mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 06:03:39 +08:00
Drop support for history file version 1. ParseExecutionContext no longer contains an OperationContext because in my first implementation, ParseExecutionContext didn't have interior mutability. We should probably try to add it back. Add a few to-do style comments. Search for "todo!" and "PORTING". Co-authored-by: Xiretza <xiretza@xiretza.xyz> (complete, wildcard, expand, history, history/file) Co-authored-by: Henrik Hørlück Berg <36937807+henrikhorluck@users.noreply.github.com> (builtins/set)
941 lines
29 KiB
941 lines
29 KiB
use crate::env::environment::Environment;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::os::unix::prelude::{FileTypeExt, MetadataExt};
use std::time::SystemTime;
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::path::path_apply_working_directory;
use crate::util::wcsfilecmp_glob;
use crate::wcstringutil::split_string_tok;
use crate::wutil::{
file_id_for_path, lwstat, normalize_path, waccess, wbasename, wdirname, wrealpath, wstat,
use bitflags::bitflags;
use libc::{getegid, geteuid, mode_t, uid_t, F_OK, PATH_MAX, R_OK, S_ISGID, S_ISUID, W_OK, X_OK};
use super::shared::BuiltinCmd;
macro_rules! path_error {
$(, $args:expr)+
) => {
$streams.err.append(L!("path "));
$streams.err.append(wgettext_fmt!($string, $($args),*));
fn path_unknown_option(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, subcmd: &wstr, opt: &wstr) {
path_error!(streams, BUILTIN_ERR_UNKNOWN, subcmd, opt);
builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, L!("path"));
// How many bytes we read() at once.
// We use PATH_MAX here so we always get at least one path,
// and so we can automatically detect NULL-separated input.
const PATH_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = PATH_MAX as usize;
fn arguments<'iter, 'args>(
args: &'iter [&'args wstr],
optind: &'iter mut usize,
streams: &mut IoStreams,
) -> Arguments<'args, 'iter> {
Arguments::new(args, optind, streams, PATH_CHUNK_SIZE)
bitflags! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct TypeFlags: u32 {
/// A block device
const BLOCK = 1 << 0;
/// A directory
const DIR = 1 << 1;
/// A regular file
const FILE = 1 << 2;
/// A link
const LINK = 1 << 3;
/// A character device
const CHAR = 1 << 4;
/// A fifo
const FIFO = 1 << 5;
/// A socket
const SOCK = 1 << 6;
impl TryFrom<&wstr> for TypeFlags {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: &wstr) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let flag = match value {
t if t == "file" => Self::FILE,
t if t == "dir" => Self::DIR,
t if t == "block" => Self::BLOCK,
t if t == "char" => Self::CHAR,
t if t == "fifo" => Self::FIFO,
t if t == "socket" => Self::SOCK,
t if t == "link" => Self::LINK,
_ => return Err(()),
bitflags! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct PermFlags: u32 {
const READ = 1 << 0;
const WRITE = 1 << 1;
const EXEC = 1 << 2;
const SUID = 1 << 3;
const SGID = 1 << 4;
const USER = 1 << 5;
const GROUP = 1 << 6;
impl PermFlags {
fn is_special(self) -> bool {
self.intersects(Self::SUID | Self::SGID | Self::USER | Self::GROUP)
impl TryFrom<&wstr> for PermFlags {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: &wstr) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let flag = match value {
t if t == "read" => Self::READ,
t if t == "write" => Self::WRITE,
t if t == "exec" => Self::EXEC,
t if t == "suid" => Self::SUID,
t if t == "sgid" => Self::SGID,
t if t == "user" => Self::USER,
t if t == "group" => Self::GROUP,
_ => return Err(()),
/// This is used by the subcommands to communicate with the option parser which flags are
/// valid and get the result of parsing the command for flags.
struct Options<'args> {
null_in: bool,
null_out: bool,
quiet: bool,
invert_valid: bool,
invert: bool,
relative_valid: bool,
relative: bool,
reverse_valid: bool,
reverse: bool,
unique_valid: bool,
unique: bool,
key: Option<&'args wstr>,
types_valid: bool,
types: Option<TypeFlags>,
perms_valid: bool,
perms: Option<PermFlags>,
arg1: Option<&'args wstr>,
fn path_out(streams: &mut IoStreams, opts: &Options<'_>, s: impl AsRef<wstr>) {
let s = s.as_ref();
if !opts.quiet {
if !opts.null_out {
.append_with_separation(s, SeparationType::explicitly, true);
} else {
let mut output = WString::with_capacity(s.len() + 1);
fn construct_short_opts(opts: &Options) -> WString {
// All commands accept -z, -Z and -q
let mut short_opts = WString::from(":zZq");
if opts.perms_valid {
short_opts += L!("p:");
short_opts += L!("rwx");
if opts.types_valid {
short_opts += L!("t:");
short_opts += L!("fld");
if opts.invert_valid {
if opts.relative_valid {
if opts.reverse_valid {
if opts.unique_valid {
/// Note that several long flags share the same short flag. That is okay. The caller is expected
/// to indicate that a max of one of the long flags sharing a short flag is valid.
/// Remember: adjust the completions in share/completions/ when options change
const LONG_OPTIONS: [woption<'static>; 10] = [
wopt(L!("quiet"), no_argument, 'q'),
wopt(L!("null-in"), no_argument, 'z'),
wopt(L!("null-out"), no_argument, 'Z'),
wopt(L!("perm"), required_argument, 'p'),
wopt(L!("type"), required_argument, 't'),
wopt(L!("invert"), no_argument, 'v'),
wopt(L!("relative"), no_argument, 'R'),
wopt(L!("reverse"), no_argument, 'r'),
wopt(L!("unique"), no_argument, 'u'),
wopt(L!("key"), required_argument, NONOPTION_CHAR_CODE),
fn parse_opts<'args>(
opts: &mut Options<'args>,
optind: &mut usize,
n_req_args: usize,
args: &mut [&'args wstr],
parser: &Parser,
streams: &mut IoStreams,
) -> Option<c_int> {
let cmd = args[0];
let mut args_read = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
let short_opts = construct_short_opts(opts);
let mut w = wgetopter_t::new(&short_opts, &LONG_OPTIONS, args);
while let Some(c) = w.wgetopt_long() {
match c {
':' => {
streams.err.append(L!("path ")); // clone of string_error
builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, args_read[w.woptind - 1], false);
'?' => {
path_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, args_read[w.woptind - 1]);
'q' => {
opts.quiet = true;
'z' => {
opts.null_in = true;
'Z' => {
opts.null_out = true;
'v' if opts.invert_valid => {
opts.invert = true;
't' if opts.types_valid => {
let types = opts.types.get_or_insert_with(TypeFlags::default);
let types_args = split_string_tok(w.woptarg.unwrap(), L!(","), None);
for t in types_args {
let Ok(r#type) = t.try_into() else {
path_error!(streams, "%ls: Invalid type '%ls'\n", "path", t);
*types |= r#type;
'p' if opts.perms_valid => {
let perms = opts.perms.get_or_insert_with(PermFlags::default);
let perms_args = split_string_tok(w.woptarg.unwrap(), L!(","), None);
for p in perms_args {
let Ok(perm) = p.try_into() else {
path_error!(streams, "%ls: Invalid permission '%ls'\n", "path", p);
*perms |= perm;
'r' if opts.reverse_valid => {
opts.reverse = true;
'r' if opts.perms_valid => {
let perms = opts.perms.get_or_insert_with(PermFlags::default);
*perms |= PermFlags::READ;
'w' if opts.perms_valid => {
let perms = opts.perms.get_or_insert_with(PermFlags::default);
*perms |= PermFlags::WRITE;
'x' if opts.perms_valid => {
let perms = opts.perms.get_or_insert_with(PermFlags::default);
*perms |= PermFlags::EXEC;
'f' if opts.types_valid => {
let types = opts.types.get_or_insert_with(TypeFlags::default);
*types |= TypeFlags::FILE;
'l' if opts.types_valid => {
let types = opts.types.get_or_insert_with(TypeFlags::default);
*types |= TypeFlags::LINK;
'd' if opts.types_valid => {
let types = opts.types.get_or_insert_with(TypeFlags::default);
*types |= TypeFlags::DIR;
'u' if opts.unique_valid => {
opts.unique = true;
'R' if opts.relative_valid => {
opts.relative = true;
opts.key = w.woptarg;
_ => {
path_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, args_read[w.woptind - 1]);
*optind = w.woptind;
if n_req_args != 0 {
assert!(n_req_args == 1);
opts.arg1 = args.get(*optind).copied();
if opts.arg1.is_some() {
*optind += 1;
if opts.arg1.is_none() && n_req_args == 1 {
path_error!(streams, BUILTIN_ERR_ARG_COUNT0, cmd);
// At this point we should not have optional args and be reading args from stdin.
if streams.stdin_is_directly_redirected && args.len() > *optind {
path_error!(streams, BUILTIN_ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS, cmd);
fn path_transform(
parser: &Parser,
streams: &mut IoStreams,
args: &mut [&wstr],
func: impl Fn(&wstr) -> WString,
) -> Option<c_int> {
let mut opts = Options::default();
let mut optind = 0;
let retval = parse_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, 0, args, parser, streams);
if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK {
return retval;
let mut n_transformed = 0;
let arguments = arguments(args, &mut optind, streams).with_split_behavior(match opts.null_in {
true => SplitBehavior::Null,
false => SplitBehavior::InferNull,
for (arg, _) in arguments {
// Empty paths make no sense, but e.g. wbasename returns true for them.
if arg.is_empty() {
let transformed = func(&arg);
if transformed != arg {
n_transformed += 1;
// Return okay if path wasn't already in this form
// TODO: Is that correct?
if opts.quiet {
path_out(streams, &opts, transformed);
if n_transformed > 0 {
} else {
fn path_basename(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
path_transform(parser, streams, args, |s| wbasename(s).to_owned())
fn path_dirname(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
path_transform(parser, streams, args, |s| wdirname(s).to_owned())
fn normalize_help(path: &wstr) -> WString {
let mut np = normalize_path(path, false);
if !np.is_empty() && np.char_at(0) == '-' {
np = "./".chars().chain(np.chars()).collect();
fn path_normalize(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
path_transform(parser, streams, args, normalize_help)
fn path_mtime(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.relative_valid = true;
let mut optind = 0;
let retval = parse_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, 0, args, parser, streams);
if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK {
return retval;
let mut n_transformed = 0;
let t = match SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
Ok(dur) => dur.as_secs() as i64,
Err(err) => -(err.duration().as_secs() as i64),
let arguments = arguments(args, &mut optind, streams).with_split_behavior(match opts.null_in {
true => SplitBehavior::Null,
false => SplitBehavior::InferNull,
for (arg, _) in arguments {
let ret = file_id_for_path(&arg);
if ret != INVALID_FILE_ID {
if opts.quiet {
n_transformed += 1;
if !opts.relative {
path_out(streams, &opts, (ret.mod_seconds).to_wstring());
} else {
// note that the mod time can actually be before the system time
// so this can end up negative
path_out(streams, &opts, (t - ret.mod_seconds as i64).to_wstring());
if n_transformed > 0 {
} else {
fn find_extension(path: &wstr) -> Option<usize> {
// The extension belongs to the basename,
// if there is a "." before the last component it doesn't matter.
// e.g. ~/.config/fish/conf.d/foo
// does not have an extension! The ".d" here is not a file extension for "foo".
// And "~/.config" doesn't have an extension either - the ".config" is the filename.
let filename = wbasename(path);
// "." and ".." aren't really *files* and therefore don't have an extension.
if filename == "." || filename == ".." {
return None;
// If we don't have a "." or the "." is the first in the filename,
// we do not have an extension
let pos = filename.chars().rposition(|c| c == '.');
match pos {
None | Some(0) => None,
// Convert pos back to what it would be in the original path.
Some(pos) => Some(pos + path.len() - filename.len()),
fn test_find_extension() {
let cases = [
(L!("foo.wmv"), Some(3)),
(L!("verylongfilename.wmv"), Some("verylongfilename".len())),
(L!("foo"), None),
(L!(".foo"), None),
(L!("./foo.wmv"), Some(5)),
for (f, ext_idx) in cases {
assert_eq!(find_extension(f), ext_idx);
fn path_extension(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
let mut opts = Options::default();
let mut optind = 0;
let retval = parse_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, 0, args, parser, streams);
if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK {
return retval;
let mut n_transformed = 0;
let arguments = arguments(args, &mut optind, streams).with_split_behavior(match opts.null_in {
true => SplitBehavior::Null,
false => SplitBehavior::InferNull,
for (arg, _) in arguments {
let pos = find_extension(&arg);
let Some(pos) = pos else {
// If there is no extension the extension is empty.
// This is unambiguous because we include the ".".
path_out(streams, &opts, L!(""));
let ext = arg.slice_from(pos);
if opts.quiet && !ext.is_empty() {
path_out(streams, &opts, ext);
n_transformed += 1;
if n_transformed > 0 {
} else {
fn path_change_extension(
parser: &Parser,
streams: &mut IoStreams,
args: &mut [&wstr],
) -> Option<c_int> {
let mut opts = Options::default();
let mut optind = 0;
let retval = parse_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, 1, args, parser, streams);
if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK {
return retval;
let mut n_transformed = 0usize;
let arguments = arguments(args, &mut optind, streams).with_split_behavior(match opts.null_in {
true => SplitBehavior::Null,
false => SplitBehavior::InferNull,
for (mut arg, _) in arguments {
let pos = find_extension(&arg);
let mut ext = match pos {
Some(pos) => {
None => arg.into_owned(),
// Only add on the extension "." if we have something.
// That way specifying an empty extension strips it.
if let Some(replacement) = opts.arg1 {
if !replacement.is_empty() {
if replacement.char_at(0) != '.' {
path_out(streams, &opts, ext);
n_transformed += 1;
if n_transformed > 0 {
} else {
fn path_resolve(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
let mut opts = Options::default();
let mut optind = 0;
let retval = parse_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, 0, args, parser, streams);
if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK {
return retval;
let mut n_transformed = 0usize;
let arguments = arguments(args, &mut optind, streams).with_split_behavior(match opts.null_in {
true => SplitBehavior::Null,
false => SplitBehavior::InferNull,
for (arg, _) in arguments {
let mut real = match wrealpath(&arg) {
Some(p) => p,
None => {
// The path doesn't exist, isn't readable or a symlink loop.
// We go up until we find something that works.
let mut next = arg.into_owned();
// First add $PWD if we're relative
if !next.is_empty() && next.char_at(0) != '/' {
next = path_apply_working_directory(&next, &parser.vars().get_pwd_slash());
let mut rest = wbasename(&next).to_owned();
let mut real = None;
while !next.is_empty() && next != "/" {
next = wdirname(&next).to_owned();
real = wrealpath(&next);
if let Some(ref mut real) = real {
*real = normalize_path(real, false);
rest = (wbasename(&next).to_owned() + L!("/")) + rest.as_utfstr();
match real {
Some(p) => p,
None => continue,
// Normalize the path so "../" components are eliminated even after
// nonexistent or non-directory components.
// Otherwise `path resolve foo/../` will be `$PWD/foo/../` if foo is a file.
real = normalize_path(&real, false);
// Return 0 if we found a realpath.
if opts.quiet {
path_out(streams, &opts, real);
n_transformed += 1;
if n_transformed > 0 {
} else {
fn path_sort(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.reverse_valid = true;
opts.unique_valid = true;
let mut optind = 0;
let retval = parse_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, 0, args, parser, streams);
if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK {
return retval;
let keyfunc: &dyn Fn(&wstr) -> &wstr = match &opts.key {
Some(k) if k == "basename" => &wbasename as _,
Some(k) if k == "dirname" => &wdirname as _,
Some(k) if k == "path" => {
// Act as if --key hadn't been given.
opts.key = None;
&wbasename as _
None => &wbasename as _,
Some(k) => {
path_error!(streams, "%ls: Invalid sort key '%ls'\n", args[0], k);
let arguments = arguments(args, &mut optind, streams).with_split_behavior(match opts.null_in {
true => SplitBehavior::Null,
false => SplitBehavior::InferNull,
let mut list: Vec<_> = arguments.map(|(f, _)| f).collect();
if opts.key.is_some() {
// We use a stable sort here
list.sort_by(|a, b| {
match wcsfilecmp_glob(keyfunc(a), keyfunc(b)) {
// to avoid changing the order so we can chain calls
Ordering::Equal => Ordering::Greater,
order if opts.reverse => order.reverse(),
order => order,
if opts.unique {
// we are sorted, dedup will remove all duplicates
list.dedup_by(|a, b| keyfunc(a) == keyfunc(b));
} else {
// Without --key, we just sort by the entire path,
// so we have no need to transform and such.
list.sort_by(|a, b| {
match wcsfilecmp_glob(a, b) {
// to avoid changing the order so we can chain calls
Ordering::Equal => Ordering::Greater,
order if opts.reverse => order.reverse(),
order => order,
if opts.unique {
// we are sorted, dedup will remove all duplicates
for entry in list {
path_out(streams, &opts, &entry);
/* TODO: Return true only if already sorted? */
fn filter_path(opts: &Options, path: &wstr) -> bool {
// TODO: Add moar stuff:
// fifos, sockets, size greater than zero, setuid, ...
// Nothing to check, file existence is checked elsewhere.
if opts.types.is_none() && opts.perms.is_none() {
return true;
if let Some(t) = opts.types {
let mut type_ok = false;
if t.contains(TypeFlags::LINK) {
let md = lwstat(path);
type_ok = md.is_ok() && md.unwrap().is_symlink();
let Ok(md) = wstat(path) else {
// Does not exist
return false;
let ft = md.file_type();
type_ok = match type_ok {
true => true,
_ if t.contains(TypeFlags::FILE) && ft.is_file() => true,
_ if t.contains(TypeFlags::DIR) && ft.is_dir() => true,
_ if t.contains(TypeFlags::BLOCK) && ft.is_block_device() => true,
_ if t.contains(TypeFlags::CHAR) && ft.is_char_device() => true,
_ if t.contains(TypeFlags::FIFO) && ft.is_fifo() => true,
_ if t.contains(TypeFlags::SOCK) && ft.is_socket() => true,
_ => false,
if !type_ok {
return false;
if let Some(perm) = opts.perms {
let mut amode = 0;
// TODO: Update bitflags so this works
for f in perm {
amode |= match f {
PermFlags::READ => R_OK,
PermFlags::WRITE => W_OK,
PermFlags::EXEC => X_OK,
_ => PermFlags::empty(),
if perm.contains(PermFlags::READ) {
amode |= R_OK;
if perm.contains(PermFlags::WRITE) {
amode |= W_OK;
if perm.contains(PermFlags::EXEC) {
amode |= X_OK;
// access returns 0 on success,
// -1 on failure. Yes, C can't even keep its bools straight.
if waccess(path, amode) != 0 {
return false;
// Permissions that require special handling
if perm.is_special() {
let Ok(md) = wstat(path) else {
// Does not exist, even though we just checked we can access it
// likely some kind of race condition
// We might want to warn the user about this?
return false;
if perm.contains(PermFlags::SUID) && (md.mode() as mode_t & S_ISUID) == 0 {
return false;
} else if perm.contains(PermFlags::SGID) && (md.mode() as mode_t & S_ISGID) == 0 {
return false;
} else if perm.contains(PermFlags::USER) && (unsafe { geteuid() } != md.uid() as uid_t)
return false;
} else if perm.contains(PermFlags::GROUP) && (unsafe { getegid() } != md.gid() as uid_t)
return false;
// No filters failed.
fn path_filter_maybe_is(
parser: &Parser,
streams: &mut IoStreams,
args: &mut [&wstr],
is_is: bool,
) -> Option<c_int> {
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.types_valid = true;
opts.perms_valid = true;
opts.invert_valid = true;
let mut optind = 0;
let retval = parse_opts(&mut opts, &mut optind, 0, args, parser, streams);
if retval != STATUS_CMD_OK {
return retval;
// If we have been invoked as "path is", which is "path filter -q".
if is_is {
opts.quiet = true;
let mut n_transformed = 0;
let arguments = arguments(args, &mut optind, streams).with_split_behavior(match opts.null_in {
true => SplitBehavior::Null,
false => SplitBehavior::InferNull,
for (arg, _) in arguments.filter(|(f, _)| {
(opts.perms.is_none() && opts.types.is_none()) || (filter_path(&opts, f) != opts.invert)
}) {
// If we don't have filters, check if it exists.
if opts.perms.is_none() && opts.types.is_none() {
let ok = waccess(&arg, F_OK) == 0;
if ok == opts.invert {
// We *know* this is a filename,
// and so if it starts with a `-` we *know* it is relative
// to $PWD. So we can add `./`.
// Empty paths make no sense, but e.g. wbasename returns true for them.
if !arg.is_empty() && arg.starts_with('-') {
let out = WString::from("./") + arg.as_ref();
path_out(streams, &opts, out);
} else {
path_out(streams, &opts, arg);
n_transformed += 1;
if opts.quiet {
if n_transformed > 0 {
} else {
fn path_filter(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
path_filter_maybe_is(parser, streams, args, false)
fn path_is(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
path_filter_maybe_is(parser, streams, args, true)
/// The path builtin, for handling paths.
pub fn path(parser: &Parser, streams: &mut IoStreams, args: &mut [&wstr]) -> Option<c_int> {
let cmd = args[0];
let argc = args.len();
if argc <= 1 {
.append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_MISSING_SUBCMD, cmd));
builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd);
if args[1] == "-h" || args[1] == "--help" {
builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd);
let subcmd_name = args[1];
let subcmd: BuiltinCmd = match subcmd_name.to_string().as_str() {
"basename" => path_basename,
"change-extension" => path_change_extension,
"dirname" => path_dirname,
"extension" => path_extension,
"filter" => path_filter,
"is" => path_is,
"mtime" => path_mtime,
"normalize" => path_normalize,
"resolve" => path_resolve,
"sort" => path_sort,
_ => {
.append(wgettext_fmt!(BUILTIN_ERR_INVALID_SUBCMD, cmd, subcmd_name));
builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd);
if argc >= 3 && (args[2] == "-h" || args[2] == "--help") {
// Unlike string, we don't have separate docs (yet)
builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd);
let args = &mut args[1..];
return subcmd(parser, streams, args);