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synced 2025-03-10 04:05:22 +08:00

clang-tidy wrongly sees an std::move to a const ref parameter and believes it to be pointless. The copy constructor however is deleted. Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <rosenp@gmail.com>
212 lines
7.6 KiB
212 lines
7.6 KiB
// Support for monitoring a set of fds.
#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "fd_monitor.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <thread> //this_thread::sleep_for
#include "flog.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "iothread.h"
#include "wutil.h"
static constexpr uint64_t kUsecPerMsec = 1000;
fd_monitor_t::fd_monitor_t() = default;
fd_monitor_t::~fd_monitor_t() {
// In orindary usage, we never invoke the dtor.
// This is used in the tests to not leave stale fds around.
// That is why this is very hacky!
data_.acquire()->terminate = true;
while (data_.acquire()->running) {
fd_monitor_item_id_t fd_monitor_t::add(fd_monitor_item_t &&item) {
assert(item.fd.valid() && "Invalid fd");
assert(item.timeout_usec != 0 && "Invalid timeout");
assert(item.item_id == 0 && "Item should not already have an ID");
bool start_thread = false;
fd_monitor_item_id_t item_id{};
// Lock around a local region.
auto data = data_.acquire();
// Assign an id and add the item to pending.
item_id = ++data->last_id;
item.item_id = item_id;
// Maybe plan to start the thread.
if (!data->running) {
FLOG(fd_monitor, "Thread starting");
data->running = true;
start_thread = true;
if (start_thread) {
void *(*trampoline)(void *) = [](void *self) -> void * {
static_cast<fd_monitor_t *>(self)->run_in_background();
return nullptr;
bool made_thread = make_detached_pthread(trampoline, this);
if (!made_thread) {
DIE("Unable to create a new pthread");
// Tickle our signaller.
return item_id;
void fd_monitor_t::poke_item(fd_monitor_item_id_t item_id) {
assert(item_id > 0 && "Invalid item ID");
bool needs_notification = false;
auto data = data_.acquire();
needs_notification = data->pokelist.empty();
// Insert it, sorted.
auto where = std::lower_bound(data->pokelist.begin(), data->pokelist.end(), item_id);
data->pokelist.insert(where, item_id);
if (needs_notification) {
uint64_t fd_monitor_item_t::usec_remaining(const time_point_t &now) const {
assert(last_time.has_value() && "Should always have a last_time");
if (timeout_usec == kNoTimeout) return kNoTimeout;
assert(now >= *last_time && "steady clock went backwards!");
uint64_t since = static_cast<uint64_t>(
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(now - *last_time).count());
return since >= timeout_usec ? 0 : timeout_usec - since;
bool fd_monitor_item_t::service_item(const select_wrapper_t &fds, const time_point_t &now) {
bool should_retain = true;
bool readable = fds.test(fd.fd());
bool timed_out = !readable && usec_remaining(now) == 0;
if (readable || timed_out) {
last_time = now;
item_wake_reason_t reason =
readable ? item_wake_reason_t::readable : item_wake_reason_t::timeout;
callback(fd, reason);
should_retain = fd.valid();
return should_retain;
bool fd_monitor_item_t::poke_item(const poke_list_t &pokelist) {
if (item_id == 0 || !std::binary_search(pokelist.begin(), pokelist.end(), item_id)) {
// Not pokeable or not in the pokelist.
return true;
callback(fd, item_wake_reason_t::poke);
return fd.valid();
void fd_monitor_t::run_in_background() {
poke_list_t pokelist;
select_wrapper_t fds;
for (;;) {
// Poke any items that need it.
if (!pokelist.empty()) {
// Our change_signaller is special cased.
int change_signal_fd = change_signaller_.read_fd();
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
uint64_t timeout_usec = fd_monitor_item_t::kNoTimeout;
for (auto &item : items_) {
if (!item.last_time.has_value()) item.last_time = now;
timeout_usec = std::min(timeout_usec, item.usec_remaining(now));
// If we have only one item, it means that we are not actively monitoring any fds other than
// our self-pipe. In this case we wish to allow the thread to exit, but after a time, so we
// aren't spinning up and tearing down the thread repeatedly.
// Set a timeout of 16 msec; if nothing becomes readable by then we will exit.
// We refer to this as the wait-lap.
bool is_wait_lap = (items_.size() == 1);
if (is_wait_lap) {
assert(timeout_usec == fd_monitor_item_t::kNoTimeout &&
"Should not have a timeout on wait-lap");
timeout_usec = 16 * kUsecPerMsec;
// Call select().
int ret = fds.select(timeout_usec);
if (ret < 0 && errno != EINTR) {
// Surprising error.
// A predicate which services each item in turn, returning true if it should be removed.
auto servicer = [&fds, &now](fd_monitor_item_t &item) {
int fd = item.fd.fd();
bool remove = !item.service_item(fds, now);
if (remove) FLOG(fd_monitor, "Removing fd", fd);
return remove;
// Service all items that are either readable or timed out, and remove any which say to do
// so.
now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
items_.erase(std::remove_if(items_.begin(), items_.end(), servicer), items_.end());
// Handle any changes if the change signaller was set. Alternatively this may be the wait
// lap, in which case we might want to commit to exiting.
if (fds.test(change_signal_fd) || is_wait_lap) {
// Clear the change signaller before processing incoming changes.
auto data = data_.acquire();
// Move from 'pending' to 'items'.
items_.insert(items_.end(), std::make_move_iterator(data->pending.begin()),
// Grab any pokelist.
assert(pokelist.empty() && "pokelist should be empty or else we're dropping pokes");
pokelist = std::move(data->pokelist);
if (data->terminate || (is_wait_lap && items_.empty())) {
// Maybe terminate is set.
// Alternatively, maybe we had no items, waited a bit, and still have no items.
// It's important to do this while holding the lock, otherwise we race with new
// items being added.
assert(data->running && "Thread should be running because we're that thread");
FLOG(fd_monitor, "Thread exiting");
data->running = false;
void fd_monitor_t::poke_in_background(poke_list_t pokelist) {
auto poker = [&pokelist](fd_monitor_item_t &item) {
int fd = item.fd.fd();
bool remove = !item.poke_item(pokelist);
if (remove) FLOG(fd_monitor, "Removing fd", fd);
return remove;
items_.erase(std::remove_if(items_.begin(), items_.end(), poker), items_.end());