set -l runtime config_cache_reload \ snmp_cache_reload \ housekeeper_execute \ diaginfo \ diaginfo= \ log_level_increase \ log_level_increase= \ log_level_decrease \ log_level_decrease= function __fish_string_in_command -a ch string match -rq -- $ch (commandline) end function __fish_prepend -a prefix set -l log_target "configuration syncer" \ "data sender" \ discoverer \ "history syncer" \ housekeeper \ "http poller" \ "icmp pinger" \ "ipmi manager" \ "ipmi poller" \ "java poller" \ poller \ self-monitoring \ "snmp trapper" \ "task manager" \ trapper \ "unreachable poller" \ "vmware collector" if string match -rq 'log_level_(in|de)crease' $prefix set var $log_target else if string match -rq diaginfo $prefix set var historycache preprocessing end for i in $var echo $prefix="$i" end end # General complete -c zabbix_proxy -s c -l config -d "Use an alternate config-file." complete -c zabbix_proxy -f -s f -l foreground -d "Run Zabbix agent in foreground." complete -c zabbix_proxy -f -s R -l runtime-control -a "$runtime" -d "Perform administrative functions." complete -c zabbix_proxy -f -s h -l help -d "Display this help and exit." complete -c zabbix_proxy -f -s V -l version -d "Output version information and exit." # Logs complete -c zabbix_proxy -r -f -s R -l runtime-control -n "__fish_string_in_command log_level_increase" -a "(__fish_prepend log_level_increase)" complete -c zabbix_proxy -r -f -s R -l runtime-control -n "__fish_string_in_command log_level_decrease" -a "(__fish_prepend log_level_decrease)" # Diag info complete -c zabbix_proxy -r -f -s R -l runtime-control -n "__fish_string_in_command diaginfo" -a "(__fish_prepend diaginfo)"