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synced 2025-03-27 06:39:45 +08:00

It seems expect prioritizes the first pattern in the list, instead of the pattern that matches earliest in the buffer. That seems pretty stupid, but let's try moving the prompt pattern to the end and see if that fixes the Travis failures.
273 lines
8.1 KiB
273 lines
8.1 KiB
# vim: set filetype=expect sw=4 ts=4 et:
log_user 0
log_file -noappend interactive.tmp.log
set fish ../fish
set timeout 2
set send_human {.05 .1 5 .02 .2}
proc abort {{msg "aborting"}} {
error $msg
exit 1
# # Debug logging
set loglevel debug ;# none, info, debug
proc log_info string {
global loglevel
switch $loglevel {
info -
debug {
send_log "\[INFO] $string\n"
proc log_debug string {
global loglevel
switch $loglevel {
debug {
send_log "\[DEBUG] $string\n"
# Utilities
set prompt_counter 1
# expect_prompt takes an argument list like `expect` does.
# It supports a special pattern "unmatched" that is run if no
# other provided patterns match, and a special flag "-nounmatched"
# that marks the following pattern as not being tracked for
# "unmatched" handling.
# If multiple patterns are provided, they may all match. Each pattern
# is matched at most once. The matching only ends once the prompt is
# found.
proc expect_prompt {args} {
global prompt_counter
upvar expect_out expect_out
set prompt_pat [list -re "(?:\\r\\n?|^)prompt $prompt_counter>(?:$|\\r)"]
if {[llength $args] == 1 && [string match "\n*" $args]} {
set args [join $args]
set prompt_action ""
set expargs {}
set debugpats {}
set nounmatched no
set matchidx 0
set matched(any) no
set state "firstarg"
foreach arg $args {
switch $state {
"pat" {
lappend expargs $arg
set state "action"
"action" {
lappend debugpats [lindex $expargs end]
lappend expargs [subst -nocommands {
log_debug "matched extra pattern to expect_prompt: [quote \$expect_out(0,string)]"
if {!\$matched($matchidx)} {
set matched($matchidx) yes
if {!$nounmatched} { set matched(any) yes }
uplevel 1 {$arg}
set matched($matchidx) no
incr matchidx
set state "firstarg"
set nounmatched no
"firstarg" -
"arg" {
if {$arg eq "unmatched" && $state eq "firstarg"} {
set state "unmatched"
set keep yes
switch -glob -- $arg {
-gl -
-re -
-ex {
lappend debugpats $arg
set state "pat"
-i -
-timeout {
set state "flagarg"
-nounmatched {
set keep no
set nounmatched yes
set state "arg"
-* {
error "BUG: unknown expect flag in expect_prompt"
default {
set state "action"
if {$keep} {
lappend expargs $arg
"flagarg" {
lappend expargs $arg
set state "arg"
"unmatched" {
set state "firstarg"
if {$prompt_action ne ""} continue
set prompt_action [subst -nocommands {
if {!\$matched(any)} {
log_debug "triggered unmatched action in expect_prompt"
log_debug "expect buffer: [quote \$expect_out(buffer)]"
uplevel 1 {$arg}
default {
error "BUG: non-exhaustive switch in expect_prompt"
if {[llength $debugpats] > 0} {
log_info "expecting prompt $prompt_counter + \[$debugpats]"
} else {
log_info "expecting prompt $prompt_counter"
set expargs [concat $expargs $prompt_pat [list $prompt_action]]
expect {*}$expargs
incr prompt_counter
trace add execution expect {enter leave} trace_expect
proc trace_expect {cmd args} {
if {[lindex $cmd 1] eq "*" && [llength $cmd] == 3} {
# it's an `expect "*" {..}` command, don't log it
switch [lindex $args end] {
enter {
log_debug "entering expect"
uplevel {set expect_out(buffer) {}}
leave {
set code [lindex $args 0]
if {$code == 0} {
log_debug "expect finished: [quote [uplevel set expect_out(buffer)]]"
} else {
log_debug "expect returned code $code"
trace add execution exp_continue enter trace_exp_continue
proc trace_exp_continue {cmd op} {
log_debug "exp_continue after consuming: [quote [uplevel set expect_out(buffer)]]"
trace add execution send enter trace_send
proc trace_send {cmd op} {
log_info "[quote $cmd]"
trace add execution spawn {enter leave} trace_spawn
proc trace_spawn {cmd args} {
switch [lindex $args end] {
enter {
log_info "[quote $cmd]"
leave {
log_debug "[quote $cmd]: code [lindex $args 0], result [lindex $args 1]"
expect_after {
timeout {
expect "*" {
log_debug "timeout; buffer=[quote $expect_out(buffer)]"
abort "timeout"
eof {
log_debug "eof; buffer=[quote $expect_out(buffer)]"
# even though we're about to abort, we want to wait so we can get the status
# note: it's possible that fish could have closed its end and then hung, and
# expect doesn't provide any way to set a timeout for wait. But I think that's
# an acceptable risk.
puts stderr "eof; waiting on child process to exit"
set status [wait]
if {[lindex $status 2] == -1} {
# operating system error
puts stderr "error: OS error code [lindex $status 3]"
} else {
set msg "process [lindex $status 0] exited with status [lindex $status 3]"
if {[llength $status] > 4} {
append msg " ([lrange $status 4 end])"
puts stderr $msg
abort "eof"
proc quote string {
set map {
\\ \\\\
\r \\r
\n \\n
\t \\t
\a \\a
\v \\v
\x1b \\e
\x7f \\x7f
for {set x 0} {$x<32} {incr x} {
lappend map [format %c $x] [format \\x%02x $x]
string map $map $string
proc send_line args {
if {[llength $args] > 0} {
lset args end [lindex $args end]\r
send {*}$args
proc rand_int {low hi} {
expr {entier(rand() * ($hi-$low))+$low}
# prints the output of `_echo_var $name` (defined in interactive.config)
proc print_var_contents name {
# generate a random "guard" so we know where to stop matching
# the randomness is to defend against the variable value containing the guard
set guard [rand_int 1000000000 9999999999]
# print the variable
log_info "get_var_contents: $$name"
send_line "_echo_var $name $guard"
# match on the results
set pat {\r\n@GUARD:$guard@\r\n(.*)\r\n@/GUARD:$guard@\r\n}
expect_prompt -re [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes $pat] {
log_info "get_var_contents: result: [quote $expect_out(1,string)]"
puts $expect_out(1,string)
} unmatched {
log_debug "unmatched: [quote $expect_out(buffer)]"
abort "Didn't match output for variable $$name"