Johannes Altmanninger ec3d3a481b Support "$(cmd)" command substitution without line splitting
This adds a hack to the parser. Given a command

	echo "x$()y z"

we virtually insert double quotes before and after the command
substitution, so the command internally looks like

	echo "x"$()"y z"

This hack allows to reuse the existing logic for handling (recursive)
command substitutions.

This makes the quoting syntax more complex; external highlighters
should consider adding this if possible.

The upside (more Bash compatibility) seems worth it.

2021-07-13 21:33:42 +02:00

1366 lines
56 KiB

// Functions for syntax highlighting.
#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
// IWYU pragma: no_include <cstddef>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cwchar>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "ast.h"
#include "builtin.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "expand.h"
#include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "function.h"
#include "future_feature_flags.h"
#include "highlight.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "parse_constants.h"
#include "parse_util.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include "wcstringutil.h"
#include "wildcard.h"
#include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#define CURSOR_POSITION_INVALID static_cast<size_t>(-1)
static const wchar_t *get_highlight_var_name(highlight_role_t role) {
switch (role) {
case highlight_role_t::normal:
return L"fish_color_normal";
case highlight_role_t::error:
return L"fish_color_error";
case highlight_role_t::command:
return L"fish_color_command";
case highlight_role_t::keyword:
return L"fish_color_keyword";
case highlight_role_t::statement_terminator:
return L"fish_color_end";
case highlight_role_t::param:
return L"fish_color_param";
case highlight_role_t::comment:
return L"fish_color_comment";
case highlight_role_t::search_match:
return L"fish_color_search_match";
case highlight_role_t::operat:
return L"fish_color_operator";
case highlight_role_t::escape:
return L"fish_color_escape";
case highlight_role_t::quote:
return L"fish_color_quote";
case highlight_role_t::redirection:
return L"fish_color_redirection";
case highlight_role_t::autosuggestion:
return L"fish_color_autosuggestion";
case highlight_role_t::selection:
return L"fish_color_selection";
case highlight_role_t::pager_progress:
return L"fish_pager_color_progress";
case highlight_role_t::pager_background:
return L"fish_pager_color_background";
case highlight_role_t::pager_prefix:
return L"fish_pager_color_prefix";
case highlight_role_t::pager_completion:
return L"fish_pager_color_completion";
case highlight_role_t::pager_description:
return L"fish_pager_color_description";
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_background:
return L"fish_pager_color_secondary_background";
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_prefix:
return L"fish_pager_color_secondary_prefix";
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_completion:
return L"fish_pager_color_secondary_completion";
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_description:
return L"fish_pager_color_secondary_description";
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_background:
return L"fish_pager_color_selected_background";
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_prefix:
return L"fish_pager_color_selected_prefix";
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_completion:
return L"fish_pager_color_selected_completion";
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_description:
return L"fish_pager_color_selected_description";
DIE("invalid highlight role");
// Table used to fetch fallback highlights in case the specified one
// wasn't set.
static highlight_role_t get_fallback(highlight_role_t role) {
switch (role) {
case highlight_role_t::normal:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::error:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::command:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::keyword:
return highlight_role_t::command;
case highlight_role_t::statement_terminator:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::param:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::comment:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::search_match:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::operat:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::escape:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::quote:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::redirection:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::autosuggestion:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::selection:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::pager_progress:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::pager_background:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::pager_prefix:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::pager_completion:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::pager_description:
return highlight_role_t::normal;
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_background:
return highlight_role_t::pager_background;
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_prefix:
return highlight_role_t::pager_prefix;
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_completion:
return highlight_role_t::pager_completion;
case highlight_role_t::pager_secondary_description:
return highlight_role_t::pager_description;
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_background:
return highlight_role_t::search_match;
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_prefix:
return highlight_role_t::pager_prefix;
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_completion:
return highlight_role_t::pager_completion;
case highlight_role_t::pager_selected_description:
return highlight_role_t::pager_description;
DIE("invalid highlight role");
/// Determine if the filesystem containing the given fd is case insensitive for lookups regardless
/// of whether it preserves the case when saving a pathname.
/// Returns:
/// false: the filesystem is not case insensitive
/// true: the file system is case insensitive
using case_sensitivity_cache_t = std::unordered_map<wcstring, bool>;
static bool fs_is_case_insensitive(const wcstring &path, int fd,
case_sensitivity_cache_t &case_sensitivity_cache) {
bool result = false;
// Try the cache first.
case_sensitivity_cache_t::iterator cache = case_sensitivity_cache.find(path);
if (cache != case_sensitivity_cache.end()) {
/* Use the cached value */
result = cache->second;
} else {
// Ask the system. A -1 value means error (so assume case sensitive), a 1 value means case
// sensitive, and a 0 value means case insensitive.
long ret = fpathconf(fd, _PC_CASE_SENSITIVE);
result = (ret == 0);
case_sensitivity_cache[path] = result;
// Silence lint tools about the unused parameters.
return result;
/// Tests whether the specified string cpath is the prefix of anything we could cd to. directories
/// is a list of possible parent directories (typically either the working directory, or the
/// cdpath). This does I/O!
/// Hack: if out_suggested_cdpath is not NULL, it returns the autosuggestion for cd. This descends
/// the deepest unique directory hierarchy.
/// We expect the path to already be unescaped.
bool is_potential_path(const wcstring &potential_path_fragment, const wcstring_list_t &directories,
const operation_context_t &ctx, path_flags_t flags) {
if (ctx.check_cancel()) return false;
const bool require_dir = static_cast<bool>(flags & PATH_REQUIRE_DIR);
wcstring clean_potential_path_fragment;
bool has_magic = false;
wcstring path_with_magic(potential_path_fragment);
if (flags & PATH_EXPAND_TILDE) expand_tilde(path_with_magic, ctx.vars);
for (auto c : path_with_magic) {
switch (c) {
case ANY_CHAR:
has_magic = true;
default: {
if (has_magic || clean_potential_path_fragment.empty()) {
return false;
// Don't test the same path multiple times, which can happen if the path is absolute and the
// CDPATH contains multiple entries.
std::unordered_set<wcstring> checked_paths;
// Keep a cache of which paths / filesystems are case sensitive.
case_sensitivity_cache_t case_sensitivity_cache;
for (const wcstring &wd : directories) {
if (ctx.check_cancel()) return false;
wcstring abs_path = path_apply_working_directory(clean_potential_path_fragment, wd);
if (flags & PATH_FOR_CD) {
abs_path = normalize_path(abs_path);
// Skip this if it's empty or we've already checked it.
if (abs_path.empty() || checked_paths.count(abs_path)) continue;
// If we end with a slash, then it must be a directory.
bool must_be_full_dir = - 1) == L'/';
if (must_be_full_dir) {
struct stat buf;
if (0 == wstat(abs_path, &buf) && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
return true;
} else {
// We do not end with a slash; it does not have to be a directory.
DIR *dir = nullptr;
const wcstring dir_name = wdirname(abs_path);
const wcstring filename_fragment = wbasename(abs_path);
if (dir_name == L"/" && filename_fragment == L"/") {
// cd ///.... No autosuggestion.
return true;
} else if ((dir = wopendir(dir_name))) {
cleanup_t cleanup_dir([&] { closedir(dir); });
// Check if we're case insensitive.
const bool do_case_insensitive =
fs_is_case_insensitive(dir_name, dirfd(dir), case_sensitivity_cache);
// We opened the dir_name; look for a string where the base name prefixes it Don't
// ask for the is_dir value unless we care, because it can cause extra filesystem
// access.
wcstring ent;
bool is_dir = false;
while (wreaddir_resolving(dir, dir_name, ent, require_dir ? &is_dir : nullptr)) {
if (ctx.check_cancel()) return false;
// Maybe skip directories.
if (require_dir && !is_dir) {
if (string_prefixes_string(filename_fragment, ent) ||
(do_case_insensitive &&
string_prefixes_string_case_insensitive(filename_fragment, ent))) {
return true;
return false;
// Given a string, return whether it prefixes a path that we could cd into. Return that path in
// out_path. Expects path to be unescaped.
static bool is_potential_cd_path(const wcstring &path, const wcstring &working_directory,
const operation_context_t &ctx, path_flags_t flags) {
wcstring_list_t directories;
if (string_prefixes_string(L"./", path)) {
// Ignore the CDPATH in this case; just use the working directory.
} else {
// Get the CDPATH.
auto cdpath = ctx.vars.get(L"CDPATH");
wcstring_list_t pathsv =
cdpath.missing_or_empty() ? wcstring_list_t{L"."} : cdpath->as_list();
for (auto next_path : pathsv) {
if (next_path.empty()) next_path = L".";
// Ensure that we use the working directory for relative cdpaths like ".".
directories.push_back(path_apply_working_directory(next_path, working_directory));
// Call is_potential_path with all of these directories.
return is_potential_path(path, directories, ctx, flags | PATH_REQUIRE_DIR | PATH_FOR_CD);
// Given a plain statement node in a parse tree, get the command and return it, expanded
// appropriately for commands. If we succeed, return true.
static bool statement_get_expanded_command(const wcstring &src,
const ast::decorated_statement_t &stmt,
const operation_context_t &ctx, wcstring *out_cmd) {
// Get the command. Try expanding it. If we cannot, it's an error.
maybe_t<wcstring> cmd = stmt.command.source(src);
if (!cmd) return false;
expand_result_t err = expand_to_command_and_args(*cmd, ctx, out_cmd, nullptr);
return err == expand_result_t::ok;
rgb_color_t highlight_color_resolver_t::resolve_spec_uncached(const highlight_spec_t &highlight,
bool is_background,
const environment_t &vars) const {
rgb_color_t result = rgb_color_t::normal();
highlight_role_t role = is_background ? highlight.background : highlight.foreground;
auto var = vars.get(get_highlight_var_name(role));
if (!var) var = vars.get(get_highlight_var_name(get_fallback(role)));
if (!var) var = vars.get(get_highlight_var_name(highlight_role_t::normal));
if (var) result = parse_color(*var, is_background);
// Handle modifiers.
if (!is_background && highlight.valid_path) {
auto var2 = vars.get(L"fish_color_valid_path");
if (var2) {
rgb_color_t result2 = parse_color(*var2, is_background);
if (result.is_normal())
result = result2;
else {
if (result2.is_bold()) result.set_bold(true);
if (result2.is_underline()) result.set_underline(true);
if (result2.is_italics()) result.set_italics(true);
if (result2.is_dim()) result.set_dim(true);
if (result2.is_reverse()) result.set_reverse(true);
if (!is_background && highlight.force_underline) {
return result;
rgb_color_t highlight_color_resolver_t::resolve_spec(const highlight_spec_t &highlight,
bool is_background,
const environment_t &vars) {
auto &cache = is_background ? bg_cache_ : fg_cache_;
auto p = cache.insert(std::make_pair(highlight, rgb_color_t{}));
auto iter = p.first;
bool did_insert = p.second;
if (did_insert) {
// Insertion happened, meaning the cache needs to be populated.
iter->second = resolve_spec_uncached(highlight, is_background, vars);
return iter->second;
static bool command_is_valid(const wcstring &cmd, enum statement_decoration_t decoration,
const wcstring &working_directory, const environment_t &vars);
static bool has_expand_reserved(const wcstring &str) {
bool result = false;
for (auto wc : str) {
result = true;
return result;
// Parse a command line. Return by reference the first command, and the first argument to that
// command (as a string), if any. This is used to validate autosuggestions.
static void autosuggest_parse_command(const wcstring &buff, const operation_context_t &ctx,
wcstring *out_expanded_command, wcstring *out_arg) {
auto ast = ast::ast_t::parse(
buff, parse_flag_continue_after_error | parse_flag_accept_incomplete_tokens);
// Find the first statement.
const ast::decorated_statement_t *first_statement = nullptr;
if (const ast::job_conjunction_t *jc =>as<ast::job_list_t>()->at(0)) {
first_statement = jc->job.statement.contents->try_as<ast::decorated_statement_t>();
if (first_statement &&
statement_get_expanded_command(buff, *first_statement, ctx, out_expanded_command)) {
// Check if the first argument or redirection is, in fact, an argument.
if (const auto *arg_or_redir = first_statement-> {
if (arg_or_redir && arg_or_redir->is_argument()) {
*out_arg = arg_or_redir->argument().source(buff);
bool autosuggest_validate_from_history(const history_item_t &item,
const wcstring &working_directory,
const operation_context_t &ctx) {
// Parse the string.
wcstring parsed_command;
wcstring cd_dir;
autosuggest_parse_command(item.str(), ctx, &parsed_command, &cd_dir);
// This is for autosuggestions which are not decorated commands, e.g. function declarations.
if (parsed_command.empty()) {
return true;
// We handle cd specially.
if (parsed_command == L"cd" && !cd_dir.empty()) {
if (expand_one(cd_dir, expand_flag::skip_cmdsubst, ctx)) {
if (string_prefixes_string(cd_dir, L"--help") ||
string_prefixes_string(cd_dir, L"-h")) {
// cd --help is always valid.
return true;
} else {
// Check the directory target, respecting CDPATH.
// Permit the autosuggestion if the path is valid and not our directory.
auto path = path_get_cdpath(cd_dir, working_directory, ctx.vars);
return path && !paths_are_same_file(working_directory, *path);
// Not handled specially. Is the command valid?
bool cmd_ok = builtin_exists(parsed_command) || function_exists_no_autoload(parsed_command) ||
path_get_path(parsed_command, nullptr, ctx.vars);
if (!cmd_ok) {
return false;
// Did the historical command have arguments that look like paths, which aren't paths now?
if (!all_paths_are_valid(item.get_required_paths(), ctx)) {
return false;
return true;
// Highlights the variable starting with 'in', setting colors within the 'colors' array. Returns the
// number of characters consumed.
static size_t color_variable(const wchar_t *in, size_t in_len,
std::vector<highlight_spec_t>::iterator colors) {
assert(in_len > 0);
assert(in[0] == L'$');
// Handle an initial run of $s.
size_t idx = 0;
size_t dollar_count = 0;
while (in[idx] == '$') {
// Our color depends on the next char.
wchar_t next = in[idx + 1];
if (next == L'$' || valid_var_name_char(next)) {
colors[idx] = highlight_role_t::operat;
} else if (next == L'(') {
colors[idx] = highlight_role_t::operat;
return idx + 1;
} else {
colors[idx] = highlight_role_t::error;
// Handle a sequence of variable characters.
while (valid_var_name_char(in[idx])) {
colors[idx++] = highlight_role_t::operat;
// Handle a slice, up to dollar_count of them. Note that we currently don't do any validation of
// the slice's contents, e.g. $foo[blah] will not show an error even though it's invalid.
for (size_t slice_count = 0; slice_count < dollar_count && in[idx] == L'['; slice_count++) {
wchar_t *slice_begin = nullptr, *slice_end = nullptr;
int located = parse_util_locate_slice(in + idx, &slice_begin, &slice_end, false);
if (located == 1) {
size_t slice_begin_idx = slice_begin - in, slice_end_idx = slice_end - in;
assert(slice_end_idx > slice_begin_idx);
colors[slice_begin_idx] = highlight_role_t::operat;
colors[slice_end_idx] = highlight_role_t::operat;
idx = slice_end_idx + 1;
} else if (located == 0) {
// not a slice
} else {
assert(located < 0);
// Syntax error. Normally the entire token is colored red for us, but inside a
// double-quoted string that doesn't happen. As such, color the variable + the slice
// start red. Coloring any more than that looks bad, unless we're willing to try and
// detect where the double-quoted string ends, and I'd rather not do that.
std::fill(colors, colors + idx + 1, highlight_role_t::error);
return idx;
/// This function is a disaster badly in need of refactoring. It colors an argument or command,
/// without regard to command substitutions.
static void color_string_internal(const wcstring &buffstr, highlight_spec_t base_color,
std::vector<highlight_spec_t>::iterator colors) {
// Clarify what we expect.
assert((base_color == highlight_role_t::param || base_color == highlight_role_t::command) &&
"Unexpected base color");
const size_t buff_len = buffstr.size();
std::fill(colors, colors + buff_len, base_color);
// Hacky support for %self which must be an unquoted literal argument.
if (buffstr == PROCESS_EXPAND_SELF_STR) {
std::fill_n(colors, std::wcslen(PROCESS_EXPAND_SELF_STR), highlight_role_t::operat);
enum { e_unquoted, e_single_quoted, e_double_quoted } mode = e_unquoted;
maybe_t<size_t> unclosed_quote_offset;
int bracket_count = 0;
for (size_t in_pos = 0; in_pos < buff_len; in_pos++) {
const wchar_t c =;
switch (mode) {
case e_unquoted: {
if (c == L'\\') {
auto fill_color = highlight_role_t::escape; // may be set to highlight_error
const size_t backslash_pos = in_pos;
size_t fill_end = backslash_pos;
// Move to the escaped character.
const wchar_t escaped_char = (in_pos < buff_len ? : L'\0');
if (escaped_char == L'\0') {
fill_end = in_pos;
fill_color = highlight_role_t::error;
} else if (std::wcschr(L"~%", escaped_char)) {
if (in_pos == 1) {
fill_end = in_pos + 1;
} else if (escaped_char == L',') {
if (bracket_count) {
fill_end = in_pos + 1;
} else if (std::wcschr(L"abefnrtv*?$(){}[]'\"<>^ \\#;|&", escaped_char)) {
fill_end = in_pos + 1;
} else if (std::wcschr(L"c", escaped_char)) {
// Like \ci. So highlight three characters.
fill_end = in_pos + 1;
} else if (std::wcschr(L"uUxX01234567", escaped_char)) {
long long res = 0;
int chars = 2;
int base = 16;
wchar_t max_val = ASCII_MAX;
switch (escaped_char) {
case L'u': {
chars = 4;
max_val = UCS2_MAX;
case L'U': {
chars = 8;
max_val = WCHAR_MAX;
case L'x': {
case L'X': {
max_val = BYTE_MAX;
default: {
// a digit like \12
base = 8;
chars = 3;
// Consume
for (int i = 0; i < chars && in_pos < buff_len; i++) {
long d = convert_digit(, base);
if (d < 0) break;
res = (res * base) + d;
// in_pos is now at the first character that could not be converted (or
// buff_len).
assert(in_pos >= backslash_pos && in_pos <= buff_len);
fill_end = in_pos;
// It's an error if we exceeded the max value.
if (res > max_val) fill_color = highlight_role_t::error;
// Subtract one from in_pos, so that the increment in the loop will move to
// the next character.
assert(fill_end >= backslash_pos);
std::fill(colors + backslash_pos, colors + fill_end, fill_color);
} else {
// Not a backslash.
switch (c) {
case L'~': {
if (in_pos == 0) {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::operat;
case L'$': {
assert(in_pos < buff_len);
in_pos += color_variable(buffstr.c_str() + in_pos, buff_len - in_pos,
colors + in_pos);
// Subtract one to account for the upcoming loop increment.
in_pos -= 1;
case L'?': {
if (!feature_test(features_t::qmark_noglob)) {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::operat;
case L'*':
case L'(':
case L')': {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::operat;
case L'{': {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::operat;
case L'}': {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::operat;
case L',': {
if (bracket_count > 0) {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::operat;
case L'\'': {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::quote;
unclosed_quote_offset = in_pos;
mode = e_single_quoted;
case L'\"': {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::quote;
unclosed_quote_offset = in_pos;
mode = e_double_quoted;
default: {
break; // we ignore all other characters
// Mode 1 means single quoted string, i.e 'foo'.
case e_single_quoted: {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::quote;
if (c == L'\\') {
// backslash
if (in_pos + 1 < buff_len) {
const wchar_t escaped_char = + 1);
if (escaped_char == L'\\' || escaped_char == L'\'') {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::escape; // backslash
colors[in_pos + 1] = highlight_role_t::escape; // escaped char
in_pos += 1; // skip over backslash
} else if (c == L'\'') {
unclosed_quote_offset = none();
mode = e_unquoted;
// Mode 2 means double quoted string, i.e. "foo".
case e_double_quoted: {
// Slices are colored in advance, past `in_pos`, and we don't want to overwrite
// that.
if (colors[in_pos] == base_color) {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::quote;
switch (c) {
case L'"': {
unclosed_quote_offset = none();
mode = e_unquoted;
case L'\\': {
// Backslash
if (in_pos + 1 < buff_len) {
const wchar_t escaped_char = + 1);
if (std::wcschr(L"\\\"\n$", escaped_char)) {
colors[in_pos] = highlight_role_t::escape; // backslash
colors[in_pos + 1] = highlight_role_t::escape; // escaped char
in_pos += 1; // skip over backslash
case L'$': {
in_pos += color_variable(buffstr.c_str() + in_pos, buff_len - in_pos,
colors + in_pos);
// Subtract one to account for the upcoming increment in the loop.
in_pos -= 1;
default: {
break; // we ignore all other characters
// Error on unclosed quotes.
if (unclosed_quote_offset) {
colors[*unclosed_quote_offset] = highlight_role_t::error;
/// Syntax highlighter helper.
class highlighter_t {
// The string we're highlighting. Note this is a reference memmber variable (to avoid copying)!
// We must not outlive this!
const wcstring &buff;
// The operation context. Again, a reference member variable!
const operation_context_t &ctx;
// Whether it's OK to do I/O.
const bool io_ok;
// Working directory.
const wcstring working_directory;
// The ast we produced.
ast::ast_t ast;
// The resulting colors.
using color_array_t = std::vector<highlight_spec_t>;
color_array_t color_array;
// A stack of variables that the current commandline probably defines. We mark redirections
// as valid if they use one of these variables, to avoid marking valid targets as error.
std::vector<wcstring> pending_variables;
// Flags we use for AST parsing.
static constexpr parse_tree_flags_t ast_flags =
parse_flag_continue_after_error | parse_flag_include_comments |
parse_flag_accept_incomplete_tokens | parse_flag_leave_unterminated |
// Color a command.
void color_command(const ast::string_t &node);
// Color a node as if it were an argument.
void color_as_argument(const ast::node_t &node);
// Colors the source range of a node with a given color.
void color_node(const ast::node_t &node, highlight_spec_t color);
// Colors a range with a given color.
void color_range(source_range_t range, highlight_spec_t color);
// return whether a plain statement is 'cd'.
bool is_cd(const ast::decorated_statement_t &stmt) const;
/// \return a substring of our buffer.
wcstring get_source(source_range_t r) const;
// Visit the children of a node.
void visit_children(const ast::node_t &node) {
// AST visitor implementations.
void visit(const ast::keyword_base_t &kw);
void visit(const ast::token_base_t &tok);
void visit(const ast::redirection_t &redir);
void visit(const ast::variable_assignment_t &varas);
void visit(const ast::semi_nl_t &semi_nl);
void visit(const ast::decorated_statement_t &stmt);
void visit(const ast::block_statement_t &header);
// Visit an argument, perhaps knowing that our command is cd.
void visit(const ast::argument_t &arg, bool cmd_is_cd = false);
// Default implementation is to just visit children.
void visit(const ast::node_t &node) { visit_children(node); }
// Constructor
highlighter_t(const wcstring &str, const operation_context_t &ctx, wcstring wd, bool can_do_io)
: buff(str),
ast(ast::ast_t::parse(buff, ast_flags)) {}
// Perform highlighting, returning an array of colors.
color_array_t highlight();
wcstring highlighter_t::get_source(source_range_t r) const {
assert(r.start + r.length >= r.start && "Overflow");
assert(r.start + r.length <= this->buff.size() && "Out of range");
return this->buff.substr(r.start, r.length);
void highlighter_t::color_node(const ast::node_t &node, highlight_spec_t color) {
color_range(node.source_range(), color);
void highlighter_t::color_range(source_range_t range, highlight_spec_t color) {
assert(range.start + range.length <= this->color_array.size() && "Range out of bounds");
std::fill_n(this->color_array.begin() + range.start, range.length, color);
void highlighter_t::color_command(const ast::string_t &node) {
source_range_t source_range = node.source_range();
const wcstring cmd_str = get_source(source_range);
// Get an iterator to the colors associated with the argument.
const size_t arg_start = source_range.start;
const color_array_t::iterator colors = color_array.begin() + arg_start;
color_string_internal(cmd_str, highlight_role_t::command, colors);
// node does not necessarily have type symbol_argument here.
void highlighter_t::color_as_argument(const ast::node_t &node) {
auto source_range = node.source_range();
const wcstring arg_str = get_source(source_range);
// Get an iterator to the colors associated with the argument.
const size_t arg_start = source_range.start;
const color_array_t::iterator arg_colors = color_array.begin() + arg_start;
// Color this argument without concern for command substitutions.
color_string_internal(arg_str, highlight_role_t::param, arg_colors);
// Now do command substitutions.
size_t cmdsub_cursor = 0, cmdsub_start = 0, cmdsub_end = 0;
wcstring cmdsub_contents;
while (parse_util_locate_cmdsubst_range(arg_str, &cmdsub_cursor, &cmdsub_contents,
&cmdsub_start, &cmdsub_end,
true /* accept incomplete */) > 0) {
// The cmdsub_start is the open paren. cmdsub_end is either the close paren or the end of
// the string. cmdsub_contents extends from one past cmdsub_start to cmdsub_end.
assert(cmdsub_end > cmdsub_start);
assert(cmdsub_end - cmdsub_start - 1 == cmdsub_contents.size());
// Found a command substitution. Compute the position of the start and end of the cmdsub
// contents, within our overall src.
const size_t arg_subcmd_start = arg_start + cmdsub_start,
arg_subcmd_end = arg_start + cmdsub_end;
// Highlight the parens. The open paren must exist; the closed paren may not if it was
// incomplete.
assert(cmdsub_start < arg_str.size());
this-> = highlight_role_t::operat;
if (arg_subcmd_end < this->buff.size())
this-> = highlight_role_t::operat;
// Highlight it recursively.
highlighter_t cmdsub_highlighter(cmdsub_contents, this->ctx, this->working_directory,
color_array_t subcolors = cmdsub_highlighter.highlight();
// Copy out the subcolors back into our array.
assert(subcolors.size() == cmdsub_contents.size());
std::copy(subcolors.begin(), subcolors.end(),
this->color_array.begin() + arg_subcmd_start + 1);
/// Indicates whether the source range of the given node forms a valid path in the given
/// working_directory.
static bool range_is_potential_path(const wcstring &src, const source_range_t &range,
const operation_context_t &ctx,
const wcstring &working_directory) {
// Skip strings exceeding PATH_MAX. See #7837.
// Note some paths may exceed PATH_MAX, but this is just for highlighting.
if (range.length > PATH_MAX) {
return false;
// Get the node source, unescape it, and then pass it to is_potential_path along with the
// working directory (as a one element list).
bool result = false;
wcstring token = src.substr(range.start, range.length);
if (unescape_string_in_place(&token, UNESCAPE_SPECIAL)) {
// Big hack: is_potential_path expects a tilde, but unescape_string gives us HOME_DIRECTORY.
// Put it back.
if (!token.empty() && == HOME_DIRECTORY) = L'~';
const wcstring_list_t working_directory_list(1, working_directory);
result = is_potential_path(token, working_directory_list, ctx, PATH_EXPAND_TILDE);
return result;
bool highlighter_t::is_cd(const ast::decorated_statement_t &stmt) const {
wcstring cmd_str;
if (this->io_ok && statement_get_expanded_command(this->buff, stmt, ctx, &cmd_str)) {
return cmd_str == L"cd";
return false;
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::keyword_base_t &kw) {
highlight_role_t role = highlight_role_t::normal;
switch ( {
case parse_keyword_t::kw_begin:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_builtin:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_case:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_command:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_else:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_end:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_exec:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_for:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_function:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_if:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_in:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_switch:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_while:
role = highlight_role_t::keyword;
case parse_keyword_t::kw_and:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_or:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_not:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_exclam:
case parse_keyword_t::kw_time:
role = highlight_role_t::operat;
case parse_keyword_t::none:
color_node(kw, role);
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::token_base_t &tok) {
maybe_t<highlight_role_t> role = highlight_role_t::normal;
switch (tok.type) {
case parse_token_type_t::end:
case parse_token_type_t::pipe:
case parse_token_type_t::background:
role = highlight_role_t::statement_terminator;
case parse_token_type_t::andand:
case parse_token_type_t::oror:
role = highlight_role_t::operat;
case parse_token_type_t::string:
// Assume all strings are params. This handles e.g. the variables a for header or
// function header. Other strings (like arguments to commands) need more complex
// handling, which occurs in their respective overrides of visit().
role = highlight_role_t::param;
if (role) color_node(tok, *role);
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::semi_nl_t &semi_nl) {
color_node(semi_nl, highlight_role_t::statement_terminator);
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::argument_t &arg, bool cmd_is_cd) {
if (cmd_is_cd && io_ok) {
// Mark this as an error if it's not 'help' and not a valid cd path.
wcstring param = arg.source(this->buff);
if (expand_one(param, expand_flag::skip_cmdsubst, ctx)) {
bool is_help =
string_prefixes_string(param, L"--help") || string_prefixes_string(param, L"-h");
if (!is_help && this->io_ok &&
!is_potential_cd_path(param, working_directory, ctx, PATH_EXPAND_TILDE)) {
this->color_node(arg, highlight_role_t::error);
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::variable_assignment_t &varas) {
// Highlight the '=' in variable assignments as an operator.
if (auto where = variable_assignment_equals_pos(varas.source(this->buff))) {
size_t equals_loc = varas.source_range().start + *where;
this-> = highlight_role_t::operat;
auto var_name = varas.source(this->buff).substr(0, *where);
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::decorated_statement_t &stmt) {
// Color any decoration.
if (stmt.opt_decoration) this->visit(*stmt.opt_decoration);
// Color the command's source code.
// If we get no source back, there's nothing to color.
maybe_t<wcstring> cmd = stmt.command.try_source(this->buff);
if (!cmd.has_value()) return;
wcstring expanded_cmd;
bool is_valid_cmd = false;
if (!this->io_ok) {
// We cannot check if the command is invalid, so just assume it's valid.
is_valid_cmd = true;
} else if (variable_assignment_equals_pos(*cmd)) {
is_valid_cmd = true;
} else {
// Check to see if the command is valid.
// Try expanding it. If we cannot, it's an error.
bool expanded = statement_get_expanded_command(buff, stmt, ctx, &expanded_cmd);
if (expanded && !has_expand_reserved(expanded_cmd)) {
is_valid_cmd =
command_is_valid(expanded_cmd, stmt.decoration(), working_directory, ctx.vars);
// Color our statement.
if (is_valid_cmd) {
} else {
this->color_node(stmt.command, highlight_role_t::error);
// Color arguments and redirections.
// Except if our command is 'cd' we have special logic for how arguments are colored.
bool is_cd = (expanded_cmd == L"cd");
bool is_set = (expanded_cmd == L"set");
for (const ast::argument_or_redirection_t &v : stmt.args_or_redirs) {
if (v.is_argument()) {
if (is_set) {
auto arg = v.argument().source(this->buff);
if (valid_var_name(arg)) {
is_set = false;
this->visit(v.argument(), is_cd);
} else {
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::block_statement_t &block) {
const ast::node_t &bh = *block.header.contents;
size_t pending_variables_count = this->pending_variables.size();
if (const auto *fh = bh.try_as<ast::for_header_t>()) {
auto var_name = fh->var_name.source(this->buff);
/// \return whether a string contains a command substitution.
static bool has_cmdsub(const wcstring &src) {
size_t cursor = 0;
size_t start = 0;
size_t end = 0;
return parse_util_locate_cmdsubst_range(src, &cursor, nullptr, &start, &end, true) != 0;
static bool contains_pending_variable(const std::vector<wcstring> &pending_variables,
const wcstring &haystack) {
for (const auto &var_name : pending_variables) {
size_t pos = -1;
while ((pos = haystack.find(var_name, pos + 1)) != wcstring::npos) {
if (pos == 0 || - 1) != L'$') continue;
size_t end = pos + var_name.size();
if (end < haystack.size() && valid_var_name_char( continue;
return true;
return false;
void highlighter_t::visit(const ast::redirection_t &redir) {
maybe_t<pipe_or_redir_t> oper =
pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(redir.oper.source(this->buff)); // like 2>
wcstring target =>buff); // like &1 or file path
assert(oper.has_value() &&
"Should have successfully parsed a pipe_or_redir_t since it was in our ast");
// Color the > part.
// It may have parsed successfully yet still be invalid (e.g. 9999999999999>&1)
// If so, color the whole thing invalid and stop.
if (!oper->is_valid()) {
this->color_node(redir, highlight_role_t::error);
// Color the operator part like 2>.
this->color_node(redir.oper, highlight_role_t::redirection);
// Color the target part.
// Check if the argument contains a command substitution. If so, highlight it as a param
// even though it's a command redirection, and don't try to do any other validation.
if (has_cmdsub(target)) {
} else {
// No command substitution, so we can highlight the target file or fd. For example,
// disallow redirections into a non-existent directory.
bool target_is_valid = true;
if (!this->io_ok) {
// I/O is disallowed, so we don't have much hope of catching anything but gross
// errors. Assume it's valid.
target_is_valid = true;
} else if (contains_pending_variable(this->pending_variables, target)) {
target_is_valid = true;
} else if (!expand_one(target, expand_flag::skip_cmdsubst, ctx)) {
// Could not be expanded.
target_is_valid = false;
} else {
// Ok, we successfully expanded our target. Now verify that it works with this
// redirection. We will probably need it as a path (but not in the case of fd
// redirections). Note that the target is now unescaped.
const wcstring target_path =
path_apply_working_directory(target, this->working_directory);
switch (oper->mode) {
case redirection_mode_t::fd: {
if (target == L"-") {
target_is_valid = true;
} else {
int fd = fish_wcstoi(target.c_str());
target_is_valid = !errno && fd >= 0;
case redirection_mode_t::input: {
// Input redirections must have a readable non-directory.
struct stat buf = {};
target_is_valid = !waccess(target_path, R_OK) && !wstat(target_path, &buf) &&
case redirection_mode_t::overwrite:
case redirection_mode_t::append:
case redirection_mode_t::noclob: {
// Test whether the file exists, and whether it's writable (possibly after
// creating it). access() returns failure if the file does not exist.
bool file_exists = false, file_is_writable = false;
int err = 0;
struct stat buf = {};
if (wstat(target_path, &buf) < 0) {
err = errno;
if (string_suffixes_string(L"/", target)) {
// Redirections to things that are directories is definitely not
// allowed.
file_exists = false;
file_is_writable = false;
} else if (err == 0) {
// No err. We can write to it if it's not a directory and we have
// permission.
file_exists = true;
file_is_writable = !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) && !waccess(target_path, W_OK);
} else if (err == ENOENT) {
// File does not exist. Check if its parent directory is writable.
wcstring parent = wdirname(target_path);
// Ensure that the parent ends with the path separator. This will ensure
// that we get an error if the parent directory is not really a
// directory.
if (!string_suffixes_string(L"/", parent)) parent.push_back(L'/');
// Now the file is considered writable if the parent directory is
// writable.
file_exists = false;
file_is_writable = (0 == waccess(parent, W_OK));
} else {
// Other errors we treat as not writable. This includes things like
file_exists = false;
file_is_writable = false;
// NOCLOB means that we must not overwrite files that exist.
target_is_valid = file_is_writable &&
!(file_exists && oper->mode == redirection_mode_t::noclob);
target_is_valid ? highlight_role_t::redirection : highlight_role_t::error);
/// Determine if a command is valid.
static bool command_is_valid(const wcstring &cmd, enum statement_decoration_t decoration,
const wcstring &working_directory, const environment_t &vars) {
// Determine which types we check, based on the decoration.
bool builtin_ok = true, function_ok = true, abbreviation_ok = true, command_ok = true,
implicit_cd_ok = true;
if (decoration == statement_decoration_t::command ||
decoration == statement_decoration_t::exec) {
builtin_ok = false;
function_ok = false;
abbreviation_ok = false;
command_ok = true;
implicit_cd_ok = false;
} else if (decoration == statement_decoration_t::builtin) {
builtin_ok = true;
function_ok = false;
abbreviation_ok = false;
command_ok = false;
implicit_cd_ok = false;
// Check them.
bool is_valid = false;
// Builtins
if (!is_valid && builtin_ok) is_valid = builtin_exists(cmd);
// Functions
if (!is_valid && function_ok) is_valid = function_exists_no_autoload(cmd);
// Abbreviations
if (!is_valid && abbreviation_ok) is_valid = expand_abbreviation(cmd, vars).has_value();
// Regular commands
if (!is_valid && command_ok) is_valid = path_get_path(cmd, nullptr, vars);
// Implicit cd
if (!is_valid && implicit_cd_ok) {
is_valid = path_as_implicit_cd(cmd, working_directory, vars).has_value();
// Return what we got.
return is_valid;
highlighter_t::color_array_t highlighter_t::highlight() {
// If we are doing I/O, we must be in a background thread.
if (io_ok) {
std::fill(this->color_array.begin(), this->color_array.end(), highlight_spec_t{});
if (ctx.check_cancel()) return std::move(color_array);
// Color every comment.
const auto &extras = ast.extras();
for (const source_range_t &r : extras.comments) {
this->color_range(r, highlight_role_t::comment);
// Color every extra semi.
for (const source_range_t &r : extras.semis) {
this->color_range(r, highlight_role_t::statement_terminator);
// Color every error range.
for (const source_range_t &r : extras.errors) {
this->color_range(r, highlight_role_t::error);
// Underline every valid path.
if (io_ok) {
for (const ast::node_t &node : ast) {
const ast::argument_t *arg = node.try_as<ast::argument_t>();
if (!arg || arg->unsourced) continue;
if (ctx.check_cancel()) break;
if (range_is_potential_path(buff, arg->range, ctx, working_directory)) {
// Don't color highlight_role_t::error because it looks dorky. For example,
// trying to cd into a non-directory would show an underline and also red.
for (size_t i = arg->range.start, end = arg->range.start + arg->range.length;
i < end; i++) {
if (this-> != highlight_role_t::error) {
this-> = true;
return std::move(color_array);
std::string colorize(const wcstring &text, const std::vector<highlight_spec_t> &colors,
const environment_t &vars) {
assert(colors.size() == text.size());
highlight_color_resolver_t rv;
outputter_t outp;
highlight_spec_t last_color = highlight_role_t::normal;
for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
highlight_spec_t color =;
if (color != last_color) {
outp.set_color(rv.resolve_spec(color, false, vars), rgb_color_t::normal());
last_color = color;
outp.set_color(rgb_color_t::normal(), rgb_color_t::normal());
return outp.contents();
void highlight_shell(const wcstring &buff, std::vector<highlight_spec_t> &color,
const operation_context_t &ctx, bool io_ok) {
const wcstring working_directory = ctx.vars.get_pwd_slash();
highlighter_t highlighter(buff, ctx, working_directory, io_ok);
color = highlighter.highlight();