use super::prelude::*; use crate::common::escape_string; use crate::common::reformat_for_screen; use crate::common::valid_func_name; use crate::common::{EscapeFlags, EscapeStringStyle}; use crate::event::{self}; use crate::ffi::colorize_shell; use crate::function; use crate::parser_keywords::parser_keywords_is_reserved; use crate::termsize::termsize_last; struct FunctionsCmdOpts<'args> { print_help: bool, erase: bool, list: bool, show_hidden: bool, query: bool, copy: bool, report_metadata: bool, no_metadata: bool, verbose: bool, handlers: bool, handlers_type: Option<&'args wstr>, description: Option<&'args wstr>, } impl Default for FunctionsCmdOpts<'_> { fn default() -> Self { Self { print_help: false, erase: false, list: false, show_hidden: false, query: false, copy: false, report_metadata: false, no_metadata: false, verbose: false, handlers: false, handlers_type: None, description: None, } } } const NO_METADATA_SHORT: char = 2 as char; const SHORT_OPTIONS: &wstr = L!(":Ht:Dacd:ehnqv"); #[rustfmt::skip] const LONG_OPTIONS: &[woption] = &[ wopt(L!("erase"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'e'), wopt(L!("description"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 'd'), wopt(L!("names"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'n'), wopt(L!("all"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'a'), wopt(L!("help"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'h'), wopt(L!("query"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'q'), wopt(L!("copy"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'c'), wopt(L!("details"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'D'), wopt(L!("no-details"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, NO_METADATA_SHORT), wopt(L!("verbose"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'v'), wopt(L!("handlers"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'H'), wopt(L!("handlers-type"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 't'), ]; /// Parses options to builtin function, populating opts. /// Returns an exit status. fn parse_cmd_opts<'args>( opts: &mut FunctionsCmdOpts<'args>, optind: &mut usize, argv: &mut [&'args wstr], parser: &mut parser_t, streams: &mut io_streams_t, ) -> Option { let cmd = L!("function"); let print_hints = false; let mut w = wgetopter_t::new(SHORT_OPTIONS, LONG_OPTIONS, argv); while let Some(opt) = w.wgetopt_long() { match opt { 'v' => opts.verbose = true, 'e' => opts.erase = true, 'D' => opts.report_metadata = true, NO_METADATA_SHORT => opts.no_metadata = true, 'd' => { opts.description = Some(w.woptarg.unwrap()); } 'n' => opts.list = true, 'a' => opts.show_hidden = true, 'h' => opts.print_help = true, 'q' => opts.query = true, 'c' => opts.copy = true, 'H' => opts.handlers = true, 't' => { opts.handlers = true; opts.handlers_type = Some(w.woptarg.unwrap()); } ':' => { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1], print_hints); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } '?' => { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1], print_hints); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } other => { panic!("Unexpected retval from wgetopt_long: {}", other); } } } *optind = w.woptind; STATUS_CMD_OK } pub fn functions( parser: &mut parser_t, streams: &mut io_streams_t, args: &mut [&wstr], ) -> Option { let cmd = args[0]; let mut opts = FunctionsCmdOpts::default(); let mut optind = 0; let retval = parse_cmd_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, args, parser, streams); if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK { return retval; } // Shadow our args with the positionals let args = &args[optind..]; if opts.print_help { builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } let describe = opts.description.is_some(); if [describe, opts.erase, opts.list, opts.query, opts.copy] .into_iter() .filter(|b| *b) .count() > 1 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO, cmd)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if opts.report_metadata && opts.no_metadata { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO, cmd)); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if opts.erase { for arg in args { function::remove(arg); } // Historical - this never failed? return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if let Some(desc) = opts.description { if args.len() != 1 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Expected exactly one function name\n", cmd )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let current_func = args[0]; if !function::exists(current_func, parser) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Function '%ls' does not exist\n", cmd, current_func )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } function::set_desc(current_func, desc.into(), parser); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if opts.report_metadata { if args.len() != 1 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( BUILTIN_ERR_ARG_COUNT2, cmd, // This error is // functions: --details: expected 1 arguments; got 2 // The "--details" was "argv[optind - 1]" in the C++ // which would just give the last option. // This is broken because you could do `functions --details --verbose foo bar`, and it would error about "--verbose". "--details", 1, args.len() )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let props = function::get_props_autoload(args[0], parser); let def_file = if let Some(p) = props.as_ref() { if let Some(cpf) = &p.copy_definition_file { cpf.as_ref().to_owned() } else if let Some(df) = &p.definition_file { df.as_ref().to_owned() } else { L!("stdin").to_owned() } } else { L!("n/a").to_owned() }; streams.out.appendln(def_file); if opts.verbose { let copy_place = match props.as_ref() { Some(p) if p.copy_definition_file.is_some() => { if let Some(df) = &p.definition_file { df.as_ref().to_owned() } else { L!("stdin").to_owned() } } Some(p) if p.is_autoload.load() => L!("autoloaded").to_owned(), Some(p) if !p.is_autoload.load() => L!("not-autoloaded").to_owned(), _ => L!("n/a").to_owned(), }; streams.out.appendln(copy_place); let line = if let Some(p) = props.as_ref() { p.definition_lineno() } else { 0 }; streams.out.appendln(line.to_wstring()); let shadow = match props.as_ref() { Some(p) if p.shadow_scope => L!("scope-shadowing").to_owned(), Some(p) if !p.shadow_scope => L!("no-scope-shadowing").to_owned(), _ => L!("n/a").to_owned(), }; streams.out.appendln(shadow); let desc = match props.as_ref() { Some(p) if !p.description.is_empty() => escape_string( &p.description, EscapeStringStyle::Script(EscapeFlags::NO_PRINTABLES | EscapeFlags::NO_QUOTED), ), Some(p) if p.description.is_empty() => L!("").to_owned(), _ => L!("n/a").to_owned(), }; streams.out.appendln(desc); } // Historical - this never failed? return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if opts.handlers { // Empty handlers-type is the same as "all types". if !opts.handlers_type.unwrap_or(L!("")).is_empty() && !event::EVENT_FILTER_NAMES.contains(&opts.handlers_type.unwrap()) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Expected generic | variable | signal | exit | job-id for --handlers-type\n", cmd )); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } event::print(streams, opts.handlers_type.unwrap_or(L!(""))); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if opts.query && args.is_empty() { return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } if opts.list || args.is_empty() { let mut names = function::get_names(opts.show_hidden); names.sort(); if streams.out_is_terminal() { let mut buff = WString::new(); let mut first: bool = true; for name in names { if !first { buff.push_utfstr(L!(", ")); } buff.push_utfstr(&name); first = false; } streams .out .append(reformat_for_screen(&buff, &termsize_last())); } else { for name in names { streams.out.appendln(name); } } return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if opts.copy { if args.len() != 2 { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Expected exactly two names (current function name, and new function name)\n", cmd )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } let current_func = args[0]; let new_func = args[1]; if !function::exists(current_func, parser) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Function '%ls' does not exist\n", cmd, current_func )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } if !valid_func_name(new_func) || parser_keywords_is_reserved(new_func) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Illegal function name '%ls'\n", cmd, new_func )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if function::exists(new_func, parser) { streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!( "%ls: Function '%ls' already exists. Cannot create copy '%ls'\n", cmd, new_func, current_func )); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } if function::copy(current_func, new_func.into(), parser) { return STATUS_CMD_OK; } return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } let mut res: c_int = STATUS_CMD_OK.unwrap(); let mut first = true; for arg in args.iter() { let Some(props) = function::get_props_autoload(arg, parser) else { res += 1; first = false; continue; }; if opts.query { continue; } if !first { streams.out.append(L!("\n")); }; let mut comment = WString::new(); if !opts.no_metadata { // TODO: This is duplicated in type. // Extract this into a helper. match props.definition_file() { Some(path) if path == "-" => { comment.push_utfstr(&wgettext!("Defined via `source`")) } Some(path) => { comment.push_utfstr(&wgettext_fmt!( "Defined in %ls @ line %d", path, props.definition_lineno() )); } None => comment.push_utfstr(&wgettext_fmt!("Defined interactively")), } if props.is_copy() { match props.copy_definition_file() { Some(path) if path == "-" => { comment.push_utfstr(&wgettext_fmt!(", copied via `source`")) } Some(path) => { comment.push_utfstr(&wgettext_fmt!( ", copied in %ls @ line %d", path, props.copy_definition_lineno() )); } None => comment.push_utfstr(&wgettext_fmt!(", copied interactively")), } } } let mut def = WString::new(); if !comment.is_empty() { def.push_utfstr(&sprintf!( "# %ls\n%ls", comment, props.annotated_definition(arg) )); } else { def = props.annotated_definition(arg); } if streams.out_is_terminal() { let col = colorize_shell(&def.to_ffi(),; streams.out.append(col); } else { streams.out.append(def); } first = false; } return Some(res); }