Kurtis Rader 98863541c3 lint: prefer early exits and continue
Fix a location I missed in my earlier cleanup regarding early exits.
2016-11-04 20:12:51 -07:00

1037 lines
34 KiB

// Utilities for keeping track of jobs, processes and subshells, as well as signal handling
// functions for tracking children. These functions do not themselves launch new processes, the exec
// library will call proc to create representations of the running jobs as needed.
// Some of the code in this file is based on code from the Glibc manual.
// IWYU pragma: no_include <__bit_reference>
#include "config.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <term.h>
#include <ncurses/term.h>
#include <siginfo.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/time.h> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "common.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "io.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "parse_tree.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "sanity.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
/// Size of buffer for reading buffered output.
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
/// Status of last process to exit.
static int last_status = 0;
bool job_list_is_empty(void) {
return parser_t::principal_parser().job_list().empty();
void job_iterator_t::reset() {
this->current = job_list->begin();
this->end = job_list->end();
job_iterator_t::job_iterator_t(job_list_t &jobs) : job_list(&jobs) { this->reset(); }
job_iterator_t::job_iterator_t() : job_list(&parser_t::principal_parser().job_list()) {
size_t job_iterator_t::count() const { return this->job_list->size(); }
#if 0
// This isn't used so the lint tools were complaining about its presence. I'm keeping it in the
// source because it could be useful for debugging. However, it would probably be better to add a
// verbose or debug option to the builtin `jobs` command.
void print_jobs(void)
job_iterator_t jobs;
job_t *j;
while (j = {
printf("%p -> %ls -> (foreground %d, complete %d, stopped %d, constructed %d)\n",
j, j->command_wcstr(), job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND), job_is_completed(j),
job_is_stopped(j), job_get_flag(j, JOB_CONSTRUCTED));
int is_interactive_session = 0;
int is_subshell = 0;
int is_block = 0;
int is_login = 0;
int is_event = 0;
pid_t proc_last_bg_pid = 0;
int job_control_mode = JOB_CONTROL_INTERACTIVE;
int no_exec = 0;
static int is_interactive = -1;
static bool proc_had_barrier = false;
bool shell_is_interactive(void) {
// is_interactive is statically initialized to -1. Ensure it has been dynamically set
// before we're called.
assert(is_interactive != -1);
return is_interactive > 0;
bool get_proc_had_barrier() {
return proc_had_barrier;
void set_proc_had_barrier(bool flag) {
proc_had_barrier = flag;
/// The event variable used to send all process event.
static event_t event(0);
/// A stack containing the values of is_interactive. Used by proc_push_interactive and
/// proc_pop_interactive.
static std::vector<int> interactive_stack;
void proc_init() { proc_push_interactive(0); }
/// Remove job from list of jobs.
static int job_remove(job_t *j) {
return parser_t::principal_parser().job_remove(j);
void job_promote(job_t *job) {
/// Remove job from the job list and free all memory associated with it.
void job_free(job_t *j) {
delete j;
void proc_destroy() {
job_list_t &jobs = parser_t::principal_parser().job_list();
while (!jobs.empty()) {
job_t *job = jobs.front();
debug(2, L"freeing leaked job %ls", job->command_wcstr());
void proc_set_last_status(int s) {
last_status = s;
int proc_get_last_status() { return last_status; }
// Basic thread safe job IDs. The vector consumed_job_ids has a true value wherever the job ID
// corresponding to that slot is in use. The job ID corresponding to slot 0 is 1.
static pthread_mutex_t job_id_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static std::vector<bool> consumed_job_ids;
job_id_t acquire_job_id(void) {
scoped_lock locker(job_id_lock);
// Find the index of the first 0 slot.
std::vector<bool>::iterator slot =
std::find(consumed_job_ids.begin(), consumed_job_ids.end(), false);
if (slot != consumed_job_ids.end()) {
// We found a slot. Note that slot 0 corresponds to job ID 1.
*slot = true;
return (job_id_t)(slot - consumed_job_ids.begin() + 1);
// We did not find a slot; create a new slot. The size of the vector is now the job ID
// (since it is one larger than the slot).
return (job_id_t)consumed_job_ids.size();
void release_job_id(job_id_t jid) {
assert(jid > 0);
scoped_lock locker(job_id_lock);
size_t slot = (size_t)(jid - 1), count = consumed_job_ids.size();
// Make sure this slot is within our vector and is currently set to consumed.
assert(slot < count);
assert( == true);
// Clear it and then resize the vector to eliminate unused trailing job IDs. = false;
while (count--) {
if ( break;
consumed_job_ids.resize(count + 1);
job_t *job_get(job_id_t id) {
return parser_t::principal_parser().job_get(id);
job_t *job_get_from_pid(int pid) {
return parser_t::principal_parser().job_get_from_pid(pid);
/// Return true if all processes in the job have stopped or completed.
/// \param j the job to test
int job_is_stopped(const job_t *j) {
process_t *p;
for (p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) {
if (!p->completed && !p->stopped) {
return 0;
return 1;
/// Return true if the last processes in the job has completed.
/// \param j the job to test
bool job_is_completed(const job_t *j) {
assert(j->first_process != NULL);
bool result = true;
for (process_t *p = j->first_process; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
if (!p->completed) {
result = false;
return result;
void job_set_flag(job_t *j, unsigned int flag, int set) {
if (set) {
j->flags |= flag;
} else {
j->flags &= ~flag;
int job_get_flag(const job_t *j, unsigned int flag) { return static_cast<bool>(j->flags & flag); }
int job_signal(job_t *j, int signal) {
pid_t my_pid = getpid();
int res = 0;
if (j->pgid != my_pid) {
res = killpg(j->pgid, signal);
} else {
for (process_t *p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) {
if (!p->completed && p->pid && kill(p->pid, signal)) {
res = -1;
return res;
/// Store the status of the process pid that was returned by waitpid.
static void mark_process_status(process_t *p, int status) {
// debug( 0, L"Process %ls %ls", p->argv[0], WIFSTOPPED (status)?L"stopped":(WIFEXITED( status
// )?L"exited":(WIFSIGNALED( status )?L"signaled to exit":L"BLARGH")) );
p->status = status;
if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
p->stopped = 1;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status) || WIFEXITED(status)) {
p->completed = 1;
} else {
// This should never be reached.
p->completed = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Process %ld exited abnormally\n", (long)p->pid);
void job_mark_process_as_failed(const job_t *job, process_t *p) {
// The given process failed to even lift off (e.g. posix_spawn failed) and so doesn't have a
// valid pid. Mark it as dead.
for (process_t *cursor = p; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->next) {
cursor->completed = 1;
/// Handle status update for child \c pid.
/// \param pid the pid of the process whose status changes
/// \param status the status as returned by wait
static void handle_child_status(pid_t pid, int status) {
bool found_proc = false;
const job_t *j = NULL;
process_t *p = NULL;
job_iterator_t jobs;
while (!found_proc && (j = {
process_t *prev = 0;
for (p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) {
if (pid == p->pid) {
mark_process_status(p, status);
if (p->completed && prev && !prev->completed && prev->pid) {
kill(prev->pid, SIGPIPE);
found_proc = true;
prev = p;
// If the child process was not killed by a signal or other than SIGINT or SIGQUIT we're done.
if (!WIFSIGNALED(status) || (WTERMSIG(status) != SIGINT && WTERMSIG(status) != SIGQUIT)) {
if (is_interactive_session) {
// In an interactive session, tell the principal parser to skip all blocks we're executing
// so control-C returns control to the user.
if (p && found_proc) parser_t::skip_all_blocks();
} else {
// Deliver the SIGINT or SIGQUIT signal to ourself since we're not interactive.
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_flags = 0;
act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
sigaction(SIGINT, &act, 0);
sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, 0);
kill(getpid(), WTERMSIG(status));
#if 0
// TODO: Decide whether to eliminate this block or have it emit a warning message.
// WARNING: See the special short-circuit logic above vis-a-vis signals.
if (!found_proc) {
// A child we lost track of? There have been bugs in both subshell handling and in builtin
// handling that have caused this previously...
: type(), // gets set later
process_t::~process_t() { delete this->next; }
job_t::job_t(job_id_t jobid, const io_chain_t &bio)
: block_io(bio), first_process(NULL), pgid(0), tmodes(), job_id(jobid), flags(0) {}
job_t::~job_t() {
delete first_process;
/// Return all the IO redirections. Start with the block IO, then walk over the processes.
io_chain_t job_t::all_io_redirections() const {
io_chain_t result = this->block_io;
for (process_t *p = this->first_process; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
return result;
typedef unsigned int process_generation_count_t;
/// A static value tracking how many SIGCHLDs we have seen. This is only ever modified from within
/// the SIGCHLD signal handler, and therefore does not need atomics or locks.
static volatile process_generation_count_t s_sigchld_generation_cnt = 0;
/// If we have received a SIGCHLD signal, process any children. If await is false, this returns
/// immediately if no SIGCHLD has been received. If await is true, this waits for one. Returns true
/// if something was processed. This returns the number of children processed, or -1 on error.
static int process_mark_finished_children(bool wants_await) {
// A static value tracking the SIGCHLD gen count at the time we last processed it. When this is
// different from s_sigchld_generation_cnt, it indicates there may be unreaped processes.
// There may not be if we reaped them via the other waitpid path. This is only ever modified
// from the main thread, and not from a signal handler.
static process_generation_count_t s_last_sigchld_generation_cnt = 0;
int processed_count = 0;
bool got_error = false;
// The critical read. This fetches a value which is only written in the signal handler. This
// needs to be an atomic read (we'd use sig_atomic_t, if we knew that were unsigned -
// fortunately aligned unsigned int is atomic on pretty much any modern chip.) It also needs to
// occur before we start reaping, since the signal handler can be invoked at any point.
const process_generation_count_t local_count = s_sigchld_generation_cnt;
// Determine whether we have children to process. Note that we can't reliably use the difference
// because a single SIGCHLD may be delivered for multiple children - see #1768. Also if we are
// awaiting, we always process.
bool wants_waitpid = wants_await || local_count != s_last_sigchld_generation_cnt;
if (wants_waitpid) {
for (;;) {
// Call waitpid until we get 0/ECHILD. If we wait, it's only on the first iteration. So
// we want to set NOHANG (don't wait) unless wants_await is true and this is the first
// iteration.
int options = WUNTRACED;
if (!(wants_await && processed_count == 0)) {
options |= WNOHANG;
int status = -1;
pid_t pid = waitpid(-1, &status, options);
if (pid > 0) {
// We got a valid pid.
handle_child_status(pid, status);
processed_count += 1;
} else if (pid == 0) {
// No ready-and-waiting children, we're done.
} else {
// This indicates an error. One likely failure is ECHILD (no children), which we
// break on, and is not considered an error. The other likely failure is EINTR,
// which means we got a signal, which is considered an error.
got_error = (errno != ECHILD);
if (got_error) {
return -1;
s_last_sigchld_generation_cnt = local_count;
return processed_count;
/// This is called from a signal handler. The signal is always SIGCHLD.
void job_handle_signal(int signal, siginfo_t *info, void *context) {
// This is the only place that this generation count is modified. It's OK if it overflows.
s_sigchld_generation_cnt += 1;
/// Given a command like "cat file", truncate it to a reasonable length.
static wcstring truncate_command(const wcstring &cmd) {
const size_t max_len = 32;
if (cmd.size() <= max_len) {
// No truncation necessary.
return cmd;
// Truncation required.
const bool ellipsis_is_unicode = (ellipsis_char == L'\x2026');
const size_t ellipsis_length = ellipsis_is_unicode ? 1 : 3;
size_t trunc_length = max_len - ellipsis_length;
// Eat trailing whitespace.
while (trunc_length > 0 && iswspace( - 1))) {
trunc_length -= 1;
wcstring result = wcstring(cmd, 0, trunc_length);
// Append ellipsis.
if (ellipsis_is_unicode) {
} else {
return result;
/// Format information about job status for the user to look at.
/// \param j the job to test
/// \param status a string description of the job exit type
static void format_job_info(const job_t *j, const wchar_t *status, size_t job_count) {
fwprintf(stdout, L"\r");
if (job_count == 1) {
fwprintf(stdout, _(L"\'%ls\' has %ls"), truncate_command(j->command()).c_str(), status);
} else {
fwprintf(stdout, _(L"Job %d, \'%ls\' has %ls"), j->job_id,
truncate_command(j->command()).c_str(), status);
if (cur_term != NULL)
tputs(clr_eol, 1, &writeb);
fwprintf(stdout, L"\x1b[K");
fwprintf(stdout, L"\n");
void proc_fire_event(const wchar_t *msg, int type, pid_t pid, int status) {
event.type = type; = pid;
int job_reap(bool allow_interactive) {
job_t *jnext;
int found = 0;
// job_reap may fire an event handler, we do not want to call ourselves recursively (to avoid
// infinite recursion).
static bool locked = false;
if (locked) {
return 0;
locked = true;
// this may be invoked in an exit handler, after the TERM has been torn down
// don't try to print in that case (#3222)
const bool interactive = allow_interactive && cur_term != NULL;
// Preserve the exit status.
const int saved_status = proc_get_last_status();
job_iterator_t jobs;
const size_t job_count = jobs.count();
jnext =;
while (jnext) {
job_t *j = jnext;
jnext =;
// If we are reaping only jobs who do not need status messages sent to the console, do not
// consider reaping jobs that need status messages.
if ((!job_get_flag(j, JOB_SKIP_NOTIFICATION)) && (!interactive) &&
(!job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND))) {
for (process_t *p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) {
int s;
if (!p->completed) continue;
if (!p->pid) continue;
s = p->status;
proc_fire_event(L"PROCESS_EXIT", EVENT_EXIT, p->pid,
// Ignore signal SIGPIPE.We issue it ourselves to the pipe writer when the pipe reader
// dies.
// Handle signals other than SIGPIPE.
int proc_is_job = ((p == j->first_process) && (p->next == 0));
if (proc_is_job) job_set_flag(j, JOB_NOTIFIED, 1);
if (job_get_flag(j, JOB_SKIP_NOTIFICATION)) {
// Print nothing if we get SIGINT in the foreground process group, to avoid spamming
// obvious stuff on the console (#1119). If we get SIGINT for the foreground
// process, assume the user typed ^C and can see it working. It's possible they
// didn't, and the signal was delivered via pkill, etc., but the SIGINT/SIGTERM
// distinction is precisely to allow INT to be from a UI
// and TERM to be programmatic, so this assumption is keeping with the design of
// signals. If echoctl is on, then the terminal will have written ^C to the console.
// If off, it won't have. We don't echo ^C either way, so as to respect the user's
// preference.
if (WTERMSIG(p->status) != SIGINT || !job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND)) {
if (proc_is_job) {
// We want to report the job number, unless it's the only job, in which case
// we don't need to.
const wcstring job_number_desc =
(job_count == 1) ? wcstring() : format_string(L"Job %d, ", j->job_id);
fwprintf(stdout, _(L"%ls: %ls\'%ls\' terminated by signal %ls (%ls)"),
program_name, job_number_desc.c_str(),
truncate_command(j->command()).c_str(), sig2wcs(WTERMSIG(p->status)),
} else {
const wcstring job_number_desc =
(job_count == 1) ? wcstring() : format_string(L"from job %d, ", j->job_id);
fwprintf(stdout, _(L"%ls: Process %d, \'%ls\' %ls\'%ls\' "
L"terminated by signal %ls (%ls)"),
program_name, p->pid, p->argv0(), job_number_desc.c_str(),
truncate_command(j->command()).c_str(), sig2wcs(WTERMSIG(p->status)),
if (cur_term != NULL) {
tputs(clr_eol, 1, &writeb);
} else {
fwprintf(stdout, L"\x1b[K"); // no term set up - do clr_eol manually
fwprintf(stdout, L"\n");
found = 1;
p->status = 0; // clear status so it is not reported more than once
// If all processes have completed, tell the user the job has completed and delete it from
// the active job list.
if (job_is_completed(j)) {
if (!job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND) && !job_get_flag(j, JOB_NOTIFIED) &&
!job_get_flag(j, JOB_SKIP_NOTIFICATION)) {
format_job_info(j, _(L"ended"), job_count);
found = 1;
proc_fire_event(L"JOB_EXIT", EVENT_EXIT, -j->pgid, 0);
proc_fire_event(L"JOB_EXIT", EVENT_JOB_ID, j->job_id, 0);
} else if (job_is_stopped(j) && !job_get_flag(j, JOB_NOTIFIED)) {
// Notify the user about newly stopped jobs.
if (!job_get_flag(j, JOB_SKIP_NOTIFICATION)) {
format_job_info(j, _(L"stopped"), job_count);
found = 1;
job_set_flag(j, JOB_NOTIFIED, 1);
if (found) fflush(stdout);
// Restore the exit status.
locked = false;
return found;
/// Maximum length of a /proc/[PID]/stat filename.
#define FN_SIZE 256
/// Get the CPU time for the specified process.
unsigned long proc_get_jiffies(process_t *p) {
if (p->pid <= 0) return 0;
wchar_t fn[FN_SIZE];
char state;
int pid, ppid, pgrp, session, tty_nr, tpgid, exit_signal, processor;
long int cutime, cstime, priority, nice, placeholder, itrealvalue, rss;
unsigned long int flags, minflt, cminflt, majflt, cmajflt, utime, stime, starttime, vsize, rlim,
startcode, endcode, startstack, kstkesp, kstkeip, signal, blocked, sigignore, sigcatch,
wchan, nswap, cnswap;
char comm[1024];
swprintf(fn, FN_SIZE, L"/proc/%d/stat", p->pid);
FILE *f = wfopen(fn, "r");
if (!f) return 0;
// TODO: replace the use of fscanf() as it is brittle and should never be used.
int count = fscanf(f,
"%9d %1023s %c %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9lu "
"%9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9ld %9ld %9ld "
"%9ld %9ld %9ld %9lu %9lu %9ld %9lu %9lu %9lu "
"%9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu "
"%9lu %9d %9d ",
&pid, comm, &state, &ppid, &pgrp, &session, &tty_nr, &tpgid, &flags, &minflt,
&cminflt, &majflt, &cmajflt, &utime, &stime, &cutime, &cstime, &priority,
&nice, &placeholder, &itrealvalue, &starttime, &vsize, &rss, &rlim,
&startcode, &endcode, &startstack, &kstkesp, &kstkeip, &signal, &blocked,
&sigignore, &sigcatch, &wchan, &nswap, &cnswap, &exit_signal, &processor);
if (count < 17) return 0;
return utime + stime + cutime + cstime;
/// Update the CPU time for all jobs.
void proc_update_jiffies() {
job_t *job;
process_t *p;
job_iterator_t j;
for (job =; job; job = {
for (p = job->first_process; p; p = p->next) {
gettimeofday(&p->last_time, 0);
p->last_jiffies = proc_get_jiffies(p);
/// Check if there are buffers associated with the job, and select on them for a while if available.
/// \param j the job to test
/// \return 1 if buffers were available, zero otherwise
static int select_try(job_t *j) {
fd_set fds;
int maxfd = -1;
const io_chain_t chain = j->all_io_redirections();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < chain.size(); idx++) {
const io_data_t *io =;
if (io->io_mode == IO_BUFFER) {
const io_pipe_t *io_pipe = static_cast<const io_pipe_t *>(io);
int fd = io_pipe->pipe_fd[0];
// fwprintf( stderr, L"fd %d on job %ls\n", fd, j->command );
FD_SET(fd, &fds);
maxfd = maxi(maxfd, fd);
debug(3, L"select_try on %d\n", fd);
if (maxfd >= 0) {
int retval;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 10000;
retval = select(maxfd + 1, &fds, 0, 0, &tv);
if (retval == 0) {
debug(3, L"select_try hit timeout\n");
return retval > 0;
return -1;
/// Read from descriptors until they are empty.
/// \param j the job to test
static void read_try(job_t *j) {
io_buffer_t *buff = NULL;
// Find the last buffer, which is the one we want to read from.
const io_chain_t chain = j->all_io_redirections();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < chain.size(); idx++) {
io_data_t *d =;
if (d->io_mode == IO_BUFFER) {
buff = static_cast<io_buffer_t *>(d);
if (buff) {
debug(3, L"proc::read_try('%ls')\n", j->command_wcstr());
while (1) {
char b[BUFFER_SIZE];
long l;
l = read_blocked(buff->pipe_fd[0], b, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (l == 0) {
} else if (l < 0) {
if (errno != EAGAIN) {
debug(1, _(L"An error occured while reading output from code block"));
} else {
buff->out_buffer_append(b, l);
/// Give ownership of the terminal to the specified job.
/// \param j The job to give the terminal to.
/// \param cont If this variable is set, we are giving back control to a job that has previously
/// been stopped. In that case, we need to set the terminal attributes to those saved in the job.
static bool terminal_give_to_job(job_t *j, int cont) {
if (tcsetpgrp(0, j->pgid)) {
debug(1, _(L"Could not send job %d ('%ls') to foreground"), j->job_id, j->command_wcstr());
return false;
if (cont && tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &j->tmodes)) {
debug(1, _(L"Could not send job %d ('%ls') to foreground"), j->job_id, j->command_wcstr());
return false;
return true;
/// Returns control of the terminal to the shell, and saves the terminal attribute state to the job,
/// so that we can restore the terminal ownership to the job at a later time.
static int terminal_return_from_job(job_t *j) {
if (tcsetpgrp(0, getpgrp())) {
debug(1, _(L"Could not return shell to foreground"));
return 0;
Save jobs terminal modes.
if (tcgetattr(0, &j->tmodes)) {
debug(1, _(L"Could not return shell to foreground"));
return 0;
// Disabling this per
// On
// Linux, 'cd . ; ftp' prevents you from typing into the ftp prompt. See
#if 0
// Restore the shell's terminal modes.
if (tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &shell_modes)) {
debug(1, _(L"Could not return shell to foreground"));
return 0;
return 1;
void job_continue(job_t *j, bool cont) {
// Put job first in the job list.
job_set_flag(j, JOB_NOTIFIED, 0);
debug(4, L"Continue job %d, gid %d (%ls), %ls, %ls", j->job_id, j->pgid, j->command_wcstr(),
job_is_completed(j) ? L"COMPLETED" : L"UNCOMPLETED",
is_interactive ? L"INTERACTIVE" : L"NON-INTERACTIVE");
if (!job_is_completed(j)) {
if (job_get_flag(j, JOB_TERMINAL) && job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND)) {
// Put the job into the foreground. Hack: ensure that stdin is marked as blocking first
// (issue #176).
bool ok = terminal_give_to_job(j, cont);
if (!ok) return;
// Send the job a continue signal, if necessary.
if (cont) {
process_t *p;
for (p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) p->stopped = 0;
if (job_get_flag(j, JOB_CONTROL)) {
if (killpg(j->pgid, SIGCONT)) {
wperror(L"killpg (SIGCONT)");
} else {
for (p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) {
if (kill(p->pid, SIGCONT) < 0) {
wperror(L"kill (SIGCONT)");
if (job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND)) {
// Look for finished processes first, to avoid select() if it's already done.
// Wait for job to report.
while (!reader_exit_forced() && !job_is_stopped(j) && !job_is_completed(j)) {
// debug( 1, L"select_try()" );
switch (select_try(j)) {
case 1: {
case 0: {
// No FDs are ready. Look for finished processes.
case -1: {
// If there is no funky IO magic, we can use waitpid instead of handling
// child deaths through signals. This gives a rather large speed boost (A
// factor 3 startup time improvement on my 300 MHz machine) on short-lived
// jobs.
// This will return early if we get a signal, like SIGHUP.
default: {
DIE("unexpected return value from select_try()");
if (job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND)) {
if (job_is_completed(j)) {
// It's possible that the job will produce output and exit before we've even read from
// it.
// We'll eventually read the output, but it may be after we've executed subsequent calls
// This is why my prompt colors kept getting screwed up - the builtin echo calls
// were sometimes having their output combined with the set_color calls in the wrong
// order!
process_t *p = j->first_process;
while (p->next) p = p->next;
// Mark process status only if we are in the foreground and the last process in a pipe,
// and it is not a short circuited builtin.
if ((WIFEXITED(p->status) || WIFSIGNALED(p->status)) && p->pid) {
int status = proc_format_status(p->status);
// wprintf(L"setting status %d for %ls\n", job_get_flag( j, JOB_NEGATE
// )?!status:status, j->command);
proc_set_last_status(job_get_flag(j, JOB_NEGATE) ? !status : status);
// Put the shell back in the foreground.
if (job_get_flag(j, JOB_TERMINAL) && job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND)) {
int ok;
ok = terminal_return_from_job(j);
if (!ok) return;
int proc_format_status(int status) {
if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
return 128 + WTERMSIG(status);
} else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
return WEXITSTATUS(status);
return status;
void proc_sanity_check() {
job_t *j;
job_t *fg_job = 0;
job_iterator_t jobs;
while ((j = {
process_t *p;
if (!job_get_flag(j, JOB_CONSTRUCTED)) continue;
validate_pointer(j->first_process, _(L"Process list pointer"), 0);
// More than one foreground job?
if (job_get_flag(j, JOB_FOREGROUND) && !(job_is_stopped(j) || job_is_completed(j))) {
if (fg_job != 0) {
debug(0, _(L"More than one job in foreground: job 1: '%ls' job 2: '%ls'"),
fg_job->command_wcstr(), j->command_wcstr());
fg_job = j;
p = j->first_process;
while (p) {
// Internal block nodes do not have argv - see issue #1545.
bool null_ok = (p->type == INTERNAL_BLOCK_NODE);
validate_pointer(p->get_argv(), _(L"Process argument list"), null_ok);
validate_pointer(p->argv0(), _(L"Process name"), null_ok);
validate_pointer(p->next, _(L"Process list pointer"), true);
if ((p->stopped & (~0x00000001)) != 0) {
debug(0, _(L"Job '%ls', process '%ls' has inconsistent state \'stopped\'=%d"),
j->command_wcstr(), p->argv0(), p->stopped);
if ((p->completed & (~0x00000001)) != 0) {
debug(0, _(L"Job '%ls', process '%ls' has inconsistent state \'completed\'=%d"),
j->command_wcstr(), p->argv0(), p->completed);
p = p->next;
void proc_push_interactive(int value) {
int old = is_interactive;
is_interactive = value;
if (old != value) signal_set_handlers();
void proc_pop_interactive() {
int old = is_interactive;
is_interactive = interactive_stack.back();
if (is_interactive != old) signal_set_handlers();