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synced 2025-02-28 00:25:25 +08:00
375 lines
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Executable File
375 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
try: #Python2
import SimpleHTTPServer
except ImportError: #Python3
import http.server as SimpleHTTPServer
try: #Python2
import SocketServer
except ImportError: #Python3
import socketserver as SocketServer
import webbrowser
import subprocess
import re, json, socket, os, sys, cgi, select
def run_fish_cmd(text):
from subprocess import PIPE
p = subprocess.Popen(["fish"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
try: #Python2
out, err = p.communicate(text)
except TypeError: #Python3
out, err = p.communicate(bytes(text, 'utf-8'))
out = str(out, 'utf-8')
err = str(err, 'utf-8')
return(out, err)
named_colors = {
'black' : '000000',
'red' : 'FF0000',
'green' : '00FF00',
'brown' : '725000',
'yellow' : 'FFFF00',
'blue' : '0000FF',
'magenta' : 'FF00FF',
'purple' : 'FF00FF',
'cyan' : '00FFFF',
'white' : 'FFFFFF'
def parse_one_color(comp):
""" A basic function to parse a single color value like 'FFA000' """
if comp in named_colors:
# Named color
return named_colors[comp]
elif re.match(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{3}", comp) is not None or re.match(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{6}", comp) is not None:
# Hex color
return comp
# Unknown
return ''
def better_color(c1, c2):
""" Indicate which color is "better", i.e. prefer term256 colors """
if not c2: return c1
if not c1: return c2
if c1 == 'normal': return c2
if c2 == 'normal': return c1
if c2 in named_colors: return c1
if c1 in named_colors: return c2
return c1
def parse_color(color_str):
""" A basic function to parse a color string, for example, 'red' '--bold' """
comps = color_str.split(' ')
color = 'normal'
background_color = ''
bold, underline = False, False
for comp in comps:
# Remove quotes
comp = comp.strip("'\" ")
if comp == '--bold':
bold = True
elif comp == '--underline':
underline = True
elif comp.startswith('--background='):
# Background color
background_color = better_color(background_color, parse_one_color(comp[len('--background='):]))
# Regular color
color = better_color(color, parse_one_color(comp))
return [color, background_color, bold, underline]
def parse_bool(val):
val = val.lower()
if val.startswith('f') or val.startswith('0'): return False
if val.startswith('t') or val.startswith('1'): return True
return bool(val)
class FishVar:
""" A class that represents a variable """
def __init__(self, name, value):
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.universal = False
self.exported = False
def get_json_obj(self):
# Return an array(3): name, value, flags
flags = []
if self.universal: flags.append('universal')
if self.exported: flags.append('exported')
return [self.name, self.value, ', '.join(flags)]
class FishConfigHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_get_colors(self):
# Looks for fish_color_*.
# Returns an array of lists [color_name, color_description, color_value]
result = []
# Make sure we return at least these
remaining = set(['normal',
# Here are our color descriptions
descriptions = {
'normal': 'Default text',
'command': 'Ordinary commands',
'quote': 'Text within quotes',
'redirection': 'Like | and >',
'end': 'Like ; and &',
'error': 'Potential errors',
'param': 'Command parameters',
'comment': 'Comments start with #',
'match': 'Matching parenthesis',
'search_match': 'History searching',
'history_current': 'Directory history',
'operator': 'Like * and ~',
'escape': 'Escapes like \\n',
'cwd': 'Current directory',
'cwd_root': 'cwd for root user',
'valid_path': 'Valid paths',
'autosuggestion': 'Suggested completion'
out, err = run_fish_cmd('set -L')
for line in out.split('\n'):
for match in re.finditer(r"^fish_color_(\S+) ?(.*)", line):
color_name, color_value = [x.strip() for x in match.group(1, 2)]
color_desc = descriptions.get(color_name, '')
result.append([color_name, color_desc, parse_color(color_value)])
# Ensure that we have all the color names we know about, so that if the
# user deletes one he can still set it again via the web interface
for color_name in remaining:
color_desc = descriptions.get(color_name, '')
result.append([color_name, color_desc, parse_color('')])
# Sort our result (by their keys)
return result
def do_get_functions(self):
out, err = run_fish_cmd('functions')
out = out.strip()
# Not sure why fish sometimes returns this with newlines
if "\n" in out:
return out.split('\n')
return out.strip().split(', ')
def do_get_variable_names(self, cmd):
" Given a command like 'set -U' return all the variable names "
out, err = run_fish_cmd(cmd)
return out.split('\n')
def do_get_variables(self):
out, err = run_fish_cmd('set -L')
# Put all the variables into a dictionary
vars = {}
for line in out.split('\n'):
comps = line.split(' ', 1)
if len(comps) < 2: continue
fish_var = FishVar(comps[0], comps[1])
vars[fish_var.name] = fish_var
# Mark universal variables. L means don't abbreviate.
for name in self.do_get_variable_names('set -nUL'):
if name in vars: vars[name].universal = True
# Mark exported variables. L means don't abbreviate.
for name in self.do_get_variable_names('set -nxL'):
if name in vars: vars[name].exported = True
return [vars[key].get_json_obj() for key in sorted(vars.keys(), key=str.lower)]
def do_get_history(self):
# Use \x1e ("record separator") to distinguish between history items. The first
# backslash is so Python passes one backslash to fish
out, err = run_fish_cmd('for val in $history; echo -n $val \\x1e; end')
result = out.split('\x1e')
if result: result.pop()
return result
def do_get_color_for_variable(self, name):
"Return the color with the given name, or the empty string if there is none"
out, err = run_fish_cmd("echo -n $" + name)
return out
def do_set_color_for_variable(self, name, color, background_color, bold, underline):
if not color: color = 'normal'
"Sets a color for a fish color name, like 'autosuggestion'"
command = 'set -U fish_color_' + name
if color: command += ' ' + color
if background_color: command += ' --background=' + background_color
if bold: command += ' --bold'
if underline: command += ' --underline'
out, err = run_fish_cmd(command)
return out
def do_get_function(self, func_name):
out, err = run_fish_cmd('functions ' + func_name)
return out
def do_GET(self):
p = self.path
if p == '/colors/':
output = self.do_get_colors()
elif p == '/functions/':
output = self.do_get_functions()
elif p == '/variables/':
output = self.do_get_variables()
elif p == '/history/':
output = self.do_get_history()
elif re.match(r"/color/(\w+)/", p):
name = re.match(r"/color/(\w+)/", p).group(1)
output = self.do_get_color_for_variable(name)
return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
# Return valid output
try: #Python2
except TypeError: #Python3
self.wfile.write(bytes('\n', 'utf-8'))
# Output JSON
try: #Python2
except TypeError: #Python3
self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(output), 'utf-8'))
def do_POST(self):
p = self.path
try: #Python2
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('content-type'))
except AttributeError: #Python3
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers['content-type'])
if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
postvars = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
elif ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
except AttributeError:
length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
postvars = cgi.parse_qs(self.rfile.read(length), keep_blank_values=1)
postvars = {}
if p == '/set_color/':
what = postvars.get('what')
color = postvars.get('color')
background_color = postvars.get('background_color')
bold = postvars.get('bold')
underline = postvars.get('underline')
if what == None: #Will be None for python3
what = postvars.get(b'what')
what[0] = str(what[0]).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")
color = postvars.get(b'color')
color[0] = str(color[0]).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")
background_color = postvars.get(b'background_color')
background_color[0] = str(background_color[0]).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")
bold = postvars.get(b'bold')
bold[0] = str(bold[0]).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")
underline = postvars.get(b'underline')
underline[0] = str(underline[0]).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")
if what:
# Not sure why we get lists here?
output = self.do_set_color_for_variable(what[0], color[0], background_color[0], parse_bool(bold[0]), parse_bool(underline[0]))
output = 'Bad request'
elif p == '/get_function/':
what = postvars.get('what')
if what == None: #Will be None for python3
what = postvars.get(b'what')
what[0] = str(what[0]).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")
output = [self.do_get_function(what[0])]
return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_POST(self)
# Return valid output
try: #Python2
except TypeError: #Python3
self.wfile.write(bytes('\n', 'utf-8'))
# Output JSON
try: #Python2
except TypeError: #Python3
self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(output), 'utf-8'))
def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
""" Disable request logging """
# Make sure that the working directory is the one that contains the script server file,
# because the document root is the working directory
where = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
# Try to find a suitable port
PORT = 8000
while PORT <= 9000:
Handler = FishConfigHTTPRequestHandler
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)
# Success
except socket.error:
type, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
if 'Address already in use' not in value:
PORT += 1
if PORT > 9000:
# Nobody say it
print("Unable to find an open port between 8000 and 9000")
url = 'http://localhost:{0}'.format(PORT)
print("Web config started at '{0}'. Hit enter to stop.".format(url))
# Select on stdin and httpd
stdin_no = sys.stdin.fileno()
while True:
ready_read = select.select([sys.stdin.fileno(), httpd.fileno()], [], [])
if ready_read[0][0] < 1:
print("Shutting down.")
# Consume the newline so it doesn't get printed by the caller