mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 23:25:55 +08:00

I really kinda hate how insistent clang-format is to have line breaks *IFF THE LINE IS TOO LONG*. Like... lemme just add a break if it looks better, will you? But it is the style at this time, so we shall tie an onion to our belt.
844 lines
31 KiB
844 lines
31 KiB
// Prototypes for various functions, mostly string utilities, that are used by most parts of fish.
#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
// Needed for va_list et al.
#include <stdarg.h> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <sys/ioctl.h> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "maybe.h"
// PATH_MAX may not exist.
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 4096
// Define a symbol we can use elsewhere in our code to determine if we're being built on MS Windows
// under Cygwin.
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || \
#define OS_IS_CYGWIN
// Common string type.
typedef std::wstring wcstring;
typedef std::vector<wcstring> wcstring_list_t;
struct termsize_t;
// Maximum number of bytes used by a single utf-8 character.
#define MAX_UTF8_BYTES 6
// Highest legal ASCII value.
#define ASCII_MAX 127u
// Highest legal 16-bit Unicode value.
#define UCS2_MAX 0xFFFFu
// Highest legal byte value.
#define BYTE_MAX 0xFFu
// Unicode BOM value.
#define UTF8_BOM_WCHAR 0xFEFFu
// Unicode replacement character.
// Use Unicode "noncharacters" for internal characters as much as we can. This
// gives us 32 "characters" for internal use that we can guarantee should not
// appear in our input stream. See http://www.unicode.org/faq/private_use.html.
#define RESERVED_CHAR_BASE static_cast<wchar_t>(0xFDD0)
#define RESERVED_CHAR_END static_cast<wchar_t>(0xFDF0)
// Split the available noncharacter values into two ranges to ensure there are
// no conflicts among the places we use these special characters.
// Make sure the ranges defined above don't exceed the range for noncharacters.
// This is to make sure we didn't do something stupid in subdividing the
// Unicode range for our needs.
// These are in the Unicode private-use range. We really shouldn't use this
// range but have little choice in the matter given how our lexer/parser works.
// We can't use non-characters for these two ranges because there are only 66 of
// them and we need at least 256 + 64.
// If sizeof(wchar_t))==4 we could avoid using private-use chars; however, that
// would result in fish having different behavior on machines with 16 versus 32
// bit wchar_t. It's better that fish behave the same on both types of systems.
// Note: We don't use the highest 8 bit range (0xF800 - 0xF8FF) because we know
// of at least one use of a codepoint in that range: the Apple symbol (0xF8FF)
// on Mac OS X. See http://www.unicode.org/faq/private_use.html.
#define ENCODE_DIRECT_BASE static_cast<wchar_t>(0xF600)
// NAME_MAX is not defined on Solaris
#if !defined(NAME_MAX)
#include <sys/param.h>
#if defined(MAXNAMELEN)
// MAXNAMELEN is defined on Linux, BSD, and Solaris among others
static_assert(false, "Neither NAME_MAX nor MAXNAMELEN is defined!");
// PATH_MAX may not exist.
#ifndef PATH_MAX
/// Fallback length of MAXPATHLEN. Hopefully a sane value.
#define PATH_MAX 4096
enum escape_string_style_t {
// Flags for unescape_string functions.
enum {
UNESCAPE_DEFAULT = 0, // default behavior
UNESCAPE_SPECIAL = 1 << 0, // escape special fish syntax characters like the semicolon
UNESCAPE_INCOMPLETE = 1 << 1, // allow incomplete escape sequences
UNESCAPE_NO_BACKSLASHES = 1 << 2, // don't handle backslash escapes
typedef unsigned int unescape_flags_t;
// Flags for the escape_string() and escape_string() functions. These are only applicable when the
// escape style is "script" (i.e., STRING_STYLE_SCRIPT).
enum {
/// Escape all characters, including magic characters like the semicolon.
ESCAPE_ALL = 1 << 0,
/// Do not try to use 'simplified' quoted escapes, and do not use empty quotes as the empty
/// string.
/// Do not escape tildes.
typedef unsigned int escape_flags_t;
/// Issue a debug message with printf-style string formating and automatic line breaking. The string
/// will begin with the string \c program_name, followed by a colon and a whitespace.
/// Because debug is often called to tell the user about an error, before using wperror to give a
/// specific error message, debug will never ever modify the value of errno.
/// \param level the priority of the message. Lower number means higher priority. Messages with a
/// priority_number higher than \c debug_level will be ignored..
/// \param msg the message format string.
/// Example:
/// <code>debug( 1, L"Pi = %.3f", M_PI );</code>
/// will print the string 'fish: Pi = 3.141', given that debug_level is 1 or higher, and that
/// program_name is 'fish'.
[[gnu::noinline, gnu::format(printf, 2, 3)]] void debug_impl(int level, const char *msg, ...);
[[gnu::noinline]] void debug_impl(int level, const wchar_t *msg, ...);
/// The verbosity level of fish. If a call to debug has a severity level higher than \c debug_level,
/// it will not be printed.
extern std::atomic<int> debug_level;
inline bool should_debug(int level) { return level <= debug_level.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
#define debug(level, ...) \
do { \
if (should_debug((level))) debug_impl((level), __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
/// Exits without invoking destructors (via _exit), useful for code after fork.
[[noreturn]] void exit_without_destructors(int code);
/// Save the shell mode on startup so we can restore them on exit.
extern struct termios shell_modes;
/// The character to use where the text has been truncated. Is an ellipsis on unicode system and a $
/// on other systems.
wchar_t get_ellipsis_char();
/// The character or string to use where text has been truncated (ellipsis if possible, otherwise
/// ...)
const wchar_t *get_ellipsis_str();
/// Character representing an omitted newline at the end of text.
const wchar_t *get_omitted_newline_str();
int get_omitted_newline_width();
/// Character used for the silent mode of the read command
wchar_t get_obfuscation_read_char();
/// How many stack frames to show when a debug() call is made.
int get_debug_stack_frames();
void set_debug_stack_frames(int);
/// Profiling flag. True if commands should be profiled.
extern bool g_profiling_active;
/// Name of the current program. Should be set at startup. Used by the debug function.
extern const wchar_t *program_name;
/// Set to false if it's been determined we can't trust the last modified timestamp on the tty.
extern const bool has_working_tty_timestamps;
// Pause for input, then exit the program. If supported, print a backtrace first.
// The `return` will never be run but silences oclint warnings. Especially when this is called
// from within a `switch` block. As of the time I'm writing this oclint doesn't recognize the
// `__attribute__((noreturn))` on the exit_without_destructors() function.
// TODO: we use C++11 [[noreturn]] now, does that change things?
#define FATAL_EXIT() \
do { \
char exit_read_buff; \
show_stackframe(L'E'); \
ignore_result(read(0, &exit_read_buff, 1)); \
exit_without_destructors(1); \
} while (0)
/// Exit the program at once after emitting an error message and stack trace if possible.
/// We use our own private implementation of `assert()` for two reasons. First, some implementations
/// are subtly broken. For example, using `printf()` which can cause problems when mixed with wide
/// stdio functions and should be writing the message to stderr rather than stdout. Second, if
/// possible it is useful to provide additional context such as a stack backtrace.
#undef assert
#define assert(e) (e) ? ((void)0) : __fish_assert(#e, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
#define assert_with_errno(e) (e) ? ((void)0) : __fish_assert(#e, __FILE__, __LINE__, errno)
#define DIE(msg) __fish_assert(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
#define DIE_WITH_ERRNO(msg) __fish_assert(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__, errno)
/// This macro is meant to be used with functions that return zero on success otherwise return an
/// errno value. Most notably the pthread family of functions which we never expect to fail.
#define DIE_ON_FAILURE(e) \
do { \
int status = e; \
if (status != 0) { \
__fish_assert(#e, __FILE__, __LINE__, status); \
} \
} while (0)
[[noreturn]] void __fish_assert(const char *msg, const char *file, size_t line, int error);
/// Shorthand for wgettext call in situations where a C-style string is needed (e.g.,
/// std::fwprintf()).
#define _(wstr) wgettext(wstr).c_str()
/// Noop, used to tell xgettext that a string should be translated. Use this when a string cannot be
/// passed through wgettext() at the point where it is used. For example, when initializing a
/// static array or structure. You must pass the string through wgettext() when it is used.
/// See https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-I18N.html#N-:CAPS
#define N_(wstr) wstr
/// Test if a collection contains a value.
template <typename Col, typename T2>
bool contains(const Col &col, const T2 &val) {
return std::find(std::begin(col), std::end(col), val) != std::end(col);
/// Append a vector \p donator to the vector \p receiver.
template <typename T>
void vec_append(std::vector<T> &receiver, std::vector<T> &&donator) {
receiver.insert(receiver.end(), std::make_move_iterator(donator.begin()),
/// Move an object into a shared_ptr.
template <typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> move_to_sharedptr(T &&v) {
return std::make_shared<T>(std::move(v));
/// A function type to check for cancellation.
/// \return true if execution should cancel.
using cancel_checker_t = std::function<bool()>;
/// Print a stack trace to stderr.
void show_stackframe(const wchar_t msg_level, int frame_count = 100, int skip_levels = 0);
/// Returns a wide character string equivalent of the specified multibyte character string.
/// This function encodes illegal character sequences in a reversible way using the private use
/// area.
wcstring str2wcstring(const char *in);
wcstring str2wcstring(const char *in, size_t len);
wcstring str2wcstring(const std::string &in);
wcstring str2wcstring(const std::string &in, size_t len);
/// Returns a newly allocated multibyte character string equivalent of the specified wide character
/// string.
/// This function decodes illegal character sequences in a reversible way using the private use
/// area.
char *wcs2str(const wchar_t *in);
char *wcs2str(const wcstring &in);
std::string wcs2string(const wcstring &input);
enum fuzzy_match_type_t {
// We match the string exactly: FOOBAR matches FOOBAR.
fuzzy_match_exact = 0,
// We match a prefix of the string: FO matches FOOBAR.
// We match the string exactly, but in a case insensitive way: foobar matches FOOBAR.
// We match a prefix of the string, in a case insensitive way: foo matches FOOBAR.
// We match a substring of the string: OOBA matches FOOBAR.
// We match a substring of the string: ooBA matches FOOBAR.
// A subsequence match with insertions only: FBR matches FOOBAR.
// We don't match the string.
/// Indicates where a match type requires replacing the entire token.
static inline bool match_type_requires_full_replacement(fuzzy_match_type_t t) {
switch (t) {
case fuzzy_match_exact:
case fuzzy_match_prefix: {
return false;
case fuzzy_match_case_insensitive:
case fuzzy_match_prefix_case_insensitive:
case fuzzy_match_substring:
case fuzzy_match_substring_case_insensitive:
case fuzzy_match_subsequence_insertions_only:
case fuzzy_match_none: {
return true;
default: {
return false;
/// Indicates where a match shares a prefix with the string it matches.
static inline bool match_type_shares_prefix(fuzzy_match_type_t t) {
switch (t) {
case fuzzy_match_exact:
case fuzzy_match_prefix:
case fuzzy_match_case_insensitive:
case fuzzy_match_prefix_case_insensitive: {
return true;
case fuzzy_match_substring:
case fuzzy_match_substring_case_insensitive:
case fuzzy_match_subsequence_insertions_only:
case fuzzy_match_none: {
return false;
default: {
return false;
/// Test if string is a fuzzy match to another.
struct string_fuzzy_match_t {
enum fuzzy_match_type_t type;
// Strength of the match. The value depends on the type. Lower is stronger.
size_t match_distance_first;
size_t match_distance_second;
// Constructor.
explicit string_fuzzy_match_t(enum fuzzy_match_type_t t, size_t distance_first = 0,
size_t distance_second = 0);
// Return -1, 0, 1 if this match is (respectively) better than, equal to, or worse than rhs.
int compare(const string_fuzzy_match_t &rhs) const;
/// Compute a fuzzy match for a string. If maximum_match is not fuzzy_match_none, limit the type to
/// matches at or below that type.
string_fuzzy_match_t string_fuzzy_match_string(const wcstring &string,
const wcstring &match_against,
fuzzy_match_type_t limit_type = fuzzy_match_none);
// Check if we are running in the test mode, where we should suppress error output
#define TESTS_PROGRAM_NAME L"(ignore)"
bool should_suppress_stderr_for_tests();
void assert_is_main_thread(const char *who);
#define ASSERT_IS_MAIN_THREAD_TRAMPOLINE(x) assert_is_main_thread(x)
void assert_is_background_thread(const char *who);
#define ASSERT_IS_BACKGROUND_THREAD_TRAMPOLINE(x) assert_is_background_thread(x)
/// Useful macro for asserting that a lock is locked. This doesn't check whether this thread locked
/// it, which it would be nice if it did, but here it is anyways.
void assert_is_locked(void *mutex, const char *who, const char *caller);
#define ASSERT_IS_LOCKED(x) assert_is_locked(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&x), #x, __FUNCTION__)
/// Format the specified size (in bytes, kilobytes, etc.) into the specified stringbuffer.
wcstring format_size(long long sz);
/// Version of format_size that does not allocate memory.
void format_size_safe(char buff[128], unsigned long long sz);
/// Our crappier versions of debug which is guaranteed to not allocate any memory, or do anything
/// other than call write(). This is useful after a call to fork() with threads.
void debug_safe(int level, const char *msg, const char *param1 = nullptr,
const char *param2 = nullptr, const char *param3 = nullptr,
const char *param4 = nullptr, const char *param5 = nullptr,
const char *param6 = nullptr, const char *param7 = nullptr,
const char *param8 = nullptr, const char *param9 = nullptr,
const char *param10 = nullptr, const char *param11 = nullptr,
const char *param12 = nullptr);
/// Writes out a long safely.
void format_long_safe(char buff[64], long val);
void format_long_safe(wchar_t buff[64], long val);
void format_ullong_safe(wchar_t buff[64], unsigned long long val);
/// "Narrows" a wide character string. This just grabs any ASCII characters and trunactes.
void narrow_string_safe(char buff[64], const wchar_t *s);
typedef std::lock_guard<std::mutex> scoped_lock;
typedef std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> scoped_rlock;
// An object wrapping a scoped lock and a value
// This is returned from owning_lock.acquire()
// Sample usage:
// owning_lock<string> locked_name;
// acquired_lock<string> name = name.acquire();
// name.value = "derp"
// Or for simple cases:
// name.acquire().value = "derp"
template <typename Data>
class acquired_lock {
template <typename T>
friend class owning_lock;
template <typename T>
friend class acquired_lock;
acquired_lock(std::mutex &lk, Data *v) : lock(lk), value(v) {}
acquired_lock(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &&lk, Data *v) : lock(std::move(lk)), value(v) {}
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
Data *value;
// No copying, move construction only
acquired_lock &operator=(const acquired_lock &) = delete;
acquired_lock(const acquired_lock &) = delete;
acquired_lock(acquired_lock &&) = default;
acquired_lock &operator=(acquired_lock &&) = default;
Data *operator->() { return value; }
const Data *operator->() const { return value; }
Data &operator*() { return *value; }
const Data &operator*() const { return *value; }
/// Implicit conversion to const version.
operator acquired_lock<const Data>() {
// We're about to give up our lock, don't hold onto the data.
const Data *cvalue = value;
value = nullptr;
return acquired_lock<const Data>(std::move(lock), cvalue);
/// Create from a global lock.
/// This is used in weird cases where a global lock protects more than one piece of data.
static acquired_lock from_global(std::mutex &lk, Data *v) { return acquired_lock{lk, v}; }
/// \return a reference to the lock, for use with a condition variable.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &get_lock() { return lock; }
// A lock that owns a piece of data
// Access to the data is only provided by taking the lock
template <typename Data>
class owning_lock {
// No copying
owning_lock &operator=(const scoped_lock &) = delete;
owning_lock(const scoped_lock &) = delete;
owning_lock(owning_lock &&) = default;
owning_lock &operator=(owning_lock &&) = default;
std::mutex lock;
Data data;
owning_lock(Data &&d) : data(std::move(d)) {}
owning_lock(const Data &d) : data(d) {}
owning_lock() : data() {}
acquired_lock<Data> acquire() { return {lock, &data}; }
/// A scoped manager to save the current value of some variable, and optionally set it to a new
/// value. On destruction it restores the variable to its old value.
/// This can be handy when there are multiple code paths to exit a block.
template <typename T>
class scoped_push {
T *const ref;
T saved_value;
bool restored;
explicit scoped_push(T *r) : ref(r), saved_value(*r), restored(false) {}
scoped_push(T *r, T new_value) : ref(r), restored(false) {
saved_value = std::move(*ref);
*ref = std::move(new_value);
~scoped_push() { restore(); }
void restore() {
if (!restored) {
*ref = std::move(saved_value);
restored = true;
/// A helper class for managing and automatically closing a file descriptor.
class autoclose_fd_t {
int fd_;
// Closes the fd if not already closed.
void close();
// Returns the fd.
int fd() const { return fd_; }
// Returns the fd, transferring ownership to the caller.
int acquire() {
int temp = fd_;
fd_ = -1;
return temp;
// Resets to a new fd, taking ownership.
void reset(int fd) {
if (fd == fd_) return;
fd_ = fd;
// \return if this has a valid fd.
bool valid() const { return fd_ >= 0; }
autoclose_fd_t(const autoclose_fd_t &) = delete;
void operator=(const autoclose_fd_t &) = delete;
autoclose_fd_t(autoclose_fd_t &&rhs) : fd_(rhs.fd_) { rhs.fd_ = -1; }
void operator=(autoclose_fd_t &&rhs) {
std::swap(this->fd_, rhs.fd_);
explicit autoclose_fd_t(int fd = -1) : fd_(fd) {}
~autoclose_fd_t() { close(); }
/// Close a file descriptor \p fd, retrying on EINTR.
void exec_close(int fd);
wcstring format_string(const wchar_t *format, ...);
wcstring vformat_string(const wchar_t *format, va_list va_orig);
void append_format(wcstring &str, const wchar_t *format, ...);
void append_formatv(wcstring &target, const wchar_t *format, va_list va_orig);
using std::make_unique;
/// make_unique implementation
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args &&... args) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
/// This functions returns the end of the quoted substring beginning at \c in. The type of quoting
/// character is detemrined by examining \c in. Returns 0 on error.
/// \param in the position of the opening quote.
wchar_t *quote_end(const wchar_t *pos);
/// This function should be called after calling `setlocale()` to perform fish specific locale
/// initialization.
void fish_setlocale();
/// Call read, blocking and repeating on EINTR. Exits on EAGAIN.
/// \return the number of bytes read, or 0 on EOF. On EAGAIN, returns -1 if nothing was read.
long read_blocked(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
/// Loop a write request while failure is non-critical. Return -1 and set errno in case of critical
/// error.
ssize_t write_loop(int fd, const char *buff, size_t count);
/// Loop a read request while failure is non-critical. Return -1 and set errno in case of critical
/// error.
ssize_t read_loop(int fd, void *buff, size_t count);
/// Replace special characters with backslash escape sequences. Newline is replaced with \n, etc.
/// \param in The string to be escaped
/// \param flags Flags to control the escaping
/// \return The escaped string
wcstring escape_string(const wchar_t *in, escape_flags_t flags,
escape_string_style_t style = STRING_STYLE_SCRIPT);
wcstring escape_string(const wcstring &in, escape_flags_t flags,
escape_string_style_t style = STRING_STYLE_SCRIPT);
/// \return a string representation suitable for debugging (not for presenting to the user). This
/// replaces non-ASCII characters with either tokens like <BRACE_SEP> or <\xfdd7>. No other escapes
/// are made (i.e. this is a lossy escape).
wcstring debug_escape(const wcstring &in);
/// Expand backslashed escapes and substitute them with their unescaped counterparts. Also
/// optionally change the wildcards, the tilde character and a few more into constants which are
/// defined in a private use area of Unicode. This assumes wchar_t is a unicode character set.
/// Given a null terminated string starting with a backslash, read the escape as if it is unquoted,
/// appending to result. Return the number of characters consumed, or none() on error.
maybe_t<size_t> read_unquoted_escape(const wchar_t *input, wcstring *result, bool allow_incomplete,
bool unescape_special);
/// Unescapes a string in-place. A true result indicates the string was unescaped, a false result
/// indicates the string was unmodified.
bool unescape_string_in_place(wcstring *str, unescape_flags_t escape_special);
/// Reverse the effects of calling `escape_string`. Returns the unescaped value by reference. On
/// failure, the output is set to an empty string.
bool unescape_string(const wchar_t *input, wcstring *output, unescape_flags_t escape_special,
escape_string_style_t style = STRING_STYLE_SCRIPT);
bool unescape_string(const wcstring &input, wcstring *output, unescape_flags_t escape_special,
escape_string_style_t style = STRING_STYLE_SCRIPT);
/// Write the given paragraph of output, redoing linebreaks to fit \p termsize.
wcstring reformat_for_screen(const wcstring &msg, const termsize_t &termsize);
/// Print a short message about how to file a bug report to stderr.
void bugreport();
/// Return the number of seconds from the UNIX epoch, with subsecond precision. This function uses
/// the gettimeofday function and will have the same precision as that function.
double timef();
/// Call the following function early in main to set the main thread. This is our replacement for
/// pthread_main_np().
void set_main_thread();
bool is_main_thread();
/// Configures thread assertions for testing.
void configure_thread_assertions_for_testing();
/// Set up a guard to complain if we try to do certain things (like take a lock) after calling fork.
void setup_fork_guards(void);
/// Save the value of tcgetpgrp so we can restore it on exit.
void save_term_foreground_process_group();
void restore_term_foreground_process_group_for_exit();
/// Return whether we are the child of a fork.
bool is_forked_child(void);
void assert_is_not_forked_child(const char *who);
#define ASSERT_IS_NOT_FORKED_CHILD_TRAMPOLINE(x) assert_is_not_forked_child(x)
/// Determines if we are running under Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux to work around
/// some known limitations and/or bugs.
/// See https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/423 and Microsoft/WSL#2997
bool is_windows_subsystem_for_linux();
/// Detect if we are running under Cygwin or Cgywin64
constexpr bool is_cygwin() {
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
return true;
return false;
extern "C" {
[[gnu::noinline]] void debug_thread_error(void);
/// Converts from wide char to digit in the specified base. If d is not a valid digit in the
/// specified base, return -1.
long convert_digit(wchar_t d, int base);
/// This is a macro that can be used to silence "unused parameter" warnings from the compiler for
/// functions which need to accept parameters they do not use because they need to be compatible
/// with an interface. It's similar to the Python idiom of doing `_ = expr` at the top of a
/// function in the same situation.
#define UNUSED(expr) \
do { \
(void)(expr); \
} while (0)
// Return true if the character is in a range reserved for fish's private use.
bool fish_reserved_codepoint(wchar_t c);
/// Used for constructing mappings between enums and strings. The resulting array must be sorted
/// according to the `str` member since str_to_enum() does a binary search. Also the last entry must
/// have NULL for the `str` member and the default value for `val` to be returned if the string
/// isn't found.
template <typename T>
struct enum_map {
T val;
const wchar_t *const str;
/// Given a string return the matching enum. Return the sentinel enum if no match is made. The map
/// must be sorted by the `str` member. A binary search is twice as fast as a linear search with 16
/// elements in the map.
template <typename T>
static T str_to_enum(const wchar_t *name, const enum_map<T> map[], int len) {
// Ignore the sentinel value when searching as it is the "not found" value.
size_t left = 0, right = len - 1;
while (left < right) {
size_t mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
int cmp = std::wcscmp(name, map[mid].str);
if (cmp < 0) {
right = mid; // name was smaller than mid
} else if (cmp > 0) {
left = mid + 1; // name was larger than mid
} else {
return map[mid].val; // found it
return map[len - 1].val; // return the sentinel value
/// Given an enum return the matching string.
template <typename T>
static const wchar_t *enum_to_str(T enum_val, const enum_map<T> map[]) {
for (const enum_map<T> *entry = map; entry->str; entry++) {
if (enum_val == entry->val) {
return entry->str;
return nullptr;
void redirect_tty_output();
std::string get_path_to_tmp_dir();
bool valid_var_name_char(wchar_t chr);
bool valid_var_name(const wcstring &str);
bool valid_func_name(const wcstring &str);
// Return values (`$status` values for fish scripts) for various situations.
enum {
/// The status code used for normal exit in a command.
/// The status code used for failure exit in a command (but not if the args were invalid).
/// The status code used for invalid arguments given to a command. This is distinct from valid
/// arguments that might result in a command failure. An invalid args condition is something
/// like an unrecognized flag, missing or too many arguments, an invalid integer, etc. But
/// The status code used when a command was not found.
/// TODO: Figure out why we have two distinct failure codes for when an external command cannot
/// be run.
/// The status code used when an external command can not be run.
/// The status code used when an external command can not be run.
/// The status code used when a wildcard had no matches.
/// The status code used when illegal command name is encountered.
/// The status code used when `read` is asked to consume too much data.
/// The status code when an expansion fails, for example, "$foo["
/* Normally casting an expression to void discards its value, but GCC
versions 3.4 and newer have __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
which may cause unwanted diagnostics in that case. Use __typeof__
and __extension__ to work around the problem, if the workaround is
known to be needed. */
#if 3 < __GNUC__ + (4 <= __GNUC_MINOR__)
#define ignore_result(x) \
(__extension__({ \
__typeof__(x) __x = (x); \
(void)__x; \
#define ignore_result(x) ((void)(x))
// Custom hash function used by unordered_map/unordered_set when key is const
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<const wcstring> {
std::size_t operator()(const wcstring &w) const {
std::hash<wcstring> hasher;
return hasher(w);
} // namespace std
/// Get the absolute path to the fish executable itself
std::string get_executable_path(const char *argv0);
/// A RAII wrapper for resources that don't recur, so we don't have to create a separate RAII
/// wrapper for each function. Avoids needing to call "return cleanup()" or similar / everywhere.
struct cleanup_t {
const std::function<void()> cleanup;
cleanup_t(std::function<void()> exit_actions) : cleanup{std::move(exit_actions)} {}
~cleanup_t() { cleanup(); }
bool is_console_session();
#endif // FISH_COMMON_H