ls", (double)sz/1024, sz_name[i] ); break; } sz /= 1024; } } } } static int test_flags( wchar_t *filename, int flags ) { if( !(flags & EXECUTABLES_ONLY) && !(flags & DIRECTORIES_ONLY) ) return 1; struct stat buf; wstat( filename, &buf ); if( S_IFDIR & buf.st_mode ) return 1; if( flags & EXECUTABLES_ONLY ) return ( waccess( filename, X_OK ) == 0); return 0; } int wildcard_expand( const wchar_t *wc, const wchar_t *base_dir, int flags, array_list_t *out ) { // debug( 3, L"WILDCARD_EXPAND %ls in %ls", wc, base_dir ); if( flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE ) { /* Avoid excessive number of returned matches for wc ending with a * */ int len = wcslen(wc); if( len && (wc[len-1]==ANY_STRING) ) { wchar_t * foo = wcsdup( wc ); foo[len-1]=0; int res = wildcard_expand( foo, base_dir, flags, out ); free( foo ); return res; } } struct dirent *next; wchar_t *wc_end = wcschr(wc,L'/'); DIR *dir; int res = 0; int base_len = wcslen( base_dir ); wchar_t *wc_recursive = wcschr( wc, ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE ); int is_recursive = is_recursive = ( wc_recursive && (!wc_end || wc_recursive < wc_end)); const wchar_t *dir_string = base_dir[0]==L'\0'?L".":base_dir; string_buffer_t sb_desc; sb_init( &sb_desc ); // if( accept_incomplete ) // wprintf( L"Glob %ls in '%ls'\n", wc, base_dir );//[0]==L'\0'?L".":base_dir ); /* Test for recursive match string in current segment */ if( !(dir = wopendir( dir_string ))) { // if( errno != EACCES && errno != ENOENT ) // wperror( L"opendir" ); return 0; } /* Is this segment of the wildcard the last? */ if( wc_end == 0 ) { /* Wildcard segment is the last segment Insert all matching files/directories */ if( wc[0]=='\0' ) { /* The last wildcard segment is empty. Insert everything if completing, the directory itself otherwise. */ if( flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE ) { while( (next=readdir(dir))!=0 ) { if( next->d_name[0] != '.' ) { wchar_t *name = str2wcs(next->d_name); if( name == 0 ) { /* closedir( dir );*/ /* return -1; */ continue; } wchar_t *long_name = make_path( base_dir, name ); if( long_name == 0 ) { wperror( L"malloc" ); closedir( dir ); free(name); return 0; } if( test_flags( long_name, flags ) ) { get_desc( long_name, &sb_desc, flags & EXECUTABLES_ONLY ); al_push_check( out, wcsdupcat(name, (wchar_t *)sb_desc.buff) ); } free(name); free( long_name ); } } } else { res = 1; al_push_check( out, wcsdup( base_dir ) ); } } else { /* This is the last wildcard segment, and it is not empty. Match files/directories. */ while( (next=readdir(dir))!=0 ) { wchar_t *name = str2wcs(next->d_name); if( name == 0 ) { continue; } /* wprintf( L"Filen heter %s\n\n\n", next->d_name );*/ /* wprintf( L"Match %ls (%s) against %ls\n\n\n", name, "tjo", wc );*/ if( flags & ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE ) { /* wprintf( L"match %ls to %ls\n", name, wc );*/ wchar_t *long_name = make_path( base_dir, name ); if( long_name == 0 ) { wperror( L"malloc" ); closedir( dir ); free(name); return 0; } /* Test for matches before stating file, so as to minimize the number of stat calls */ if( wildcard_complete( name, wc, L"", 0, 0 ) ) { if( test_flags( long_name, flags ) ) { get_desc( long_name, &sb_desc, flags & EXECUTABLES_ONLY ); wildcard_complete( name, wc, (wchar_t *)sb_desc.buff, 0, out ); } } free( long_name ); } else { if( wildcard_match2( name, wc, 1 ) ) { wchar_t *long_name = make_path( base_dir, name ); if( long_name == 0 ) { wperror( L"malloc" ); closedir( dir ); free(name); return 0; } al_push_check( out, long_name ); res = 1; } } free( name ); } } } else { /* Wilcard segment is not the last segment. Recursively call wildcard_expand for all matching subdirectories. */ wchar_t *wc_str; wchar_t *new_dir; static size_t ln=1024; char * narrow_dir_string = wcs2str( dir_string ); if( narrow_dir_string ) { ln = pathconf( narrow_dir_string, _PC_NAME_MAX ); /* Find out how long the filename can be in a worst case scenario */ if( ln < 0 ) ln = 1024; free( narrow_dir_string ); } new_dir= malloc( sizeof(wchar_t)*(base_len+ln+2) ); wc_str = wcsndup(wc, wc_end-wc); if( (!new_dir) || (!wc_str) ) { if( new_dir ) free( new_dir ); if( wc_str ) free( wc_str ); wperror( L"malloc" ); closedir( dir ); return 0; } wcscpy( new_dir, base_dir ); int has_base = 0; if ( *wc == ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE ) has_base = wildcard_expand( wc_end + 1, base_dir, flags, out ); while( (next=readdir(dir))!=0 ) { wchar_t *name = str2wcs(next->d_name); if( name == 0 ) { continue; } if( wildcard_match2( name, wc_str, 1 ) ) { int new_len; struct stat buf; wcscpy(&new_dir[base_len], name ); free(name); char *dir_str = wcs2str( new_dir ); int stat_res; if( !dir_str ) { continue; } stat_res= stat( dir_str, &buf ); free( dir_str ); if( stat_res ) { continue; } if( buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) { new_len = wcslen( new_dir ); new_dir[new_len] = L'/'; new_dir[new_len+1] = L'\0'; int has_entries = 0; if( *wc == ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE ) has_entries = wildcard_expand( wc, new_dir, flags, out ); else has_entries = wildcard_expand( wc_end + 1, new_dir, flags, out ); switch( has_entries ) { case 0: break; case 1: res = 1; break; } } } else { free(name); } } res = res || has_base; free( wc_str ); free( new_dir ); } closedir( dir ); sb_destroy( &sb_desc ); return res; } void al_push_check( array_list_t *l, const wchar_t *new ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < al_get_count(l); i++ ) if( !wcscmp( al_get(l, i), new ) ) return; al_push( l, new ); }