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synced 2025-03-12 21:42:13 +08:00

This concerns what happens if the user types e.g. `grep --i` and grep or its completions have not yet been loaded. Previously we would "bounce to the main thread" from within the autosuggestion thread to load grep's completions. However under concurrent execution, this may deadlock as the main thread is waiting for something else. In the new implementation, complete simply records the commands that it would autoload, and returns them back to the caller, where the caller can decide how to handle them. In general iothread_perform_on_main risks deadlock under concurrent execution and we should try to get rid of it. There should be no user-visible change from this fix.
314 lines
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314 lines
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// Least-recently-used cache implementation.
#ifndef FISH_LRU_H
#define FISH_LRU_H
#include <cwchar>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "common.h"
// Least-recently-used cache class.
// This a map from wcstring to Contents, that will evict entries when the count exceeds the maximum.
// This uses the classic LRU cache structure: a dictionary mapping keys to nodes, where the nodes
// also form a linked list. Our linked list is circular and has a sentinel node (the "mouth" -
// picture a snake swallowing its tail). This simplifies the logic: no pointer is ever NULL! It also
// works well with C++'s iterator since the sentinel node is a natural value for end(). Our nodes
// also have the unusual property of having a "back pointer": they store an iterator to the entry in
// the map containing the node. This allows us, given a node, to immediately locate the node and its
// key in the dictionary. This allows us to avoid duplicating the key in the node.
template <class Contents>
class lru_cache_t {
struct lru_node_t;
struct lru_link_t : noncopyable_t {
// Our doubly linked list.
// The base class is used for the mouth only.
lru_link_t *prev = nullptr;
lru_link_t *next = nullptr;
// The node type in our LRU cache
struct lru_node_t : public lru_link_t {
// Our key in the map. This is owned by the map itself.
const wcstring *key = nullptr;
// The value from the client
Contents value;
explicit lru_node_t(Contents &&v) : value(std::move(v)) {}
// Max node count. This may be (transiently) exceeded by add_node_without_eviction, which is
// used from background threads.
const size_t max_node_count;
// All of our nodes.
// Note that our linked list contains pointers to these nodes in the map.
// We are dependent on the iterator-noninvalidation guarantees of std::unordered_map.
std::unordered_map<wcstring, lru_node_t> node_map;
// Head of the linked list
// The list is circular!
// If "empty" the mouth just points at itself.
lru_link_t mouth;
// Take a node and move it to the front of the list
void promote_node(lru_node_t *node) {
assert(node != &mouth);
// First unhook us
node->prev->next = node->next;
node->next->prev = node->prev;
// Put us after the mouth
node->next = mouth.next;
node->next->prev = node;
node->prev = &mouth;
mouth.next = node;
// Remove the node
void evict_node(lru_node_t *node) {
// We should never evict the mouth.
assert(node != &mouth && node != nullptr && node->key != nullptr);
auto iter = this->node_map.find(*node->key);
assert(iter != this->node_map.end());
// Remove it from the linked list.
node->prev->next = node->next;
node->next->prev = node->prev;
// Remove us from the map. This deallocates node!
// Evicts the last node
void evict_last_node() {
assert(mouth.prev != &mouth);
evict_node(static_cast<lru_node_t *>(mouth.prev));
// Implementation of merge step for mergesort.
// Given two singly linked lists left and right, and a binary func F implementing less-than,
// return the list in sorted order.
template <typename F>
static lru_link_t *merge(lru_link_t *left, size_t left_len, lru_link_t *right, size_t right_len,
const F &func) {
assert(left_len > 0 && right_len > 0);
auto popleft = [&]() {
lru_link_t *ret = left;
left = left->next;
return ret;
auto popright = [&]() {
lru_link_t *ret = right;
right = right->next;
return ret;
lru_link_t *head;
lru_link_t **cursor = &head;
while (left_len && right_len) {
bool goleft = !func(static_cast<lru_node_t *>(left)->value,
static_cast<lru_node_t *>(right)->value);
*cursor = goleft ? popleft() : popright();
cursor = &(*cursor)->next;
while (left_len || right_len) {
*cursor = left_len ? popleft() : popright();
cursor = &(*cursor)->next;
return head;
// mergesort the given list of the given length.
// This only sets the next pointers, not the prev ones.
template <typename F>
static lru_link_t *mergesort(lru_link_t *node, size_t length, const F &func) {
if (length <= 1) {
return node;
// divide us into two lists, left and right
const size_t left_len = length / 2;
const size_t right_len = length - left_len;
lru_link_t *left = node;
lru_link_t *right = node;
for (size_t i = 0; i < left_len; i++) {
right = right->next;
// Recursive sorting
left = mergesort(left, left_len, func);
right = mergesort(right, right_len, func);
// Merge them
return merge(left, left_len, right, right_len, func);
// Constructor. Note our linked list is always circular.
explicit lru_cache_t(size_t max_size = 1024) : max_node_count(max_size) {
mouth.next = mouth.prev = &mouth;
// Returns the value for a given key, or NULL.
// This counts as a "use" and so promotes the node
Contents *get(const wcstring &key) {
auto where = this->node_map.find(key);
if (where == this->node_map.end()) {
// not found
return nullptr;
return &where->second.value;
/// \return true if we contain a value for a key.
bool contains(const wcstring &key) const {
return this->node_map.find(key) != this->node_map.end();
// Evicts the node for a given key, returning true if a node was evicted.
bool evict_node(const wcstring &key) {
auto where = this->node_map.find(key);
if (where == this->node_map.end()) return false;
return true;
// Adds a node under the given key. Returns true if the node was added, false if the node was
// not because a node with that key is already in the set.
bool insert(wcstring key, Contents value) {
if (!this->insert_no_eviction(std::move(key), std::move(value))) {
return false;
while (this->node_map.size() > max_node_count) {
return true;
// Adds a node under the given key without triggering eviction. Returns true if the node was
// added, false if the node was not because a node with that key is already in the set.
bool insert_no_eviction(wcstring &&key, Contents &&value) {
// Try inserting; return false if it was already in the set.
auto iter_inserted = this->node_map.emplace(std::move(key), lru_node_t(std::move(value)));
if (!iter_inserted.second) {
// already present - so promote it
return false;
// Tell the node where it is in the map
auto iter = iter_inserted.first;
lru_node_t *node = &iter->second;
node->key = &iter->first;
node->next = mouth.next;
node->next->prev = node;
node->prev = &mouth;
mouth.next = node;
return true;
// Number of entries
size_t size() const { return this->node_map.size(); }
// Given a binary function F implementing less-than on the contents, place the nodes in sorted
// order.
template <typename F>
void stable_sort(const F &func) {
// Perform the sort. This sets forward pointers only
size_t length = this->size();
if (length <= 1) {
lru_link_t *sorted = mergesort(this->mouth.next, length, func);
mouth.next = sorted;
// Go through and set back back pointers.
lru_link_t *cursor = sorted;
lru_link_t *prev = &mouth;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
cursor->prev = prev;
prev = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
// prev is now last element in list
// make the list circular
prev->next = &mouth;
mouth.prev = prev;
void evict_all_nodes(void) {
while (this->size() > 0) {
// Iterator for walking nodes, from least recently used to most.
class iterator {
const lru_link_t *node;
using value_type = std::pair<const wcstring &, const Contents &>;
explicit iterator(const lru_link_t *val) : node(val) {}
void operator++() { node = node->prev; }
bool operator==(const iterator &other) const { return node == other.node; }
bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
value_type operator*() const {
const lru_node_t *dnode = static_cast<const lru_node_t *>(node);
return {*dnode->key, dnode->value};
iterator begin() const { return iterator(mouth.prev); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(&mouth); }
void check_sanity() const {
// Check linked list sanity
size_t expected_count = this->size();
const lru_link_t *prev = &mouth;
const lru_link_t *cursor = mouth.next;
size_t max = 1024 * 1024 * 64;
size_t count = 0;
while (cursor != &mouth) {
if (cursor->prev != prev) {
DIE("node busted previous link");
prev = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
if (count++ > max) {
DIE("LRU cache unable to re-reach the mouth - not circularly linked?");
if (mouth.prev != prev) {
DIE("mouth.prev does not connect to last node");
if (count != expected_count) {
DIE("linked list count mismatch from map count");
// Count iterators
size_t iter_dist = 0;
for (auto p : *this) {
if (iter_dist != count) {
DIE("linked list iterator mismatch from map count");